Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1902)
TI M BER L A N .) NOI ICE. tl*t* hv \ sci*. 21, tp. 22», r Hi e. coli n t v o f Crook, state i I Oregon, I ’ i ' k V. n d e r v o r i . o i l a v a , t ottn- K a t h c r in e M. B arrett, o f A lb n n v Vnit#J States Lumi Olficc, Lakeview, llait tiiey will < ffer proni to s’ ow .-worn .»tutelili ut No. ti'.Ci, [or llie ky o f Crook, state o f O regon, sworn eotm ty o f L in n , state o f Oregon ‘Orcioli, .Itine 6 . 1WM 2.— Nr:tice a* herobv tluit thè !a:n! s nejlit i» more valunltle puri ha i* of tla »w ; sec l ‘ t, tp 2 2 statement No. fit,', for tin purchnst sivorn stateinent No. N~8 , for the KÌventliat in eomplianec witli tlie provi- *,,r **» tiinlier or stime tinnì for agrictil- (• ]*; of the la d s il. Iti. 17. IS. see 81. t[ purchase o f the s.l nwJ-4, n 4 sw l-4 »ioitsof tlioact of .Ititi*»«, 1878. entitled turai purpnsc.s. ami to establish tlieir C harlotte i latino. of C ulver. 28 -. r l i i . sie 1~>, tp 2 ö s. r 1 0 e. " A l i mt f<*r thè sale ol titulier latnls in elitini to suid latiti ' flore W . A. I..-!!, coltriti’ of t look, state o f Oregon, V i 11 tum P. Vanth r v t f t . o f Lava, Louise M. M c C ce, of Salem , thè »Hate* of California, Oregon, Nevai la * . S. ( ommissinner at l’rineville. Ore- sworn »tatenient No. t : 8 , l'or the co u n ty of Crook, state o f Oregon, co u n ty o f M a rio n , state* o f O regon, ami Washington Territory,” as exteml- '-''’*'<"** I ridav thè lUtli ilav of Septem- purehase o f tlie li w ] i r .NO. tp -22 sworn statem ent No. tiiiS, for tlie sworn Statement No. S74. fo r the ,«d to all tlie piihlie lami States liv aet <•! ' ’<-*- *'*"2. s. r 1 • • c. purchase of the tv. 1-4 n.1-4, e4 ptnvh:.-e of the s i nel-4, n4 s e i -4 They name as witnesses August 4, |H92, tl** following persons T h a t they w ill offer p roo f to show s e l —t sec n-.vl—1 s w l-4 see 2, tp -re 2">, tp 2ö s. r 10 e. Ethel Liggett, Itiehanl M Wright, that die Ialiti ought is inore v a lu 24 s. r 11 e. have this day tiled ni this otliee their Tim t th ey w i ll offer jm 'o f to Benjamin I . Wilhoit, Eva Wliitsett, able for its tim b er or stone than /■»worn statements, to-nit : T h a t t i n y w ill ol’.'i r j r oof to »hmv that the Innil sought is tnpjj Carlisle ('. Triplett, of l ’rineville, Benjamin I’. Harper, Henry I- Wliitsett, for a gricultural purposts, and to show that tin html .»ouglit is m ore v a l u a h l e f o r it- e i t l e r or s t e t e .fount v of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn all of I’ rineville, Oregon. Any and all establish their c aim to said land va lu a b le for its timlit r or stpnt for a gricu ltu ra l purpnscs, and! .statement Ni», tit*», (or tin* pu reluise of permns claiming adversely the aim ve before \\\ A. Pell. I' S. ( 'o m in i - than for rr.c u ltnra l purpo-i s, and * tu i talilish their ehttm to s a i d i lile ne'-j sec. Il, tp 22 s, r j . - , d e s e n l i a d lands are reipiested to tile sinnt r t Print ville. i )n yon, i n to estuili -h thi ir e! i t a m i lo san! 