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About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1894)
VALLEY RECORD. DOLPH OR PENNOYER. THE BLOODY SHIRT the lower house and senate could pass 'CpnTT’Q PAI AMITV UAIA/I T. C. JOIIY. OUR STANDARD BEARER. IRA WAKEFIELD. every needful law for this country and ad- I I O vALAIvll I I tiweVL. journ for two years, if tbe constitution ! I Portland Daily Telegram, (Dem.) Apr. 25.]! A Brief Sketch of Nathan Pierce, Peoples’ Party Candidate lor Super Peoples’ Party C'andiilate for Secre* would ]>ermit it if it were not for this eternal Whatever doubt may have existed, and i Dolph Remit-reds the Gory Garment see sawing and bickering between political The Great Republican Cuckoo Sheet our Next Governor. intendent of Public Instruction. Th© People's Paper t»ry of State. In the Senate—Populist Senator parties for mere partisan benefit.” there has been very little, h lient Mr. Proves Itself an Old Liar in the Nathan Pitres was born April 24, 1833. in Professor Jory was born in Salem, Or., He was born July 26th, 1837. in Webster, Mr. Dolph — Will the senator from Ne Allen Thoroughly Ventilates the Same Breath. Cleveland’s purpose to help -Sejiator, Gibson county, Ind., and lived in that in the year 1849. He was educated in Wil M omh . and brought up on one of the poor ASHLAND <>» . . fi<i-K.MDAT, May 3. permit me to ask him a question ? Venerable Senator's Hypoeracy braska lamette University, from which lie gradu Mr. Allen—Certainly. New Englund farnte, in extreme fiovertv, Dolph’s re-election, is now removed, and The Oregonian has had standing on county until the civil war broke out. when ated with honor in the year 1877. His col est and Cunning. Mr. Dolph—The ¡senator does not allude in 1861 he enlisted in Company I, 42nd lege honors are three first prizes, one lor knowing none of the comfort' of childhood, from henceforth it is to be a clean-cut editorial since the Bankers’ except kind parents. Having, by his own •rjef * i its ** ,ai page Diigu ever er bi to the all-night sessions and the brii Peepie's Party Ticket fight between Dolph and Pennoyer on the Extracts from the Congressional Record.] speeches on the silver bill ? l^hnic a reproduction of I its editorial from Indiana Volunteer Infantry, under Capt. spelling, one tor declamation and niie for unaided effort-, advanced, beyond the dis F. B. McIntyre, who lives in Portland at essay writing. Also the degree of A. B. at trict »'bool grade, al 18 years of age he was Mr. Allen—1 do allude to them and 1 to the Dailv senatorship, with the gold men of both Seldom if ever before was the differ Daily Oregonian of Nov. 9, 1892, pre present. He served two and one half years graduation, and three years later the de admitted to Wilbraham Academy, M bm - everything else that has taken placehere. parties favoring the former and the sil ence between a political demagogue and I wish to say to the senator from. Oregon I dicting in doleful sound ail the direful without missing a duty, and was then hon gree of A. M? He is a protes-ional leat her, •cliueetts. wheie lie enj ye i the lone term 1st Judicial District: having begun in the public schools, of Ore of three months, giaduating in all the Eng ver men supporting the latter. The com an honest advocate for the welfare of the that be was one of the most persistent and I calamities imaginable, with tho admoni orably discharged on account ot a gun-shot. gon District Attorney. while a student at Willamette univer lish branches; was married in 1857, and wound received at the battle of Stone River. whole people more clearly disclosed than uncompromising opponents to the issuance ABE AXTELL.................... ...Grants Pass binations are peculiar, the republicans last week in the senate. The first was of more money. He was not willing that tion “I told you bo .” We herewith re Tenn. He also participated in the battle sity. His experience in his chosen profes ailed tor California, by way of Panama, in and the administration democrats being Senator Dolph and the second Senator the farmers and the laboring men of the print another editorial from tbe Daily of Perryville, Ky., besides numerous other sion has been ample—both in Oregon and 1'58, landing at bail h rancit-co in Decemi»er Member State Board of Equalization, engagements. After the war was over in California. In tbe stale of Cadforni he the 'Mine year with only two-bits in hia SAMUEL DIXON............. Klamath Falls in one combine, and the silver demo Allen. The Oregon legislature that will country should have a sufficient amount of Oregonian of the same date which proves Nathan Pierce was granted a pension front i was, for one year, joint principal with Prof. of pocket. After working on a farm there for money in circulation to do tbe business of crats, silver republicans and the popu re-elect Mr. Dolph or choose his succes tbe country. Now he comes into the senate that the old Hessian in the tall tower has the Government, but feeling able to live Frambes, of the Los Angeles Academy. nearly two years, he went to Virginia City, sor will be chosen at the coming election with the false cry— and 1 believe there is no without it, never accepted the money. In For ten years continuously he served Wil (then Washo) Nevada, working several lists in the other combine. Jackson County. in June. Mr. Dolph is very anxious for woman or child in this country who does been blowing hot and cold in tbe same 1865 Mr. Pierce left Ltis native state for the lamette university as Professor of Mathe months in the Coinstock mine. Upon the Matters have been shaping in this di a re-election, and in order to help mat- not west, following the ups and downs of the matics. His professional honors include breaking out of the rebellion he returned __ ___________ State Senator, understand „ it __________ to be false _ —that the breath : life of a miner in Montana for several years. life diplomas for both California and Ore east, overland, and enlisted in the 1st R. I. rection for sometime past, in fact ever ters ho attempted in the speech mention-1 present condition of the country is due ’ to . “ The proverbial calm that succeeds the 8. H. HOLT..................................... Medford In 1868he left Montana and came to Uma gon. lie has been an earnest advocate ot I Cavalry, Oct. 12th, 1862; was captured at since the fight in the senato on the repeal ed to “fire the Northern heart.” This the tariff agitation. It is not due to it in storm may now be expected to settle over tilla Representatives, county in this state, where he taught the principles of the Omaha platform ever . White's Ford, on the Potomac river, in game is as old and mossy as the senator an-’ measure^________________ tbe nation. A few days more of noise and school for three years and since that time since the adoption of the same at Omaha, ■ August, 1863. After serving fiur months in 8. M. NEALON........................... Tabic Rock ' bill. The bitterness created there be- himself, but of this fact as with many ; exultation; a few days in which the de has been engaged in farming. He split the July 4,1892, and was nominated without Libby prison was released on parole, weigh J. W. MARKSBURY................ Gold Hill, tween the gpld-standard advocates and others Mr. Dolph is most profoundly ig- I DISTRICT OFFICERS, feated will be busily engaged in telling rails that fenced his pre-emption claim. His opposition by tbe l’opulist state convention ing at the time of release, in a suit of heavy J. A. JEFFREY.......................... Applegate the free-coinage men marked out a norant. He said: consists of a wife, three sons and held at Oregon City, March 15, 1894. clothing, 72 pounds; condemned as unfit •bow it happened.’ and the victors will in family A FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY three’daughters. for further service and was discharged. County Commissioner, division line between the two factions “Today the destiny of the great indus dulge in exaggerated statements of their He went to Dakota Territory in 1871, tak ________ and the prosperity of the | Abe Axtell, candidate on the People’s ADMINISTRATION POKER. W. H. BRADSHAW................Brownsboro that cannot be wiped out until the tries of the nortn ______________ I ing up a homestead on the Big Sioux river, whole Union is in the hands of | ParLv ticket for prosecuting attorney, in j ‘easy triumph;’ a few days of reckoning up of three sena- i NATURAL MONOPOLIES. County Clerk, ' financial question is settled definitely tors and engaged in school teaching. Entered who were conspicuous in the district, t__ ..1 ....................... r.____ _ ... __ . sauthern -wd for the 1st Judicial __ ______ . of the majorities and pluralities, and the long Carlisle'* Little BluOT Shows How the FL the M. E. mininslry in 1872 at the first N. A. JACOBS..................... ’.......... Medford and forever. Several weeks ago the Confederacy. The majority of the finance State of Oregon, of hint it is said: contest will be over for another four years. Professor Richard T. Ely’s Claim fiiat They nance* of the Government Are Run. session of the Nortliwest Iowa conference He wa® born, raised and educated at is composed mainly of senators “It is in the quiet natural subsidence of a Sheriff, Butte (Mont.) Journal asserted in its committee Should Belong to the Government. Some remarkable disclosures of the hejd at Ft. Dodge. Ordained deacon in who conspicuous in the effort | -------------- Barbourville, Delaware county. New York; , ». v were n v. v ..v. uvuo ... vu V great , vc. V Cll VI V to | ----------- ---------- — ’ — — ” —” — — — , *•».<» natural political gale, regardless of the trial SYLVESTER PATTERSON....... Ashland editorial columns,on what was claimed to destroy the Union; and another member of was The policy hitherto in dealing with relations that exist between the Cleve 1874 and elder in 1876. Served various years old June 26, 1893. and is a was conspicuous during the 1 I XJT descendant of the Axtell ’s who came in the of the one party or the other, that tbe sta these natural monopolies has been to land administration and Wall street charges while in the conference, including Recorder, ' be good authority, that Senator Dolph the 1 majority 11! r _ . I _ _____ _ < . • *' - . . T?l/snrai> 4z> 41-» ■ 41 —». 4 tl-„ * * * . - the Black Hills Mission four years under rebellion for bis supposed sympathy with Mav Flower to this continent Dec. 11. 1620- bility and efficiency of republican institu turn them over, with rare exceptions, to GRANT RAWLINGS...........Central Point I was dictating appointments in Oregon, the leaders of the rebellion and with their an“ following down from the time of bankers were made at the recent meet the auspices of the Board of Foreign Mis tions is most clearly made manifest. NO private corporations and to encourage sions, continuing in the regular work. He ing of the chamber of commerce. Treasurer, and was, in fact, the dispenser of federal efforts to establish a southern Confederacy, throwing tbe tea overboard at Boston har- MATTER WHO IS CHOSEN PRESI came to Oregon in 18«3, serving various attempts at competition. Professor Ely What an amazing change a tew years bor, and the battle of Lexington to the Banker Ives, without apparently sus M. 8. WELCH........................ Central Point i patronage in this state, with the distinct has wrought. History does not present a present time, the Axtells have taken active DENT THE COUNTRY IS SAFE. The charges on this coast, the last as presiding enumerates what he maintains have been Assessor, . understanding that he was to have the parallel to it. In 1865 the leaders of the ft- Part in a11 tbe warsi on Part of the U. 8. great tidal wave of prosperity is onward, the results of this policy: First, it in pecting that he was stating anything un elder of La Grande district, Idaho confer usual, gave an account of Secretary Car ence, until 1891. when he caine to Jackson >ellion were dependent upon the generosity government, to which it has been engaged, and not even the most rancorous partizans, . .Table Rock j , support ol the administration in nis fight and GEO, A. JACKSON................... tame kocb volves great waste, one railway manager lisle’s dealings with the meeting of bank countv. since which time he has been en forbearance of the government, under an“ -^-be Axtell, our said candidate, during against Pennoyer. The same impression the control of the victorious north, for the Itbe late war of lbe rebellion, took part who have criticised its movements and the holding that the management of our ers which was called at his instance to gaged in farming. He was a life-long re Countv School Superintendent. publican-casting his first ballot for E. E. SMITH......................................Wellen | prevailed here, and the activity manifest restoration to the rights of citizenship. To- therein on part of the Union, serving as methods that have inaugurated and criti railroads as a unit would save $200,000,- place the $50,000,000 loan. Martyred Lincoln,—until he came to this day the very existence of all the great in- musician; first enlisting in 1861 in the 101st cised its flow would dare to introduce gov 000 per annum; second, it has produced ed by the federal office-holders in the dustries of the country, the prosperity of JtegL «•. Y. 8. V. I., 3d A. C, and w»fi It appears that the bankers had an im county, when, studying the economic ques Surveyor, ernmental experiments the tendency of enormous and unprecedented inequality R. W. KENNEDY....................... Applegate, late democratic primaries in this county the people ot the entire Union, the question I honorably discharged therefroni* After-, pression, as Mr. Ives puts it, “that no tions of the day, to find out why farming the white laborers of this country wards he enlisted and served as musician hl which will be to check its progress. Rep in fortunes, a social danger and especial money could be made by buying the would not pay, manage as close as we gave coloring to it. It was the belief that whether Coroner, shall receive living wages and be enabled to ‘be 179th Regt. N. Y. 8. V. I. A. C. and resentatives of a party upon whom no res ly so in a republic; third, it encourages would, he was forced to take sides with the bonds” and hesitated to subscribe. How ........ Ashland ; they bad instructions from head quarters own their own homes, to educate their was finally honorably discharged at tbe 1»R. B. M. BROWER. people, as against the regime of ponsibility rests, may indulge in loud artificial monopolies, as illustrated by their hesitation was removed we will let laboring both the g. o. p’s. He was one of the three ——to do anything that was necessary to children and be independent and self-re- clos* of the war in 1865 with the rank of boastings of what they will do-if placed in the special privileges sold by railways to or whether their condition shall chief or major musician of the said com who organized the People's party in Jack- Mr. Ives tell in his own words: down Pennoyer, and Dolph is the only specting, Vote for Natban Pierce. be reduced to that of the colored race in the mand t° which he belonged. He was ad- authority but the sequel has often proved transfer companies, news agents and the Finally Mr. Carlisle said: “Gentlemen, one son county. Was nominated by the first man who can stand up against the popu south and the paupers of Europe and Asia, mitted to the bar while living at Scotia, that the desire of politicians to distinguish like; fourth, the owners of natural mo thing you cau make up your minds to. If this state convention of the partv for circuit are in the keeping of conspicuous partici- Nebraska, before coming to Oregon. He themselves in the governmental world nopolies have an unjust advantage over loan is a failure, the Bland bill will become a , udge for the first judicial district, running list leader. Down with the English financial and pants in the great attempt to destroy the >oca,ed al Grants Pass, Josephine county, ” and he added some words which justified ahead of his ticket and came so near getting The local democracy have taken the Union. the rest of the community, enabling law, Oregon, in March, 1888, where he now re- vanishes with opportunity. industrial system. America for Ameri those of us who heard him in thinking that if, there that tbe g. o. p., in self defence, were “A recent illustration of this fact was them too often to dictate their own through the assistance of New York financiers, forced to enact a law fencing him out in tbe "The assault with arms upon the Union "«les. and has since that time followed his bit in their own mouth regardless of cans. future and all others except lawtebs ! but today the once vanquished Con- ,of profession as attorney; more par- presented by the course of the late session terms. federal influence. They have practically failed, i the loan should be saved from failure, we could He is a true-blue populist, standing with federacy has not only captured Washing- ticularly prosecuting claims '*• - in - the T U. ’ S. of the democratic house of representatives at least rely on his earnest opposition to the Professor Ely lays it down asa general Who will tight for a soup house? Pa cut loose from the policy outlined by tbe ton, but has secuied control of the govern interior courts, for individuals having both feet square on the Omaha platform, bill. You all know what followed. on the tariff question. All the talk of the principle that noncompetitive enter claims vs. the government. advocating neither an amendment or a re triots defend homes, but tramps lose all ABtoria convention and are fighting their ment, and holds in its keeping tbe destiny meritorious Now, how does that revelation of the vision, until said platform shall have been Those best knowing Mr. Axtell, know campaign which resulted in throwing a prises should be owned and managed by of tbe great industries of tne nation scarce love for national honor and glory. local battle on their own account. Here ly less absolutely than it would have done hint to be of good, moral character, and in tremendous democratic majority into that the government, either national, state or way business is done between the treas tried and found faulty, and if elected to the politics he has always been a republican, ury of the United States and the banking office, for which he is now nominated, so in Multnomah county Sylvester Penn it the rebellion had succeeded and the Con until he joined the People’s party to which body subsided without any bona-fide at local, and that competitive enterprises powers that be on Wall street strike the far as his authority shall, in consequence, federacy had conquered the north. Backward, turn backward, oh, time, extend, the laboring man of Oregon will “What is the real reason for denying a he now belongs, and whose platform he in tempt to repeal the McKinley law, while are the domain of private industry. in your flight—and give us a chance to oyer is a bigger man than Grover Cleve hearing plain people of this country? Lave just the same rights and privileges dorses, and cause he advocates, with due to the laborers and producers of the loud demand of the party orators dur Since it is not a question in these cases land, and Pennoyer’s personal following Here we have it distinctly testified that under the dome of their state capital as absorb a little of the spirit of 1776. the country? Is it the lack of time? credit to the party, and is in accord with ing the canvass for ’retrenchment,’ and ths whether we shall have competition or largely outnumbers the federal office No; any other man. and the same social hand the hearing might have his sentiments and present belief. voluble promises of candidates to ‘cutdown not, but whether we shall have private the administration, in the person of the will be extended to them. secretary of the treasury, came to Wall Down the plutocracy. Vote for Gov. holders, so that the local democracy gain proceeded before a sub-cam mittee and it STATE BOABD OF EQUALIZATION, the expenses of the government,’ were, if or public monopoly, public monopoly is would have ended before this time or long Pierce, the populist legislative ticket more strength by an alliance with the before tbe bill will be ready to be reported. Samuel Dixon, of Olene, Klamath coun- not forgotten completely ignored when the safest for the community. This change street and conducted a grave financial R. P. CALDWELL. and the People’s party Congressmen. populists than if they fought under Cle “But I wish to say to my democratic to, is a native of the province of Ontario, opportunity came. The truth is that the in the ownership of natural monopolies transaction on the principle of a game of Canada, and 26 years ago moved with his friends that a day of reckoning is coming. poker—bluff. veland’s gold standard banner. They know the wav out. The handwriting is on tbe wall. The peo family