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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1903)
Z. R MOODY, General Commission 8 Forwarding Merchant SMANIKO. OKIU10N. LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Prompt attention id to tboe who f-or we with their patronage. THROUOII 1-KOiM 2Nl) TO SltANIKO IN ONI! DAY. The Bend Bulletin n JSlllT few Timtxr Una-1 NOTICK FOR lrilLlCATlON. M.79 IH ,. lmn ..a .,. The tew BHthoriamg the etb fchmeut of forest reserves contains this provision: Jk aaktw tat naf.at1ea akaH he UW Bake, ewevat a tapro ana areterl tkr hm ?. S. WHM OSW. TtN tlMlh. Otefaa, Kattrcl Mrk K ajj. oemaa-ettM aetter IWkatrk. nripfc jm i". N.itnt ' thr pni ir pox .ae of Itw tl "' Caaajra of JeaW A .; IUInl. 'An act i im aaftef tlakli aia i iIk Mat-uf Ceitfw "will WWMia, MM hv . in im ? ,tn tnusKia jvvaa r t aeaMrriaa.' iV MAX Ll'KDttfcMAXX. la i WaaMmtmi Timiua ttinM M all Ike scscarrrwxv kavu atfca tk mcrvation. a for the aeraaw ef m nm aiaakli urtlliiii ef. WW Saw. ed atarafceaa.aeaeeaat7jrtmker few Ike XUHIM(IHWIH" ( thr I nllr.l aiw in'iMMi pnitn( mtv bmi a aa .mmx Utrlr ura riMMMK to-wMi rtr jrr gfr aWlfc Us w raw mWi aT tiaoala. Hal at I nWlMll No Sw4 Na J, rrlariafik. .s aa mm aH tK mc at j4eafte Tart ; ton (arura ft Ihr Ml H WltkrIT Of .alrel iv ipiiit tea. we. w ef Iter act aratama fer ndi r AtocMtM " Mealfcwnw Ike ulaeoe Hxrnn . I of 1 1 J Hatek m, BJwkaa, luaety MM C Ulr Ul No akiaaa .mra 1 1 anal Ma MBA. ffMTvH( ? wmBj was w valMklt Ik ataetal lhrr. nt N-- fajTia ik lrat af Uw wfc H mV awfCMkla'h are i. !. r a tm reRaral iaawi, tfcaa Im kn aar- aw . -.- ft. t a" L J BW")LrZ- - - IIM1IMBM1 AIX5. 7. 1003 THH M!W WITHWRAWAL. la the ateewee of ofeawt lusowi-1 odge s to the purpos of tb fflv-l ctmmwt m withdrawinjc a xje! timet of toad m Cealnil Oregon tram entry, the amtter is much of a mystery. From the manner of the withdrawal it migat be judged tact a a)w forest res-erve is in couteaj pJaUon. VitbdrHis under the navtlonal irrieirion law do not ex chtde boHteatead entries, but all ch4sasof entries are excluded in the withdrawal made in Central Oregon hist week. This withdrawal from entry is not necessarily or probably perman ent. No reserve is created by H. It b a step preliminary to the crea tion of a reserve. It is designed to give the government opportunity to examine the region with reference to the advfeabttity of making perman ent reserve. It is practically cer tain that the boundaries of the per- FRIDAY manent reserve (if one becreated) ; ZllSTLkm vviH not be the same as those of the ; preKmiaan withdrawal. To what extent the limits will be reduced cannot, of course, be known in ad vance of official action. Prom the best information avail able It appears that about 122 town ships, embracing some 2,800,000 acres of lead, have been closed against new entries. Of these. 13 townships are in The Dalies district and 107 townships are in the district of lands subject to sale at Lake view. Of the 2,Sco,ooo acres in cluded in the 122 townships, not much more than half remain va cant, and the vacant area includes a huge acreage that is worthless for any purpose. It afeo includes ranch land that is scantily fora-ted or carries unmerchantable timber. Roughly it may be said that the more desirable half of the entire area is already in private hands and that of the remainder one half is arid and treeless and the other half is more or less undesirable. The foct should not be lost sight of that this withdrawal affects only the government