Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1894)
1 Bi»«. —— 7 VALLEY RECORD. "3 !** T VALLEY RECORD. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. NO MONOPOLY PRICES. O^^Give us your order for Letter heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu lars, Etc. IT'S RATHER OO MUCH FOR YOU — the ordinary, bulky pill. Too big to take, and too much disturb ance for your poor sys tem. The smallest, easiest to take, and best are Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets. They leave out all the disturbance, but yet do you more good. Their help lasts. Constipation, Indiges tion. Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Head aches, and all derange ments of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and permanently cured. They’re guaran teed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, TH7R3OAY, APJUL 26, 1894 VOL. VI. PRESSED Gold Hill Items. A Sad Fate. BRICKS NO. 50 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year ............................................... |2 M Six months ........................................... j 60 Three months........................................ 75 Advertising rates given on application. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report The lost men, Downing and Weaver, could not be found by the party of search- Brakey Tom Williams has gone east. „ W. H. Leeds returned Sunday from the era. They met a sad fate. Within four miles of the Annie mine, in a trail just Willamette. made fresh bv the snowshoes of the man W. S. Chastain was in from Kla.nath coming down, they and their t-wde county last week. thought they could have no trouble in Dr. Kirch essner is at Paisley on pro finding ttie mine, so they permitted tie ir guide to leave them, but within an hour a fessional business. blinding Bnow storm came up—the most Cxi. Hughes, of Klamath county, is at severg of the season, which lasted seven The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now Ht-nley workitig a mine. ■lavs. In such a blinding storm it was Under the Management of H. Vaugl-.n, of the Crater lake section. impossible fur them to see their feet. The last traces found by those looking for was in the valley last week. them were where the poor men had bee. HERE and there . Miss Mary Anderson, of Henley, is tramping around in a circle, hopelessly COLLECTING STAMPS. A High Liver visiting Dunsmuir friends lost, with no earthly Dower to save them Usually lias a bad liver. He is btliops, K rause ' s H eadachk C apsui . es —Warrant A Philatelist Who I k Working to Obtain constipated; has indigestion and dyspepsia. Mrs. E. W, Gowen, wifeof the sheriff Toe result is too sickening of which to For Himself a Cork i . g. write, too sad and too painful to content ed. cur sa.e by i. K. Bolton, Sole Agent. If there is no organic trouble a tew doses of ot Klamath county, is quite ill. II you’re suffering from Bark’s sure Cure wid tone him up. Park’s (Hate. The miners in camp subscribed Fred Ullrich, a young lad of Sycamore, Morrell, Chris Evans' partner, has A daughter was born to the wife of E • ver $100 to present to the wife of Mr. Catarrh, the proprietors sure Cure is the only liver and kidney cure been sentenced at Fresno to imprison Ills,, is collecting 1,000,000 canceled post \1/HO HAS improved the House and is pre- of Doctor Sage’s Catarrh we >eli on a positiveguarantee. Price $1 00. C. Welis at Medford on the 16th. Downing.—Cottage Grove Leader. age stamps. Some time ago Fred, while ment for life. sold by E. A. S herwin . Remedy ask you to try ■* pared to Entertain the Traveling Public Chas. Morris and family, of Blackwell Ex-Secretary of State Jochim of Mich returning home one evening, was attacked McKees Rocks, Ba., Feb. 3. 1S92. JI their medicine. Then, if Hills, lias gone to Coos county. I.isl of Letters in First Class Style. * M, 1\ you can’t be cured, they'll N oeman L iohty M’ f ’ g . C o ., Des Moines, la. igan is on trial at Lansing lor falsifying by a fierce mastiff. The animal came RemninitiL' um alled for in the Ashland A son was born to tfie wife of Henry near killing the boy, but it was finally A > pty you $500 in cash. salary returns. Gentlemen: — Your Krause ’ s Headache B. O April 23. 