Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1902)
T .M IL iR LAU D NOTICE. T IM B E R L A N D NOTICE. Mondav, tire l ' í h d a v o f Sopii m- f l iitis l Sta:, s latini OBI i I aki v l e « . On - ,i. United Stitt," Lin’ d O.Lce, Lrtke- ber. 1DÜ2. They narne ns witnesses: Frank J mu* 111. inn., t Xntli i* I k ht,rt*l>y isiven 1 1 : m vic*w. Oregon, Juno ii. 1U i : — IS • itio* Barrett, Edward J. B irrett ami ciiin|>1 innri* with tlu ¡«mvisl»*!»«. m ila* s i of is lit I'fliv given that in compliance Jain* • . l.**7S, i-ntillisl “ An act tor tin* «:..«* of 1 aniel Mei? iiahl. of Alhany, O ri limi cr laii-ik In the urates «it California o:,.. with the provisions of the act of June 3. 1.S78, (i.L tli l "A n act for gen; Herbert J. Downing of Lehan- F“ ti, Nt vaila, mi.I Washington Tcri itor cxtcailcU to all Ila* pillila* tallii states In nel ..t the sale of timber lands in tlu on. Or. ron ; John W. Voung, of A eg st t. isirj. the follo wing poisons lmv, ;*.;> Crahtree, Oregon; and David states of California, Orgon, Neva .ilay rile i in this uffici* ihcir tworu »iati . u nis, to-w it : da, and Washington Territory.” a.- Horsbiirgh. Scio, Origini. Anv alni all per.-ons eliuniing William II. Parker, ef Prill« vote, ei'iuui extended to all the public land r rank, "¡an* m'Ort irmi, sworn sta emenl V . 7i**.i. states by act of August 4. 18.92. atlversely thè ahove-deserihed lamls far Ila* pii re liase al Ila* la 1, nr1, MS* tM, u! , the following persons have this are n n ju estiil to file their claims III» l4 alai i n i 1, ue.l4 see *J'*, ip J ! s, r l-ft i*. Jalin W. W il t, ai Sislt rs, eai uiiy ui PriM.k. day filed in this ollice their sworn in { ’ u ni lice on or liefore salii lóth day oi Scjit., liKJlì. slate ui Oreui li, swum slateniellt No. 7 . i«.r stat< n.ents, to-.vit: ll.c pur. lias»« ui tin* » ! a o f r 1, sei* 1', tp-’ .«, li. M. Ba.vrr.viN, Regi.-ter Jennie King, of Prineville. ***** *r I ft e. county of Crook, state of Oregon, Joseph T. rreatuer, of Sisters, reality of l rook, siale of Oregon, sworn siatemi V, sworn statement No. (it>">, for tin V11. lor lhe purchase ni the sc1 . sec 11, Ip s. purchase of the nej sec 2. tp 2l‘. Uaited States Lauti Office. I.akeview, r l."> e. s, r 12 e. Harriet It. Wilt, of Sisters, county of Crook, June 10, 19*t2:— Notici* is here- E lla Cram, of Prineville, county state of Oregon, S«.I| Il statemi 111 No. 71-“, for bv given tliat in comjiliaiice «it ti tlu* the pur, liase oi tin* nc1 ; see 2*4, tp J.i s. r 1 e. of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn ¡irovisiuiis of thè act ot June 3, 187S, en- Oiuevra I'reiimer, of .sisters, eoiinty of statement No. (it Hi, fort lie purchase ?itk*tl "A n act fi.r tlu* "alt* of timbcr Crook, stale of On gun, salini sta u nit lit No. of the se+ see 2. t|> 28 s, r 1'2 e. ! eais in tIn* States of California, Oregon, 71.1, for tlu* puri liase of the »»*’ ., of e 12 -- j.:. J. Frank Spinning, of Prineville I p Z l », r 17» e. Wa'sliiugton Territnrv,’ - as countv of Crook, state of Oregon. , , , , . Naia y J. Wilt, of Sillers, county of Crook, • . , , v .• .1 extended to all tin* public lan I states bv slate of Oregon, sworn slalement No. 711. f.«r sworn statement No. (>.