Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1902)
A I ûj ,/ ——y / 4 ------ - > ‘ V ^ ^ ■ / y / ï . x i , XV VOL. 1. “ Mustard plasters anil cramps,” I replied, with a touch of warmth, “ would develop heat in a wooden LAND r\HT Df\ A D R U1N JDUAK j U k*g. And while you’re talking about it. Ma,” I added, “ the artis tic ability of that first plaster you -----------------i put on has just about drawn my 1 prime rib out of place. 1 wish vou Continuation of the Autobiograph- would clmnge its iocation. ical Sketch. Extra Copies Fttrn- . — p v (.U 'T K ld V llK MANXKK OK TH K V II.I.K PIUNE- J O U R N A L .) Well, after every little duffer at tbe table had raised the mercury of his eating apparatus up to about 105 degrees, Perry T. f yletis got up and told what he knew about King Edward’s coronation. I thought the toast was very good and near twelve o’clock that night I got up and told Ma what I knew about cramps. “ I think it was a preponderance or those peanuts on the half shell which we had for dessert,” I told Ma as she was applying a few mus tard plasters to my stomach in an effort to straighten out a few kinks which had seized me around the waist. “ The next time I ’m ten days old and have a banquet,” I said in a half-tone to myself, “ I won’t force any of my bib buttons into bank ruptcy.” “ Why, Peter Quayle,” Ma said, “ have you gone nutty? What arc you talking about? What do you mean bv forcing your bib buttons into bankruptcy?” “ Well, when £ ate so much ban quet the top button flew off my bib it was forced to the wall, wasn’t it?” Ma looked at me corner-wise. Guess she thought I was the queer est half-moon on the ranch. Pretty soon the mustard plasters began to fever up a little. They grew warm to the touch. M v skin became quite sultry. “ Whew!” I exclaimed to Ma. “ I have an idea that these mustard agitators are hot enough to straighten out the Tropic of Capricorn. Whew!” I exclaimed again as a large head of sweat rolled off mv brow and struck the floor with a loud report, “ these presbvterian pools standing around , , , . so com placently on m y body make 1 * f * me feel like a baptist. And tluyi thoughtfully, I added, “ M a, I I*«*- lieve banquet cram ps are a trifle more unconstitutional than sum - “ You see,” I explained to Ma. “ these mustard plasters are partial | to color and do most of their draw- mg in the flesh tints. Now from j what I can grasp from the heat of the argument arising at the center of agitation there is evi- dentallv a decided tendency to produce everything in red, without regard to race, color or previous condition of cramptitude. There seems to be some question as to ; the depth of the color to I k * used, | but I judge from the warmth Hint j it has gone deep enough to reach my backbone. It wouldn’t look well forme to l>e carrying a red ° | spine around with me when white ones are in style. Variety, I know, j is the spice of life but it has refer-! ence only to vegetable soup. Spinal columns aren’t to be con sidered for a minute.” (T o be continued.1 dig' stive twisters, it these strikes polio I aid, “ 1 »• Lands. I keep a full lim* of all necessary blanks for tho purchase of gov. eminent lands under the Timber ami Stone Act, as well as any other law of the l. nited States, and having had many years experience Yourself am entirely familiar with the mode of procedure to a squire title to ! same, and also to all classes of State land; will make all | plication« and pioofs. original up. Special attention given to Homestead entries and the purchase of Desert, School and other lands. O il Lands. the Way promising of prospects yet found in Oregon. F. \V. Wilson and Frank Klkins wen* ' out from Pri.ieville tho lirst of the week j to take chiiiye of a few fish and ducks in j the river. John T. Keeney and daughter, Ilem*, were Sliuniko visitors this week who til ed on timber claims. Mines and Mining Stocks. This “Ad.” 1 > Mines and mining stock bought and , sold. j Facilities unexcelled for handling same. Miss Ida N off singer of Brownsville, | and .Mrs. Jennie ]). I'siier of Buckley, : Wash., located on timber claims Tiies- j day. Real Estate