to the North Island of New Zealand, country has been phenomenally prosper would tend to the abolition of special The bankers had the gold, and the ad Populist Nominee for State Treas Mr. Dolph is the logical candidate o, ple of this country will repudiate you as where he hewed out a home in the brush in ous under the McKinley law, and the economic privileges, which mean the urer. ministration had the veto power. “Pass The people’s party Btands for lower his party, and as logically the favorite soon as they get an opportunity. The that colony, being successful as a farmer Democrats neither desire nor dare to re opportunity to gain excessive returns. R. P. Caldwell, the populist nominee for over the fifty millions in gold, ” said Mr. and stock raiser. Selling out his large farm official aalaries, less taxes and more I of the Cleveland administration, He is next house of representatives will be as Economic privileges are the source of state treasurer, was born in McMinn he moved to Klamath county eight years peal it. Furthermore it is true that the overwhelming republican as the present is Carlisle, “ or else we will pass the Bland money. Isn’t that sense? Then why one of the ablest advocates of a protective democratic. Tbe next president will be a ago, bought an improved farm with stock expenses of tbe country have grown with nearly all the abnormal private for county, Tenn., June 18, 1835, at which bill.” The bankers were, as Mr. Ives place be received his education. In April, and farm implements and is carrying on its growth, and that to talk of reducing tunes. A further claim is that this re not have a little patriotism and vote it. republican. The people of this country tariff and the gold standard in tbe senate. will never rest until by their ballots they that business in an enterprising manner. tells us, bluffed out of their gold by this 1851, he moved to Henderson county, III., them to a Jeffersonian basis is the merest form would elevate and purify public wnere he resided until 1857. He came Do you want to see Dolph,the gold-bug He is outspoken, and doesn’t mince Lis have placed the party of proteotion in a Mr. Dixon has always been a reformer in party clap-trap—the language of men when life, os the greater proportion of public threat. But they did not “throw up west to California by way of the Isthmus, thecolony, and as is well known. New position to undo the mischief which this their hands ” until they had obtained words, nor does tie play the hypocritical and corporation servant returned to the settled in Butte county: worked on a congress has already done and will yet do.” Zealand is probably the most progressive not in a position of responsibility, who corruption is connected directly or indi from Mr. Carlisle an “implied promise” and farm, and mined and teamed to the mines rectly with natural monopolies. Senate again? If you do vote for the Re part of covering up his meaning or pur country in the world in the way of adapt- change their tactics to meet the occasion BEXATOB ALLES'S BF-PI.Y. March, 1859. He then went to Port ..... ■ » „ . .,, , ing its laws to modern ideas, h’ence it was when responsibility is placed upon them. The government ownership of natural that the Bland bill should be vetoed if it until publican legislative ticket to your heart’s pose by pretending to be a democrat land by way of ban Francisco and thence \t this point Senator Allen requested perfectly natural that Mr. Dixon should be got through congress. while he is fighting to promote republi permission to a«k a question. which was an enthusiastic populist when he has seen | “For this reason NO POSSIBLE RE monopolies is commended to wage earn content. Hence, in the words again of Mr. Ives, to Lane county and settled. He worked can principles. He is a more honest r l A!!?? , ial! finished his some ot tbepopulist doctrines in actual op- SULT OF THE ELECTION COULD ers because the private monopolist is not they feel justified, “by the implied prom for wages in the summer of '59 and made wooden pumps in the winter and peddled Give the People's party legislative man than Lis ally and abettor—Grover “bloody shirt exhibition, Senator Allen eration in his own country. BRING CALAMITY TO THE NATION. likely to be a good employer of labor. took the matter up and gave Mr. Dolph ________ _ ise of Mr. Carlisle that he would U6e his them in the spring. Accumulated a num His power is so great and that of a sin Even Weaver, with his financial vagaries, ticket a lift. They are the kernal that Cleveland. some points that both he and all who I tF/rv vnn influence against the bill,” in expecting a ber of horses and cattle up to the spriug of 1 HAKE SOME! or Bidwell, with his fatherly views of the gle wage earner so small in comparison 1863. He then went to Canyon City, will grow and afford us relief. The popu On the other hand Governor Pennoyer listened will long remember. The follow- I"-“* mined a little and run a pack train until that the former is exposed to the danger veto. ing are extracts from Senator Alien’s necessity of removing temptation from the Such is the Democratic party's finan November, coming back to Lane countv for list party has a remedy for the situation, I is tbe logical candidate of tbe opposing speech: _ ___ of __ the __ _____________ The bright editor Stockton Mail pathway of men, would, if placed in power, of becoming arbitrary and arrogant. cial policy in the year 1894—a game of the winter. He married in March, (863; side. He ia the antipode of Dolpb “The senator from Oregon speaks about furnishes excellent daily material for men- the others have none. reform first of all his own impractical ideas Even labor organizations are not upon poker with Wall street, with the curren rented bis father-in-law's place and farmed in politics, yet, like Dolpb be is a clean an equal footing in contests with some of »<»» •>' hi> until 1868. Then bought one-half of his • How did you fancy the last republican man, fearless and outspoken in his on finance upon the tariff bill. I am not a| A gentleman from the planet Mars, who to meet the requirements of the business these powerful private monopolies. Some cy of the country for chips and the veto it donation land claim, and the same fall that has outgrown its swaddling clothes. power of the president as its highest card legislature? $25,000 for lady clerk hire! opinions. It is a well matched pair in member of the finance committee; I am pame down to this planet for his health, bought another farm containing 292 acres, The whole situation, therefore, on this of them have even held that it should be to bluff on. And this is the party of moved onto it and improved it. In 1878 he a citizen of the earth. Hot stuff, those boys! Don’t you want tbe senatorial race, and now that the not a member of the democratic party, and made a penal offense for their employees I gm not responsible for the action of the “Ah, there,” quoth tbe gentleman from day succeeding that of the presidential elec Jackson, whose pretended principles and bought the other half of his father-in-law's another dose at gold basis prices. You band has begun to play there will be fan democratic party; but I would like to have ' Mars, "how’s business?