«>, tor the . . . . . ,, ! , , act of August 4, 1.392, the folluwiag ner- lilt* purchase of the se1 4 see jt, tpi' i s, r 1 - e. tmrehase of the sv. i s<*c Is, to w n -i , , .. . . .. .. l.eaiaa r N. I.iggelt, of i ’rineville. county ,,t • . . « s o us have tins .lav tiled in this slut) , . • Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn statement No. ‘ ■P twenty-six s. r 1.» e. their sworn statements, tu-wit: 71‘>, for the purchase of the s « ' 4 see jl . Ip •_*;> M ane Spinloog, of Prineville. William Arnold, of Prineville, county s. r lo e. county of Crook, slate of Oregon, James A. Muffii, of Prineville, county of of Crook, of Oregon, sworn state- sworn sta ll n.i ut No. (¡74, for the , , meat . n o . .40, lot the jmrchusi* of the Criink, state of Oregon, suoni siatemela No. purchase of the n v i see IS, town- , 7:11. for the purchase of the m*'4 see .*7. tp y j ne *4 see 14. tp ‘22 s, r 15 t*. s, r In e. ship twenty-six s, r 1> e. Zil[iha, of Prineville, county oi Mary K. Mofflt, of Prineville, eoiinty of James li. Smith, of Prineville, Crook, state of Oregon sworn statement Crook, Male of Oregon, sworn stuleiaeiu No. county of Crook, state of Oregon, No. 741. for the purchase of the s b oi 7::J. for the purchase of the se1., see it, l|> 22 ». sworn statement No. 07S, for the r l.'i e. see 1. tp 22 s, r 15 e. Jackson May, of Prineville, eoiinty of i r, ,.k. purchase of the nwl-4 swl-4 see Thomas J. Powell, of Prineville. state nl Oregon, sw.-rn statement No. 7 • for twenty-seven. cA si* 1-4 see twenty- county ui Crook, state of Oregon, sworn the pureiii. e of lil t u # 1, see Jii, tp *J*J s, r 1 ■ e. eight, and nel-4 nel-4 sec oil, tp Mary F. Troth, of Prineville, eoiinty of statement No. 742, for tin* purchase ol twenty-three s. r 11 e. ( rook, stale of Oregon, sworn stalctin tit No. tin* se l4 see 10, tp 22 s, r 15 e. 7:1*1, for the purchase of the s « 1^ see 2.1, Ip22 s. W illiam li. Broek, of Bend, Lottie A. Miller, of Prineville, county 1 r in e. county of Crook, state of Oregon, That they will offer proof to show that the of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state sworn statement No. C87, for the ment No. 743, fur the purchase of the I hiu I soiigat is mine valuable for ils timl-er purchase of the s4 of n4 sec 31, nr sione than for agricultural pur|Miscs, ami s\v l4 see l i , tp 22 s, r 15 e. to establish their elaiin to suiti lami beare tp twenty-five, s, r twelve t*. Amanda J. Pmvell, of Prineville, j W. ». Hell. C. S. ('oiiimissinner, at Prineville, That they will offer proof to - county of (.'rook, state of Oregon, sworn Oregon, on l'liiirsilay, the liHli day m sept., show that the land sot ykt is more statement No. 744, for the purchase o il PHK». valuable for its timber or stone They name as »vitnesses : William 11. Parker. the se’ j see 11, tp 22 s, r 15 e. I.calali i* N. Liggett, May, and Mary than for agricultural purposes, William French, of Prineville, C. lroth, of Prineville, Oregon; Joseph T. and to establish their claim to said county of ( ’rook, state of Oregon, sworn Creamer, Nancy J. Wilt, of Sisters, Oregon. land before A. C. Palmer, U. Any and .11 persons claim ing adversely tin* Commissioner at Prineville, ( b egun statement No. 745, for the purchase o f ; a bo» e-i leseli bed lands are requested to lilt* the nw l4 see 14 tp 22 s, r 15 e. their i lull!..