Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1892)
VALLEY RECORD. An Aaeault Case That Yankee in the Flowery King BREVITY BASKET. New York Board of Health Old Kennedy of Siskiyou mountain was ‘ dom. ia Justice of tbe Peace Berry's court this Yreka had a heavy wind storm Sunday. Hon W. S. Crowell’s lecture on the week, on a charge of assaulting bis oldest Yankee in the Flowery Kingdom has A number of Klamath county Indians ' son with a dangerous weapon. Kennedy ASHLAND, Oa., T icumt , Jan », 1*02 bad been having a racket with his family please«! the Ashland public to such an are in Ashland. extent that they haven ’ t got enongh of for several days preceding this a««ault. ! The Medford pork packery got through 11 seems he keep« a family biacksnake hung it. Burnside poet, G. A R., have made curing hogs this week. PERSONAL. AND SOCIAL». SITS DOWN ON A BAKING POWDER CO. up in a convenient place to train up and arrangements to have Mr. Crowell deliv Mart Armstrong of Medford was in the regulate his family according to his idea« er a continuation of that lecture at Gan- L. E. Moe came up from Junction to-day of obedience to the divine will of the head iard’s opera house Friday evening, Feb city Monday on business. —The Improved Perfect Roaster and Baker— the bouse. For a trivial matter be ¿th. Roadmaster Burckhalter and H. Cooley __________________ Gua Godfrey is in town from Josephine of started into “thrash” the eldest daughter. ■ ROYAL’S OLD GAME. were in the city yesterday. county. tatami all the fine pwiats ,f all other Pais, aid them steps far beyond them in its Material. The Gowpel on Wheels. aged eighteen, who ran away to a neigh Jos. Young, a Siskiyou countv pioneer of D. T. Lawton waa here from Medford bor's, her married sister’s bouse to avoid Conxtrurt ion aid l(jistability, and ike w«rk it dees. This is I hr The gospel car, Evangel, will be in 1856, died in Scott valley the 15th. Tuesday. the old man's punishment. After she Ashland Monday, Feb. 1, 1892. / At 7 p. □IVEISAL VERDICT wherever it is ised. Rev. R. C. Oglesby of the M. E. church Mrs. Lizzie Kingsbury wu visiting Jack came home. Kennedy started in with bis m. there will be a song-service, followed original intention. The girl fled to her south, preached at Soda springs Sunday. sonville Friday. older brother for protection. The brother by a short sermon by Rev. E. G. W. H. Mowat and S. B. Whittle went out | S tats B oard of H ealth op N ew Y ork , Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Foudray were in had a gun in bis hand and told tbe old Wheeler. The car will stop near the Your R oasts and F owls will come from the oven rich, tender and juicy, and the Linkville telegraph line yesterday to town yesterday. man be bad rone far enough. The old planing mill site on Helman street, and on do some repairing. with all their nutriment and flavor retained. Your B read and C akes will be man started after tbe boy with a railroad the public is cordially invited to attend. Wm. Cameron of Uniontown is in this shovel and was about to strike him when This “gospel car” is 60 feet in length, 10 simply perfect. No article cooked in the R oaster ani > B aker can burn. L. D. Jacks of Salem, district repre end of the valley. tbe mother got bold of it and prevented sentative of the State Insurance Co., has 1 It is a self-baster, and requires no watching. It will do its work while you Joe Pierce returned Tuesday from a bus- j the blow. Justice Berry held Kennedy to feet wide, and will hold 100 persons. It located in Ashland. is tbe gift of Messrs. Charles L. Colby, I are bus,’ about your household duties or at church. appear before tbe grand jury for assault mesa trip to Han Francisco. Olsen, the miner has gone to John C. with a dangerous weapon ia'the sum of Colgate Hoyt, John B. Trevor, John T he L each R oasters and B akers are the most perfect, complete and satis A. B. Heal, tbe Albany commercial trav $390. in default of which Kennedy was Rockefeller and E. J. Barney to the Lewis’s Grave creek mines to work for I eler, waa in tbe city yesterday. factory- cooking utensils ever brought before the public. Thay have stood the taken to the county jail last evening by American Baptist Publication Society. : Supt. R. H. Gilhain. The car is dedicated to the missionary Clif Pi.yne, who has been engaged at •• John Anderson, E sq test of time and use, and ladies all over the United States unite in preuouncing Wm. Prather left this morning for Phoe Constable S. D. Taylor. carpentering at Yreka for some weeks.: evangelistic work. nix, Arizona, to seek his fortune. them invaluable. You Can Rely returned home Saturday. Chicago, 111* Mias Ida Klinehammer was up from Upon Hood's 8arsaparilla as a positive MRS. ELIZA J. STALEY, Local Ageul, Prof. “Foghorn" Watts. The total waterfall from July 1. 