Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1894)
VALLEY RECORD. Pleasant Creek—M H Wakeman, by N JACKSON CO. COUNTY COHMUHOXER. W. H. Bradshaw was i * ham in Kentucky in 1845, and moved to II IRftolsin 1854, where Steam boat— j M Toms by H D Kubli be resided until he went i the army in proxy 1861. returning to Illinois our years Sterling—H E Ankeny. of service, and moved to Nebras in 1866, Table Rock— H W Shipley, E C Pomeroy where he lived until 1886, when b e to Taltnt—Jas Harvey, G N Anderson Jackson county, Oregon, where has Willow Springs—Scott Griffin. resided at Brownsboro, carrying on ’ Uniontown—Zach Cameron, R J Came ing. Mr. Bradshaw is exceptionally ron. qualified for the position of county Rock Point not being able to hold a pri FOB STATE SENATOR. missioner and a man of his stamp is on account of going populist, B. F. THEIR COUNTY TICKET NOMI mary, Samuel H. H >lt was born in 1840 and ed in that position just now. Milter was authorized to cast its votes in raised in Knox county, Tenn. When 21 he NATED—AN UGLY LOT OF ILL- the convention, according to previous ar entered FOR SHERIFF. the Ewing and Jefferson college, rangements. " FEELING ENGENDERED BY TOO Svlvester Patterson was born in Michigan For state senator Theo. Cameron of Jack but the slavery question got so hot down there that he only remained six months, 48 year's ago, his folks moved to Iowa and sonville was nominsted by acclamation. MUCH DECEPTION. H. D. Kubli. Applegate, B. F. Adkins, the school closing on account of the fuss then to Ohio, and in 1863 they emigrated Medford, G. W. Dunn. Ashland, were nom when Tennessee was declared out of the with ox teams to Oregon, locating a home Tbe Jackson countv republican con- inated by acclamation for representatives. Union. He and a band of Union men stead east of Bear creek near where the veQtioo convened in tbe. court house at The commissionership fell to A. J. Daley marcbed on a perilbus journey to the north village of Talent has sprung up. Mr. Pat ern army, where he enlisted and his com terson began an active business life for Jacksonville Saturday to nominate a of Eagle Point, by acclamation. ticket., Aa had been anticipated, thia For sheriff James Birdaey was trotted pany was always at the front during the himself at the age of 16 yearn, bis father was not a harmonious gathering. Tbe out by Harvey of Talent. Grant Matthews unpleasantness. After the war he returned having died while in the east on * visit. nis home and took up the profession of Mr. Patterson has carried on the farming republicans had inflated themselves with brought on the track Alex Orme. Whipp to school teaching, then going to Indiana, energetically and industriously, tbe idea of thia beipg their year and the of Jacksonville named Geo. W. Barron of then to Illinois, following teaching until he business for years doing his own work blacksmith Ashland, and Carter turned the chair over accumulated promises of recognition to Ankeny white he seconded Barron’s married in 1868, when he bought a farm. ing, horseshoeing and machinery repairing. made for years to the indefatigable faith nomination. This was the first fair test of He moved to Jackson county, Oregon, in For years he has run a header and thresher ful workers of the cguse" had to he the Jacksonville Ashland combination’s 1881, following the pursuit of farming and in the valley. In 1877 he was married to squared. The usual cause that they strength. Barron was nominated on the stock raising. Mr. Holt is a tireless and Miss 8. E. Payne, oldest daughter of C. T. "could not be elected this year on ac first ballot which stood: Barron 33, Bird- consistent worker for reform, having been Payne, another pioneer family, and eight at work ever since the organ years ago he movei^to Ashland to give nis .... industriously count of tbe democratic majority” was sey 16, Orme 14. ization of the Greenback party. three children the advantage of our splen For clerk Medford named M. L. Alford worn out and would not be tolerated any did publie schools, still operating his farm longer. In order to secure har and Ankeny named J. H. Hoffer of Jack of 366 acres. He brought in the first com FCB REPRESENTATIVES. sonville. The combine nominated Buffer mony the party managers did a heap of with 88 