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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1903)
ll (TUs A 'Jutr VjK A. THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. I. JJEND, OIUSGOtf, FJIIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1003. NO. 21. EVENTS OF THE DAY OATIIIiRliD rROAl ALL PARTS OP TUB TWO IIBMISNIEKES. Comprehensive Kcvlcw of the Import, ant Happening of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Farm, Alost Likely to Prove Interesting 'to Our Many Header. SLIP ItY 0l'i'ICIM5. Hrjrnn favor Judge Owen Thompson, of IlllnoU, for president. "Ire nt llohart, Oklahoma, iluntroycul U'00,000 wortl.- of promrty. llrltrtln threaten to depot t those itoei who art) trylnic to ntlr up mischief. Thu nations! general policy Uiatd ha elected Admiral Downy president. Tlio diplomatic body t tho Vatican predict tho election of ItiimpolU or tlottl n opo. The dock strike nt Odessa, llossla, la spreading mid In causing uiucli liicon. vouleiice to shipping. An uprising of timlcotitonta Ih report ! In thn province of Hat.thigo. Culm, Troop havo ixiin sunt to rnatoro jcu I'nuMtal Activity continues In South' tirn Ituaalan military circle. Largo orders for war supplies have been placed. A statement prepared liy tho bureau of Insular nffalra of tho war department show that I'hillpplno commerce la growing very rapidly. An attempt by lloston ncgroe to bleak up a meeting addressed by IIook er T. Washington resulted In n riot In which threes mon wore stabbed. 1'ollce i.iiro called to restore order. Ituaala, In retaliation for tho Klsh loot petition, will laaiio fower jumport ' to American. John I). LotiKi United Pinto consul general nt Cairo, Kgypl, la dead a tho result of a tall. Iluaala, It I Mid, liaa made coitoia don to tho power, which will amine pouro In tho far Knit. Tho lumber freight rate on tho Houthnrn I'aclflc will I hi rulsod from 13.10 to 6 a ton August 20. I'opiilla'a in ronfurunco nt Denver have to futeot tho paat and will re-outer tho -Killtlcal cretin. Whlttaker tVrlght, tho tandon pro motor, will bo oxtadltod nt once, the iKirs having been prepared. A florco rant riot occurred at Lor nine, Ohio, itecauso two negroe severe ly cut whlto mail with a rarer. Ituaala ha been awept by a sovoro tornado, which deitroyrd three vil lage d caused groat loa of Ufa, A cablorgam from Consul General Gudger, at Panama, ray everything i quoit and no expect no further trou bio. Hoprerontatlvo Wilcox I at tho bond of a movement to itecuro lndopon denco for llawnll from thu United State. flio Amorlcnn squadron will engage In a groat mlmlo war off tho coait of Now Knglatid next month. Thirty veael will paitlclpato. Tho Japanese proa la strongly in favor of wnr with Kussla. Cardinal Gibbon rocelrod a vory rordlnt reception on lila arrival at Homo. A convention to organlto a now ro' form political party la now In session at Denver. All Trace of the Potiom Convict Uacape lis Keen l,ot. I'lucorvlllu, Cnl., Auk. 1. AUIioiik'i liutidrixUof hunvily armed mon urn now engaged In tho march lor tho 'i surviving prisoner who eacaped from tho I'olsom puultvntlsry, tho outlaw remain mutter of tho situation. They Imvu aitcceoded in eluding tholr purcuor nnd tho ultlmnto ocmmi of nt least n portion of tho Kant; evem high' ly probable, Hinco tho fatal fight ut Pilot Hill, In which ono of tho convict wj killed, tho other have not boon seen, union tho story of Wllllnni Green, n cowboy, who ay ho mot two armed men In Plater county today and uf tot wards Idetitlflml tliom by photograph a n couple of tho outlaw, prove to Ihj ttuo. I'.ten thl afford but a alight claw, though It la being followed up by the oilier. Tho conviction I growing Hint the lleoliiK men are headed for tho Sierra Nevada mountain nnd nro being aldod by ox'convict who re.ldu along the route they have taken. The people throughout thla Mil Ion of tho state nro greatly nlarmed, uotwllhatnnding the p re mi n co ol many peace ofllcors nud n company of mllltln. Thnso ro.ldlng In Isolated localitlea llvo In dread of attack by tho fugotivo whonrubellovod to Ik) abort of both food nnd ammu nition. BLOWN TO PIECES SCORFJ OP LIVES LOST BV EXPLOS ION AT POWDER WORKS. LAST TMIHUTU IS PAID LCO. Thlnl Orcat Wequlem Ma I Celebrated nt the Vatican. Home, Aug. 1. Thn lait trlbuto Ma paid to tho latn l'ope Ixo thla morning with tho thlnl groat requiem ma celebrated In tho Hiatlno chapol ol tho Vatican, and tho function waa no lea cormonlon nud Impoalng than