1894: Kithli, of Applegate, on the 16th. Cap-ules have been and still ate the great Newell D. Parsons, bookkeeper in the driven off by some citizens who came up. Anderson H B ’’aranauirh, J :o: - sellers and have given the most entire Miss E. L. B-nson has commenced a est Butterworth. Mr-« J iheen. Mr George Wells-Stoue bank at Saginaw, Mich., The dog had bitten the boy so badly that satisfaction of any article we ever kept in Bailey. Mr J'-hn _______ Ketchum, _________ Mrs Geo term of schont in the prospect district. our stores We have sold gross after gross which was looted by officers, has been one leg had to be amputated, and an arm Bolton. Mrs Elizabeth Scott. Mr C So simple vet alwavs efficacious in all bil of them in the past two years and in not a arrested on a charge of stealing $400,hot was rendered useless. The Ullricta are Cotton, Mrs M (2) Tungate. MrWm not rich, so the boy adopted a plan by ious disorde-s is Simmons Liver Regulator. single cask have they failed to cure anv worth of negotiable bonds. M. D. BROW KU. M D. Wickham. Mrs Charles and all kinds of headaches in the most satis ----------- :o:----------- Ktthli and family were on factory manner. Miss Ella Aud, aged 22, and her lover, which he is to secure for himself a cork Persons culling for same, will please sav Yours respectfully, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ’’advertised.” W. H. B rcnk , P. M. Monday’s train for the Sunset City fair. K. D K rameb &C o Sdgar Townsend, aged 21, both of prom leg. The leg has been promised him if For sale by T. K. BOLTON, bole Agent. inent families of Fishrock, Tex., are he succeeds in collecting 1,000,000 can ^4^’ Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour A shland , : ; : O regon . Ke-on«iiny and Strength John L. Gervin, depntv United States Ashland. celed postage stamps. under arrest for the murder of the girl ’ s marshal, was on Saturday ’ s train to Port ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon. Valuable vegetable remedies are used in The other day young Ullrich received Learning a Lennon. the prepara'i- n of Hraxl’s Sar-apanlla in land. baby, to which she has confessed. Office— Ganiards ()p«rit House. by express a bag weighing 100 pounds, In front of a State street dry goods store Residence, Mechanic and Laurel Streets such a peculiar manner as to retain the Twenty employes, mostly Poles, lost filled with canceled postage stamps and No pill or nauseating potion, but a pleas one day last week a well dressed man pa full medicinal value of every mrredient. Thus Hood’s Sar-aparill combines econo ant tonic and laxative is Simmons Liver tiently stood waiting for his wife, who was their lives in the burning of the Ameri bits of paper torn from the envelopes. C. CALDWELL, my and is the «ml v remedy of which ”100 Regulator. only to be gone “two minutes.” Outside can Glucose works at Buffalo. The They had been sent by Miss Alice Smith, Doses One Dollar” is true. Be >ure to get M. T. Walters has sold his race horses the store hung various articles useful and financial loss is about $600,000. C. J. a clerk in the employ of Hibbard, Spen Hood’s. MECHANICAL AND OBERATIVF in San Francisco and return- otherwise. To a casual observer they looked liamlin, the well-known horseman, cer, Bartlett & Co. Miss Smith had seen DENTIST. —most of them—very otherwise. Just then owned the plant. Hood’s Pills do not purge pain or gripe, el to Lakeview. an advertisement of the boy’s purpose in Cha<e Combination Dental Blates made but act promptly, easily and efficiently Judge Div, E. D R »boatn and wife, a red faced woman flew up from the base A daring bank robbery was commit a newspaper, and she wrote him to in with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. ment, and grabbing the patient, tired man and Chris Ulrick ami wife are attending Went Utid -r the Cars. Gold Fillings inserted in Borcelain Teeth by the arm said: “I want that wan up ted at Chadron, Neb. A stranger, quire as to the truth in the case. The to perfect appearance. A voting man 22 or 23 years of age, the midwinter fair. ' there. The mun in the basemint sez ye’d dressed as a cowboy, entered the bank reply she received was satisfactory, and Gold Crown and Contour work a specialty. named James McMann. was beating fns Conductor Yeo. Engwicht has been get it fer me, fer there ain’t no more down and held up the cashier, taking $2,500 she began collecting stamps. The large Office over the Bank ------------ AT THE------------ Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 