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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1903)
WytJvt SjiL-ur THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL, I. JIBND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1003. NO. 20. EVENTS OF THE DAY aATIIEKKD FROM AM. PARTS OP TUB TWO IIBMISI'IIERUS. Comprehensive Review of (he Import lint Happening of tlao lat Week, I'rcMnttd In Condensed Porm, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Header. Flic Unllml KUt(H IdiKHit of loi-al loitti ii in I ImlldliiK associations I) In nos Ion nt lloston. Cnrdlttnt Dlhbons linn formed n roin lilnatlnii with lliu 1'ionch cardinals nKliiHt Hamnolla. HavunU'on ropnumritatlvoa of llio Paul Ul onlnr In thu Unltixl Males urn In con fvronro in Now Vork. Jamos A. Mltclmll, prt-ehlont of thn H tdlnplionn coniirjy, of I'lillailol ihln, slnco 1HU5, linn n-slgno.!. U. N. llotlioll, of No York, vtrm oloctixl to sucxixxl lilm, TMonty dork on thn Now York Cen tral railroad nt NIsKara Falls, N. Y., nrn itrt'UMMl ol roblili'K froht. Hlx hntn Im-vh arrested, and flvo of theso pleaded Kiillty. A mrntliiK of chitons of fiUlon Is In ml, N. Y., to ronslJor rnea.iuos for lrnlnlnic tlio Island mid thn unttliiK rid of thn mlmiulto lot, was hrokon up hy u a arm of r.ilultos. Donnls nnd I.atlhnor, uld to Im two of thn most oxort sa(o hlowoti and bank rolilwr. In tha country, both of whom llvo In 0IiIcko, escaped Irom jail at Waukesha, Wis., through tho clevornoi of thrvo women, it In bo Hayed. King IMward and hid quoon rocolvcd m hortytwoloomo in Ireland. Caltlnmnn nnd sheepmen of Wjrora Ing nro unKmxl in a flarcu war. Arcadia, a small Ohio town, has boon almost.entlielrjwlped out by lire. iltiiuU hna withdrawn lier tloiitands niGlHnaybut'li'preparluic for war. Turkoy linn nnd to send moro troops to Macedonia to coo wltJi tho rebels. A plot hna hcon dlscmerwl In Ohlca K to assassinate thu Gorman emiwror. Votietuulan rebels havo been drlron to thidr last retreat niter n dosporate battlo nt HoIihImiI. A baud of rebel operating In Allmy provlncu. Philippine Mauds, has bwiu routed. A largo number woru captured or killed. A hailstorm which visited Chicago did groat damage to property nml won tho Indlroct aiuta of Iho pooplo being seriously Injured. Colombia flnda horiolf In flnnnrlal atralu. Expenditures largely exceed rocolpts (nd no.-essarlos of Ufa havo readied nn nlmott prohibitory prlco. Archbishop Kaiser, of Milwaukee, Ii dead. King Kdward ha started on a tour of Ireland. Thu war fooling against Ituisla la growing In Japan. In tho dent ruction of n Nome hotol three jmoplu lout their Uvea. A alroot rar collided with a wagon nt Kansas Olty, seriously Injuring six people. A Connor creek mine, near Hunting ton, hna boon robbed of n largo amount of money nnd dust. Tho heir to tho Drltlsli throno la to vlalt thu United Btatoa and will bu tho guest of Prosldont ltooaevett. In an explosion at tho Mlnnoqua steel works, l'uoblo, flvo men were burned by hot metal, two fatally. A bloody bnttlu occurrod at Olndad Bolivar, in Venovnola, when that placo -was captured by govornmont force. A suvero wind, hall nnd rain storm -Bwept over a part of Southeastern Iowa, destroying all crops In Its path and lev ollng many buildings and ticoa. Governor Yates, of Illinois, line re turned from n trip to Europe, Tae next annual convention of Knights of Ht. John will bo hold at l'oorla, III,, on Junu 22, 1004. John Ijtnbershlm, of I.oa Angolos, tho Harvard ntudont who stolo an auto mqbllu as u "lark," Iiuh coinpeuiuitod thu owner and Iwen rolouBod. A dog which hit a number of oh'l dren In Mllwuukoo proves to have had rabies and tho health board Ib trying to ilnd tho children in ordor to apply an tldotos. ALL, TO Till CIIUKCII. Will ot Pope Leo ilequeatlu Property to Succcs.or. Itomu, July 'JO. Tho will of l'opo Ixi .Mil was was oeiicd today ut thu congrvgHtlou of cardlunln, It wns the Intention of the cardlnnln to nmliiUiu tho ktrlctoat secrecy courornlng lln urn tentu, hut It is learned that It (xiniprl" es !I0 frhcota in the handwriting of tho Into puiie, except additions evidently made In his later yearn when tho popo found conaulernljlu illllluulty In writ ing, owing to 'he trembling of his hand. The earlier portlona of thu tes tament Include tho m'oui inundation which thu testutor nddresiKMl to his ex ecutorit, Cardinals Kamiiolla, .Mocennl nnd Clot on I, on tho beat way to con tinue tho religious impulro given