Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1902)
DESCHUTES ECHO. prohibit tin* spinning of any more soon to know how it happened. The president has issued an or- cobwcbs in Crook county. The whe re it came from, who did it, der creating u forest reserve in space is liecoming limited and if when, where, who, and other nail- Alaska. It’s a cold day when the ri'ltl.lSIIKI) KVKKY SATl'KDAY HY these threads should assume deli- titudinous hits of knowledge eon- government can’t tinci some place* A C. CALMER. nite form the county would lie cut corning this spark, its source, to create a reserve. KtirniM «1* ¡'I fe arful shape. I here would .growth, dissipations, elojiements. ------------- —— I). F. K thkka A ( P ai . mkk M AX.umit lie hut little room for settlers on „nd-so-on, ad infinitum. The Idaho republican* at their account of the net work of rail roads. Mr. Carnegie has taken a hip r,.cent convention demanded an The l)e*se-lilltes Helio is e*ii1i»re*d at the Crook county doesn’t want that step in the furtherance of scientific lllm.ndment to the constitution. |ioHto(liee in Itelili. Oie*gi*ii, for trans arise. aiisc. W W ’e c would noind pursuit. In fact the pursuit afte r | They might put in a wooden leg. mission through the (', S, mails an condition to reeomi class matter, , rather have too many settlers than -‘^park-” he ha m view has : too many railroads, but the cut- consumed a great many years am Mt. Hood is to have an electric S U BS CR IP T IO N RATES. look is discouraging; it looks as if all efforts,so far have bei n futile. road built to its summit. It will the railroads would eventually It is even stated on good authoritv , IN’ AUVAXCK . . . . . . . . . . • : lie run liy liquid air— heated. claim all the land and breathing that Noah himself was out after j * if 1.00 O.NK V ba » 75 i space in the county. s i \ M onths this same spark when he* loaded 50 ‘T like to shout calamity while I T 11100-' M onths his raft with two-of-a-kinel ani shelve prosperity in my jeans.”— mals. Noah didn’t succeed in \ Y . J . Rrvan. T H E FARM ER S TRUST. SA TUR DA Y, AUHUST 30, 1902. landing the spark so he was coin- peile-d to take on a large hunch of T H E UO RW EB STATE. Hand-in-hand with the forma* <!c scendants which kept the wait- Out Cf the Onicn Sack. (>re*geiu should never have* been tion of the luternatieinal Harve ster ers on his hoarding house stali the rainy called the Welifoot state. It is a trust, which absorbs practically all prettv busy during The* halt! headed mail is generally misnome r. Insteiul it should have I the- agricultural implement com- season, It is probable therefore loud in his praise* of tanglefoot tty pap been termed the Cobweb state or panics in tiit* United States, comes that the spark was drowned at the er. the Visionary Railroad state*; eitli-j the news of the formation of the* time* of tin* flood, otherwise Noah Feritijihylitis is just another name i r one would lie* appropriate* and Farmers National Coeq eretive* Ex- would not have had to load down for “ reign elieek.” change in I’icrrc, South Dakota, with so much livestock, when a sin- fitt ing. Oregon has probably hee'ii ealleel vvitli a capitalization of if?."><).()<)<).- gle spark would have answered tlie When a m an ’s fe*e*t tarn in lie's pig j purpose for all future proposition. eon-toed : when his optics turn in lie’s upon to sutler from more cohwch (MM). The purposes of t 1 m * corporation. This was a sorry blow to Noah, eToss-eyeit; anil sometimes when lie* railroads than anv other state in the union; its soil has probably ! as stated 'lithe* articles filed with it is said, for it crowded thccapae- turns m its pretty e*arly in the morn ing. Iiccn subjected to more defilement the secietnrv of state, are to buy. itv of his schooner to such an e*x- On the* Fourth of J u ly the giant tire- ■xtensions” than : sc and ileal in grains, provision: > j tent that lie* made* very slow time*, tr o n i ‘ p r o p crai’ker has t>ette*r raising i|iialities for any two states in the* union : and live* .