wav north on the passenger Thursday paying the midwint r fair and San Fran there.” And she pointed to a shovel of the in coin. The robber compelled the bag received the other day by the boy He r<>de in here on a brake beam and at cisco ladv friends a visit. small iron variety hanging near the second cashier to enter the vault and locked the came from her. Miss Smith gets all the to !) a. m. and 4 to 5 p. m. tempted to jump it going out. door on him. • J. H. Hnffer, of Jacksonville, w is in story window marked "8 cents.” envelopes from the heavy mail received When the train pulled up he made s town Monday. He wants tfie republican J L. WOOD. "Madam, I do not climb up to that win Lack of vitality and colnr-matUr in the grab for tfie rod which runs longitudinal nomination tor county clerk. dow excepting every other day. This is the bulbs causes the hair to fall out and turn by the firm. Yesterday afternoon she DENTAL SURGEON. ly under the cars, his hands missed and day I do not climb. If you want it very gray. We recommend Hall’s Hair Renew- was tearing stamps off of envelopes, of which she had a large number. While Virgil Waters, formerly of this city, is much, yon might climb up and get it your er to prevent baldness and grayness. he fell in the middle of the track. He A shland , : : ; ' O regon seemed to have presence of mind enough running on tfie democratic ticket in Ben self.” Near Rio Bravo, Kern county, Cal., a doing this work she explained how sho She turned a wrathful pair of red eyes on patch of ground with so much alkali had become interested in the boy’s case LL MANNER of metal and rubber to lay flat on his face and let the train ton county for county recorder. plates made in the latest approved pass over film G. H Haskins has let a contract to S. him and said, “I’ll be afther reporting yez that a man would sink to his shoe tops and had resolved to help him. He went the length of four cars (or four Childers for tfie erection of a two story fer yer impidence," and she departed into methods. “It’s not so much work, and it will Gold and porcelain crowns and bridge cars passed directly over Ids l»odv) the brick store building at Medford. the beloved basement again in a state of while walking on it, was irrigated and benefit him.” she said. "It didn’t take sowed with com and grain. The rankest work a specialty. All work warranted to brakeheams and axles oceassionally giv great excitement. give perfect satisfaction. Low prices. The Medford ami Jacksonville public As she was leaving another customer, growth followed, and after three years very long to collect those that 1 sent ing him an uncomfortable thump, blit Office in Odd Fellows’ building, up stairs. not hitting hard enough to carry him schools will have a joint picnic in the overhearing the woman, thought the stran of irrigation and cropping there is no him, and I may send some more.”—Chi ger an employee of the store and said, “Say, trace of the alkali, except on the tops of cago Record. along. One finger got caught under the grove tret ween the two places May 5th. wheel and the flesh was peeled from the the checks, while just over the line on Mrs. Nettie Harris returned last week mister, where do you keep your pants?” On a Lady Barber. “I keep ’em on my suspenders. Where do unimproved land the ground is as white tame. When ti e train had passed by from an extended visit with tier late bus you keep yours?” he snapped and glowered Before this newer age began l.e was assisted t>> bis feet and taken to band’s folks in Canada, near Montreal. as a bank of beautiful snow. There was We thought the art tonsorial so on the man that he also departed in the otfi.’e of D'S. Giil ami Trevloan where no drainage; nothing except what has Belonged, by right of birth, to man Thompson & Blackwell are prosecuting haste. his wounds were attended to. He bad The dlCtrcnce between From ages immemorial. work on the B-taden properties they have Then the tired, waiting man, no longer been related was done to improve the Joy’s aud ad other Sana- very lew l.rmses on the outside, but the tronded and have struck some splendid But she has come, w-iih,fixed intent. soil. patient, turned and stood on the outer edge parillaa is this: Every doctors think tie is injured internally. ore. To prove to all the nations of the sidewalk at a respectable distance Los Angeles was merry last week. La That man is not pre-eminent other Sarsaparilla we He said he came from San Francisco, and In barbar-ous operations. J. B. Russell, the Yreka marble work from the crowd. When his wife came out, Fiesta was in full blast, and boundless know of contains potash. boarded th“ train (via tfie hrakeheam) It b well-known that pot that morning in Redding.