*, ¡-»-this otllee on or before said on Thursday, the ISili day of Emma Lane, of prineville, county of I Udii day of Sept., 100*2. September, i.)()2. K. M. H hatt . vix , Kegister. They name as witnesses: Jennie i Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state- 1 meat No. 740, for the purchase of the King, Ella Cram, J. Frank Spinn ing. Marie Spinning and James a 1., sv. l4 aU nwlJ sec 1, tp 22 s, r 15 e. 1IM B E U L A N D NO TICE. John Arnold, ot prineville, county ol l i . Smith, of Prineville, Oregon; I'Uiti"l States Liui l Dill c, I.akevie'.v. Oregon, Crook, state oi Oregon, sworn statement June ID, liiiU: Notice is hereby given that in W illiam II. Brock, of Bend, Ore j No. 747, for tile purchase of the ne !4 eoui|iliaiiee « illi I lie proviMiills of Ilio h i I of gon. June :i, 1S78, entitieil " A l l set fur the sale of A n y and all parsons claiming sec 2, tp 22 s, r 15 e. linicer in the Mates of California, Ore- Kh'lninl M. P o w e l l , of priueville, adversely tile above--escribed g 1 . 11 , Nevaila. ami »Vaaliiiiginii Territory,” a- county of Crook, "tute of Oregon, , eMenileil to all llie fiublie iaint Mate» by net lands are ri pa sted to file their claims in this oMice on or before rtwuru utaU-uiciit No. 743 for the ' juif - ’ hi » 1 ,trust 4 . I. !i*J, I lie billowing lemons have te - 1 ....* iii* *l in tills offlee llieir sivurn *.i.It* i chase of ttie si '4 see 2 . t, u s, r 15 e. said 1 Sth day of Sept., PJ02. mints, t o - « i t : j 8 aruh Arnold, of prineville, county of E. M B k a tta in , Register. Hattie Wiiitmore. of Prineville, eoiinty 01 Timbcr Land Notice. ment n o . i«42, for the purchase of the of Lake, state of Oregon, sworn state s' '4 see 29, tp 22 s, r It* e. ment n o . SHI, for tic* purchase of the V* arri'.i tiln/t*. of Prinexille, eoiinty n1., " 1**4 s'*.« no l4 sec. 10. tp. 25 s, r S o. of Ciiaik, state of Oregon, sworn state Charles D. Sessions, of L ik e » iew, ment \’t*. 1*43, l'or the purchase of the county of Like, state of Oregon, sworn " 1**4 see 29,.tn 22 s. r 16 e. statement n o . so “ , for th«.* purchase of Ameriett J. Urou!.". of Prineville, coun the s\*. '4 see. 10, tp. 25 s, r 8 e. ty ot ( ’ rook, state ofOrt giiti, sworn stati*- That they »» ill offer proof to slim» that metit n o . (»44, for tin* purehusg of the t!ie land sought is more valuable for its 11 »» '4 see 31. tp 22 s. r lit e. timber or stone than for agricultural Mini:*!* Crooks, of l’ i im*» ille, eoiinty. purjmses, and to establish their claim of Crook, State of Oregon, sw orn stato- to said laud I k * fore Register and Receiv ment n o . 645, for the | urehusi* of tin* er, U. S. Land Office at Likevicw, Ore sw ‘4 see 31, tp 22 s, r 16 o. gon, on Friday, the 12th day of Septem Edwin L. Keni’ett. of Prineville, ber, 1902. enmity of Crook, state of Oregon, s»»orn They name as »fitnesses: Charles D. statement n o . 646, for the purchase of S»*s nous, Jennie M. Sessions, William the w L of »»*j see 33, tp 22 s, r 16 1 *. II. Dalryniple, Charles II. Dalyrmple, E liS . Dobbs, of Prineville, eoiinty ot John Westlake, all of Lakeview, Ore Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement . gon : Michael Culkeon.of Fort Klamath, n o . 