*’ may be summed up in the declaration that to strike, since the general public are boasted traditions are in favor of a treas claim. In 1880 he moved to Junction Ci’y for the purpose of schooling his children. the senator from Oregon point out a solitary I “Poor,” replied the citizen of the earth, the people have spoken, and WHATEVER concerned, but if workingmen cannot re don’t want any hayseeds in the legisla galore before the eoDtest is ended. ury independent of the banking power!— Bought a grocery store and finally dealt in instance where any labor organization of “Times are mighty hard.’ sist oppression by the only effective ture, of course not. THE RESULT THE COUNTRY IS general ' merchandise — until -- 1889. — He (|jen tfiiscounlry, or a farmers' organization, “So-o?” replied the gentleman from means—namely, by combination and New York Recorder. turned bis attention to farming. In 1891 8AFE. ” has asked to be heard, or where they have Mars. “ Graincrop short?" The republican party has had a united action—they are virtually reduced he started another store and is still run- The yeomanry and laboring men of been invited to be hpard, either by republi The President’* Veto. chance; the democratic party has had a cans or by democrats. If fie knows of such "Cattle and sheep dying?" __________________ to slavery. If the government is the em Oregon must stand together at the ballot Even a casual reading of President ning it. “No," GOVERNMENT CURRENCY DOOMED. ployer, then the employed have represen an instance I should like to have him point chance; now give the people a chance. The Northeast and Silver. box, June 4th. The plutocracy did not Cleveland’s veto of the Bland seignior “Fuel giving out?" it out here and now, tation in the controlling body, and it age bill should satisfy any unpreju “No." “The truth Is that no application of that A Wisconsin State Banker Talka Freely get that $100,000 militia appropriation for In an address delivered to an audienoa The Clevelandized republican party kind will be legitimate for the people to say: diced mind that the rejection of the numbering about 8,000 in New Haven "Under-production of clothing?" has been made. There is no use to and Sound* a Warning. fun. Natban Pierce for Governor means wants buy-metaligm '‘when England con undertake to deceive or mislead the people I notice you published my letter as a “As we guarantee to you equitable treat measure has been influenced by the General Francis A Walker said; “By peace. A corporation outfit at Salem sents to it.” To h—1 with England. She of this country and fan the flames of section “War in the land?” / “ No. ” . communication from “Our Banker ment and fair wages, we insist that you president’s hostility to silver as a money the systematic perversion of facta the al strife. There is no occasion for it. I means bloodshed. Vote for humanity. is old enough to take care of herself. “ Cholera sweeping the country ?” have been distinctly informed by one^of the Brother. ” I hardly thought you would shall serve the public faithfully like sol metal and by his allegiance to the power whole south and west have been made “No." greatest leaders of labor organizations this represent me in that role, Mt as you diers. This is only a just return for which has afflicted this country with a to believ»that the northeast is devoted Last August Dolph delivered a three and storms destroying every- Taking things by wav of comparison country has todfty, or has ever had, that I.. “ . * Floods ’XX- standard of values that enables the few to gold monometallism, and this, too, have I want to express to your readers a what you receive.’’ days’ speech in the senate defending the populist has raised just 50 per cent the organization a great many hundreds of The private monopolist fails conspicu to absorb the possessions of the many. »> for the selfish, sectional purpose of en few facts in regard to banking and Cleveland’s ideas on the Sherman silver in public estimation since the other fel thousands of laboring men, has nd desire ously in the protection of life and limb. President Cleveland’s strictures upon hancing the burden of tho mortgage “What’s the matter then?” to coine before the committee and be heard. money interests generally. purchase bill. The next day Cleveland, lows have made their nominations. In proportion to the number traveling, the verbal construction and intent of which it holds upon the industries and “Not enough money." "But I simply rose, Mr. President, for In the first place, my feelings and the purpose of saying that the senator from , The gentleman from --- Mars thought and there are 18 times as many accidents in the bill are admittedly incidental and enterprises of other portions of the coun to show his esteem for a faithful gold-bug Sympathies are wholly on the side of la . ......................... Oregon never loses tm opport unity, so far scratched his head, Then he thought cuckoo, appointed Dolph’s daughter to Nearly $100,000 of foreign capital is as bor, and if it is within my power to in the United States as in Germany, where were obviously injected into the veto try. The statement that the northeast my observation goes, to interject into Then he said: government ownership of railways ob christen the U. S. steamship Oregon at now invested in American breweries and the consideration of bills before the senate - Whn Who m«*®» makes t «• e money ?” “ fluence legislation in its behalf I shall tains, and six or seven times as many ac message to divert tho reader from the is devoted to gold monometallism is “ Wtdo, ” a little unnecessary and in some respects, sole governing motive for his action. The false. If Massachusetts, for instance, San Francisco, in the face of the fact that distilleries. All the profit of the busi do so, but if in the next two or three "Of what do you make it?” in my judgment, some very small partisan Gov. Pennoyer and the mayors of Port ness goes abroad. Speaks well for us, discussions. I do not stand her« as the , “Oh, gold and silver and nickel and paper years the people still despise the prin cidents to employees in proportion to the bill was framed and approved by able were to take a popular vote on tho rati whole number. Note the conduct of men, and its phraseology was clear fication of a bimetallic treaty with other ciples formerly advocated by the Green champion of the democratic party; I have and several things, land and Astoria had already appointed doesn’t it? those railroad presidents who rush to enough to the members of both houses countries, tho minority would not rise -Isn ’ t there enough material to make enough responsibility without being re- back party then I shall bid them a sor ladies for that purpose. Washington and to our state capitals to sponsible for its sins, but there is no oc more?” rowful goodby and plan only for my prevent the passage of laws to compel of congress and was questioned only by to the dignity of “scattering, ” and Mr. The county seat tax-eating rings, what casion to bring into discussion today that "Yes.” ____________________ _ ___ hatred. This “Then why are you such a pack of own comfort in the years to coma I the use of well known and approved captious critics who were enemies of the Atkinson could give a dinner to R. G. Horr, the Wall street editor of are you going to do with them, Mr. will fan the flames of sectional measure and on the hunt for even the whole party with CIS turn of his Alad has suffered too much and too long blamed fools that you don’t make some?" shall convert my means into interest the New York Tribune, and general all Producer. If you want them to die of copntry most trivial objections. Its construc din cooker. \ ct the press h.