—Dunsmuir er, and son of J. H. Russell, of this citv, he said, “Hereafter, madam, when I am fun was enjoyed by every one fortunate Oh, shaving is a sweet delight came over last week on a visit to his imbecile enough to consent to go shopping enough to be in the City of Angels. ash taken internally cau News. Since she the razor wielded! with you. I'll wait in the next block if you folks, ses eruptions upon the My heart unto her charms so bright. have errands in this store.”—Chicago Merry maskers held possession of the Has altogether yielded. l ace and neck. Yon have H. B Miller, of Grants Pass, delivered Tribune. city, which was beautifully decorated And though the thinks 'tis only gush— doubtless token a 6ar:a- a lecture nt the State University Friday in the carnival colors—red, green and My ecstasies amaze her- parilla for that pimply on “Political Economy Applied to The more Chamberlain's Cough Remedy black. The second day was celebrated I hail h r Queen of Comb and Brush skin. Unless you to k Joy’s you were surprised is used the better it is liked. We know of by the children, 10,000 of whom, in Citizenship.” And Goddess of the Razor. to find that it «dually created more eruptions no orher remedy that always gives Satisfac That was clmnl.- : ,j action of tho potash. Now Some day, with lather on my cheek Ctias. Henrv was over from Scott valley tion. It is good when you first catch cold. fancy uniforms, paraded, and afterward (Such is t he plan I harbor), Joy’s bein.T the latest avoids potash. Thus when last week after tiis family. He has struck It is good when your cough is st ated and ran riot throughout the city, doing as I shall courageous!) seek taken to relieve pimples it a; tually dissipates a quartz ledge over there that pays rich your lungs are sore. It is good in any kind they pleased. The carnival concluded The hand of my fair barber. of a cough. We have sold twenty-five dozen with a grand ball, the like of which was with a band moitar. them. It is the only Sar-nparilla that cleanses But if she has already found of it and every bottle has givens tis action. Is superior to all other preparations the blood without causing the ugly potash erup Some man to love and praise her. Hoa^t >n lias returned to Klamath Stedman & Friedman, druggists, Minnesota never before seen in Los Angeles. tions. A cesc. claiming to be blood-purifiers. First F. Jala* Her "No’’ would “cut’’ me. I’ll be bound. i II b lr<.m his San Francisco trip, hav Latte. Minn. 50 cent bottles for sa.e by After successfully evading detection “Being troubled with carbuncles on my face More deeply than her razor. of all, because the principal ingredi ing purchased a full stock of liquors to Ashland Drug • o. for so long a period as to lead to the be Fun. and neck, a well-known Barsaparllla actually ent used in it is the extract of gen reopen the Gem saloon, made matters worse. Upon changing to Joy’s The Czarina Had Her Way. lief that their identity never wynld be October Immigration. uine Honduras sarsaparilla root, the they be~an to dry up, *nJ in two weeks my face John Schallock and Henrv Kessler The czarina has shown herself all determined, the Roscoe train robbers Dr. Senner, the commissioner of im was aa well aud smooth ns ever.” variety richest in medicinal proper- leave Klamath Falls next week with a along the most devoted of wives and have at last been run to earth, and to S ocket S tewart , Petaluma, Cal rig, vending patent medicines, notions, mothers, and many a Muscovite matron United States Marshal Gard belongs the migration at the port of New York, has Cures Catarrh et«-., through Idaho and Montana. delights to recall an incident of 1869, credit of having solved the mystery collected some statistics for the month 7YSTÏLÆASTJD, OZRzZEG-OJST. Miss Kate Hammond left Friday for when the young empress had lost a lit which for the past two months has of October which are of interest in show low dock, being raised expressly for ing us what the United States is