647, for the purchase of the sw '4 | Oregon. see 32, tp 22 s, r 16 e. Any ami all persons claiming adverse Marion R. Elliott, of Prineville. I ly the nbove-descrilied lands are rti- county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn quested to til»* their claims in this ottieo statement n o . 643, for the purchase of on or before said 12th day of Sept., 1902. the se* | see 31. tp 22 s, r 16 e. E. M. H k a t t a i x . Register. Mattie Elliott of Prineville, enmity of Cr.iuk, state of Oregon, sworn state ment n o , 649, for tin* purchase of the TIM R E R L A N D NOTICE. sw *4 soc 30, tp 22 s, r 16 e. I 11 itcil Stales«l Olii.**», Lakeview,Oregnn, \\ illiam T. Fogle, of Prineville, county hint* In, 1!WJ,—Net tec is liereliy g i»e u In of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state c iinplirtiiee »vitti the |iniviBiuiiB nf Oic act nf ment n o . 650, for tin* purchase of tin* June J. 1S7S, entitle«!, " A n net for the sale of timber limita in the stales of California. Ore- se '4 sec 32, tp 22 s, r 16 1 *. g »11 Nevada ami Washington Territo ry," as e x That they will offer proof to show tended to all 1 lie pnldie lamí sime» by «et of that the hind sought is more valttalilo i August 1, lSftf, the following |a*r»on» llave liny tiled lu tilia office their sir orli state for its timber nr stone than for agrioul- ; thin ments u> w il : tural purposes, and to establish their t William It. Mi'Fiirland, of Prineville, eoiinty elaiin to said land before \V. A. Roll, U. of Crook, »>ale of Oregon, sworn statement S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, Nn. Tg’ l, for the |>ur, ui the ne1., see It, tp 2.1 ». r I.» e. 011 Thursday, the lltli day of Septem l-lz/.ie lodger, ot Prineville, eounty o f Crook, ber, 1902. stale of Oregon, sworn stnlemelit No. 7*J.'i, for They name as witnesses: Marion R. the pure liase of the a t » s e e Id, tp £1 h , r I .ft e. Jenny t'lnyponl, of Prineville, eounty of Elliott. William T. Fogle, Minnie Crooks, Prince J. (ila/.e, l*id»viu L. Ren- Criaik, state of Oregon, sworn siatemeut No. «'•-•ti, lor tin* pureliase of tin- e*s «if ed. see *J,*I, tp nett and Eli S. Ikibbs, all of Prineville, *J:I s, r l.ft e. Oregon. 1.rose l.aiVNon, of I'riiit-ville, eounty of Crook, Anv and all persons claiming adverse s.ale of Oregon, sworn statement x,,. -g;, (,,r ly the above described lands are re tin* pureiiast ol tin* uiv»4 see *Jt, tp Ji a, r l.ft e. Jolin (ieiger, of Prineville, eounty of Crook, quested to tile their claims in this oiliee slate 01 Oregon, sworu sialemeiit No. T2K lor on or before said lltli day of Sept., 1902. tile pureliase of I he u m see 1 . 1 , t p ‘JJ a, r l.ft o. Charles 11. Dealey, of Priueville, eounty of E. M. H k a t t a i x Register. Crook, slate of Oregou, sworn slalement No. 7-9. for the pureliase ol the se‘ 4 see .»», ip -.q », r l.ft e. Amanda Dealey, of Prineville, eounty of Crook, stati* of Oregon, sworn siatemeut No. 7:ai. lor the pureliase ol the u ' a liw1,, w 1, ne¡¿ see 1, Ip 22 ». r l.i e* That they will offer proof to show that the lami sought I» more valuable for its llin la'ror stone than for agricultural purjaises, ami to es- lahlish their elaiin to said land before W. A. hell, I . S. Ciiiiiuiissloner, at Prineville, Ore- KOI», “ II Thursday, the I Kill day of September, TIM B E R L A N D N O TIC E. United States Land Oiliee, I.akeview, Oregon, Juno 6 , 1902:— Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the pro visions of the act of June 3, 1H73, en titled "A n act for tin* sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the public land states by net of August 4, 1H92, the folio»»’itig uim. Plieyuaiue as wilni-Nses: WlUlam It Mr. persu ,s lmve this day filed in this office Fariand, l.lxne tieiger, Jen me Clai piad their sworn statements, to-wit: L ‘ * «i Lav.son, J.din i.elger, Charles II. f ie ale j’ Leo Cohen, of Alnany, county of (i 1 oi l’i .in. \ iiic, Oregon. Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn Mutenn nt No Linn, state of Oregon, sworn statement Any and all persons clahniiiK advernely tho ment No. 74*. for the purchase of the 7iH>, for till* purehaae of the s c ' , si * 00 tp 22 No. 676, for the purchase of the no 14 above (IrscriDcd lamín are re<|iie«le(| lo fi|« TIMBER LAN D NOTICE. llieir elaiuiH in thin oflice on or be ion* .suiil ; e ' .j nw'.j see 11 and i*L s \ \ .’4 see 2 , t]> 22 1 , r l 'i e. see 27, tp 25 s, r 12 e. Mill day ol September, l!H» 2 . H'nmi Wiiitmore. of I’ rineville, enmity of United Stan s Band Oflice, Lake- j s, r 15 e. Michael 11. Tracy, of Albany, county rt’ rook, stale of Oregnn, sworu siateuieiit No. K. M. H k a t t a i x , UeglNlvr. view, Oregon, J tine i>, lVK)2:— Notice That they will offer proof to slam* «01, lor till* |iiirehto»e of il,e e*a of e ! a sei* 1. of 1.inn, state of Oregon, sworn state is hereby given that in compliance ihat tlu* land sought is more valuable (¡> J , s, r 1 .» e, ment No. 677 for tin* purchase ol the with the provisions of the act of mr its timber or stone than for agricul Jo 1. 11 It. ('¡ark, of Prineville, eoiinty of ne l4 see 27, tp 25 s, r 12 e. June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for tural purposes, and to establish their Crunk suite of Oregon, s « o r n slateniellt No. T IM IIK K L A ND N O TIC E. Charles K. Clark, of I.aeomb, county li*J for tlit* purchase of the sw 1, see :ki, ip JJ s, the sale of timber lands in toe claim to said land before W. A. Hell, U. 7 i.'i I titled States Land Oflice, Lakeview, Oregon, of I.inn, state of Oregon, sworn state e. states of California. Oregon, Neva 8 . Commissioner, at prineville, Oregon, K nilyJ. Cline, of Prim*« tile, eoiinty n ment No. 6X9 fi».- tin* purchase of the «lune 10, I'.Htj. —Notice is hereby given that In compilan e with the pr«-vÍNÍoüM of the net of da, and Washington Territory,” i s in Saturday, the 2 Hth day of Sept., 1 !KJ 2 . Crook, state of Oregon, sv. i rn - alemeni No sw l4 sec 33, tp 25 s, r 12 e. June 51, 1 H 7 H, entitled “ All act for the sale of 70 1 , for lie purchase of the n « > 4 see .. 0 , ip 22 extended to ail the public land lienrv Keene, of StUVUill, count»' of timber lands in the sta tea of California, Orr- They name an witnesses : Richard M. .s r 1.» e. s ta ti-h y act of -August 4, 18112. poweil, John Arnold, Uinma Lane, Marion, state of Oregon sworn state gon. Nevada and Washington Territory,'* as Mattie Hi*, is, of Priueville. county of Crook, tin* following persons have this An anda J. Powell, Let tie A. Miller and state of Oregon, sworn ii a l i n i i ut No. «Ill, for ment No. 691 for tin* purchase of the : extended to all the public land states, •> ad oi August I, lh'.rj, the following