1891, to , Medford Friday visiting friends. reniedy for every form of scrofula, salt Aahland, Oregon. Jan. 1, 1892, wi- 7.41 inches. From the 1st j Dear 8ir: Miss Cooper, G. B. Addington and Joe I rheum', boils, pimples and all other diseases McMinnville, Yamhill Co., Register.] 1 to Jan. 24th .Si inches additional fell. caused by impure blood. It eradicates The Yamhill statesman, better known Pierce came up from Medford to-day. every impurity ’ It is announced that the Southern Pacific and at the same time tones as Fog-horn Watte, is in public office In renona« to tour« of April 20th. tn regard to Ernest L. Parr and bride of Link ville are and vitalizes italizes the whole system. again, and it is needless to say that it is Company will build at least five hundred upending their honeymoon in Ashland. cars at the Sacramento shops this year. th« odvartising of the Royal Baking Powder Cott© any I have th« honor Constipation, and all troubles with tbe 1 one of those offices that pays, he would Mu« Alice Kiger in visiting Ashland, the digestive Rufus Cole sold a band of cattle to San have no other. The record of this loud organs and tbe liver, are cured guest of her slater. Mr,. N. W. Chilcott by Hood’s Pills. Unequalled as a dinner | voiced and loud smelling aspirant for Francisco parties last week, the cows bring «end you the following resolution adopted by th« Board at it» A. Kunituel and son W. A. Rummel,went 1 pill. office is so well known in the state that ing 2% cents, the steers three cents on foot. — over to their Klamath river mine Munday. Hugh Briner went to Siskiyou Tuesday guart«rly aoetlng held In Albany Fab. 11th, 1885. comment upon the appointment is un Real Estate Transfers. necessary. He has probably been pen to look for a location as a watch-maker Mrs. J. B. Whiteman, sister of B. H. A J Tavlor to L Givan—115.80 acres tp 36 sioned, by this appointment, in order and Jeweler, which trade he has learne«! Hatch, returned to Milton, Or., Monday. srlw: * R««olved,* That the adv«rtla«ment of th« Royal Baking $500. that his gentle voice will not be heard in from Fred Hogg. Judge Tolman went to Central Point yes- Sarah M Morris to Jane Fewel—undivid the coming campaign. From his birth Improvements are to be made on the terday to look at a mine with J. B. Wris- ed 1-11 interest lot4,blk 11,Ashland: $90.90. ley. he has had the faculty of laying tribute Baptist church. This congregation is grow FOtder Coapany, quoting the State Board of Health of N«w York a« Wm Patterson et al to same—1-11 inter on all things that he touched. His ing and prospering under the pastorship of Mrs. Chas. Lebeau returned home to est to same; $90. rBtomndlngt through one of ita analyst«, ita purity, «to., la position in the Haves case, his temper Rev. Geo. W. Black. Yreka Saturday after a visit of several <lavs Jos L Patterson to same—1-11 interest in ance abilities, his $20 speech and clerk A party named J. W. Hall and wife were I in Ashland. ; Mine property; $91. in town Monday and it is rumored that In no caa« do«« the Stat« Board of Health 8. A Clarke, the horticultural writer was John Pa'terson to same—4-11 interest in ship appointment while senator, have Hall tapfied some of our sports for |250 at • «¿«representation. all ad«!ed to his reputation and his in the valley last week, attending the farm I same properly; $455 one sitting of two hours. ers’ institute. ©r its representatives, cause such examination to oe mad« with Joshua Patterson to same—4 11 Interest pocket. Yamhill is thoroughly glad to Rodney, the six months old son of 8. J. see him go. He will not have to be l^e Cunnynghani is now engaged as in same; $363 7-11. Scott and wife (formely Miss Mabel Penn- news agent on the run between Ashland J G Birdsey to J W Short—sheriff’s