votes, Alford 23, and Max Muller 2. bined harvester ever used on the farms of John A. Jeffrey was born in Washington promising even before the*primaries and For recorder, the Ashland delegation county, Arkansas, May 24th, 1869, ana is, this valley. Mr. Patterson has a good common school education, and possessed of when tbe convention adjourned, all the pulled off Nayor Casey and the combine nearly 25 years of age. With his sound judgment, a practical turn of mind, lying deception, treachery, butsted pro to Frank Galloway of Medford by acclama therefore, father he started for Oregon in the fall of full of energy and perseverance he is capa misee, pledgee, and understandings came tion. 1873, arriving in Jackson county in July, ble of dispatching business with prompt-, For assessor, Scott Morris made a speech 1874, where be has sinceresided. home to roost. For months past the re- ness and decision. He served two years on for Scott Griffin of Toto. Whipp named J. Iublican leaders about Ashland and He completed the course in the Jackson the city council and proved such a capable G. Martin of Tab'e Rock, and Cameron ville graded school and "attended the Ore ledford have been vociferously bowling named F. M. 8tewart of Phoenix. The worker that be was afterward nominated about the "Jacksonville ring.” and how combine put up its 33 paper pellets for gon Agricultural college one year, (1889-’90.) for mayor, two years ago. Being pitted Since leaving school, he has been engaged they were going to out-People’s Martin, which nomina'ted him, Stewart re in teaching and farming, all the while mak against the combined republican factious who stood united on Mr. Casey, he reduced party the Peoples Party in denouncing ceiving, the endorsement of the 26 cold- ing a careful study of the social and this muchly abused ring, and bow they shouldered majority and Griffin caught 4 economic problems of the dav, and has • the then big republican majority to 32 votes, without any effort being made for now liad the votes in tbe palm of their strays. taken an active part in the reform move his election. Mr. Patterson assisted in the For superintendent. Central Point dele bands to jump ou with both feet and ment in Jackson county. Mr. Jeffrey is a begged for L. L. Freeman, while gifted orator ana when bis voice is turned work of establishing the people’s part*and smash this time-visaged* ring all into gallon Ankeny trotted out Gus Newbury, ot Jack loose in the legislature halls in defense of joined the farmer’s alliance when it was smithereens. Thia kid gloved gang got sonville-Phoenix-Ashland. The combina first organized. As the executive officer of together and "did up” tbe "old grand- tion raised its weary hand again- and tbe*people’s cause, mark our prediction, it Jackson he is the right man for the right will be heard. pa’a bat” crowd completely in the first marked 37 for Newbury, the rump end of place. _____ ». M. Nealon was born in Fairfield county, convention to nominate delegates to tbe the convention backed up it» protest with FOB CORONER. Conn., Dec. 26tb, 1841; educated in the state convention, which cemented the 26 for Freeman. Dr. B, M. Brower is a native of Iowa, and The surveyor was very generously and common schools, assisting on the farm in young gang to each other. magnanimously tendered to a new comer, summer and attending school during the at 12 years of age came to Oregon with his father. Elder David Brower, of Talent, But when the Ashland delegates ar Garl T Jones of Medford, by acclamation. winter months. rived inside tbe city limits of that terri When sixteen years of age he went with settling in the Waldo Hills east of Salem. Then coroner. They were going to ten ble county ring cursed community they der this "by acclamation’’ to Central Point an uucle to Georgia and clerked in a store In 1886 he went to Portland where, after a went flirting with the combination and— and Ringmaster Whipp named J. C. Hinkle. conducted by him until May, 1862. Then, three years’ course in medicine he graduat with high honors in the medical depart well, it is the old story, they are now in His work was too coarse for the Dr., who to avoid the confederate conscription, he ed ment of the Willamette University. Dr. tramped through the mountains of Tenn