-tock and all kinds of produce [flic had succeeele'el in eoralling tittle boys amt girls than sweet milk. there* has probably hee'ii more* I on c o m m i s s i o n a m i othe rwise ami this spark he* c«miel have made tlit W lie'll a m an’s single* lie’s generally railroad talk wit! in its hordesrs j for that purpose build ami equip ! irip he* did in a row boat and the e gre*at ele*al happier than whan doubled than in all the* state's <if the* union grain clcvateirs, ware houses, e*eihl weirlel today weiulel have- he*e*n just up with «ramps. put together. i steirage plants, stockyards and ; as large, prosperous and fiourish- The-se* e-ohwchs meiifione*el began : whate*ve*r may he* imecssary te* ear- ing. About tin* only tiling improved by anger is tin* arch ot a cat's back. springing into e*xiste*m*e* about ; ry on the* business «if the* corpeiru- Mr. Carne'gie*, the* fathe*r eifhene- tive'iitv ve*ars age» and have been j tieiu. | fae*tions, will neiw undertake t< A pickle is a cucumber when i t ’s c'onstantlv growing in iuinihe*r anel One*-fe»urtlie>f tin* capital steal. preivethat Noah was neit very elili- grown up. ¡ne-ivasing in size* until there- is not ‘ will he* u se *e 1 for building the e*!e*va-i Lre*nt in his search feir the* nucle*m Mother (¡oose (Reviseel.) mile'll roe»m for more*. Eve*rv ceiun- tors, yarels, hrane-h eillices, e*te*.. | of existence. Ry the* e*xpe*neliture t v supports erne* or more thre*; to anel anotheT feiurth will he* m tele* a of several million dollars in the rtie*re* was a dame* in our town, and she was wondrous wise, this gigantic we*b e>f proposed retails i cash fund for the* purpose* of eleal- establishment of a biological lab -die thought to capture all the boys 1 >y wliie li is spre'ad over the* entire* ing in cash grain and provisions oratory on the* New England coasi making goo-goo eyes. ,-tati*. They are* wihl-cat threads, (on the hoard of trade. The rec Mr. Carne*gie* and his assistant; 'lie caught onto a couple s plints that elixzv woutil you make, all of which seem to have a preis-1 maining half of the* capital steick will soon tlise eive*r the* resting plaee \ml startl’d out to Hint a beau and all pertive* (lest ilia tion hut no common will he* virtually le*ft with the* farm- of this spark which met a watery the prizes take. e-i-liter. What a marvelous e*.ffe*ct 1 e*rs in various hanks \vhe*re* the* grave sorrm ylae-e in Asia. As soon as the* discovery is made would result from tfieir coinliiii- nionev has he*e*n raised to e*nahle \t last stie funnel one in the park, anil them to carry their e-rops for a the* world will know anel se*e* what mg! at him she eliel fiv, ( )f late* tia re* bave* he*i*ii recordcd more* favorable marked. This will it is. Noah’s nugatory efforts wil Vitli smile’s upon hew features and some* goo go-is in tie*r e y e ; se*ve*raI ne >v cohwe*hs acconipaiucd give* the* farmers $.">(),(>»)(),()( 10 hack la* e*xi ose-el to censure* anel criticism, I tut wlii'ii lie saw tier standing there with tèie* sanie* flutter ed e*xe iteincnt of their iiite*re*sts to he*lp them in Cemse-quently lie* is likely to fall he lookeel just once aghast, wliicli atte'iiels most of thè* threaels securing be tte r prices for t!ie*ir pro- quietly