'a m i before A. C. P a in .tr . C. S.j (;,.,,rgc W. Triplett, of Priaeville, their claims in this otlice un or hel'ore Thursihi v, the Oth d a y id Sept.. land I ; fon- A . C. P a lm er. C. S. ■. C om m ission er, at Sisters. O r i g in i , j ■enunty of Crook, State of ( Ircgoti, sworn l-’ th da.v of H'opt., l!H)2. 10 0 2 . C om m is.doner, at Heini. Creyón, un .Momia v, the 1 “> t i i d a y o f S i p K, M. B u a t t a t.\. Register. 'They name as witnesses: KIm i r on Satu rday, the 20th d a y of Sep t im b e r , 1! 112. .»tatement Nw. (131, for the parchase o i N. ( i illa m . U c n v ir \'. .Jenkins. tember. Hi0 2 . tli»“ mv'4 see. 12 , t |í. 22 s, r l i e . T h e y nam e as witnesses: D a v id « Charlotte H anna, and F r a n k F. Bovina Jlorford, of l’ iineville. eountv T h ey nam e as witnesses: 1). F. Iforslnirgh , o f Seio, O r e g o n ; .J o h n ' TIMBER LAidD N O T IC E . Fiseh. of Culver, Oregon, John Stoffa. \ Y . If. Broek. W . II. Staats, W . Vottny. of C r a l d i i e . O regon ; « f CriHik, State of Oregoti, stvoru state- liient No. (132, tor the pttrchase of the Cnited States l.and Office, l.akevicw, Patti m u i , and M a tthew ll. Bell of ali of Pend, Oregon. Daniel M e D o n a ld . o f A llu in v , Ore- Iie l-¿ see. 12 , tp. 22s, r 15 e. Oregon, .lime I.♦«»lí:— Notiee i- herehy P r in e ville . ( )ri yon. A n y and all j ersons e la im in g gon ; H e r b e r t J. D ow n in g , o f Leli- SiHMieer l.yons, of l’ rineville, eounty givon tluit in emipliiincc with the pr >- A n y and all persons c la im in g adversi l v the abovi -deseribed lands anon, <)rogon. « f Crook, State of Oregoa, tnvorn state- visions of the aet of .lime 8, 1H7K, en- advei i ly the above described tire requested to tile th e ir claim .' j A n y am all persons e dn ia tm in g inent No. (138, lor the parchase ot the titled " A ii aet for the sale oí tindier hinds arc n q u e s te d to tile their in this olliee on or before said 2 0 th a d ve rsely the ahove-descriheii lands in the states of California, Orcyon, claim s in this ofliee on or before d a y o f Hi pt., 1002. aw *-4 sec. 12, t]>. 22 s, r 15 e. lamie are requested to lile their .Miel W. Morbini, of I’ riueville, conn- Nevada, ami Washington Territory,” as said tith day of Hi pt., 1 1 )0 2 . E. M. B h a t t a i n . Register. ; cla im s in this olliee on 01 bi fore t v of Crook, state of Orcyon. sworn extended to all the public land states hv E. M. B (A rr vi s Uey -t ■ dd lo t h d a y o f Septenilter. 1 !)()2 . statement No. (184, fur the purchase uf act of August I, Mi 12, the following E. M. Bit.riTAi.N. Hey'ster. T IM B E R L A N D N O T IC E , persons have this day tiled in this ofliee the mO* see. 13, tj>. '¿'f. s, r 15 e. T IM B E R L A N D .> ()if('E . U n ite d States L a n d Olliee. Lake- Millard T. Triplett, of I’rineville, their sworn statements, to-wit : T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E. Mary Elliott, of I’ rineville, county of county of Crook, state of Orcyon, sworn U nited Htatis Land Olliee. I akc- view. O n you, .June (i. ltHi2.