receiv the Company, is always fresh and San Francisco w here siie will visit her tle child of 3 months old. She was in- puzzled the shrewdest detectives in the ing from foreign countries. Fifteen br-ther Frank Hammond, of the rail- | “mourneTday“^'n“ight state. The three men to whose doors of the very best kind. With equal wav mail servu e, and the midwinter fair. foj. her bafey Qn day of tfae fQ. I he robbery has been traced, and two of thousand four hundred and sixty-six im Don’t accept a ; otash Sarsaparilla but Insist discrimination and care, each of the *n Joy’s. Most modern, samo price. _ Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cook, of the neral, though it was in the depth of win- whom are in the county jail, are John migrants were landed and brought with Manufacturer of Choice Steel Cut Roller Process other ingredients are selected and Neil For sale by Ashland Drug Co. farm, left this week for a visit at the jgj. an^ the cold was intense, the ladies Comstock, Walter Thome and Patrick them $303.386 in cash. Only 2,650 of compounded. It is them had more than $30, and 5,881 liad midwinter fair and Jim’s sister at Santa attendance were greatly distressed J. Fitzsimmons, residents of Little no trade or regular occupation. Sir,1Z’.sWt W 1 ’ dePar^re f°r when, on entering the room of their Tejunga canyon. There were 30 teachers, 21 musicians, sovereign,they found her standing wrap- The tug Vigilant at San Francisco had Rolled Barky and Fred of all Kinds at Lowest Cash I’rires. 11 clergymen. 5 artists, 5 engravers, 3 B. B. Burgess, a mining man who did ped tn a black veil, and having, amid a very narrow escape from destruction considerable prosjiecting and ha<l several |jer tears, a passionate discussion with with all on board, one of the firemen lawyers, 3 physicians, 2 sculptors, 1 actor, —PROPRIETOR— propositions bonded in the Gold Hill se<- emperor, who was trying to dis- discovering a dynamite bomb in a shov 858 skilled laborers, 210 dressmakers and Vear’ *a8 snade her from a resolution she had elful of coal which he was just about to 56 barbers. Ninety-two were returned, because it is always the same in ap Ö m Mexico tn a not. taken-that of. according to the Rus- throw into the furnace. Captain Haw of whom 21 were paupersand 1 a con pearance, flavor, and effect, and, be W. W. Walters, and Jeff and Roht. gian custom, carrying on her lap in a ley, on making an investigation, con vict. ing highly concentrated, only small Devennev, went over in the Salmon ■ sjjUt carriage the little coffin, which was cluded that the cartridge came from the The Way to Get Strong. doses are needed. It is, therefore, river section who I to develop a quartz ledge, t tuken tl) th(J fortrpK8 of gt peter mines. The coal had been taken from the most economical blood-purifier returned home Sunday, the snow being Janies J. Corbet gave some pretty good . o. , .. WEST SIDE OF PLAZA. Jani, the banal place of the the Genista the day before. The Gen advice to the boys of the Olympic Club. in existence. It too deep to bring supplies to their mine. “nd Romanoff family. “What the poorest ista arrived at SatA Francisco a snort when he was in San Francisco last, He LUrCS makes food nour- -ELY’S MEAN! B AL Wl-Cleanses thoNasal Gen. Nelson A. Miles, who will become woman in Russia has a right to do,'' while from Newcastle, New South tod them that the best way to get strong AVING BGUGHT the fixtures <>f the Passages, i^iaya Pain and Inflammation. Meals was to avoid all exce-ses in youth, so that QPRiinil A ishing, work pleas- ■• n.manderof the armies of the United tho czariua baid, -I wiH <n, myself!” Wales, and the bomb was in her hold •they-liould Hargadine & Woods (formerly Mur arrive at manhood lusty and ant, sleep refresh Stall’s after November, was broti-jh t over I Aud ehe had her own way, but she nearly three months. The explosive health.. Many men who have been guilty phy Bros ) market and renovated and re ovnuruun painted the old stand. the public can de ing, and life enjoyable. It searches riie Siskivous in a special car Sunday by caught a terrible cold, whibh kept her 'Ubstance had four different handlings of excesses and over-indulgencies. and have pend upon our keeping on hand at all time- Airier, J. Fillmore and other rail used the ' eiebiated Medicine "CUl’I- out all impurities in the system and Sopt. a full supply of road officials. Gen. Miles is out inspect- in bed for a month.