declined. Dr. Stanfield of Eagle Point was the Jacksonville ring’s belly. Huffer’s named and then somebody who didn’t essee and came into the Union lines at Brower moved to Roseburg in 1888 and Jacksonville delegates caught the Apple know Dr. J. 8. Parson'» wishes named him. Nashville, ragged, foot-sore and weary. practiced his profession, receiving the ap gate section through Kubli, * for repre The vote stood Parson 31, Stanfield 24, He enlisted in the 8th Conn. Volunteers pointment of assistant surgeon to the 8, P. j sentative, and the Sams valley delegates Robinson 2, Dr. Parson declines the nom and served in the Army of the Potomac un R, R. Co. He then moved to Coos county, til honorably discharged at the end of the where he resided until moving to Ashland through Martin for assessor. The Butte ination. last year, since which time he has built up Under the new law nobody wants to be war. creek delegates wanted Dick Daily for a fine piactice. He was elected coroner of After the surrender he went south and county treasurer. Nat Langell, Dr. Rob commiaeioner, so Geo. W. Dunn was was appointed assistant assessor and deputy Coos county on the populist ticket two pulled off for commissioner and put on inson and J. C. Whipp all declined, and the collector in the Internal Revenue service, years ago by 325 majority. chair ruled out of order the nomination of for representative. - The Jacksonville I). Linn, the present democratic incum and discharged the duties of those offices The Platform they Stand On. gang only needed Ashland’s 14 delegates bent. The convention then saddled it on for several years. Came to California. in to have the whole situation in their own Max Muller, to harmonize bim and his 1881 and to Oregon ten years ago, buying 'a W hereas . It is current report and gener bands. So’they offered Ashland tbe friends. Mr. Muller refuses to accept. farm at Table Rock and since that time al belief, that in the management of the of W. I. Vawter was elected chairman and has been trying to support a family raising ficial affairs of Jackson county there has sheriff. The Ashland delegation cancus, through some hocus pocus deal brought G. F. Merriman secretary of the county 45-oent wheat. Was originally a Republi been fraud, deceit and theft committed, by voted for Cleveland for his first term, reason of which the taxpayers of Jackson out Barron for sheriff. The convention central committee, which consists of one can; but finding no improvement, joined the couuty have been grossly robbed and their member from each precinct. The late proceeded and this formidable combina chairman, J. A. Whiteside, made a speech People’s party, believing that to be the confidence abused; and . gh lhc ----- ------------ tion went through )he convention like a advising the convention to select a smaller only political*organization in favor of the W heaeas , The source of such fraud, de Îreased pig, all ha hi |ls ' standing pat. The committee. His experience was that the reghts of the common people and opposed ceit an :1 robbery is attributed to what is ledford delegatl _ acclamation" _____ tie __ mot4* by old method made the committee too un to the legislation that has made million known as the "Jacksonville ring*’—now, therefore, be it just what sop the combine threw at wieldy and that nearly all the committee- aires, trusts, and tramps. R esolved , That the "People’s Party of them. The Central Point delegates asked men of the country precincts had gone over James W. Marksbury was bom in Grant Jackson county, in convention assembled, only oqe favor of the convention—Prof. to the populists. county, Ky., Nov. 12th, 1848, where he What was left, of the convention ad spent his childhood days. With his parents condemn all such actions: we condemn Freeman.for school superintendent. The journed fraud, deceit, chicanery and robbery in al' and scattered out of town to avoid combine could not allow it. When tbe meeting face to face the h— 1 they raised he removed to Illinois in 1857 and there its forms; that we condemn th? actions of grew to manhood on the farm, receiving a combine afterward attempted to teas a inside the party organization. . our county officials in the management of common school education. At the age of the disgraceful and farcical procedure in tub to tbe whale by offering Central P. 8. — The convention forgot to adopt 21 ha engaged in the sewing machine busi Point the coroner, the frame of Dr. J. C. any platform, not even a resolution do* ness with the Binger Manufacturing Co. the county -treasury case recently tried in the circuit court ol this county; that we Hinkle fairly shook with rage qs be de nouncing "the Jacksonville ring:1’ and remained in the employ of that com hold said county offKials directly . —.