land. Private holdings or lands on which private rights have been established in ac cordance with law are in no wise aJected directly. All entries ac cepted up to the end of Jury will stand and the entrymen may pro ceed to perfect title as if there had been no withdrawal order and bold their land as long as they please. The government cannot in time of peace take private property without due process of law. and people who lmv established rigbu in land need , not fear interference on account of the recent order. It is oaey to overestimate the ef fect of this withdrawal upon the progress of Central Oregon. At hast 75 per cent of the valuable timber has already passed under private control. The government cannot reserve that. The area of land taken is so great that even the creation of a reserve could not bottle up the timber resources. Trans portation lines can go wherever there is need for them in the forest and keep on pri,ate )and. The timber can be logged and manufac tured regardless of the reserve. A careful view of the situation brings out the fact that practically the only interest to suffer is that of the tim ber cruiser and land locator. His business in the withdrawn area is As to the preference right of con testants after land has been with drawn from entry, the practice does not appear to be entirely .vrttJed thoush the trend of dectaion is against aHWiiur soch trenrrence. The mere withdrawal of the land from entry will probably not defeat the arefcrence of a succet-aful con testant, though the definite creation of a reserve by proclantatiott of the president would destroy soch pref erence unlc-fe proTWon were made in the terms of the prodematien. What makes the purpose of the new order so mysterious is that whole townships of desert, where not an entry has ye( been made, and other whole township in which all the land is taken, are included in the withdrawal. What can be the purpoec of such action? Rev. C. H. Lake, rector of St Paul's Episcopal church of The. DnDes, wul hold divine ierrkes in the hall over the store of the Mead - - Pll -Ml M1M Ull AM jl 111 I a Ha-ing in over with in th vian itr. Mr. Drake and Mr. Sbemore hae each a comforubk and able- bodied stack of several tons. Mr. J Drake's hay is mostly rye, seeded in we spring on ory iana ana grown without irrigation, and i only about one-third of a crop. Siwmorc's meadow yielded a little as that was on bottom land 'and irrigated besides, though his is a wild meadow grass. George Schkcht returned Mon day evening from l'riaeviuc, where he got out last week's edition of the Deschutes licho. one day kua.1 To get out a paper on three dayr notice requires considerable labor and materUI. but Bro. Schlecht and the Review office were equal to the occasion. The edition is a credit to both. We understand that the Re view office will continue the publi cation of the Echo until the latter has a new plant shipped in to Des chutes. Postmaster StaaU last week sent in a request for monev order facili ties here and H is expected the necessary formalities will be com pleted in time for opening a money order department about the first of October. A letter from the post master to the second assistant postmaster-general akhtg for such a service, and the execution of a proper bond, is all that is necessary to get this public convenience. The income to the postmaster from issu ing money orders is less than trom the registration of letters. A. L- Hunter and C A. Dano returned Wednesday evening- from a trip up into the limber of Klam