tho two other. While tlioro were per hap fower jmrpona nrcnout thero wa a greater diaplny of gorgnou unlforin. Of tho 02 cardinal now in Home, all attended tho nim oxcept Cardinal Cretnoi, prefect of thu congregntton of tho c'acrod ltelic,ti, who wa III. Tho plctnro prronted by tho pre onco of cardinal In violet robe and red capo bordurrd with ermine nnd corUHl b noble gnanU In acarlot unl fiiriiia nnd with drawn cworda, the Hct'iio lolng Hoftened by tho cloud of inaenro nnd tho chnpel reaonnding with thn Mtrnlna of the Incomparable Klatlne choir ilnglng "Libera Mo IVmlnlo," rnado thoto prci-ont fool a though liftetl into another world. In tho churcho of Homo tmlay bo gun tho offering of prayer to the holy ghoat to aiaiat and enlighten tho rnrdi nala to choo.o tho right man to alt In tho chair of Ht. Peter. During the conclave tho bloated racramont will be oxikimhI in tavernl churche for tho Riteclal prayer of thu faithful, with tho amu objoct in viow. MUANINQ OP ITO'S PKOAtOTION. Pre. The Uritlah cflklal' word proa term iltualnn on Mauchurlau eltun- tlon a inaultlng. A Texn contractor attempted to bribe an army ofllcor by Doudlng him (200 In a box. of cigar. Preparation nro completed for tho holding of tho conclave which will elect a Biiccoenor to l'opo Loo, Batlufactory progroe la bolng mado in thu trado treaty negotiation be twoon tho United Htnte and China for tho opening of Mancliinan jmrta. A coko truat, bonded by tho Frlck coal company, 1b to bo formed. Tho capital I placed at f 7,000,000. Tho now concorn liaa control of 10,000 tttroe of coal land. Tho dlHcovery of four boxes of dynn mlto in tho mountain threo miles from Nolaon, 1), O., with tho date 1881 marked on thorn ha led to speculation aa to a tragody In vhlch plouoor proa poctor wore tho victims, Japanese Statesman' Way to the mlershlp la Now Clear. TokIo, Aug, 1. Although Marqula Ito liaa neon mauu president ol too privy council, formerly presided over by Alar quia HnlonJI tho latter lore no runic by tho chango. Count Maxukata and Marqula Ynmagata have lHmnappohitl int-inlKTH of tlio privy council. Tho main point about tho elevation of Mar quia Ito 1 that It clww hi way to tho promlurshlp. Incidentally It com poiK'H tho cabinet dlfllculty nud alio an unbroken front to bo prosenUxl to foro'gn nations, but thero i a strong bollef that It also liornld tho calling of tho inarquln to control tho dllllcult frrulgn situation at any timo noedod. It I bolloved that Mnrqul Ito, who hn tho full confldoncoof tho omporor I In favor of conservative measure to ward Iluaaln nnd that ho will exhaust diplomatic moans of obtaining a quid pro quo In Manchuria before resorting to hostilities, Mo Is regarded as a "safe man" In a crisis. Tho foreign situation grows mnro ncuto, Tho news thnt Aicerira I us ing tho Mnnchurlan question as a lover In tho Klahlnot putltlon mutter revived hopb of her nssistaneo among tho antl Ituaalun part). It'issla has been grow lug moro nggreaalvo In Manchuria nud Coren, whllo Oreat llrltnin nnd Japan Imvo boon mnnlfostlng groator vigor in counter action. Condones Kustlan Agression. Loudon, Aug. 1, The Tlmos this morning prints a Toklo dispatch which says thnt Corea contemplates ropurclms. lug tho lauds nrlvately ncqulrod by tho RusslauB at Yongatnpho, and alter ward loaslng them to Russian loldors, thus legalising tholr tenure, ald to havo originally display of Coron'a ton duncy to condono Hussla aggrosslon Is commontod on In Japan. ' Fifty Other art Injurcd-Nltrlc Add In stead of Water Was Poured on Nltro fllycerlne Lowell, Masiachuaett, la Sctnc of llaroc, but Concussion I Felt for Mil'. Lowell, Mass,, July 31. Two small gunpowder magazines, situated In the vory midst ol tho humble residences of 60 mill operative, exploded today with n frightful conctisalon, and tho result ant wave of death cut off (ho live of moro than n scoro of human beings and in jiirrxi nearly ou oiuor. ino toncus slon wa so torriflo that It wa felt in Boston, 40 mile away. Half a ilou-n men, were blown to plftiesj four twys -.'uu yards away woro xilled by tho force of tho oxploslon, and fourteen framo house within a radius of 400 yards went down an if they had been built of card. The magazine wore the property of tho UiiIihI Kfatcf Cartridge company. of thla city, but fortunately were situ- nte moro than n mile away from tho factory itself. They were constructed 10 year ago on what was then a broad. oiKiii flol'l on tho bank of thu Conccrd river. During tho lait