deed taken care of by Yamhill republicans 1 ebaker.) died in Albina Friday, where Mr. • view of raoomnending any particular product«. and Fortland. i to lot 2 blk 2. Short’s add to Medford; $87. during the coming year. Surelv a great 3. is deputy city survey er. J W Mattox to Jennie M Faria—lot 9 blk , load has been lifted from their shoulders. T. O. Andrews, who has been employed Sunday night was the windiest night ex | If the republican party can keep him at in Salem for a year or more, will return to 9, Park add to Medford; $600. perienced in this section for a numlier of Ashland soon. W Beeson to D E Hyde—q c d to lot in Lakeview transacting the business of the years. There was no damage, but the win«! v«ry truly your«. land office, they will feel jubilant, but, dew hard for this «xmntry. Thomas Morgan, the world-eoming-to-an- Ashland; $1. if he takes matters in his own hands, L A Rose to same- deed to same prop- end preacher, left for the north with his John B. Wrisley was in town Friday, they will have to swallow him whole as family Monday. I | erty; $1. having cultivated a full beard of whiskers before. A little moral stamina on the O Harbaugh to same—deed to same prop since his last visit. It was a windy day Miss Sarah Berry, who has been visiting erty; $600. : part of the ruling party would rid Oregon and the wind—of course it did. her sister, Mrs. K C. Kane, returned to of one of the greatest and nastiest blots F T Downing to Rachel A Ellis—84.43 Jacksonvill Friday, J. H. Martin intends closing out his stock upon its political history. This they acres tp 36 s r 2w; $357. of sewing machines and harness. If you Mrs. G. M. Parkinson and children went 8 M Rhodes and Perry Meliza to Ash will not do as he is a very useful person want a bargain look at his ad. in this issue The misrepresentation which called forth the resolution of to Horn brook Saturday, where George has bury Anderson—20 acres tp s8 s r 1 e; $650. i to have at times. of tbe R ecord and call on hint. located on a ranch. the State Board of Health of New York, printed above, is in keep U 8 patent to Jos T Million—160 acres sec Sermon subjects at the Presbyterian Honesty is the Best Policy. Engineer I-eo Wells, who has been run 12, tp 40 s r 4 e. church next Sabbath : “ The Goyiel in ning south of Dunsmuir for a month past, This ia a patent medicine advertisement, ing with the old tactics of the Royal Baking Powder Company. U 8 Patent to Andrew J Taylor—115.80 waa in town Tuesday. but your attention one moment may save Miniature’ and “Reasons for the Forsak acres tp 36 s r 1 w. ing and not Forsaking of God ’ s House. ” you much suffering as well as money. F. Roper left Tuesday on a business trip First it manufactured a Government Chemist out of whole Coroline Cardwell to C W Kahler-16.0t> The new ballot law will call the con- I We cure that cough. to Seattle, where Geo. B. Landers is inter acres land Mrs Cardwell's add to Jackson We cure that tickling. • ventions earlier, as it compels countv ested in the tlpunng mill. ville; $1500. We cure that hacking. tickets to be filed with the countv clerk's cloth, and the garment was cut and made to fit Dr. Henry A. Deputy U.S. Marshal A. T. Kyle went to Samuel Phillips to Christian Ulrich—tract We cure lliat throat clearing. 30 davs before election and the state ticket Mott, and later poor Dr. Love. Portland Tuesday to attend the state con of land in Jacksonville; $25. We cure Croup. 45 days before, vention of Republican clubs. We cure Bronchitis. 8 F Morine to Susanna L Allen—lot 2 blk Ira C. Dodge has been appointed su- We cure that La Grippe Cough. Brought to a turn in this, the same company sought to use Thomas D. Williams and bride returned 20. Chitw«M><l tract, Ashland; $3500. ' 1 erintendeut of the city water works for We help you to sing and speak. Christian Ulrich to Samuel Phillips—par yesterday from their northern trip, where ' one year by the city government, at a salary We are not the 8. B. Lozenges they have been visiting relatives. cel of land in Jacksonville; $25. of $40 per month. Ira is one of the 27 un- 1 the New York Board of Health. We are a pleasant Cough Syrup. terrified of the 3d ward. Caroline Cardwell to Emma Cardwell—e H. H. Wilkinson of Dayton. Wash., was We are put up in 50 and 75 cent