ath county, in township 37. where I they went 10 days ago after a camp , outfit left there some weeks ago by timber cruisers. One of the horses of their team gave out and wasivnTrrv wow mrttr ir ATrnx inwa w tor a wuu none inat gave aa at t i t k , promise of usefulness. Hut the new beast proved so fractious be iniicled fatal injury on and cued, leaving tut one horse to pull the loaded double wagon home. This he did nobly, and the distance was more than too miles. Rev. C. H. Lake, rector of St Paul's Episcopal church of The Dalles, has been in llend all this week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. . A. M. Drake. Mr. Lake is an enthus iastic devotee of Izaak Walton, and has speut considerable time on the banks of the river here in pursuit of the elusive rainbow and redside. This feature is rarely to be met with in members of the doth, but it speaks eloquently of a happy and healthy disposition within the man. Besides, just think of the fish stor ies, every one of them true, with which his congregation will be re galed when "their rector gets back to The Dalles! i,a Mafia 1 if "Wfciaiii'i m ". sue m i fcrlM aaMfeaat uf tar H K a4 afc c!.tllt .r at. r p.". -4ata al Waaa- ' n ktlM m immmi ad IUc(rr at Tka feaUM miW. oa WolanMji iaa 141a aajp arunaart. i M Taikar. rrrd C JSryar. aaS Jatta Ta. M Waiak HtaauaH kMrk. rfkiai t al aautAM, Madfca A am a4 tm W ha.. W Mmm. Wm Aar aa4 aU aHan rlahmkaj mtir-tf Um ckttai, la Um imm m fckw Uw M4 MH 4jr if JDCKAXL T KOIAK. kayMatr. Art ;aa ). aUS. PUBLICATION. KOTICH IOR C.S.WMM TWtMfcta. !" XatfPltolMakfaNtatka dw iiaiUHai acme Art aft laiafcl 1a Mkttkt paM aat nakw aTCajmiaki, 0n. Kiaaa. aaal Watklaifcia Tinikaj." aa tatcajaMlaan Ik. taVMMMMlail af AaeaK . Mat. Utr fcllaakaj aaaai Marai kawt aa Oct 17. mm. MhltkMvSaViMi kiliaiial .m-wm . Bajat afMUaa.1 rfaSataa. Maat ml WiMlaa- 1 Na . aar Kmtm-: aaWnCatWr af MBaa. aaaaly af Saaaaat ftm af aa, rvrm aai awat Ma ijaj. tm Uw af lkMK mc k.taaa tat, w CarvC of waaa.aaatafailiai, tat af 1 m, Mara ailiaiial 9m ij aw uw 1 afUw at. jwKaaSVat t m , af Wi tt 1 w. am. Vkat Uw aBI aC-VMaafWak aukt t am aataaNw fcr k IbmUm Maiair ar Ikrar catlap k dw kaafwr aaa aaa Imiwil Vk tke M Say af aaaknakM. m Tkt MU a otaiiat 1 P CaagMoa.C C , IWOwtrr. af CuaaMna. S B Carter. M twrtt, awa. waaa. Maa 1 at. aaa It kkut af 1 ABjr Vian Uw eayaf Msttusn. T. aoum, wr. am Ami wa waac ta aB a at iat Hate?. bctm M. R BIGCS, j rwtKuntiJt oknooN. Ban aftf Marft. WaH m. TfcaWr Im. Aat Jaaw . it. XOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. c a umJ .TatlkMm. !".! M w kaark aaaa mm a aaUaaetaea kr ara raia oftka-Art af Cim of law . 7.titW. 1 la'Hi T fun Ti imag a ia aba af Cakaaaaa. uraaaa ti aaa aaal eaakiaaina Timbn ' aa ainM a aB Uw MarUa4aWfcit af J at aw 4. mja. Uw fcBawlaa aaana atr ai aaaa aa Ma ?. la. Skat a Um aaVw tkra mm ajaMk, kaaU- Matr af W4- jm laai. Sir Ika a ifcan afUwewH tar a. k a . r . w a r? mm af Uwm- afUwMK aii. tywi.rue.wa Maaa r H. RaBayia af Clarkaaa Taal Owjf attVr pW aaw Ual M aa.kttKBMtt riMiti 1 Mator at tkaa fc actkadkaial miuK a4 la aM tacit cUtau m aSail Nrjr I toa, a-tnaMMM WiarM -Kaat r BMtM-Ca-tar ofXtlaa, m iHj af tlaiiMa. Ma- af Wmmbt uh. M-ara a-atoawat U aaxajaai af 0 K a-nt a i. I . r pawiaaaj. " aaaaaaa bam Waak. Mm aimianaaaaaaaiaaiaaBiaaa aa aa lava aawaaa aaawaaz awaaw ai awaktk) af CtarkUM. urti afTaaaMiT 1 mat af AMaa. aa af Waaaaw. J LikwiFurnitare and Undertaking far amreJtasal ajnat, aa) to I Cj cuia.i.aMBMnnUHlt.; C(.. n'.ll t... n.iiii u.. i i-. . ka. of tkt X xt 11. tp . r lie. tai win &r aa dw Uad arajkl U aw lakHk aw Ha tlaarr or aw ikaa nr unrwHaral anat. aai to akOMUMtr duai.aUaMmnUlk ur mm4 Urtmn at Tk' BaBaa. Ortajaa oa Frl i tkr tjd . of oruaar, aa. TVi aaw m amaraaa. OUr luka'j Aral Aaar Serai Kiln, af kaaialaf Mvk. Ilea W N KaUfeira a4 Carl TrrSrtickaa Ciafkalaa. w Abji aaa aU araa mmmbb a Iwti m nwmmrt teaaMbiw a4rarl) fkr StSZEtt?" ia ai iiwir at)lli michahj. t. - MOM.. knr- a--- - - a - - - .akaaS wa y are) waw m - t a-Uaa.JaWa.Tfca thatl..'