— No- I nitid States I,and Oithe, l.akeview, statement n o . 1185, lor the purchase of Crook, state of Orgon, sworn stiucmcnt view , Ore., J m ielO , 1 ;iQ2.— N o t ie e is tiee is hereby g iv e n that in eotn- Oregon, .Tune 5. 1002?:— Notice is hereby No. 015, for the purchase of the nel4 see tlie lie'4 see. 12, tp. 22 s, r 15 e. lierehv give n t ! 1 at in eon.plianee pliaiiee w ith tlie jirovisions of the given that in compliance with the pro s, r 15 e. Cora It. Triplett, of I’ rineville, county 25, t| with the provisions of the aet of .June act 1 f June .‘5. 187S, en titled " A i l Julia Lytle, of I’ rineville, eounty of o, 1N7N, en titled “ A n net for the sale act for the sale o f tiniher lands in visions of the act of June 3, 1S7S, en- of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state [ titled “ A 11 act f o r l i e sale of timber ment No. 11311, for tlie purchase of tlie Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state of tim b er la n d ' in the states of C a li-j the states of C a lifo rn ia , Oregon, Ititids in the states of California, Oregon, ment No. lilii, for the purchase of the sc fo rm a . Oregon, N ev a d a , and W a sh- X iv n d a and W a s h in g to n Terri- 12, tp. 22 s, - r 1 15 e. se' see .............. Addie Triplett, of I’rineville, county '4 see 25, tp 22 s, r 15 e. lngton Territory,” as ex ten ded to to r v ,” as extended to ail the public Nevada ami Washington Territory,” as Charles A. Lytle, of Prineville, enmity all the public land stales hv act id' land states hv aet o f Augu st 4, extended to all the p u b l i c states of Crisik, state of Oregon, sworn state ment No. (137, lor tin* purchase of the of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state- ; August 4, l.'ti'i. the fo llo w in g per- I8!)2. tin* fo llo w in g ¡a rsons have j by act of August 4. ISitg, the following ment No. (117, for the purchase of the sons have this d a y tiled in this this d a y filed in this olliee their persons linvcthis day filisl in this ofliee aw ‘4 see 7, tp. 22 s, r Hi e. t!u*'r sworn statements to-wit: o llh e tin ir sworn siateineiits. to-wit: sworn statements, to-w it: William A. Powers, of I’rineville, si*t4 sec 23, tp 22 s, r 15 e. Chancy A. Heath, of (trass Valley, •loci A. Elliott, of Prineville, county of John I*'. C in li*, o f I’ rin eville. county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn Mattie* J. T a y lo r , o f Crass V a l 1 county of Sherman, state of Oregon, statement No. (¡38, for the purchase of Crook, state of i »regon, sworn statement count y of ( ’ rook, state of On "an , ley. county of S herm a n, state <>f - worn statement No. 5!l5. for tin* pur No. (118, lor the purchase of the sworn laten i lit No. 711», for the O n ; on. sworn statement N o. <>70 the nw ‘4 see. 7, tp. 22 s. r Hi e. of tin* s»*i-4. n'.vl-l fi r t!a* ¡Hirehase o f the w.J o f e^,see chase of the ne*^ sec 4 tp 24 s, r 11 e. Horn Lyons, of I’rineville, county of sec 25, Ip 22 s, r 15 e I Inter E. Heath, of (trass Valley William I Taper, of Prineville, count» s e l -4, w 1-4 I l e i -4 see 11, tp 2.” s. 8 Ó, tj» 28 s. r 1 1 e. Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statc- 1 county of Slittn an, sttite of Oregon, ment No. (Í3K, for the purchase ot the of Crook, state of Orcyon, sworn state r l o e. David 11. Curl, o f T h e Dalles, «worn statement No. 5!lti, for the pur- ment No. tilt), for the purchase of Della T r ip le tt, o f P r in e ville , eounty of V aseo, state of Oregon, nw *4 sec. IS, t j». 22 s, r Hie. county of Crook, stau* id Oregon, sworn statem ent No. (»80, fo r the chase of tlu. se.tjj re 4, tp 24 s, r 11 e. That they will oiler proof to show that the 111**4 see 35, tp 22 s, i* 15 e. Caleb W. Curl, of Crass N'alley, William W. McVay, of Prineville, sworn . tatenu* 1 ;t No. 717. for the purchase of tlie in 1-1 see 10, tp 24 tlie land sought is more valuable fur its county of M.ein uii, state of Oregon eounty of Crook, stati* of Oregon, sworn pit reliase of the sw 1-4 sie 2 , tp 2 .' s, r 1 1 e. timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish their claim to statement No. 20, for the purchase ol s. r 1 ó i*. Eliza J. Ii. atli, of Crass V a il» y, sworn statement No 5*a7, lor the pur bln Powers, of Prinev ille ,c o u n ty e o u iily ^ if Sherman, state of O r e chase of the se *., see 8 , tjt 2’4 s, r 11 e. said land Indore W. A. Bell, I . S. Com thee'.j in* *4 , sw*4 ne*4 and se*.j nw*4 Bunts II. l o g , of Oram Valley, of Crook, stati* of Oregon, sworn gon. sworn stateim lit No. TSE for missioner at I’ rineville, Oregon, on see 24, tp 22 s, r 15 s. county of Sherman, state of Oregon Itoborl Moore, of I’ riuevi'le, county stateinent No. 71s. for tin* pnr- the pureiiase of the 1 1 4 o f 1 1 J see 8 . Wednesday, the luth day of September, of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state sworn statement No. 5i)S, for the pur- ehaAi* of till* sw l-4 see I I , tp 2.» s. tp 24 s. r 11 e. 11102. . chase of the nw U see 10 , t|»24s,r l i e . ment No. t i l , for the purchase of tin* r 1 A e. sing, o f < 1 r. They name as witnesses: Spencer »'¡trait (d i i ass V al- Thom is W . T r ip le t t, o f Prine- V. cotti tty of !Shi rmnn. state of . Samuel M. Bai'ey, of (truss Valley Lyons, W illiam A. Powers, Abel W. sw*4 see 17, tp 22 s, r to e. Ida Moore, of I’rineville, county of vilie. eo u n ty o f ( rook, state of Or •egon. :»worn :statement No. <>S2 county of Sherman, state of Oregon, Al or fold, tieorge W . liiplc.i, I lorn ( rook, state of Oregon, sworn state C ivy o ii. .