bottles. It did not hesitate to send broadcast, the statement that the last week visiting Geo. Hall, a new comer % of blk 3, Mrs Cardwell’s add to Jackson- ’ We are the 8. B. Cough Cure. The Dayton, Wash., Courier, which i ville: $500. at Medford, and an old neighbor of his. Guaranteed by J. C. Barrett A Co. mentions the birth to tbe wife of John B. O Harbaugh to Geo Hall—35 acres land Wells of a son whose weight was eighteen New York Board of Health had endorsed and recommended the W. H. Hart returned to Ashland Mon sec 26, tp 37 s r 2 w; $2625. Congressman Hermann is at Wash-1 I and one-half pounds. This is Mrs. Wells’ day after an absence of several months so J and C Downing to Ixirena E Downing— ington and not here in Oregon on the fourteenth child, of whom twelve are living. Royal (Ammonia) Baking Powder. jouniing in the country between here and 7.99 acres sec 8, tp 37 s r 2 w; $300. ground of battle that the Hon. H. B. The Democrats had another meeting in It did not take the New York Board of Health very long Wm R Callahan to Geo Hall—lots 5, 14, Miller is supposed to be waging against McCall's hall Tuesday evening and after Miss Jennie Colvig. who has been visiting 15, 16 blk 6. Park add to Medford; $500. adopting constitution adjourned to Thurs- ; him. Binder has a great long bead and Ashland, the guest of her cousin, Miss , that head is to-day also at work explod day evening next, at which time permanent to assert itself on this misrepresentation as will be seen from the Nina Emery, returned to Grants Pass > Catarrh In Colorado. ing the thunder of the Hon. Harry. officers of the Democratic club will be foregoing letter. Bunday. I used Ely's Cream Balm for dry catarrh. The following gun, which was touched e.ected. Mrs. Fordyce Roper and daughter, Miss It proved a’ cure.—B.F.M.Weeks, Denver. off in the Washington dispatches to The grippe is taking people oft rapidly. ' Ely's Cream Balm is especially adapted Carrie, returned Sunday from a visit of These questionable methods of advertising have never The telegraph operators say there is hardly i some months with Mrs. Austie Carr in , as a remedy for catarrh which is aggravated Monday’« Oregonian, indicates that an hour in the day but several private by alkaline dust and dry winds.—W. A. Binger is going to show the southern telegrams California. pass over the wires informing been resorted to by the Price Baking Powder Go. The old- Oregon people that there is no use send Hover, Druggist, Denver. relations of the death ot father, mother or Miss Jennie Saltmarsh of 1-ebanon. I can recommend Ely s Creani Balm to ing such a verdant fellow to congress. ■ child from that disease. Linn county, arrived Friday on a visit 1 all sufferers fromdry catarrh from personal fashioned honest way of making a pure Cream Tartar to her sister, Miss Tessie Saltmarsh, of the experience—Michael Herr, Pharmacist, Then besides you remember it was the Dunsmuir News: W. J. Virgin,the great Republicans who told the Democrats Depot hotel. Denver. flour mill man of Ashland, Oregon, arrived No ammonia to Ely’s Creani Balm has cured many cases that it took some terms for a congress in the city Wednesday night on his way to Baking Powder is much to be preferred. Mrs. O. B. Allen, wife of tbe P. ecord ' s foreman, left Sunday with their children of catarrh. It is in constant demand^—Geo. man to get “properly on” in Wash Roseville and San Francisco on business ington, and when he did gel “properly Mr. Virgin's call at this office was very for Hubbard, Marion county, to visit Mrs. W. Hoyt, Pharniacist.Cheyenne, Wy. conceal, nothing to bolster up. The Only House in the City making on”the people should keep on re-electing much appreciated Alien’s folks. him. The dispatch reads: Snyderville and Vicinity. The young ones of the Ashland public Maunce E. Bain, one of the propiretors The success of Dr. Price proves honesty is the best Representative Hermann has in schools have been treated to a sensation, a of the Me<tfor«i Mail spent Friday in Ash Weather pretty fair now. troduced a hill in congress, directing an Chinese boy age«l 9 years having entered I land, and waa a pleasant caller at the Israel Harris went to Medford Tuesday ' examination and survey by the war de the school. He is getting along well—the business policy