—,—«—1 iii 1 ria clared "no,!' and tbe combine did not pany lor three years, during which time he ble tor their action, m and den care to press the question, of honoring was transferred from Canton, Mo., to duty to the extent that each of a A CARD FROM MR. HIGH. Austin, Texas. Owing to poor health be was connected therewith i that Central Point with a place on tbe tick et any further, for discretionary reason». He" Telia a Few Things About the retired from the sewing machine business mend and demand « thorough and relumed to Missouri where he engaged and exhaustive investigation o* The G. A. R. contingent only bad tbe LAte Convention. In.Tarmmg tor two years, returning to audacity to ask of the kid glove aristoc bi’done', Gentlemen, in order to be set right, I will Texas again in 1875 and engaged In .farm the crime ferreted <^e ^4 yj ma? e KUIlty par racy one small office for one of their boys have to define my position, and the reason inland merchandising until .1884, <t which ties brought par who was not only well qualified, but who I take the stand I do. Considering the dis time hacame to Oregog. settling near Gold j*. . -<■*■» — I*" . ** * ' **" was al way 8 proud of wearing tbe blue graceful actions of the Ashland republican Hill on a homestead and engaged in farm- A POPULIST PROCLAMATION. suit, brass buttons and chappau, Marion delegation. As to losing our choice for can? ifig Until two years ago. Becoming Stewart, of Phoenix*. For political rea didate, I have no kick coming, but the pletely discouraged with the ih’.ure pros- of the farm be retired therefrom and Chairman Taubeneek Declares the Word sons it was thought that sopie .of the manner it was (tone J oan not endorse. So “Populist* WBl Be the feaUrtag Cry. little history of the proceedings will be in to merchandising to Gold Hill, at combine would silently J*do up’’ Martin, a order. As to Mr. Shepherd, who owed his he now resides. Mr. Marks- The following proclamation dd4rossed bqt the combine kept -its. faith, and tbe position to Mr. Taylor, by asking him for has always take^ gn Active part to only vestige of pure, unadultprsted G. A.* it, I will leave him to the public for judg cal matter». Supported Gen. Weaver to the people of the United States has R. spirit was left blooming alone. ’The ment. Mr. Carter, who was not a # a pjoneer m the reform party, been issued : kid glove crefr managing the party in only voting by proxy, took a ver active part in the organization of ■ The president in vetoing the aeignlnrago MU Jackson county, declare the G.*A. R. are stand against ns on the ground re’Alliance and gl»o, in the or- has brushed every pr&tense of the old parties of-tbe People's party . in this wide. Tho Apache warfare ft canning and a heavy drag on.the modern Spirit oi re- ■ Taylor wafw»*to<m TO ter volunteering pis sub He wa» a Relegate to the Omaha «.mbuali is no longer necessary. The-egent of jgalfcg. pqplicanism. They also maintain that to tpe othernde et tlte« convention, and was chosen there a* p the gold combination jttoqlaln» that the sol- inasmuch as there were so many strong Tne caucus of t member of the national committee. Mr. ilers whoherve under him, whether RepubUo- candidates before the convention the was called at 11 o’clock. After deoifiir- mg on Marksbury was tbe People's party nomi ans or Democrats, must boldly assert their loy only way out of the affair was by combi the other ___ candidates cal _______ ___ the sheriff __ , was __ called* nee for assessor two years ago, and without alty to the money kings. In the future the peo nation, that the plaiting of the men be up. After a few remarks by the friends of any effort on his part, carue within a few ple can take their choice—either aid in strength Shep- VUfM of election. fore the convention on their merits would both parties