.k.taat iii?Mijilta ,. 1 Uw aavtaaaa aTUw MtftawnM af Jaa 1. himself ia. ratataa. "Aa art km BaMaTaBMBa aaS uww tr. 1 ?. ?CeMwea. Otaraa. B)i Ma. aal eutajM TtfflWr " eaajMMl nw afctw uea tau kMf Af it 4. rka. Uw Mlnniaa aawialamaa fcaaa aa Oat 1, awa. Ska aSkaan tkra aa itmaiial . a Hi af TW llanea. ma; a WaS3iale af Ooiaaa; awara im.awa XtiatSw tm let Jt, la m. r ij, w a , M Ckarta K. Km afroctUaal oaaiy of MakMaaaak. alBtr aT Oa- ZZ " a wan an ai Ha (fa, aw the Uw mK mc m. ta . r 1 f. w a. Kra afrartUaLi 1 of MiaHaaaali, Maat af Ore au Hm tut. aw Ike aaaakaac -- - .k..u. .. ... . -TTI . Aaaw c JtoSaax af latlaae, caaair of WiBiiawjh. af Oh sua am tuuarai N tu Sx Ike aaiajnnc oftkcMH mcu. Ipi,. ru,wa. Tfcat tfcey a caVr ioafle haw Ual Ikcbae Mfkt k mm xliubi. Aw H Maker ar Mat tkaa Sw mhar tl pmatf. a4 k ataattk UMWctaauwkKlU4kMtkt(crMr aa4 kaonr al Tk Itoilr uiw, aa Waajr. tkr tat aref Mooter 11 TkeaaavtBiiaa Ckaftea It KhxU. Hr aat VUiMu. Aaae C M4AS04. af retllane. Or Kaau A rktauar Jaaaa M Himiac.erTkc Aajr aaS aB aenaai Uwa JaiertUd ia4 a wraa, aUkalac a4rcrHr Ibr aaa mc rcoaotnl ta file ihrir eeaaarUlUrtbc a(d 1 dar CkMaw la IM afUe etoatater. Shaniko-Prineville) PRINEVILLE-BEND MMiTM A SCIIIIUUI.Ih aocTMaorxn Leave Shaniko A p. m. Arrive Prlnevitk ft a. m. Leave Prinevilht 1 p. nt. Arrive lleud 6:jo p. m. First-Class Accommodations for the Traveling Public PASSENQER ASD FKHflilT RATKS REASONABLE. CawllpiMwMaui. The Pilot MDIU. c trvM. Tables supplied with all the CMAMP SMIVH SMITH 5c Wholesale and Retail Liquor House PRINEVILLE. OREGON. Finest Brand of Liquor an J Cigar. Two itoori South of lUnk, PRINEVILLE-SILVER LAKE STAGE LINE. DICK VANDGVURT, Prop. Carrying U. S. mail and passengers. Leave Priweviite Mondays, Wednesdays and I'ridays. Freight and PaMHtngers wnvbiued for Bend. Lava, Roaland. and Silver Mke. Good rigs, eafuful drivers. C. I. WIXN'ICK. Agent. A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. amm w Stsres, Wall Papir. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Hamilton Stables BOOTH & CORNETT, Preprittrj. Stock boarddtl by the day, week or month. Fine Teams and Rigs, and Reasonable Rates. Ptot-dasti Facilities for Handling Locators And Comjucrcml Travelers. (Junk Scnice ami SatisfactKMi Ciiiirauteed. Columbia Southern HoteL SHANIKO, ORUOON. RATKS FKOM $1.50 UP PIJR DAY. Hot and cokl water on both floors. Maths for the use ot guests, Kvery modem convenience at hand. The dining room, .under the direct supervision of Mr. Kcency, is a very model of tasteful, spotlosw elegance, and the service is equal to any in the state. All stagos arrive at and leave the Columbia Southern. J. At, KUUNUY, Proprietor. Stage Line COMUNTT. xiMVtiMovnn Iave Kami 6:jo a. tti. Arrive Pritiuvttk ia m. Leave Priweviite I p. m. Arrive Shaniko t a. im. HtMIM(WrWM Butte Inn. Ott nonuiMi I)rliccien of the Season. Kim t Caaawrraa MUM CLUNK CLEGK'S T Bulldlajj Materials, Etc PRINEVILLE, OR. PRINEVILLE, OKEQO.N. ON & Redby Feed Barn M WaiAKL T. MOiVAJf. lUriUiT.