‘ Worn s.ati meni. No. 71H. Lyons, Millard inplctt, all ot Tri.ic- r the p 11 reltasi * 1 '1 the li jr S V ;- «e sworn statement No. b.M) for the pur- eiitiM'of the nw 1; see (¡*tp 24 s, r 11 e. ment No. i> 2.i, for the | itici,use > I u.e li r t.n* o, tin* m v l-4 see . t|> 24 s. r 1 1 ville, Crook t minty, Oregon. they will o'.’cr proof show 2 . tj* 28 s. r 1 Ô e. Any and all p e rs o n s e l a i m i n g ad v e r s e sc*4 sec 13, tp 22 s, r Hi 1*. E e s t i T A . He; tilt, o f (ir a ss V al- Anna McY’ay, of Prineville, eounty of A i/ e lla Si roinl. o f P r in e v ille . l e t i n 1 i i b o v c - d c s c r ilx 'd lan ds aie reijHcst- »•, eiutnitv of Hin rmnn, St.ite of that the land sotigin is i,,ore valuable ed t o tile t h e i r c l a i m s in th is o l lie e on or Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state eounty o f Cn ok, state of Oregon, •1 gon, tsworns tatem en t No. t»K8 . I lor its timber or stone than for agricul ment No. t'L'4, for the purchase of the sworn stateinent No. 720 for the tor • the ] urilnts'. ■ l»f till* IH 1-4 see 9, tural purposes and to establish tlieir before said 10th day of Sept., 1002. s\\ *4 see IS, tp 22 s, t* Hi e. claim to said laid Indore A. ('. Palmer, [*ureliase of the nw 1-4 .*-■ 1* 11, tp 28 E. M. B k . viwain , Register. 24 s. r 1 1 e. That they will otter proof to show s. I 1 •* e. . S. Commissioner, ¡it I’ rineville, Ore M: gg!( ■ M. H i p th. of ( ! ft: ss V al- that the I. nd sought is more valuable gon. on AVedia - lay, the 17th day of H e n r y Strotnl. of P rin e v ille , V, coli lit v of Sherm an, state - f Si ptember. W02. fur its timber ur some than for agnelli- count v o f Crook, stati of ( > n eo 11. » ) regon, sworn siati ment TIM BER L A M ) NOII'JH. OS-4, T! .yni:tne: s witnesses:— Chaney A. turai pnrpo.'cs, und to establish their sworn • tati nu i t No. 1 for the for the purchase of the eA see C.MTKI) S tatics I. ani » Om en, Lake- claim to said land before W . A. Bell, I . puri : i . ; -e o f tin w j e A s e e two. tp 4. tp 24 s. r 11 e. Heath, Elmer F. Heath, Caleb \V. Curl, view , Oregon, June ft, HKI2 : Notice is S. Commi' 10. cr, at PrinevilU*. ( oegna. tv.i i.ty -tln v e s. r L> e. Al.*try .v. 1 o n '* :u r. o f t ; n !. S'V;*.!- B tit us II. King niidSamuel M . Bailee, ¡*.11 hereby given that in compliance with on Monday the 8th hay of Sept., i *. io _. le le , o f P rin e v ille C lm .y s !.. ( !ey. emit.t v of Hin m an, state of of (irin-s \ alley, Oregon. the pun isions of the act ot .lime 3, IS7S, Tltev moceas witnesses: Mary Elliott. e o u n l y o f i rook, state of O n gon, < • regon. sworn statement No. I ISA. \ny and all [icrs.ins elaiming udver- entitled " A n aet for the sale of timber Charles A. Lytle, William Hrapcr, sworn sMten,ent No. sevi 11 hui.dri n for the purehase of the s i in 1-1 see •'* -v the a.l ovi—described lands are t*e- lands in t lie states of California, Oregon, Moore, Boliert Moore and \i 11a MeX'av, and twi n ty-tw o. for the purehasenf 8>, vv4 m v l- 4 sec 2. tp 24 s. r 11 e. qta ted to file tl.eir ch illis in this nllh e Nevada and Washington territory.'' as all ot Prineville. on or B. ton* sad ¡7th day of Sept. l!H)2. .he \V halt SW q u a r k r, S E (p ia r Cas ie M. Heath, o f O ras » V a l extended to all the public land Males l>\ \nv and all persons el liming a Iverse- ti r s\\ q u a rte