a vote was taken, Mr. Shep ening tho chains of money contraction by vot ing for candidates to serve in the ranks of the have been equally as unsatisfactory, herd collecting them up and Mr. Whitney talking them off. We found when counted Republican and Democratic parties, or unite be FOB COUNTY CLERK, hence no excuse is offered for Saturday’s 8 for Taylor and 6 for Barron. After a few fore it is too late with the Populists for liberty, job. N. A. Jacobs was bom in Iowa in 1859. remarks over the choice we adjourned for coming aoross the plains to Oregon with ___ equal rights and an American financial system. Tbe springing of Barron’s name by the dinner, until 2 o’clock, when the conven his father in 1865. and was raised tn Jack- The policy of the veto message means ths do- Ashland delegation for sheriff was a sur tion should be called together. When, lo son county-. While at work helping his etructlon of alf enterprise, the issuing of botate behold, we was summoned together prise, though Mr. Barron was an active and jn the saw mill up Ashland creek in to pay tho current expenses of the government by Mr. Garter at 1 o’clock; that they ha/’ fat»»',. that national banks are to obtain money 1873 a heavy log truck passed over both of and candidate for the place. Robert Taylor, found seven delegates that wouW the government at 1 per cent The only his legs, mashing them badly and necessb tram undoubtedly the moat active and influ compromise ottered in the veto message is the *’’’ *«•* taring the amputation of one limb- l(ew|. ential republican leader in Ashland, had which plac^ suggestion that the United States might be al m a position. Af- been promised this nomination for ve.»»-» .«¡r meeting together and counting noses then perfected his education in the ' Ash lowed to coin and use the $55,000,000 seigniorage land public schools end the Ashland Acad and at the late primarv w " - -- In the treasury if unlimited authority be grant the wliol«* *- . --•• • tiarron and we found we bad lost a man and they had emy, and at an early age began teaching ed by congress to issue bonds and perpetually .own understood that Boh found one. You can imagine the feelings school, as well as learning the printer’s mortgage the resources of the United States “ some of the delegates was not very trade, and followed clerking and book would be the choice of the delegates ot pleasant. After a warm talk of over an keeping; was deputy sheriff of this county the money power. Such terms to a fallen foe In o- _ wm,id elected. At the convention the same hour Mr. Taylor comes and withdraws his for four years under his father, also county every principle of but wbS idea prevailed and the offers and counter name to settle the dispute. school superintendent of this county, Mr. offers made by the various delegations Now I can find some excuse for a little Jacobs was the founder of the Y alley R ec -*ough its aKento‘telta W W* „ ailed States that they shall not ineluded Bob as the candidate for sheriff. trickery and fraud when there is a great ord and was its editor for several years be The caucus held Saturday at Up. m. in wrong to right, but we fail to see where fore disposing of bis interests and moving 2° u —o use their own money without subju to Medford, where he he now teaohlng b*"3 gating themselves and posterity to a bondhold- the jury room in the court house, though there was any wrong to right in this case. As to the records of the two parties Mr. 4th year as vice principal of th* Medford 1 Ing oligarchy, it is evidence sufficient to show tbe complexion of the delegation had Barron the contempt concentrated wealth Lees for the ’s only record I can tina is that he been changed somewhat by the proxy is the son of nis father, bom with a silver public school. Newt's nt"esg for the place rights of man. trick, selected Taylor by a vote of 8 to 6. spoon in his mouth, hardly ever taking in needs no mention. He is so well-qualified In the coming campaign the word “Populist" This was expected. But after dinner E, terest enough in politics to even vote. Mr. and deserving that his election is conceded. ■ will be tho rallying cry of the masses against the classes. The sneers of the liveried soldiers V. Carter made a big fuss and got the Taylor needs no comments. For the