for Sale, Kills space, b. M. Brown was a Prineville visitor and timber hunter Monday. I An extensive list of real estate, consisting of town lots and houses; farms, improved and unimproved; stock ranches; lands of all kinds Lo Mrs. A. K. Rasmussen came over from ! Prineville Tuesday to tile oa a yellow : pine tract. John Sumner was over from Prine - 1 ville this week on a fishing trip, lie made final proof on his timber claim Thursday. Jesse Wi.idom was up from Haystack to make final proof Thursday. tracts large or small. Matt Thom, F. I,. Lindlierg, Fred Buelow and John Oleson were flic Be- uiidji, Minn,, visitors who located tint- her claims Monday. Options given and taken. If you have property for sale or if you wish to buy, call or write, By Prineville Office. My ofliee in Prineville is tbe best equipped Law, Land Wm. J. O ’Brien, and brother, ( ’. I.. O’Brien of Chicago were here the lirst of the week to locate timber claims. and Heal Estate office in Eastern Oregon, and consists of a suite of four large rooms that have been specially furnished and fitted \ Subscribing of patrons and for the convenient transaction for the comfort of business. Persons intending to locate on lands in Crook county are invited to cull and ex amine my maps and plats— the latest and best. Strangers coming ( ’rook county to locate will he cordially welcomed and to any assistance necessary alwuvs cheerfully rendered. for the Bend Office. This office is the nearest Lund Office to the timber lielts of Crook ed. 'and Klamatli counties. Locatcrs and others coining to Bond always make this ollice their headquarters— an invitation is *ui>crt!uous. NOTIt'K FOR PUBLICATION*. ECHO. bis- i i c advertised Sa- ad I doll t propose now t« Mayfield .’iWO tor thti-se1. s c ' i sis- :i-t, s w ' i sec .14. t 23 a, rV t , and ,24s. r 1 » K. W. M. , Proof Positive, That the above-named offices are the places WWn* the L AND BUSINESS of (Took county is transacted may readily I k .* demonstrat II. K .1 ed by one glance at the newspapers of (Took county. s« i - . net -4 sec 4 , 1 Is* . w a itin g del *g. lie for any Arm I |e nang*» the following witni*s.«*s to' an 1 11 turner brand of bread rais- | prove his continuous residence upon. • jf LI 1 1 1 c cultivation l l l t i Vitt Irtn t of » ( anii 1 l laud, aiol e viz i » * : imi said in* I « * • *ri*. Joseph Mayfield, William S. Mcy- “ Peter.” .Ma oiid, “ von are di field. Mi h..elS. Mayfield, Henry Slo- eebipir.g ver* iicated tcmjs*r- vt.r< ap Rouland, Oregon. m* ut Government Echoes Along the Deschutes. al>!' . I must have had a very ' Department of the Interior, Lino Office sour i i ;.h expre - on on • rnv fen- ; at Iakeview, Oregon, August 22, 1!>02. tur< l o l l I relieved m yself of I Notice is hereby given that the folio« - iug named settler has tiled notice of he the-» remarks for Ma asked me if intention to n.ake final proof in sup|s>rt I thought a little s<sla would not ■f his claim, and that said proof will Is* set> few dif.cri ices in mv mid- made before A. C. Palmer V. S. Com- dle j missioner at Bend, Oregon, on Oetolier I for oi the.r action is somewhat question- . ... Branch Office, BEN D , O REGO N . me ! very forcibly that the legality “ Not on vour ra ils * for hot Kill Time j \ OFFICE Valuable information furnished regarding most The district school at Bend will onei, .. . . ptember 15 and will continue for nine months. This is tbe first time in tbe history of the school that so long a scs- ; dm. has been secured and the board is, to be congratulated on the success of its . r. . . efforts. Mr. A. ( ’ . Hampton of Mou rner rash. It seems to me th at] . , . ... ' „ x. . mouth, a graduate of tin* State Normal there should be an amendment ,,t- School, will Mil the position of teacher, I taehed to my constitution pro'iih- j out a year of good teaching is promis- iting, or ¡it least rc-tricting, NO. 14. P R IN E V IL L E , O R E G O N , I ished on Suspicion by Request. cut* “ / BEND, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 30, 1902. OUR EDITOR ... « E. M. B rattai *, Register, j A . C .P A L M E iR , U. S- Commissioner and Attorney-at Law.,