to thn tlnirih as well as thu policy followed by tho holy boo during later years. Tho document thou enumerates nil thu property which Leo oiesod and prorldu that It shall go to his successor for tho benefit of the church, Including even tho pioMint", which might perhaps bo oousldorod personal rather than gilts to tho KntllTs as such. To Aim member of his family, the pope lelt a present fur each to bo chosen from thu valuable objects bi hi apart meiita and similar k'H" verro lw iueathiil to his doctors. All tho laud purchased nnd buildings erected for In lltulloti imrsonnlly founded by juo nro put in the nniiio ol the holy sou to avoid itosilulo clrlm from relstlvc-, us thu K)k probably rumemberod that soma time alter tho death of Plus IX, the tatter's nephews Instituted n suit against tho church, claiming 15,001) francs as their portion cf tho estate Tho wilt ends by providing that his PH0PLI1 Sill! Tllll DKAD POPI.'. CJreat Crowd at St. Peter's to Obtain Last View ol Dead Pontiff. Home, July 23, -From aunrlto today until sunset thousands of pooplo pasted Initore the bier of Loo XIII, lying in statu in thu basilica of Hi. Peter's. It was originally Intended thnt this op Hrtunlty Ut view the body should run through three days, but tonight- It'-ln lcnrntxl that tho funeral 'bay"bo hold Friday Instead of Haturday night, owing to thn evidence that dorotncsltlon Is suiting In. This Is due to today's severe heat, from which no umbaliulug could perfectly protect thu Ixxly. Tha Imprexslou of th-a who today pumctl before the gates of Ht. Peter's to view the lody was one of iutenrn pity combined with a certain souse of hot ror. Tho lody was tilted up on tho catafalque in order thnt nil might so thu terribly stirnnlen face. An ordin ary skull in a frame of gold lying in the midst of a mass of rod robes could scarcely have been mnrutyplal of death. Kxcept ut sunrise when tho crush threatened a panic, nil those who vis ltcl it had an opportunity of entering St. Peter's. During tho day many of those who paused In sIoirh1 'boforn tho rntnfaliio to say n ipilet prayer. Hun dreds of women and oven Kuio of the men carried children In tholr arms. JAPAN STHIPS TOR WAR. Hut Russia Will Not Yield and Pours Troops Hastwnrd. London, July 26. Tho Ially Mail's inKia corresoniieiii nenus rattier nn nlnrmlng vlow of thn situation In tho report to. his paper. Ho enya that Hus sin's retention of Manchuria, tho In croase of her fleet, tho dlsmtch of ru InforcomenU to Manchuria, tho south ward movomont ol tho occupying army In Manchuria and tho defiant rondurt nn tho Co roan frontlor nlarmod tho Japanese, many of whom aro convinced that II would bu hotter to fight now than risk, thu ovontual loss of Corea and tho relegation ot Japan to a sec ondary idaco. Ho snya thn Japaneeo aro accumulat ing storos and negotiating tho purchaso of ships; that n squadron is off Vladi vostok, to which port Russian vessels havo been r-ont an a precaution, nnd that bath (loots aro ready for action nt any uinmont. Ho says that a perusal of thn Siberian press reveal a thonggros slvo spirit of tho Russian military part; that the llu'slnus bollevo they will lose proHtlgo If they give wav now, with tho result thnt their far Kasliun empire will bo lost and Japanese Influence will become predominant. Cannot Stand Jccrn. Ohlongo, July 25. Adolph Khmnn, n member of tho Arm of Ohnrlos Eh man oc Co., mnntlu manufacturers, angered by tho Joem of a crowd of un ion workmen while he wur noting as guard ovor nonunion men, shot and ror lously wounded Hnbort Kuter, ono of his tormontora, today. Khmnn was arroatod. ' NOW LIES IN STATE LEO Xtll'S RHA1AINS AT BASILICA OP ST. PETER'S. Were Hacorted Thither With Much Pomp Preparation Completed for Allow. Ing Public to View llody of Late Pon tiff -An Autopsy Miowed No Sign of Cancer. Homn, July 22. Tonight tho body of I.00 XIII lies in stalo at the Uaslllca of bt. Peter'a. Ileglnning tomorrow at sunrise, tho people of Home nnd the pernio of all nations now InthoKternal City will bo permitted to py their last farewell. Opportunity for this solomn Irlbuta will end Haturday. Until 6 o'clcolc this evening the re mains ol tho dead popo lay In the throneroorn of the Vatican, where the leaders ol thu diplomatic, clerical and civil world woro allowod to pass the hlor Tho ceremony tonight, when tha Ixxlj was conveyed from tho throne room to Ht. 1'oter'a was ono of the mot striking of all tho ob'txinics. During tho da