last TOR COUNTY RECORDER. and oollared subjects of the “money power,* delegation together again. Tbe balloting twelve years he has been one of your best Grant Rawlings, son of Capt. W. Raw • who have brought desolation, hunger and want was a tie until Taylor got disgusted with workers, doing nothing underhanded but their homes, will enoourags and inspire ev the mendacity of tbe outfit and with always square and honest, often working lings of the late civil war, was born in i to his bwn business thinking it but Iowa March 8, 1868, and was raised at ery loyal citizen to espouse the cause of liberty, drew. Taylor was turned down and against ; human rights and an American financial Bya for the town, and the first time you have a Barron was presented to the convention 1 chance to return the favor he has done yoq, Clarinda, Page county, where be attend tern. ll. E. T aubeneck , ed the county school and afterward the a few minutes later. This action has 1 you do him dirt. If it had been dpne Chairman National Committee of People’s Party. been declared the rankest ingratituee, , honestly and fairly we sboqld never have Clarinda High School and then the lying, deception, trickery and fraud and squealed. What influence was brought to Western Normal College at Shenandoah, Do You See It Now? those connected with it wished they had brar on that delegate that made him recall Iowa. He drove a mule team to Louisi- The country is suffering for the want never been near a convention after they , his vote and swear he had never voted it? 1 ana in 1889, bat returned again to Iowa, We probably will never know. I have been 1 teaching school at Hawley ville. He was of money while hundreds of millions of beard the denunciations made by Tay voting and working for the republican ticket lor’s friends. This job was the handi for almost thirty years aqd will still be - a prominent young member of the farm dollars are lying In the vaults of the work of the new coqnty political chief, found in line, bat we cannot hold the party ers alliance in Iowa, and a contributor to 1 Jnited States treasury. Instead of doing E. V. Carter. together by trickery and fraud. An honest the Farmers Tribune, Gen. Weaver’s something to release this money and get 3» The convention «at down for husiness democrat is more prefferable to me than a paper. On coming to Jackson count}’ t into circulation the Wall street cuck and was called to order by J, A. Whiteside, dishonest republican, consequently I can he continued active work for the reform oos, with Cleveland and Carlisle to do rrnian county central committee. O. not support Mr. Barron without endorsing cause, and has held the positions of pres Blount elected secretary and G. W. that dishonest delegate. ident of tho Jackson county alliance and their bidding, lock up still more money. Some Medford man says he came up to chairman of the P. P. Co. Central Com. Don’t you believe it? Then take their punn assistant secretary. Leever. Casey, Florey, Robinson and Ashland on election day two years ago and The state lecturer of the farmer’s alliance own figures. Here they are taken from the Howard appointed credentials committee, spent ten dollars to find out that we sup monthly debt statement issued March 1: and Ankeny, Dunn, Webb, M. Bellinger, ported Pelton. 1 will say this for him, he said of him in an article in the Portland Farmers Journal : "He is the youngest Net increase of the debt during month, aid not tell tbe truth, and drop him in Stewart on order of business. Whiteside wanted the convention to go utter contempt. If it is necessary you and beet county president in the state.” HO,064,21«. Mr. Rawlings has taught school in Jack- D. H igh . into a general caucus or executive session can hear again from me. Cash in the treasury Feb. 1, $737,120,- to talk over matters and candidates. Stew son county for the past two years, and 188. art feared that the result would be wool Democratic County Ticket. by descriptive articles in Iowa papers Cash in the treasury March 1, $787,- pulling and suggested that the best thing Nominated at Jacksonville this week: and personal work has succeeded in 075,834. was to harmonize. E. V. Carter stoutly Senator—W. M. Colvig, of Jacksonville. locating a dozen well-to-do Iowa families opposed a general