—Moscow Gazette. without being discovered, and every DENE" lived to give testimony of its won ime it was handled many lives were expels them harmlessly by the natu ng the service in the west. derful stimu'aring and curative powers. CHOICEST MEATS------- Gives Relief at once for Cold in Head. And Still Growing. •t'U Pi DEN E” will check all the waste tiss ral channels. AYER’S Sarsaparilla ------- an d S A US A G ES Apply intn the. Xnetrtts. ---- It is Quickly Absorbed. Doudas county democratic ticket; ue of the bod\ . In fact, it stops a 1 losses. At first the movement for woman \\ Bark ’ s Cough Syrup on a positive gives elasticity to the step, and im R’presentatives, V. C London; C. D. 4L 50c. Druggists or by mail. ELY BROS., 66 Warren St., N.Y. Of All Kinds.________ suffrago was regarded aa a mcro crotch guarantee to cure all throat and lung “CUPIDENE” is a powerful, harmless, parts to the aged and infirm, re Drain ami U. H. Iisher; county judge, vegetable C< mpound. It is as sure to First Class Service. Small Margins newed health, strength, and vitality. J. S. Fitzhugh; sheriff, P. B. Beckley: I et, if not a craze. Aa it grew, there roubles. It has stood the test for many strengthen the generative organs as it is to and Cash Pnces. Give us a trial, 3-22-tl Jerrv I need to be floods and torrents of ridi- vears and to-day is the leading remedy for re-build and regenerate you. Trial pack l*rk, C. S. Jackson; treasurer ________ _____ surveyor cure of colds, consumption, and all dis- age $1.00; 6 packages $5.00. For sale by Thornton;commissioner, J. L. Clough; I cule poured over it. But there never he ases of the throat and lungs. Brice 50 the Ashland Drue Co. and Government Land Locator was a movement worth thinking of oj school superintendent, D >u<.das Waite; cents and $1.00. Sold bv E. A. S herwin . tssesso , H Dver; surveyor, Wm.Thiel; worth striving for in this world that WIMER, OE^EG-OTSU. Confiding. coroner, Dr. F. R. Coffman. had nut to take its baptism of fire in Cheap European Women. Virginia a robbery had been Down in » AVING gaineda complete know ledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac The Southern Pacific Railroad Co. ex the way of ridicule and sarcasm. Woman’s brains are not valued at a committed, The linger of suspicion pointed tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the Some of our ancestors, aa Julius Cay- high figure in Europe. In Germany to a uegro servant, and he was arraig ed I hibits two locomotives at the midwinter best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty air. One of them. theC. P. Huntington, aar tells us. had a way of flinging theii Prepared by Or. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell. Maes. the government pays schoolteachers, before the local justice, who happened to be Sold by all 1 iriiggiste; Price St; six bottles, $5. was brought around the Horn in 1863. newborn children into cold stream; the negro’s old master, to whom he was Ii weighs 19,000 pounds, and cost $10,- and rivers, under the impression thul telegraph operators and postal clerks still intensely loyal. THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE MYER’S Cures others, will cure you 603 49; the ottier, No. 1999, is a com those who did not survive were not from $12 to $20 a month. Spain has He made no defense or denial as the judge HARDWARE STORE. pound engine weighing 141,000 pounds, worth the bringing up, and so we may 15,000 schoolteachers, half of whom laid the evidence paint by point against receive $100 a year. In Austria accom him, and was about to be pro beside w hich the Huntington looks like Jackson Co, Oregon. BOOTS & SHOES a baby, vet it cost but a trifle more than say of movements like this—if they can plished teachers are only too glad to nounced when suddenly the real culprit was W. O. JOHNSON. not survive their immersion in the cold E. M. MILLER. the latter. give music lessons at a mark (25 cents) discovered. ------- THAT FIT YOU------- waters of contempt or the heated gey “Why didn’t you say you didn’t do it, REAL ESTATE AGENT, John B. Griffin, the celebrated hunter, ser streams of ridicule and sarcasm, an hour. Capital saleswomen in Ber ASZEJLJDE TQ OBEEB George?’’ asked the justice. lin and Dresden receive $5 a month. is working for the Hammeraley mine ami NOTARY PUBLIC and “Why,” said the faithful old servant,, w rites that Mr. Hutchinson, of Wood they are not worth the trying to bring Exchange. AT LOWEST LIVING RATES. “you’s a bones’ man, judge, an if you say I COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS. ville, rune the mill on the day shift with up. This movement has got over all Practical Blacksmiths, is the man, den I is t he man, but you see I South Africa Governesses. Joe Hammerslv as engineer, and Mr. that. Since those early days it has been AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up, epairing a specialty . Half Experienced Horseshoers. Statler, the night shift, with Joe Hicks steadily growing, broadening, deepen A governess, writing from South Afri ain’t the man.”—Youth’s Companion. Soling, men's 75 cents, ladies 50 cents. for 5<ale or Kent aS engineer. Frank Shaffer, A. W. Mc ing, taking hold of society, of intelli ca, says; “Tlie life of a governess ou One Will and One Law. Three houses» and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. Kean, Tom McDonald, Rufe Phelps and gence and of intellect everywhere a farm is truly terrible for English :o: A dispatch to the Loudon Times from Tom Hammerslv are the underground throughout the country.—Justin Mc girls—indeed few can stand it. Often QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES Berlin says The Germania declares that Any Hour— Hot and Cold Water on Tap. ATER STREET—Below the Liven workmen; Will Witt and H Bull namib Carthy, M. P. the people, except the children, can the emperor, in his address to the re As Silver and Real Estate are both at a very low ebb now is the time for home Stable. Terms reasonable; Work the ore; Ben Tabor gets out the tunnel only speak Dutch, and for weeks to cruits recently, said: seekers to get bargains, as I will take silver in exchange. Call on or address me for Guaranteed. timbers, and Rilev Hammerslev bosses Women on the Jury. gether you will see no one else. Your _____________________________ the job. “1 want Christian soldiers who sax further particulars. nr- ti -. y us! A recent number of the New Zealand bedroom will have a mud floor, baths the Lord ’ s i dyer. Soldiers are not to It is only of late years that rheumatism Mirror relates that at the petty sessions are an unknown luxury, while there have a will of their own. You nust has been treated as’a blood disease. But! courts several persons were summoned will be absolutely no sanitary arrange have but one will, and that is my will; a vw ; that this is a correct theorv is proved bv the extraordinary -ucces* attending the use to show why they should not have their ments.” £ 35 varieties High-Clat>3. TborougUbred, J V. HLD. one law, and that is my law. Z Fancy Poultry j 15 Varieties Fancy of Ai er’s Sarsaparilla in this painful and certificates allowing them the control ’ . ■ -i ¿Xectuatly J Pigeons; Guinea Pip; FerrrlstPet Hab- J rl. Not verv prevalent malady. It seldom fails o' of domestic animals canceled. These bits and Recorded Poland China Swine. 2 t?. ti. radical cure. J Send 10c. turtny Fine, Urge,liiustrsted. S cases, which have not been heard from “ Descnp.ive Catalogue containing many J hints on Poultry raisins, treathient ot I The difference between high and low for many years, have this year cropped their diseases, etc., w< ith dollars tj any } water mark on the lake shores and falls, up in considerable numbers, much to the one in’erested in Poultry. i ALBERT ASKEY. Ridott, ill. i w bich for several years past has been regret of the better class of people. The about two feet, is about three feet this possession of these certificates has very spring. The Indians descrilie William properly been refused to those who have Water <»f any temperature desired son river as higher now than thev hav Natural Tempetaiut-e H5 deg’s. shown the old aptness for cruelty, now ever seen it before, and it was remarked When you are without healthy flesh you are weak To DRHK THE WATER IS A T9IIC. ■ in the street the other day that it would supposed to have been eradicated by be easv for the “ Lottie C ” to steam fron long culture ot the young in better sen Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates somewhere, or else your food does not nourish you. fungi and animalculea, and neutral fhe Falls wnarf bv wav of Lost rivet timents. The jury was impaneled in F izing and correcting all acidi slough, eross the valley into Lost river, the usual manner in such cases, half of E. FITZWATER, Prop. ties it promotes a normal and run down into Title lake and return—a men and half of women, all of whom healthful condition in every C orner M ain and C hurch S treets . feat hitherto impossible to a man in A were known to be clear of any charge part of the system. canoe.