in food products, as in everything else. R ecord office. on business. partment of Rogue river, from its mouth I girls say he is cute, the “ kid’ ” bovsi declare Miss Kate Hansen has been spending a Mr. Willhite is living in part of Askew’s 1 to the town of Grant’s Pass, in Josephine he can fight like a wbiteman. His parent« week visiting Mrs. White at Siskiyou. in China and can’t get through the New Way of Collecting Debts. Misses Emma Howard and Sadie Nelson house at present. county, and also to include its entrance are The Eugene precincts have been in Chinese exclusion law. We carry the most complete and choicest stock in Ashland spent Bunday there. with a view to an elaborate showing of corporated into one justice of the peace Oregonian.] M. 8. Welch has his residence in Snyder- . Frederick S DeWolfe, attorney and that waterway and any obstacles which ville nearly completed. precinct. This method will probably be In this big town there is a bill collector H. T. Chitwood, who has been under I and will positively not be undersold. All prompt preeident of the Bank of King Connty at going a course of la grippe, came out from Israel Harris and Rob Ashworth are af- , may exist to an improvement to navi Seattle, advertises some land for sale at adopted for Ashland, too, as one justice who is a dandy. On his left side he Portland Friday to recuperate and visit his dieted with rheumatism. ly settled accounts and cash custom dis gation, to be exhibited by maps and a can make a living out of that position carries a woo<lensign which reads; “I relatives and old time Ashland friends written report to the secretary of war public auction elsewhere in the R ecord ’ s and the city recorder’s office. Where am a bill collector. I collect bills that We learn that Mrs. Henry Cryder is very- and by him sent to congress. counted columns. It is the Landers propertv one man can put in his whole time at an other men cannot collect.” This man H. C. Van Horn, representing tbe E. J. sick, not expected to live. Mr. De Wolfe writes the R ecord that he occupation it is a great convenience to also has a cowbell. When he spots a Bowen seed house left Friday on his north Mr. Miller should not let Binger get Al Lewis has moved onto his homestead ern trip. Mrs. Van Hom accompanied man who does not pay his bills he takes away with hint like that. We move that will be here in person on the day of the the public. him as far as Roseburg, returning Bunday. and will improve the same. station in front of the place where the Congressman Harry have this matter sale, Wednesday, March 2d, 1892. Mrs. Jacob Bowman is worse again. She amended so that Rogue river, Bear creek man is. If the debtor does not come Mrs. Hattie Logan has rented her photo The best medical authorities say the WE TELL______ the forth he rings the bell as an inducement. graph gallery to T. O. Blair of Portland. has been sick two months. and Ashland creek lie scraped out, ready proper way to treat catarrh is to take a Mrs. I»ogan loft on Tuesday for Portland John Dodson of Meadows precinct prov for navigation with (Kean steamers. constitutional remedy, like Hood’s Sarsa The result is that the debtor invariably WE DEFY ALL COMPETITION. parilla. to take a position in a gallery in that city. ed up on his homestead the 16th. pays tbe bill. There is no use in being selfish and about Seeds. We will send J. H. Settlemier, the Woodburn nursery drawing the line at Grants Pass. There Mrs. Belle Smith will soon join her hus The Examiner says Jerome Knox of you Free our Seed Annual man was on Monday’s train for Sacramen band, who is in Fresno county, Cal. is as much vanity in Ashland that needs Lakeview is being talked of for one of Delinquent Notice. for 1892, which tells to. He has letired from the business^tum- the Republican candidates for circuit »“We respectfully solicit your trade, deliver goods Mr. Fitzgerald of the lower valley attend tickling as there is any place. THE WHOLE ing it over to his enterprising son, Frank ed the protracted meeting last week. judge. Judge Webster has had his fill TYMPIRE GOLD AND SILVER Mining Settlemier. Catarrh Can’t be Cured of running court in a country where he and Milling Company. Location of promptly and will treat everyone white The Meadows has a new resident, a Mr. Try the only W. J. Virgin, of Jacobs A Virgin's Ash Childers. He lives on the Cummins ranch. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can’t make everybody keep from calling principal place of business, business’, San Francisco, ' / / We illustrate and give land roller flour mills returned last even i California. Location of works, Wagner Al Gall and sister, and Mrs. Thos. Pank- cannot reach the seat of the disease. attention to the unsavory reputation of ing from a business trip to San Francisco. prices in this Catalogue, Creek Mining District, Jackson Co..Oregon. first-class grocery in the city. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, Hts main object was to see the S. P. about ev attended church at Antioch last Sun and in order to cure it you have to take in his conduct and court, and will not be a N otice .—There are delinquent, upon the which is handsomer than candidate for re-election. At least Mrs. day. lowering its freight rates on flour. following described stock on account of As ternal remedies. Hall’s Catrrh Cureis taken Judge Webster has remarked that “the ever. It tells sessment No. 4 levied on the 16th day of There will be a concert, dance and oyster internally, and acts directly on the blood W. G. Cooper was up from Medford Mon t,_......... ,.iit NOTHING BUT THE December, 1891, the several amounts set :xx day on on a business trip. trip, Besides liesides owning owning ’“PP« combined at Sams valley Friday and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure judge has done enough for the people of day a business southern Oregon, ” opposite the names of the respective Share is no quack medicine. It was prescribed some valuable business property in that | nlKnt- Write for it to-day. holders, as follows: — Mr. »•- tooper 7»------------------------- 1..» — _» Mrs. j an# Kagsdaie ’s uncle, lately from by one of the best physicians in this country place is now proprietor of .u- the Jane Ragsdale's If you haven’t seen the new $25.00 grand NO. < ÏR- NO. FERRY & CO., Detroit, M ioh. Clarendon hotel, which ha.« !>een consider- Arizona, is visiting her. . We did not learn for years, and is a regular prescription. Brize, baking powder, hurry around to the It »’composed of the best tonics known, NAMES. TIFICATES. BHABB8. AMOUNT. fera House Grocery. ably improved under hi« management. his name. combined with the best blood purifiers, act- Bushnell, Rose L 85 10 $ .125 Geo. Stephenson returned Friday from a ________________ Lillie Jones returned to Grants Pass last ing directly on the mucous surfaces. The 425 5.31 yt T. T. Geer of Marion countv has been Cheminant,A. Tr 95 M tour of several weeks down through Cal- week, to school. I Daisy will remain at ■ perfect combination of the two ingredients in the valley consulting with H. B. Miller 100 96 1.25 H ifornia. About every two years George j home for some time, is what produces such wonderful results in about which one was to step into Her 97 100 1.25 C« takes a trip to bunt a place where business 98 100 1.25 Mrs. Geo. Smith and son returned from mann ’ s congressional shoes. Mr. Geer is livelier than in Ashland. He in- visiting relatives on Big Butte, Monday.! ’ 99 100 1.25 is the same sillv old fool who writes those variably comes home with a satisfying , _• _»/ . »u 100 100 1.25 smile on his countenance and says he didnt They report snow plenty up there, “funny” articles in the Oregonian. 113 500 6.25 Oregon has a wide enough reputation al 114 500 find it. J, B. Welch took a load of washing 111a- Jacksonville Jottinge. 6.25 115 500 6.25 ready for the long-earedness of its jack H. T. French. G. W. Shaw, C. H. : °hiuas do™ EvaJ,s ere?