caucus on the grounds While reporting an increase of the Representatives—J. B. R, Morelock.of in this county, with more coming. He is that "it would create dissentions that do public debt of $40,064,215, they also re nolappear.” [Bro. Carter had both arms Gold Hill; Thoe. Wright, Willow Springs; well fitted to perform the dutieB of coun J. H. Stewart, Medford. ty recorder and will make an accommo port that the cash in the treasury has in full appear later on, however.] dating and popular official. Ankeny moved adjournment to two p. Sheriff—H. S. Evans, Ashland. creased $49,055,681. ni. Two delegates suggested 1 o’clock. Clerk—J. H. Whitman, Medford. If a business man reported an increase PO# ASSESSOR. Ankeny replied that "Judge Neil wanted Recorder—Miles Cantrall, Applegate of his debt of $40,064,215 while his cash to bold a democratic primary between 1 (left. A- Jackson was born in Chariton School Superintendent—Miss Mayette and 2 o’clock and my motion was made to county, Mo., in 1833 where he was educated resources had increased $40,955,681, or accommodate the Judge. We will need Gilson, Applegate. in the common schools. In 1854 he drove while having $737,120,153 cash on hand Coroner—Dr. Pickel, Meflfard, their aid by and by.’’ Ankeny’s motion an ox team across the then uninhabited he borrowed another $50,000,000. his Commissioner—Jahn Devlin, Apple plains, arriving in California Oct. I, 1851, then prevailed and the convention ad friends would lock him up in the insane journed to 2 o’clock gate. where he engaged in mining until the Fra After two o’clock committees reporte^. Assessor—J. L. Wooldridge, Applegate. zier river excitement took him to British asylum. But when the great govern Permanent organizatiocn con.miue« rec Columbia, several of his parly being killed ment of the United States does the same Surveyor—G. Elksnat. ommended E. V. Carter chairman, O. H. by the Indians before they arrived at their thing by dictation of a gang of heartless T. G. Kearnes was chairman. The Blount, secretary, snd W. C. Leever assist destinatlan. Mr. Jackson came to this ant secretary. Adopted. Following were vote for sheriff was Evans 30, Bybee 26: county in 1859 and settled on his piace on money grabbers, with the distinct pur entitled to seats: commissioner, Devlin 30, M. A. Houston Rogue river about five milc3 above Table pose of making money, and gold money North Ashland—J R Casey. P B Whit 25; superintendent. Gilson 39, Rev. En Rock, which bls enteiyrise and energy has at that, still scarcer and harder to get, ney, J H Real, by E V Carter, proxy, nis 16: recorder, Cantrall 32, Ben Dyer developed into one of the best farms in then the fools howl in unison that such Govan High by J. E. Cox, proxy. Oregon. Mr. Jackson was the first man to a policy embodies the very acme of po 13" coroner, 29, McClendon 26. West Ashland—H J Hicks, C H Gillett», Gillette, Weatherford, candidate lur for cuu««-™ congress, demonstrate the feasibility of raising mel litical and financial wisdom.—National by H C M?erPJroiyPW^i SS h J m GalJ*™y for «overnor, Davideon forstete ons on an extensive scale and shipping itiLn ÄPr°pXyn„nn I fe-Rnrer R-id ter -tete ---------------------- them to the Portland markets. He is a Advance. ¿ackson proxy, P Dunn by E V Carter treasurer, Reid for state supt. were pres public spirited and progressive citizen and proxy. i ent and Galloway made a speech. The there are few men in the county who have The petition of the unemployed, bear of an as good judgment of the value of property ’ South Ashland—D High, G W Barron, nominations were all made in ing 43,883 signatures, has been for C F Shepherd, O H Blount, G W Dunn. hour. M. Purdin was made chairman in Jackson countv than Mr. Jackson. warded to the New York state legisla Appelgate—II D Kubli, Grant Toppings. county central committee. FOB SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. Central Point—W. C Leever, 1 J Carson, ture. J. Hinkle. $1OO Reward. $100. E. E. Smith has been a teacher in • Chimney Rock, F P Downing by T J The readers of the V alley R ecokd will Jackson county for ten years. He was Kenny pro^y, Henry Pecb. At Galena, Ills., two teamsters pullet be pleased to learn that there is at least one Eagle Point, John Watkins, A. J. Florey, dreaded disease that