r see tw e lve, N E li ". co u n ty i Í Sherm an, state of E. AI. B kattain , Begister. act of August 4. |M.2, the tollowmg pci ly the ulmve-deseribed I.nuts arc quarter HE q u a r te r sec* 11, Ip Oregon, Mvorn statement No. (ISli. sous have this day tileo in this oilice reipiested to tile their claims in iwi-nty-’ h r ie S. r U> E. f e r t i l i purchase o f the sw 1-4 nvvl-4. their sworn statements, to w it : Ti M11K ? I I..VNI1 NOTH K. this olliee on or before said s th d a v o í M<*.iie Sv,« aringi n. o f P r in e v ille . w 1 sw 1-1. ,-i 1-4 s w i-4 see 8. tp 24 Harry .1. Smith, of I'linoville, county ''»tied vt«t'*- l.aml ilfll.*,., bHkevtew. Ore- Sept., 111»».’. county <>;t rook, -tate of Oregon, s. r 11 e. i- ao.l ,'C _ l'.'uj. N'oti.e is liercby ■ iviai of Crook, state ol Oregon, sworn slate E. M. liu vTTM N , li .'Ist er. sworn stati uiclit No. seven lnin- M argaret E. ( uri. o f (Jrass V a l Ilial i.1 ( ainpttam c witli tin-priiv'.Kton of tin- inent No. (>.'> 1 , lor tin* purchase of the t Ot .lam- IS 7 S. mtit!,.,! • \ 11 mt for ilie « i rt il ml tw en ty -th ree, for the j g ir ley, eo u n ty of Sin rutan, state of sw *4 sec. 28, tp. 22 s, r Hi e. ellasi i f the N lisi 1 f ME quarter O n gi n. sworn statement No. E l), - lc of tun’ < "• l « a i ' ia the stales of ('aliforiiia, TIMIU-ÍÍ LAND NOTICI:. Ethel la g g iil.i l Pi'iuev ill»*, county of <>■* '¡"tl. Ni viola ate! VV unlit ngtoti Territory, as SW 1,1 rter N E quai ter, N W q u a r o r the [.tirella.c o f the s w l-4 sic exti iidct to all the pot l.e a.;,,, sane» liy net of Crisik, stale ol 1 regon. sworn state F ilite li Slates i Ill'll Olliee. Lake- ti r Hi*i q u a rte r see tw elve, tp 5. tp 24 s. r 11 e. l " s ’ iist t. t-'.i'J. (he foilow iit r pi r-.-os have It is ment No. 1 >52, 1m the purchase ot lla* view .< >1 egon. .1 Ul e h . 1 Ut »2:— Notice twi i lv -three S. r 1Ó E. That they w ill offer pro o f to < ia i D li*' t i 11 t h 1 s oltii e 11 . e. r sv,; 1 a state in cals, se*4 see. 3»*. tp. 22 s, r Hi e. is hereby g ive n ih ,* in com p lian ce . . - That th ey « i l i offer »»roof to show that the land sought λ m ore to w ii : t la re me At. Stroud, of Prineville. Marion I*. Isi .s'ev, of Fort Klamath, comity 1 1 '* * •ovi.'.oii' ot tu* aet of sin vv»t uat tlie land soiight is m ori vaìual.Ie for i its t ' t litiil im ls r o r stone • : Klamath. >'» e of Oreijcii. sworn sti.ti nu ut eounty ol Crook, state of Oregon, sworn June 8 . 1S7S, en titled •'An aet for valttabie for its fim lie r o r stola tinnì for a grie u ltu ra l purj oses, and No. Mil. for the pur, have of the vv», se ,w'i. dtntemeiit No. ii.»3, for the purchase ol the sale o f tim b e r lauds in tin* than lor a g n e u ltu r a l pttrpo'i s. ami to esta b p -h tlieir d a i n i to said H e ' « e '4 tiwN, -ee 11, tp «. r T e. the nw (4 s«'e. 32, Ip. 22 s. r lb e. stati s of C aliforn ia. Or« eon. N e v a to i -tgldish tlieir d u in i to said .I"e|ih VV . Vi i ,,j , of Fort Klamath, loiuity land b ifo r e A. C. .Painter. U. S. KoK-rt M. W right, of Prineville, da, and W a sh in gton Territory " a - land ! 