decado small wooden dwelling honset havo gradually sprung up In tho vicinity, crowding nearer and nearer, with fancied socur it y, to tho innocent looking buildings, until they almost completely sur rounded thorn, except on the river side, tho nearest house being scarcely 60 feet away. It wa a long time before the actual cauto of tho explosion wa ascertained It wa at flrat thought that tvery one within n radius of 60 foot of tho raaga sine had been killed, but later It was found thnt Clarendon Goodwin, the foroman of the mon who wero loading the powder en tho loans had survived, together with ono ofv ht assistant, Amadi Iloulangor, and this afternoon the latter wa ncen at tho hospital, lie said thn men went down to the magatlno nearost the itrret to fix the Moor, and after the teams had been loaded with the powder which was in the magaxino, It wa discovered that a ran of nitroglycerine, which wasstorrd in thj magaxino, was leaking.' Mr. Goodwin picked up what ho thought was a jug of water and lcgan (touring it onto tho nltro glycerine, with the Idoa of iillnllng it and washing it up As toon a tho fluid from the jug struck the floor, lis found It was nitric ncld. Tho lloor at onco began to smoke, and when the men'snw it they rushed from the building, but had not gono ten feet when tho explosion oc curred. This magazine, theroforo, was tho first to go up, followed by the gun powder In tho three team, and some seconds later by tho second magaxino. FORCED BACK TO COVFR. I DO YOUR TRADING IN BEND I SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY Prices Same as Prineville Bend Mercantile Company Incorporated Am Hm GRANT, Manager Carries a Complete Stock of General Merchandise suited to the needs of the Deschutes Valley O Jt H v Goods. Ladies' and' Tinware, Saddlery. Groceries, Provisions, Dry Gents' Furnishines. Stoves. Harness ct-j-j-jfij-&jj-j-&jt GENERAL OUTFITING SUPPLIES, ETC. AGENTS FOR' RUBBEROID ROOFING Cheaper Than Shingles All Branches of the Trade Handled in a Business Manner and with due re gard to the interests of our Cnstomers Bend Mercantile Company Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. (H(!)!D(D(DS)ISSSD Posse'a Outlets Atct Convicts Bme'glnt; From dutch, Folsom, Cnl-, July 31, Eight, and possibly 11 of thn convict who escaped from tho Fobom penitentiary, were surrounded last night in a gulch near Greenwood by posse of ,nmnhuntors commanded by Bherlff Uosquit, of Kl dorado county, and by Sheriff Koona, of Plaror county. At daylight thl morning tho convicts nttompted to move out ol tho gulch In tho direction of riacervillo, but they were met by a raking flic from the men under com mand nf Shorlff floruit, who had, under the cover of darkness, stationed themsolvea In tho brush along tho rldgo overlooking that eldo of tho gulch Tho convict wore takon complotely by surprise. They returned n low shots and Hod back into tlio brush In thu creek bottom. They remained thero a few minutes and then attempt ed to oncapo up the slope of tho rldgfl on tho opposlto aldo. An thoy omorged from theo over thoy woro mot by n rMn of bnllots from tho men of Sheriff Keenn'R posso, who had, during tho night, taken up points of vantugo nlong that flldu of the gulch that tho convkta had Boloctod (or their camp slto. Cuban Railroad Told to Quit Work, Havana, July 31. Information In tho possession of Minister Squire to tho offout that tho Cuba A Eastorn'rail road, which is bolng constructed from Guantanamo bay northward, had hrok en ground within tho area covered by tho coaling stations treaty, caused tho Issuance of a peremptory order by tho secretary of public work's to stop tho oncroachmont. The company' nttor noya eay that tho report is untrue. H..iSS-SSgQSSSSSSSsSS'H Shaniko Warehouse Co. SHANIKO, OREGON. Flroproof Building QOxGOO Foot, Fully Equipped for Storing" and -Porwardiirig: Merchandise, Wool. Pelts, Grain, Etc. DEALERS IN Lumber, Wood, Coal, Flour, Hay and Grain Special Attention (liven to Wool. First Class Baling and (trading Facilities. Ill Modern Improvements for Handling Stock Latest Patern of Stockyards. PROPRIETORS FRENCH & CO., nANKERS, Tlio Dalles. MOORE DROS. LORD, Tlio Dalles. U. F. LAUQtlLIN, The Dalles. W. m&GZz&G&WBm8mm$smm OLA IMS ESTIMA TED AND SOLU ESTIMA TIMO A SPEB1ALTY KING, HUNTER & MARSH Timber Cruisers and Land Locators BEND OREGON SANFORD'S CASH STORE CA11UIK8 A BIO LINK OF Oeneral Merchandise, Groceries, Clothing, Furnishing Ooods Call on lllm Prices Right. SHANIKO OREQON