-m managed from politics of that kind, and if the Amer£ I citizen of the earth was abashed, bearing obligations, I shall work not, safety appliances. round warbler for the shylock financial bloat while you "go fluey” just keep can senate and American house of repre In the socialization of natural monop tion had nothing to do with the veto. neither shall I spin, and thoso who are to create the false impression alluded to Good modem Christians should keep in fakiring institutions, will do Oregon for right on voting for the g. o. p.’s. They sentatives had devoted more attention to olies the question would not be one of The president’s real reason is expressed with a most unfortunate result iq in, in debt to me will be required annually dividends, but the best social effects. the true business interests of the country mind that if Christ ’ s body was on earth it the republicans this month. While we will do the rest. Remember, ballots are and less to the discussion of sectional in this sentence of the message: “In my would be found inarching with the indus to pay their rate of interest regardless The antisocialist should note that a plan judgment, sound finance does not com flaming and jnibitcering the feelings ul concede that this laborer is worthy of his free yet. issues that are dead and should have been of what their income may ba the southern and western peopla ’’ which would have natural monopolies buried years ago, the American people trial army. No intelligent, conscientious, hire, it is sawbucks against red apples The closer the financial interests the owned and managed by the government mend a further infusion of silver into tod'a/tlian I real .breathing, living soul can — enlist on _ the would be infinitely better off today than, — - - , _____ __ Facts Worth Knowing. Hermann and Ellis want silver at a they are. that he will not toot his brassy financial side of the corrupt, rotten plutocracy that greater the rate of interest, and the for the interest of all the people, while it hur currency at this time unaccompanied by further adequate provision tor the “ reformed ratio. ” Between a brace of “ I was not a part of the Confederacy; I ! s toling the world today. A true Chnst- In all diseases of the nasal mucous rueni’ hoom-pah-boom to auy great extent in gold basis is the leverage that control« rebuke selfish it I believe the gold basis cry is the would leave to private Enterprise agri maintenance of our treasury for a safe brane the remedy used must be non-irritat am not its champion or its advocate. I am 1 ian spirit * must * --■ — •— jts -• shameless • the rural districts of Oregon. This fools and a brace of gold-bugs, we prefer of ness, culture, manufactures and commerce, is northern birth and education. My for Nothing satisfactory can be accom greatest humbug that was ever raised something different from socialism prop gold reserve.” The “adequate provi ing. 1 — country is a little dubious about Wall the latter. Send them home. < Chas. tune during the war was cast upon the plished with douches, snuffs, powders or sion ” referred to is tho jseue of interest Citizen Coxey went to Washington to against the people; but, my dear broth Miller and Joe Waldroop are for • free other side. I was for the maintenance of { street Horrs. er, which would leave no field for pri bearing bonds, which is the desideratum astringents, because they are irritating, do the Union, and humble as my services ask congress to issue more legal tender not thoroughly reach the affected surfaces coinage at the legal ratio of 16 to 1. , Put were, boy as I was, I was for the preser money. As soon as he hit the capital er, we have not seen the whole financial vate industry.—Denver News. of the money power, as an essential pre and should be abandoned as worse than scheming which lies beyond this basis. Have you * few dollars to spare for the them to the front. vation ot the constitution, j am tor its steps he was taken to the police station. requisite to the investiture of private cor failures. A multitude of persons who had good of humanity ? Help out the grand preservation today. I was for the preserva Had Coxey jpne to Washington to ask Government currency is doomed. The for years borne ad the worry and pain that Work For Thunderbolts. porations with the prerogative of issuing catarrh of the flag of my nation; I am for its congress to issue more interest-bearing edict has gone forth, and unless the peo can inflict testify io radical and per cauM by sending our committe, Dr. J. F. Judge Olmstead will be our next attor tion During a speech before the silver con and controlling the circulating medium preservation today; but I am for the pres manent cures wrought by Ely’s Cream ple awaken to the real danger that is vention at Des Moines Ignatius Donnelly bonds, he would have been taken to the Hendrix, Harrisburg, Or., what you can ney-general. His personality is a tower ervation of the entire Union—North, East, Balm. Your druggist has it. [4] of the United States,—Denver News, before them they will find that all paper spare. Remember that not a dollar this of strength in eastern Oregon where be South and West. I am for the preservation Ehbitt House. “Our public servants” at currency issued by the government will said the demonetization of silver was a of the true rights of every citizen within Washington have great heads. “colossal conspiracy and crime—the committee bandies comes from ill-gotten is best known and where he was elected the borders of this country, and I am not be withdrawn, and state banking under greatest ever perpetrated against the hu corporation and money-power legislation circuit judge by large majorities in a dis willing here or at any other place to bring government supervision will be estab man family.” As in the case of one WHAT WORKMEN WANT. that grinds your faces and ruins your trict whore the party vote was almost Intp the consideration of the pending or lished. Better that system than the pres Thomas of Bremerhaven, he said he wish any other a discussion that has homes with