1 .ori* W . A. P, II. I . S. C om - C o m m i " "tu r. at P r in e v ille , O r e "i K liiiQath.-tate of on >("n, sworn s’ airinent N". Stpi, for tlie ] ,tn lmse of the nr), see li, <t> voiiuty of Crisik, Mute of Oregon, sworn e x t i l i i l u l t o all the public land niissi, *..i r, at P r in e v ille , O n gon. gon, on \\ eilnesday, the 17th dav g‘> s. r 7 e * statement No. (>.>), tor the purchase id stati - Lv act of August I. | sp ’ Solon 1». Imttaek. of tort Klaciatl). eon 111 y on W i l i n .»ilny, the 17th d a y of o f September. 1 ! 02. the nw *4 see. 2”). tp 2'2’ s . r l b e . tlie fo llo w in g p> r o l l s have this H\ ptember. 111 * 2 . They nam e as T h e y nam e as witnesses:— Mat- "f Klainath. state 01 ( Iregnu, sworn statement Eva W h ii'ctt.o f Prinevill«*, e.ninty id da y tiled 111 this o lin e their 'W orn w it in s s i» : I'.lla T r ip le t t. Ida tie J . la v l o i . of (¡r a s » \ a 111 v, O r e No. sit. for the purehase of the e', ae'a, nw>. ■c* ,. io nw*,, st e 11. ip ... » r ; Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state statements, to wit: P o w ir » . A r z e lla Strcud. I le i rv gon. D a vid II. Curl, o f T h e ^ Dalles, '*<•>’*■ 8. McCoy, of Fort Klamath, ronnty of lliellt No. lvV>. l'or thè of Ila* John W . Patti Ison, o f P r in e v ille . Htiotto. John F. t in le, .Moiin ( *rt*gt>n; Lester A. Heath, M a rg a- ***' ’ -»ti», stati* of en -on, 'w..rti statemeut s e *4 , sia*. 1», tp. 22’s, r Ili e. eounty of Crook, state of Ori gini, HVVeji. M -*. 2 , forilo for the '.untila of the ne'4 «ee ii. tp " C ...................................... ngeu, all o f ' P i inevilk*. Ore- ret E. url. M a g g ie M. H ea th , C a« N*' M Mirali \Yrighi, ni l’rineville, couutv ol '»vori» statemi ut N’ o. TcJA. for tlie if , r 7 r. gon. s*i* M. ü e a tli. nil of t i r a - » V a lie v . iTnnk, stille ol O.cgon, -woin ...ite l iireiuiM* o f tin* in ] see 2(>. tp 22 -, Ti »»;»■ J. Morgan, of Fort K Ia m nt!i. county of A n y and all [ i r s u t i ' c la im in g td- ( >ri goti. Klamath. - ••ate O, Oii'Kon, sworn s.ateim a 7 No. meni No issi, tot ibi* pulì base ol tue r 1 •» e. vi ••'civ the u ) m » v c-di serila d land.** A n y and all ] > rs *tts c lu im in g si l, for [lie pinchase of the nw'C, st* I,. -*'. 110*4 noi *. 30, ip. 22 s. r Iti e. Frank F F'si li.o fC u lv e r. eountv are reqttisti\l to tile their claim s advi r.-eiv the almvi -dt 'i*ril*cii lands s, r 7 e. l a n a M. \» i l l i o i t , ol l ' i i n e v i l l e . o u u t v o f Crook. stufe o f O regon, sworn Tin ed.«sia K 'liattllek. of F»r t Klnmnlh, in ¡ h i s i • ilice on before said 171 * » are revpiestcil to tile tlieir claim s o l C r is ik . stilli* o l l » r e g o l i , s u o n i s i a l e i*"muy of Klamath, -tale of Ortgun, senni statement N o 1 28. f,*r tue puri !i lav ot temBt r. llHki. in this ofliee on or In fere said 17th -'an : o ut No. »I i. i>>r the pur l'.H*e ot the W 'j m e n i N o Ii 5 7 , l o r I l i o p u r eh a s e ol th è o f fin* s e ] s e e 28, tp 22 ». r là e. E. I . Bn v . • vt\. Registi r. day >>: H -, -et, ! t r. 1 > "2. |, sw -i 4 su- ii>, t |i ;.V » . r íe . 