day filed in this office their sworn William Arnold. thi* purchase of the s « * e . * ;.l. t)i 2 1 s, r to e lots 7>-6-11-12 see I . tji 2«i s, r 12 e. persons have tilts day filed fu John 1». Brown, of Haystack, county of Crook, statements, to-wit: John L. Ray of Eehano.i, county of this ofth e llieir sworn statements, to wi t: Any and all persons claiming adverse- i state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 7tk'i, flit W illiam A. Barrett, of Albany, ' ly the above-described lands are re tin* purchase of the nw )-4 see ■-*>, 111 21 s, r l.'i e. Einii. state of Oregon, sworn statement William IS. K licitiug, of I'rinevill«*. eounty of count'.' id Linn, stati* o f On yon. quested to file their elnimsju this office Homer II. Davis, ot 1 r.neville, county of No. 6.33 for the purchase of th * lots 5-6- Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn atnlenieiii No. ..*», for the |»un base oí I be u ' 2 s*3 sec II, tj> 'Si sworn statement No. bbl, fo r toe on or before said 20 th day of Sept., ?pt. 1.1* 12 . fro . k, -tale of Oregon, sworn siatemeut No. ] 1-12 see 3, tp 26 s, r 12 e. s, r I*» e. 7eti. for the purchase ot the st *14 -ec .* 7 |, tp *21 purchase of the n j se], lots 9, 10 That they will offer proof to show E. M. H uattain , Register. William W. Collina, of I'rineville, county of s, r l.'i e. sec o. tp 2ii s, 1 12 c. Wtlllr.m 11. Davis, of Prineville, county of that the land sought is more valuable < ’ rook, mi ate of Oregon, sworn statement No. Frank Barrett, of Albany, county Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn statement No. for its timber or stone titan for agricul 7«;b, for the purchase of the uw14 aec j¿, tj* S i n, 7117, for the purchase of the s « 1^ see aft, tp21 tural purposes and to establish their r 1» e. of Linn, state of < iregon, sworn Kmma hitching, of Prineville, county of United States Laud Oiliee, Iaikeview. s, r 1ft e. statement No. (»• »2, for t’ne j.urehase claim to said laud before A. ( Palmer, Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. John Chambers, of Prineville, county of Hi tin* 11 j si see 31, t[» 27 s, r 12 e Oregon, May 31, 1902:—Notice is here Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. C. S. Commissioner at Sisters, ( iregon, 7.»7, Í 01 the purchase of the sw '4 sec IÒ, tp 22 s, E lw artl t. Barret, of Albany, by given that i:i compliance »\iili the j 70 s, for the purchase of tin* 10 , see aft, t p 2 l on Monday, tin* 15ih day of Septcmlier, r 1Ó e. Kobert L. Kitcliing, of Prineville, county of county of Linn, state of Oregon, provisions of tin* act of June 3, 1S7H, en s, r 1ft e. 1902. Crook, state of Oregon awoin statement No. That tin y will offer proof to «how that the sworn statement No. (503. for the titled “ Ail act for the sale of timber They inline ¡is witnesses: Leo Cohen, . »a, for the purebi.s** o. the ae‘ 4 see l«>, tp 22 s, lalbl sought is more va!iia> e I r its timber or purchase of the sA sj sec .'51, tp 27 lands ¡ i j .* states of California, Oregon, stone than for agrieiill iral pu.'poses, an I to Michael II. Tracy of Albany : Charles E. r 1 » e. Margaret te Collins, of Prineville county of r 12 0 . Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as establish their claim tosani lao I before »»*. A. Clark of Licomh; llenry Keene of Stay- John J. B arrett, of Albany, ^extended to ad the public land states by Pell, C. 3. Commissioner, at Priueville, Ore- ; ton ; John E. Ray of Eeiianou, Oregon. <Took, state of Oregon, sworn stat«*inent No. f'»r the pureliase of the iie'.4 *ee I.*, tp 22 s, couniy of Linn, state o f Oregon, act of August 4, l.s;»2, tin* following gon.un Monday the lath ilu;. of Sept., P.S 12 . j Any and all persons claiming adversely r bii, Id e. They name as witnesses: Hattie Whitmore, I sworn statement No. (>(54, ftir the is*is*>ns have this day tlleil in this oiliee John It. < lark, Mattie Davis. William II. the above-described lands are requested hnvid A. Hears, of Prineville, county of purchase o f the lots ">-(»-7-8 sec o, j their sworn stateinents, to-»vit: Davis, ami John chamber«, «if Prineville, Ore ■ to file their claims ill tit in oiliee on or' Crook , state of Oregon. »Worn statement No. tp tw e n ty -s ix s, r tw e lv e e. Amanda Elkins, of prineville, county gun: John h. lirowu, of Jlaystnck, Oregon. liefore said 15th day of September, 1902. j 7.70, f*»r the purchase of the t*e'4 se «>, tp 22 s, r Pi e. Any and all persons 1 lainDug adversely the , Herbert J. Downing, o f I>*bnnon, of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state- J*:. >L Rit»Tr.»iN, Register. Ilanaah A Hears, of Priueville, countv of above-ileseriheil lands are requested to tile county of Linn, state o f O regon, ment No. 5*V>, f.>r the i>urchase of tin* tlietr claims in this office on or be.ore said ( r o o k , state of Oregon, sw »rn statement No. 7Ó1, for the purchase of t h e s ' 2 sw 4, w '^ » e ' 4 sw orn sta tem en t No. *>d»7, tor the lots 17-13-19-20 sec 1.3, tp 24 s, r II e. 1'itil day of Sept., i!M2. see 4, tp22s( r ifle . purchase of the s»v^ sec 12, tji 2d K. M. PK.TriPt, ftegister. (•eorge W. Jones, of prineville, county TIM BER LAND NOTICE. William J. ( ) ’ i\elly, of PrfneTille, county of s, r i l e . of Crook, state of Oregon sworn state Unite 1«**» Lind Oiliee, Lakeview, Crook, state ofC/cg in, - w*rn statement No. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Oregon, Jinn* 19. 1902 :— Notice is here 7Ó2, for tlw |»ureii:»se u i I he i»1 à la* 1, ue'4 i: - \ John \\ . ' ting, of C ’-aBtree. ment No. 5 1 /, for the purelias * of the United States Lind (dlitv, l.«ikt*vi<*n by given that in compliance witli tin* »e* », n w '4 li w*4 sec t, tp 21 », r It» e. county of L:nn, slate of (>rig*>n. . its l-3-í.i-J), - v l.l. tp 24 s, r 11 e. pro» isio is of tin* m t of June 3. 13 «H, en Mar* us .1 Wilt, of .’■osiers, c ou n ty o ('rook sworn statement No. (>(>d. for the Anni * rfharp, of priaeviile, county of On*gon, J iiim * 5, 1902:— Notice is hereby titled, “ All act for the sale of timber state of Oregon, » w o r n statem ent No. 7.VI, for purchase of the i.w j sec 12. tp 2d Crook, srate of llr*-’ n , s»»*,>rn state given that in eoinpHiiiice witli tin* pro lauds in tlie states of California, Ore l lie J I r l e i -( »»Í t lie n W 1 4 lie14. n : 2 n w ^ , NW1^ ment No. 551, for the purchas * of tin* visions of the act oi JtindS, 1K73, en gon, Nevuda and Washington Terri ii w 1 #, s * h * U , t p S i », r P» e. s, r 12 e. Kmma J I u»er. ol Portland, county of Mult titled ‘ An net fur t'u* sale of timber tory,” as extended to all the