into elisfavor with the Then trembling like* an autumn leaf lie eluee*. American people when the* latte-i j whe-n the*v are* spilli. epiickly by tier passcel. This move* toward the* consoliehi- elise'iivcr that they in all prohahil- The* DaIle*s-liiggs e*ohwch is thè- ; mv when this man liael ai*t-*tl thus ane’ 1 at«*st. The D-R e*ohwch, ho\ve*ve*r. t ion of the* farming interests is a ty sprang from the monkey am sigllitie’llnt one in view of the* faet his mate* \ \ hit’ll Noah liael in H i: J she* Imil se*e*n him pass. has no oe-e'iision to feci stue-k tip. This will jar the* pres- lie woneleweel why lie liasteaeel so am’ Som e The*re arc othe*v of tin tln-se that a national combine e>n these* ! housc-hout looking in a glass— gn at many line's wouhl put the price* of the e*nt human system with eonsielerahle j went «.lit of style* nil i i ,« I When, to. beholel! Wliat elo vou think? I e'ople* as a rule, when they M i-ii* in } hulk of the* feuiel-stuffs and nce'cs- fore \ cal ' ago, hut still they . , ............ tin* sight it eliel confound, cxiste*iie*e‘ at one time* so that kee*|»s sities of life* in the* control if the* I ook upon tlie monke*y, ilo not care Tin* llame*liad |»ut tier goo-goos m ami tin* new erne s from being an inno- proilue*er. The* Fanners’ Alliances to claim a long relationship. Mr. turneel them upsiele elovvn. in various parts of the* eountiy Darwin neve*r mnele much of a sue- : vation. Down arounil Coos Ray not long have agitate’el tiiis i|Ue*stii>n for e*e*ss along the lines of the Monke*y- I Cliiirles A. Se-ott, cln*f of tin* Orcgeu De*veteepme*nt e*i*mpany, lias fave»re*il the ago a e-ohwe h appeareel in one* niglit. ye*ars ami tin* move made* by tin* Human lie* icalogiei 1 nee*, Onion Sack with tin* following ree*ipe Dakota From present indications, how- s for le*moie e*akc which lie* suggests should The* -pinners of this threael prej- ineurporators in South ever, it looks as if Mr. Carnegie’s I k * takemjhomt* and given to ttie motlier- pose* to run it clear across the* marks the* tirst definite* stuiul. The fariiie*rs in twe nty state's are* prospective ilimiverics will He* ai, in-law: state*. My Hoe»diu*ss, what an Take* the* yolks of 5 lemons and he*at awful lot of pe*nnie*s it will take te> to I k * el raw ii into t He* exchange* eeldeel stimulus to the* Darwinian them to ele*ath, or at le*ast until tlie*y art company ami it will In* inte*re*.sting theory, and the* Captain of the Ark • Io t Hat ! black anel bint*. Aelel one Her of soap, 1 J a c k s o n a m i K l a m a t h e*ounties to note* the* suce-e-ss w Inch niee*ts ' :s 1 ike• Iy to I k * roundly seoreel bc- fried orange, wash off a pint of milk am’ • ae h have* a ri'ie'iitlv spun e-ohwe-h, the efforts of th e* me iii I kts toohtuin fore* very leuig for the* shiftle*ss stir in halt' a pound of w ind, heave it l>ut the* thre'iiels are* a tritle* too prie*e*s for their prenluce more in .methods he pursued in his search in tlie oven until you take it out. We would tn* glad to have* more • Inert to In* taki'ii into e-onsielora- proportion to the* lalner expi*nde*d. for that spark. If lie liael been in recipes of the kind contributed to rliis tion. Mallieur e-oliiitv, to he* lip to Tin* South Dakota coiqierutivc possession of the lutte*r when the- c >1(111111. Tiiis one is no doubt a sure cure tin* time-', also has a thre-ael sefelv exe-luinge* may lee* the* forerunne*r of full rains se*t in it would not have for mother-in-laws. We woulel like te ami e are-fulh wi appe el up within numerous othe r alliaiiee s of it> kiml Iw n m c c - a r y te* put monkeys e>n have now an orange frosting ree-ijs wtiieli