20, tp. 22 r Hi 1 Mattili w II Ih II. ,,f P rim ville, hii ( r l V. * "rus n, cf Furt K in 111 h tli. culi nt y ! .. M 1 >F.v r i vin . Register. Beiijamiu I Wilhoit. of Pmncvillc, co u n ty of t rook, state o f O r ig in i, nf K taluni tl. «te nf, »worn «ti.le Lient eounty ol ( nsik. stute ol 1 trogoli, »worn »w orn statement No. 1 27. f t tl . Xu »¡7 ( " r the |>tir.*ha«f » ( the e >3 «e 1, .e,- 4 , TBMAER L A N D N O T IO L TIMBER LA N D N O TICE. s tN tc nic ht N o isvS, thè se'4 m i * 20, (p. ,.r th e p u r ch a s e o l 2’2’s, r In Benjamin E. tl..rper, ot l'rineville, O'iuity ol 1 riN.k. stute ni Oregon, sworn stutiimetil \o. còl», tur thè puri ha»e of thè 110*4 m v . 20. tp. 2'2* », r lo e Henri I.. \\ hitsett, ni l'rint>ville, remi tv ut l naik, alate .a Orign . «Morii rtiitrmclit No iaat. (or thè purehasi* ol thè nw *4 »is*. 2H, tp 22 ». 1 li* c l liarles \ U hitsett, ot Prim i,l!, . CU II tv "I l lo'k . stille o| l »tegoli, 'Molli f»l,itullieiit N" (■'.*0 . l’i »1 ila* pUri Bo'e . i p u r d u i ' i * 1 >f t hi 'I i* J». tp 22 s. r 17* e. Elim t N i . . . 0f i om it y of Cr. mk. »ta te of »w orn »taten, t N, * *js, purehase of the tuv] see 27* *, r 17» e. Frank \V. I It*, nini, of county of Fr» ok. '¡ a t e of 'W orn «tati tin til No l _"*. fi pun ii, «e of tin »•] » I I 2 I t[. r 17» e. Ren ver V J, 1 k in . , «f t t;:vi . " t : ti - 1 t 1 1 ’ ■ I Ori givn, June 1 (). 1 \ tl*].— N • - « la i*l » v g ive n t bat in 1 l o ci w th tin provision s of toe ; June 8 . T E » , e n titled . " A n •r tin sale of tinda*r lands in tati - o f F a lif. rida. ( *• . gon. da. . ;td W a s h in g t o n 'Ie-rri- . « i \tended to all tin* pul>- ml 't a t e » by t i t 1 f August J. the fo llo w in g 1 1 rsctts Itavi lay tiled in t ] i i' olliee t! . ir • -t a’ cii'i nt », ti w il: U nited Stati - J. .i d < » Vce. F. tke- view. Or. go t. June g. . lpog»;— N o tice is In rvliy g ive n th a t in c o m p ii- at na* « a l i tm |‘Te»visie>iiH of the a it ••fd ’.H.i lS i 3. t 1: :it icel " A n :*i i t o r the sale . f t it.»4 » r lands in the - i a t i « o f i \i ! i o r >, i a . ( )r> g o n . se*. Hi i g'*'- 4 . s w>4 M l ' , «i :g t|. 2 .» s r « e. •>ry will . (Ter pr.Hif to »h .w that the x lii .» i o n ' rn lim t.le f..r 11s U m ts-r i>r su f r «gri. ulturat purpcM-s «., 1 ' : <*.r i ! * i u p> »«lit 1 la -fo re lt I» - ti Thur» lay. the I.-ih -l.u Neva- da and W .v hing ii i i ‘rr*lorv ” iu eX lended t* ali tlie public huid sta tis by a. of Aug::»! 4 . 1 > f.*llowii>g i ■ 011» Itavi* i ¡ti» dav tnt» olliee th eir sworn t * «.;: J »«. it. c uniy i lerk «1 ktmiiaih 1 * 11 », -try s.--n .1.- .', VV M *. . Kir har-l M. n, , J anti i -Vergati, i t.* r :i* K tMil OrvgiMi. 11 « « li is » 111 i t !:( ailccrsety the re'inesusl to tile a or trf-»n -ol'l ». M TTiix Ki <t«ter.