public l>aviil Tior-burgh, of Fcio. county lots 1-8-9-lt> s**e 13. tp 24 .». r lie . land stat • by a,*U«if August t. 1X92, the of Linn, state of Oregon, sworn That they »»ill offer pns.f to show that lands in the states of Ualitornia, Oregon, f«ill«i»vi.ig persons have this day tile«! in nomah, state ot Oreg »ii sworn statement No. 7Al, for the purchase of (he lie14 see a, tp 22 », statement No. fur the pur- the land "ought is more valuable ffir its Nevada anil U ashi gtun Territory,” ns this oiliee th'*ir sworn stateinents, to- r Ifl • chase of tin* w j e j -ec 12. timl>er or stone than for agricultura' t xtended to all the jiiililic l.tnd states )>y wit : That they will offer proof to »how that the Jennie M. Sessions, of l/ikeview, land sought in more valuable for its tinit>er nr pur pi.-* *s and to establish their claim to net of Avgust 4, 1 '*2, the following r 12 e. Daniel MeDonal»!. of Alhany, said laici labore A. C. palmer, U. S. |a*rsous have this day ti!««l in this «.tliiT county of Lake state of Oregon, sworn »¡one tbnti for agricultural purposes, and to establish llieir la ni lo s ii«| laud before W, A. statement n o . 762, for the purchas.* of Iteli, I H., at Prineville, Ore cou nty ol Lir.n, "t t ti of O r gon, Com mis-i oner, at prineville, (a *goii, on sworn statements, to Kate I . Liggett, ut .’11 <-\ill.*, county th- "'*'4 s«*<\ 9, tp. 25s, r X e. for the Wedaes lay the 17i;i day of >cp:., I9tr2. BWCirti statement N <». *>i gon, on J inlay, the Lull day of September, ( ¡miles ll. Dalryniple. of I.akeview, IJU2. 2d, tp Hiey name <ts witnesses: Amanda of (Took, state of lire..on, sworn state- lurrhaxt* of tho s»vj They name as W illies» *s ; William II. Kitch ih: iiis. (Jeorg«* *V. J„m*«. Annie Sliarp, H.e.qt xo. 649, for" the purr liase of the county of Lake, state of Oregon, sworn t»Vt*nt v-tìt'.* s. r 12 .*. tug. William W. Collins, Marga rette Collin», statement x<T. 799, for the purchase ol an I Lav id A. Hi-ars, of Prineville, Oregon: That they w ill off**r prisif to Matbic- C. Adkins, and Koliert p . liar- lie1* s •« 31, tp 22 s. r l ie. Robert L. McMuitrey, of I’rineville, the 11 L 11 L see. 9, tp 25 s, r X e. show t!i:.t tue kir.U sought is more ri. gtou, all of prineville, Oregon. Marcus J. Wilt, of Sister», Oregou; Kmma J. William II. P.«lrymplf, of laiketiew, I' oi Portland, Oregon. » aluablt* ¡’nr it- iim h i or stone tlian Any ell persmis elai iiing advers**- c*i nnty of t riaik. s ta te o f ()r«*goti, sworn Any an i all |M*r»oti» claim ing adversely the for agri*’ .'turai j urp< i . an ! t. ly t' «• als»ve-ib*"'*rita«l lands are re- statement n o . 641, l o r the ptirehsts • of county of Lake, state of Oregon, sworn m I sivi * di'HiTibel lands are re<|ii«—ted to file tin* lie'* «ei 32. tp 22 s. r l'i e. to • .1 lam ■ illesi. 1 to tile tLwir claims in this nlfiri* statement xo. sou for the purchase of t to .r claims n this olii« e on or be lore said PUU t¡ llkig. P r i n c e J. t i l s y e , o f P r i u e v i l l e . c o u n t y the liw '4 see. 10. tf». 2-5 s. r K e. Com * sai*I 17th day of Sep L*. > day of He|*l., Il»ri. b A. t . Palm i Jollll W est lake, of Ijlkeview, eoiinty K M Kn vTT 4ig, Heglfler. o f ( > « i k . «: * of O r-gu it, -w o rn state . ( in E. M l?«»TTA|t. Roe in r at Si*»’. Timber Land Notice.