usury and oppression. The solid against his party. Olmstead is the simply the effect ót fanning thp flames of Reply of Oakland Federated Trades to ent corner that controls our finances. ed the Lord would interfere more fre Questions of a Senate Committee. sectional hatred and discohteiit. “Other good bonds” than the national quently with the schemes of men. With a state committee is composed of honest, best qualified man in the race. "It strikes me that when we reach the The inquiries propounded to various issue is the cry. The south and west are few well selected thunderbolts he thought earnest workers for the cause and the senate of tbe United States, which deals Judge R. P. Boise, the people's party with thp entire country, it is nearly time to labor organizations by the finance com* dying for money, and adoption of state cause alone. Send them a dollar; it will some good could be done in Washington; nominee for supreme judge, is an old drop such discussions. If the republican nrittee of the United States receive very banking under such a system will bring “Humanity stands today,” said Mr. Pci provethe beet investment you ever made. Oregonian noted for bis great honesty of party cannot come back Ifito national pointed replies from the federated trades relief in many places. nelly, “with a lot of infernal bankers on power without raising the cry oí the bloody As I said, I shall protest against this its neck. These bankers are the lineal The Demo-Rejiublieratic party stand purpose and integrity. For years the shirt, then it had better stay out of power ¡4 .Oakland, CaL The communication paralyzed before the awful condition of circuit judge of the Salem district nearly for the peace and contentment of tbe was from Senator Voorhees as chairman privileged form of legislation, but if it descendants of those Christ droyç out of If tbe democratic party cannot of the committee. The questions and re Comes our state hank in Mukwonago the temple. They are using means which affairs the American people are in. all the important laws passed in the his country. come into power and deal justly with evpry plies were: will double its capital stock, we will or must eventually destroy liberty in thia I They offer no solution of the problem, tory of Oregon have had their legality man and every measure of this country, Number and character of people engaged in ganize under the new requirements, buy country. It is the two old parties that and merely gabble and briggle over who tested in bis court before being passed then the sooner the democratic party is re Various industries in your district? tired from power the better off the country Seven thousand, mostly in the building trade«. “other good bonds” bearing 6 or 7 per are responsible for the condition of the jdid i$. The People's Party is the only on by the supreme bench. Judge Boise will be. Have wages, hours of employment and pro- c«it, deposit them in Washington, draw country." party in tha field that offers a rational, ranks them all when it comes to quali "I wish to say to the senator from Ove iuctlpn been reduced within tho post 12 back in ' this new national currency 90 gon that when he talks about the republi months? If so, what were the causes? The New Slavery. per cent of the face value of the bonds xeaeonable. logical solution of the situa fications for the supreme bench. can party coming into power in the lower Hours of labor have continued -the eei$i deposited and with this pew currency During “slavery” days a healthy man tion. A man with half an eye can see branch, of congress next fall, he is mistak Wage» have been reduced about 20 per cent. Salt everything, the big daily press says, en. Tbe republican party in the last ten Is your industry in a depressed condition? If continue our loans to the peopla Can who had been taught some trade was the consequences of an engagement of years has forsaken every trust that has been so, what remedy do you suggest) any reader of The Referendum see the worth about $1,200, or about 12 good Letorp swallowing. The usurious horde the plutocratic fool and Lis plundered given it. It has been the uncompromising Our industries are depressed, We would magnitude of this scheme? If we loan horses. Today there is not a mechanic I own their bo4ias and souls more completely My son, deal with men who advertise. You will end hungered victims. It is high time J than they own Congress ^n«l the adminis- champion and advocate of centralised pow suggest that more money is required without at 6 or 7 per eent and the basis of our working for a corporation who is worth er and centralized capital and centralized interest and a ith no bonds. to put on guard the party that knows I tration. The Associated Press is a uaUçnal wealth, and against the producers of this never regret it.”—Ben Franklin. Have expenditures of workingmen’s families currency, the bonds at Washington, one horse. If he dies, his place can be Ateelf. cqjjnjn ’ . The condition of the three million been lessened by reason of reduction of wages filled without a cent of cost to the em draw 6 or 7 per cent more, what is our order of liars and its main function is to unempoVed jpen throughout this country or lock of worx uu“*® the past 12 months? When Massachusetts sits around to feed and corrupt the people with obscene today is due in a large measure to the fail Yes, and In a great many Instances io iLe i«- rate of profit? It is the only business ployer, but if one of the horses dies it is in the world that draws interest on its a loss to the company. See how wonder- i mourn her destroyed industries, her scandal, while it bamboozles tbe public on ure of the Republican party th give tpem giye that they are compelled to bog. ruined machine shops, her ruined facto ths true inwardness of tbe industrial relief. Glvi w couiparatirp statement of wages for own indebtedness, for if these bonds are fully cheap the men have voted them-1 The people of this country distrust the the past'five years and the number of hours pot » debt what are they? Every dollar selves! Had any one suggested that un-1 rías, abe sita around to mourn for eter situation. Don’t believe the assertions of professions of the Republican party, so far worked per week. nity; fot if they are once destroyed, the hired pen and ink wielderj. der wage slavery 1Ù0 white men would as concerns its dealing with the interests of Honrs of work have been reduced in tho of such stock is worth from 10 to 15 per AT omnixeroiM west will do the manufactur LESS THAN “COST AND FREIGHT.” have a less value than one slave, he would the producer and the labourer. It will not building trades. Wages have steadily decreas cent, according to its business. ing for the enuntrv. You have the start; County debts are piling up so high be Qie Repnblican party’ that will come into ed and are likely to continue downward. have been hanged, but the facts are here I remember a few years ago the words you have tho power; vou have the pres tlrit it takes tr lined experts to tell where power,"the uncompromising champion of a What would be the eSect of a reduction of given, and the white slaves can study it ¡ingle gold standard; a party' that advo import duties to a point which would encour of a prominent Greenbacker, who la tige. Y^’U eno k*eo it, or v<>n <•••» »• r • t- • unties are at. But then the sleek cates the unlimited and uiicnibcitBd power age the Importation of goods similar to those bored and pleaded for the causa but only for themselves. Great is the policy pur - - __T « received a form of abusa It was at the sued by the Democratic and Republican scrip experts and high-salaried officials of nationa1 banks; a party that advocates a I manufactures in which you are engaged? _ scarcity of money.» party that by its policy would mako no difference Jq workingmen. last Greenback convention I attended in parties!