science has been able raised in Wisconsin and educated in the splendid educational institutions of that the tongue out of a horse because tbe A G Johnson. to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. state, his education being in the higher animal could not poll a heavy load. Eden—F M Stewart, William Coleman. Halls Catarrh Cure 1,3 the only positive cure Flounce Rock—A H Booth by, Chauncey now known to the medical fraternity. Ca branches as well as the more common Charles H. Todd, agent of the estate Nye. tarrh being a constitutional disease, re lines. He is a thorough, practical edu of the late Robert Cutting of New Foots Creek—Grant Matthews. quires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s cator and holds a state diploma. Mr. York, fell from a building and was in Gold Hill, G. W. Steel, E. Ray. Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di North Jacksonville, M Bellinger, J w rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces Smith was the people’s party nominee stantly killed. for that position two years ago and would Robinson. J. C. Whipp. of the system, thereby destroying the foun South Jacksonville—J McPherson, G M dations of the disease, and giving the pa have been elected had not the republican Guaranteed Cure. onemiller, A W Sturgis Lewis, Jas Cronemiller, tient strength by building up the constitu managers slaughtered this candidate so We authorize advertised druggist to W V Jones tion and assisting nature in doing its work. unmercifully in favor of the democrafio sell Dr. King’s our Woodville— ■J .’ H Whipple, ....... . New Discovery for Con by f J W Robinson proxy. proxy The proprietors Lave so much faith in its nominee. He is a son of J. E. Smith of sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this Lost Creek—J H Dittsworth by J W curative powers that they offer One Hun Ashland, and at present resides on his condition. If yoa are afflicted with a Robinson proxy. dred Dollars for any case that it fails to his farm 11 miles eaat of Central Point Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chest Lost Creek—J II Dittsworth by J w cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. and is teaching his home school. If trouble, and will use this remedy as direct Robinson proxy. elected he promisee to devote bis time to ed, giving it a fair trial, vnd experience no _____________ _ J A Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledo, <). North Medford—J _ H Bellinger. benefit,you may return the bottle and have D^*Sold by Druggists, price 7ftc. per the duties of the office. Whiteside, E P Greary bv G T Jones proxy, your money refunded. We could not make bottle. Frank Galloway by Geo Merriman proxy, this offer did we not know that Dr. King's South Medford—C O Damon, Geo Merri Do not ruin the stomach with chemicals. New Discovery could be relied on. It nev K rause ' s H rapache C apsules — Warrant- man; C J Howard B 8 Webb. Liver Regulator is purely vege er disappoints. Trial bottles free, at Ash ftj.' Tot1 sale by T, K. Bolton, Sole Agent. Simmons table and effective. Meadows—Scott Morris. land Drug Co. THE REPUBLICANS * We take this opportunity to say to the people of Southern Oregon that the Ashland Drug Company of this city, stands pre-eminent as to Quaiity and Quantity, with unexcelled facilities for conducting legiti mate business • I Frank B. Holbrook is President, and Eugene A. Sherwin, Secretary and Business Manager of this Company which is a guarantee that ev eryone, Old or Young, Rich or Poor, will have their wants attended to promptly and always right. The Drug Department contains Drugs and Chemicals of best purity and excellence, regardless of cost. The Stationery Department is replete with finest qualities of Pa ___ __ ___ per, Envelopes, Tablets, and Blank Books of every description ; in fact, the largest and best selected stock south of Portland. The Wine Department is conducted on business principles. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal, Mechanical and Sacramental pur poses, always in stock. Mail Orders from persons living at a distance will be executed promptly and just the same attention paid to twenty-five cent orders as large ones Whenever you are in Ashland, call on the DRUG ÄSHLÄND JOHNSON’S BLOCK. I « COMPANY,