will cure chilblains, amt a stuffee’ it- liorele-i' ami se vi-rul more' are* as whieii will spring up in the conn boarel. i p itatn recipe which will relieve alder- si e uie ly he*leI in tIn* e*oiiutie*s lying try, or it may result in failure*. I t ________________ I can stoop Away over and lienel elouhle,- Uo the* shuttle With both feet. Ami me*et myself half way! Whoop! Say ! I ’m glael this is the elay I elrew my pay. Itv su d s! Wn-o-o-o-w Now Won’t I celebrate, Well, I gue*ss I ’ll also State No weight Can hold me down While I ’m in town. W hoop! Whoop! I ’m splashin’ pale paint-— I t ’s reel, T h at’s what I saiel. Don’t shout, tint tear ’em o u t ! Till m o rn in g ; T h at’s when I ’ll get in Lookin’ rattier thin Arounil the* gills. Amt havin' e-hills— s ay, I 'm glad today I eirew my pay-— Whoop! l>. V THIS SPACE se* I 1 . » ■ 1 1 * A l . •’ 1 . 4 »« 4*1* . 1 . . . ) . « l - j *. t . . the* f o r m e r prove*s te» I h * t h e e*ase* n o r t h a m i we-st. Rut tin* greatest of all these D t rook \erilv. pour old Crook has e eihwehs of it* own. Tin- threads ate- running riot in e*\t*r\ eliree tioii The most cursnrv ol> se-i\i r of tactics wouhl I k *- conn* eiisnareel, tangle-el ami eli//\ he aeleel it a 'ingle- glance at CriKik e mint\ *' cobwebs. There* is a long threael coming up the* e-anyoit of the- De se-hutt - . . Í fte'iii Tlie* ----------------------------- 4 Ikikl *1 Ve*'. LIFE. I tn a way. That's past belief ; I'll as lief I k * busted Hat. >'r even worse than th at— Amlre*\\ Carne gii*, in an e xtract I,' gave* to ail city of Wawliingtofe tin* BUM of $ 10 . i * * ' * * l ' • ' e*xte*neling tw o ie ! o — the* - i n s ti t u t i o n in the eleiwti DDO.lMM), a |s»rtie»*i eif whie'h is tola- de*s U shh I t o t r i lo w r - ' t frodi Natene eat whie-h have} erunddeel inti* ele*- la*r sceTe'l **f secrets— the origin, e*aiise- ami principle* of life*. In eay from e*hl age; ami tlie* Ve ry lat est gall/e- threael is all e*le-e t rie- olle* <>the*r wurds, the* hlae*k anel in v s ti- Ha* state* sheuilel Whoop! ' " ' ih rgutlilfi ' l ' * 1 <h»!lars liftvel, a m i th v "o iie l at to large lik e ly te W s h h v k ' ! 'n e ’ Just look at me Anel si*e*— WI lele ip! Tlie* ifto-ri-ous 1‘ ffevt« of a Ja misere*e*. This.liU-1 suit which the gove*r- Ami a spm*. ee*in|K*lle*el te I'm a high rolle*r ne*r e»f C aiife irn ia is to I k * Cage* his re* in a r k s is i. o f li b f r t } ge t he r lievk and ears Acruhhcel. e*al lnmel Whie ii h a s hitlierte* ve ile d unde rgo o u g h t from Prim e ¡lie* tee the The* Dalle s. the* o r i g i n a l s p a r k ed life* is h a t ’- e neiugh! 1 1 * 1 i , kl k The* Health dc|Qi,*tuicnt in the city of decedami luis starte'il a cru- ,n’*t *" ,tv' Dalles; • l i n a r v s p a * i i i o l g e * n c r o d t y . n i * e * i i t - 'i . . « . Vs I fe*e*l now — MitU* against elirtv money anel in i : ! ... M illo The grasshoppers have harvest- Whesip ! S ay ! ed a big crop of corn, cuhhages and Teslav various products of the garden in * m a talliipaloaite1 e-e'iitriii Kansas. The grasslu*ppe*rs * *' i“*“" *.... , . 1 1 i iNni t speak to me, m that state raze bigger erojn ; -Mll-t von w every year than the farmers them- pm fee ling gay, tin* cimi one* il RE- SERV= y inanie stomachs. anothi-r one we av i n g its wav n ero ." Case*neles; 1 f \ . 1 «J it D to I k * hnpeil that a greater eie- gre*** of pre»s|K*rity will fall to the* l'*i of the farming eominunit« whie’h is the* main stay ami life of the American nation. T H E S P A R K OF I ) , , , «1 in th e future*. teae h h im to On «kates— tne*re* carefully Whe> saW brakes? j iVni’l iiexsl ’em ; wimn >|>: ED.