—Klamath Star. of ill treating animals. It is an excel SWIMMING RINK. -- eals at ll hours . Meals lent idea. Four Big Successes. .nclosetl and covered, tin- same medical from 15 Cents Up Meal Tickets, 21 The Right Field. water, always dean, for the springs run a Having the needed merit to more than meals for $4 00. Foyer—You say your ambition is to be heavy volume— more than twelve hun Sr?, make good all the advertising claimed for dred gallon, per hour. of Cod-liver, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, them, the following four remedies have come a finished actor? Yon ought to start EAT AND ATTR tCTIVE Servlet You may dive and swim ami have more for the far west at once then. _ ami Ejr-t Class Fare. reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's lun than “anybody' —come out as “line finds weak spots, cures them, and stores up latent Ruskin—Why the far west? Give i s a Call. mar22-tf as silk” and ’while as wool”—rejuven WATCHMAKER & JEWELER. New Discovery, lor Consumption, Cotigi s, Hamtolette Foyer (wit h em ph axis)— Becau w a rtcr one ated and happy. and Colds each bottle guaranteed—Electric dose of such acting as you gave us tonight strength in solid flesh to ward off disease. Phy si- I ' R eeskk B lock , ; ; A shland , O r Located on the Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach BZRÆUSTG- YOUR an audience out there would be apt to finish dans, the world over, endorse it and Kidneys. Bin klen’s Arnica Salve, the you in no time.—Buffalo Courier. HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE NORTH OF THE PLAZA. LEANING. W 'TUHESand (’LOCKS. best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life For sale by Ashland Drug Company. Yopr Flavc <»r Boon, anü SU >cs. Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these $1.00 MAINSPRING.", $1 00. Morris Howell, the old reliable boot and remedies are guaratitt efl to n<> just what is SCOTT’S EMULSION cures Coughs, Colds, Weak -----TO THE----- claimed for them and the dealer whose name -hoe maker one door north ot the old stand K rause ’ s H eadache C apsules — Wanan Lungs and Wasting Diseases. Pi oprietor. Boots and First-Class Work and satisfaction !•> attached herewith will be glad to tell you opposite Odd Fellows hall ed. For Sale by T. K Bolton, Sole Agent- RECORD OFFICE. guurealeed. more Of ttwiu. SuH at ▲etotaod Drug Ua Aoee awde to untar «ttowutit pouñbte retos. Prepared by Scott a Sown* * V. 0rvw8i«t& m H it. Gold Hill. April21, 1894. Crop« here a«e not pr- mising, but will be fair if rain comes shortly. The Canes creek bridge, which fell in last January, will soon be rebuilt. Dr. Braden left for hi* home in the east Friday He intends returning this fall. Mr. Tump-on. one of the gentlemen in tere*ted in the Braden mines, will start fer the east soon, to be absent a sbart time. Chas Horn, son of Dee Horn, of Galls creek, died Thursday, 19th inst.. of la grippe. Imm which Mr. Dee Horn is serious ly ill. and which may prove fatal. Changed )4ands ! Royal & A bsolutely HOTEL OREGON, pure 5 Professional Cards Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. HIGHEST CASH MARKET PRICE for ’Wheat <Sc üexrlev ASHLAND ROLLER FLOUR MILLS A FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF J Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To 11. c. MYER Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, AYER’S CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. Sarsaparilla AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. EAGLE • ROLLER . MILLS Vegetable U 8 OGarsaparllla 0. W. OBARR, C. FARNHAM, Proprietor. CORN THE Superior Medicine MEAL, s GRAHAM • FLOUR, ETC., Highest cash price paid for Barley and Corn at all times. p H MORRIS HOWELL. BOOTS SHOEMAKER N T> VOTING AYER’S Sarsaparilla H DAN RICHARDS,G0LD HILL’ JOHNSON & MILLER, H R - Baths- W IMPCULTRYIsrisl J. PENN tvrtgn M N White Sulphur Springs BATHING B Re¿pensd Uader Neva Management. ASHLAND Scott’s Emulsion I' C GRANT HELM AS i .<•■■* t I *