—Coming Nation. ,-tuer d.stii.gui'hed New Englander, mijs) be kept “according to their station” has produced more panics in this country If It tho tariff should be reduced, it would make Janies G. Blaine, told ns that protection or the county »ill lose its “dignity” in the last twenty-five years than it witness importers richer and workmen pobrer. If the Wisconsin. This party passed around Stubborn Minorities. for the seventy-five years of its exist tariff should be raised, it would make manu among us, shook hands and said: “Good* was ’’enlightened selfishness.” faking don’t you know. You cap biyp the best ed In the Fifteenth congressional district, ence before that time. 1 wish to say to facturers richer anu workmen poorer. Tariff by, boys. I cannot stay with you any Tom Reed’s own words for it Oregon had kind of men from $50 to $100 p^r month. the senator from Oregon, and I know it to us is but the beating of pans and the tooting longer—my interests are now banking. Where Mr. Straus was successful at the better take,the back track for free trade or will Eound sweetly to him, that the Popu of horns to amuse the hive. recent election, the Prohibitionists But a county official who does no work list party wpl cerne into power in the Give your views generally as to the best I tried to hold up your cause, but I saw some other mode or method of protection at all must have a “pull.” These g, o. lower branch of Congress next year—the methods of placing the industries in which you I was working in vain. You are right, brought 829 votes to the polls, against Spring is here. Times are improving, against the above version of protection. but I am working for the money advan 364 in November, 1892; the Socialists p’s are expensive luxuries. Look out for party that is in favor’ of reipstating tfie are engaged upon a prosperous basis. 825, against 992, and the Populists 500, silver money of the’CpnstituiiOn; the party Government ownership of the means of trans- that farm. If the mortgage don’t nab it that has at heart the true interests of the pdrtation and production, government bank* tage it gives ma I now close my asso against 328 at the general election of ASHLAND, ORECON. Ira Wakefield, for secretary of state, is taxes and gold basis prices will fetch it great toiling masses of the country. That and enoiiga currency in tivculatlon to carry on ciations with you. Goodby.” I have November, 1892, an actual gain of more physically and mentally qualified lor the sure. is the party which will be entrusted with business. followed this man, and I find him an Real Estate and all kinds of Insurance that insures. power in 1895 and not the Republican or To what extent has Immigration affected the honored member of the bankers’ union. than 50 per cent Stubborn minorities, place and is amply capable of performing tbe Democratic party. De Tocqueville declared, are the hope condition of workingmen in this country? the duties of the office in person. His Labor Legislator*. T“ As there are fewer than 17 persons to the He meets with them annually, although of republics.—New York Letter. "The trouble witfi tho senatof from opponent, Kincaid, as all bis friends ad England has six bona fide labor men, Oregon was that he was so faiijpant th»t square mile In tho United States, we would say he knows in his own heart that lie is in Cure for Headache. a privileged class. Yet he will work to mit, is fossilized. In bis printing office, elected upon labor platforms, in parlia he would not suiter ma to finish a sen that it has bad no effect. As a remedy for all forms of Headache sustain it, for where a man ’ s interests tence. I was referring to the party to in bis writings, in his every move, he is ment The German workingmen elected Electric Bitters has proved to be the very which the senator belonged, and tbe mea are there is his heart plso, George Barkdull, aged 15, was acci " ■ ■ M ain S tbbet , O pposite P laza . 46 representatives to tho reichstag, and fossilized and he goes through his move best, It affects a permanent cure and the sure he advocated. That was all. I wish dentally killed at Eureka, Cal., while A H. C hai », most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to the French chamber of deppties 60 ments just as he did 40 years ago. A to say that for small party bickering and riding horseback. P. S.—I can stand it if you can.—- to its influence. We urge all who are af ZP-A-IJSTTS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, more unqualified person than Mr. Kin labor men were elected. The American political maneuvering In my judgment the flicted to procure a bottle, and give this J. O. Gaskell, ex-mayor of Argentine, Mount Pleasant (la.) Referendum. coi^giess of the United States exceeds a town congress has never had a member elect remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual caid for the situation of secretary of state caucus in my owp state, and I say it in all WALL PAPER. G-LJLSS. ETC. Kan., has beeen arrested on a charge of constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv candour and sincerity. Every law that this embezzling public funds. could hardly have been selected. Mr. ed upon a labor platform. Want to trade a good business in eastern ing the needed tone to the bowels, and lew B uilding P ap bs , wrapping P apers and T wines . ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Indian silks, figured and plain, 32 inches country needs, every law that Would be foy Oregon for farm land. Call on or address: cases long resist the use of this medicine. Wakefield is the best man to run that wide, 85 and 90 cents at Vaunel, Norris & the benefit of this Country, could be passséd E, E. R alston , Facts speak louder than words. Simmons Try it at once. Large bottles only Fifty office. here in three months. In three months Liver Drake's. c-f Hotel Oregon. Ashland, Or. Regulator does cure_bowel disorders. cents, at Ashland Drug Co. avia a it a c ia VAUPEL, NORRIS & DRAKE, Ashland, Oregon, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS A Job Lot of Lots NOW IS THE TIME TO "BUY. G. F. BILLINGS. H S EVANS ASHLAND OR- PAINTING, PAPERING, ETC.