tho congregation of cardinals met and decided to hold the enclave under the Identical regulations which obtained nt tho conclato which elected Loo. Dr. Inpponi, in the couiso of the day, presented to Cardinal Oreglla a report of thn autopsy which was held yrsterday, which showed there was no sign of cancer In tho pope's body. Home hours befort sundown St. Peter'a was cleared of idle crowds. Tho masslva doors wero cIomx and the throng of sight acera was push! back to tho foot of tho great flight of circular stone steps. Half ft huudord carpen ters hastily constructed a stout fence flvo feet high to roslut the encroaih mentaof thu irowd, whlrh is expectol during tomorrow and tho following dayo. Thu fence expends directly ncrors the colonnndo, and in it aro two norrqw entrance wlilchWU glvo ready moans of controlling tho Ingress and egress of tho throngs. JAPS PIT UP TRANSPORTS. Russian Uncroachmcnta on Core Ox cite Them. Victoria, I). 0., Julv 24. News war received by tho steamer Olympla. which arrived txly from tho Orient that warlike preparations aro going on apace, uiucors ol mo uiympin say that tho JapanoMi govern merit was Ut tlngjnauy largo liners fcr transport service. Thu fleets of warships of Japan nnd tho powers in the Orient wore dill maneuvering in tho Gulf of I'd Oil Li nnd off Co-ra. Russian re inforcement! wero also reported to be arriving. It wan reported from Harbin that two mixed brigades, consUtlng of in fantry, cavalry and engineers wero com ing over thu Trans Morolau railway, and an infantry regiment was follow Ing. Tho announced pupota of the coming of theM) toons hhh to test the transporting capacity of tha Siberian railway. Hirther to reinforce the Mut ilans, a battalion ot rallors and marines has been organized in Itusslan Turkostun and ordered to Manchuria Tho throo new Itusiian cruisers nro also reported from tho Klraite Settlement on thu way to Port Arthur with curgoe under merchant flags. TORNADO IN NEW JfiRSDY. Three Killed and Much Property la Dei troed. Paterson, N. J., July 24. -In a tor nado hero today three persons were killed nnd at least three no:ro moro or less eerlcusly Injured. Ono hnuso was blown down nnd moro than a score of buildings unroofed. Hy tho collapse of a houoo that was being repaired, Joseph Vandarn wob killeil and four other workmen wero uadly hurt. Thomas Hancock, 80 years old, was strut k by a piece of shafting, blown from n wrockod laundry building, and his head wan completely sovorod from his liody, Tho monetary loss Ifl estlmatodnt bo tueon f 150,000 nnd f 200,000. August Century. There will bo nnothor "Pa Gladden" etory in tho August Century, "Tho Tramp," Tor this tho material was largely drawn from family tradition, for Pa Gludden'a character la actually bathed upon that of Mis. Klixnboth Cherry Walls's father, Major John Nicholas Cherry, of Columbus, Ohio, a man of broad and gonial charity, much humor nnd quaint phraseology. (aG(GV2fl 0 1 DO YOUR TRADING IN BEND I SAVE SAVE Prices Same fi Dnnr! Ufmnnntilri pAmnnnu uouu moriicmuic uumjjcuijf incorporated fL Am Hm GRANT, Manager L Carries a Complete Stock of General w Merchandise suited to the needs of the Deschutes Valley x x m & tS Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods, Ladies' and (J) Gents' Furnishings, Stoves, Tinware. Saddlery, fiL Harness & c J-. o & & ja & ct jt, (5) t GENERAL OUTFITING SUPPLIES. ETC. & . f AGENTS FOR RUBBEROID ROOFING Cheaper Than Shingles All Branches of the Trade Handled in a Business Manner and with due. rc- jS gard to the interests of our Customers $ Ronrl Mononnliln Hnmnonu f UU..U ...U. UU..U.U UU...HUHJ ft Wmli Street, SSS.2:nSSSSSSSSS.I r f f x r oiictiiiKu vvarenoube vo. m SMANIKO, OREGON. Fireproof Building 00x600 Root, Fully Equipped for Storing: and Forwarding Merchandise, Wool. Pelts, Grain, Etc. H DHALERS IN Lumber, Wood, Coal, ! Flour, Hay and Grain Special Attention Olvcn to Wool. Plrst Class Baling and adding Facilities. Ill Modern Improvements (or Handling Stock Latest Pntern of Stockyards. PROPRIETORS FRENCH & CO., BANKERS, Tho Dalles. MOORE BROS. Y. LORD, Tho Dalles. B. F. LAUQHLIN, Tho Dalles. CLAIMS ESTIMATED AND SOLO ESTIMATING A SPECIALTY KING, HUNTER & MARSH Timber Cruisers and Land Locators BEND OREGON SANFORD'S CAl! It 1KB A Qenernl Merchandise, Groceries, Call on Illm SHANIKO TIME MONEY Nir as Prinevilie Bmrttf, Oregon. ft ii - '" a CASH STORE 1IU1 LINK OK Clothing, Furnishing Goods rlces Right. OREQON 14 y(