£ thi8 He Ed. Farra of Rock Point was in town 86 .125 10 . Owen, Mattie P asses without sending Geer to Washing- 8« hmidt and Geo. Coote, the professors has the “boss washer in the county, Monday. And in accordance with law, and an or- ! ton as a specimen representative. from the Agricultural college who came to How would it do to get a P. O. at Snyder- der of the Board of Directors, made on the Mra. P. P. Prim returned from Port- conduct the farmers institute at Medford ville, so we can get our mail nearer home? Crackers, oysters, fish. We replenish 16th day of December, 1891. so many shares were In Ashland Friday. On Sunday A. Those mail boxes on main street in Snvder land Monday. every few days. O. Winter. of each parcel of such stock as may be nec- H. Carson, H. B. Miller, R. L. Webster, T. look very convenient. Having Decided to Mra. I. A. Webbof Medford visite«! her | essary, will be sold at public auction at the -------- ’ ’ L. F ” Washburn drove up T Geerand Tbe farmers institute at Medford Fri Rev. J. C. Slover has been very ill with numerous friends here the first of the ; office of the Company, 328 Montgomery from Medford and went north on the day evening and Saturday proved an in erysipelas on his face. He is at the hos i street. Room 13, San Francisco, California, week. evening train. teresting meeting, and is said to have pitable home of Mr. Glass, and of course ( on Monday the 15th day of February, 1892, County Clerk Max Muller was _ in town receives the best of care. Mra. R. J. Cameron was visiting been the most successful one ever held at tbe hour of 10 o’clock a . m . of said — Of the — Monday smiling benignly on the dear peo , in Oregon. The opera house was well pay Delinquent Assessments thereon, to- Ella Sydenstricker seems to mend very friends in Jacksonville several days this ple. inquiring very tenderly for the condi slowly. i gether with costs of Advertising and ex 1 filled with farmers and fruit growers The sympathy of the whole neigh- week, tion of their good health, the number of borhood is with this young girl who has Sewing Machine Business penses of the sale. from all sections The reading of papers teeth the new baby has, besides num Miss Ollie Purvis of Talent visited her , consumed most of the time, however, and A. CI1EMINANT, Secretary. erous flattering courtesies that would do suffered so long and patiently. cousin. Miss Nettie Pogue, during the and cut off the discussion, which is tbe I offer a fine stock of improv Office 328 Montgomery street, Room 13, credit to a Chesterfield or a Robert A. Mil It would take a Philadelphia lawyer to week. San Francisco, California. most practical part of these meetings. ler. But aside from these ominous signs unravel the knotty problems of religion ed machines _______ _______ ___ at Antioch Marshal Grimes is confined to his room and indications he tells those he meets that the lay brethren wrestle with We have a soap that will please you. It his sleep is as easy, calm and peaceful as now T Look out ’ Jimmie,or ” ' . Riley , or Jasper with an attack of la grippe. Chris Kee- j smells sweet, don’t chap the hands, a fine that of an innocent child. The third term will down you vet. i gan is wearing the star. 1 wssher, and will save you money O. haunts not his slumbers any more than the I Winter. 3 Rev. Renfro has been holding a series of Hon. C. C. Beekman and family who fourth term, the fifth term or the tenth For Cash or approved se very interesting meetings at Antioch. He I have been in New York for the past year The principal event at the Ashland term—he will take them all if he can get is a' Baptist revivalist and a polished speak are expected home the 10th of February. 1 fruit growers’ meeting Tuesday evening them. curity. er But the hearts of the people seem to ■ ¡was A. H. Carson, of the Redland nur- Hon. Frank Griggla, of Washington. be hardened - in , regard to their spiritual ... Quite a number of our people attended ! sery, who gave the fruit growers some Also a large stock of Har „ D C, was stopping in Ashland from welfare. "e_ ‘ the farmers’ institute at Medford Satur Friday to Monday as a guest of bis old tinue longer, and Bro. R.’s efforts will be day afternoon and evening and report a novel experiences he had discovered in ness, Robes, Whips, blessed by a large number uniting with the fru t drying. He advocates fruit dryers friend, Msx Pracht, at Hotel Oregon. church. pleasant time. W xbvoot . very strongly, and thinks there is no Mr. Griggia is sn influential man in tbe cheap for cash. :o: > ... ... „ . Joseph L. Hamnieraley called on his ; great need for canneries. Mr. Carson councils hnlila of the a republican party of the unrul nnaitinn irith th« King s Royal Gernietuer ( K. R. G.) is a frjen(}8 here Sunday. He is at Medford ! read an interesting paper on “Peach JOS. H. MARTIN. nation, bolds a good position with the reniedy being introduced on the Coast from I ____ . . . •,. . . . rt government and owns three influential the East. It is a remedy based upon the at pr<,8,; b“tesPect8to leave m a short 1 Growing in Southern Oregon” before the 6tar.e horticultural assiKiation at Port Ashland, Or., Jan. 27, 1892. Polish newspapers. He canvassed Ohio modern gerni theory of disease. It has time for Mexico to seek bis fortune. for the republican« and gueosed — McKin- . been .. thoroughly tested for seven years an«i i public school stands adjourned land recently. It will appear in a future ley ’s « majority withi within a thousand two,endorsed for diseases of Bloo«! an«i this week owing to the illness of the issue of the R ecorb . ley Land Sale, at Auction. ’ J. before . c .. Aside Nerves by the best people of the East and The "Geo. 8. Parker Fountain Pens” months the campaign. -------------- ;------ ._______________ .■__ _____________ South, South, such such a« as ex-Gov. ex-Gov. Hubbard Hubbard of of Texas, Texas. principal’ Prof. C. 8. Price, who is suf which we now have in stock are 50 per cent, I from hi« official occupation he 1« looking <;en James Longstreet. Rev. Sam P. Jones fering from a severe attack of la grippe. O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: cheaper than other pens and every one for a location for a colony of about fifty ktie great Evangelist, Rev. P. S. Henson of Under and by virtue of the authority I Hon. _____ T. T. ____ Geer ____ of Marion connty, H. guaranteed. Call and examine them at D. ____ _ ____ ______ j , __ 1 for that purpose upon me conferred by that well-to-do German Polish families who Chicago, and thousands of others, B. Miller of Grants Pass and A. H. t Car- i L. Minkler A Son’s. certain written power of attorney to me are looking for a climate with less rigor camé up from j t week an .i» Betti_ :n son of the Redland nursery came made, and executed by J. R. Kirkpatrick Oysters and Seeds than tbe winter« in Minnesota, and who Medford Saturday evening on the special a?-™ i®'1”« the Cotton- and Isabell< j Kirk?tnck his wi/e< aad will come where be advise«. Mr. Gritrgls Are valuable for what’« in ’em . Good train and remain««! over night. FB p X S’co „ T?7’- k J M. Waters and Na'ic.v Waters his wife. was well pleased with Ashland and tbe and bad oysters look alike in tbe shell. ,. . .. . . . , . • » Ell Pyle Daus, aged b2, not having been ; all of Linn Countv, and J. B. R. Morelock I Gtxsl and bad see«ls often have the same yalley and will no doubt recommend Johnnie Matney of Applegate precinct Been for a few days, search was institute«! and Mary Morelock his wife of Josephine I their location some where in Rogue river appearances. Anv one can tell a worth was thrown from a horse a few days since to fiind him. After visiting his cabin County, and W. M. Blakly and Margaret ies oyster on opening it. The value of a and had an arm broken. Dr. DeBar was and mine, without discovering his Blakly his wife, of Umatilla County, all in valley. see«! must be determined by its growth. summoned to set the fractured member, whereabouts, a cave in tbe bank was !ltie s,ate of Oregon, bearing date the 19th voung man is getting along nicely at noticed in his claim on Kit Carson i day.?f December, A D. 1891. I will sell at Mr. C. W. Reed, proprietor of the Hotel ’ This makes its quality worth considering. The “,i8 iim*‘ finglidVund I'® i J^onUCountv,%U^ ^Sregon^in ow Dellone. Omaha, one ot the finest new and You want seeds that will grow, and you nioden hotels in tbe west, says of Chamber- want the product to be of value. You The dwelling house of Mrs. Presley in n5® d1,fele8ab°dvburied parcel, for cash, to the highest and best Iain’s Coueh Remedy: ‘‘We have used it eaunot insure either of these things by the northern part of town was burned to h ,,i <»vi UnHw The dec- Ridder therefor, on Wednesday, March 2, in our familv for vears with the most satis i inspection. There is but one guarantee; the around on Monday evening Theie. , evidently been dead some 1892. at 12 o clock M., the following des factory result, especially for our children, -°f o^hla^d U iaM jX™ "couitv ^nd Physicians Prescriptions and tor colds anti croup, it can be depended the reliability of the firm from which fire originated fmm a defective flue The upon: besides it fa pleasant to take and von buv. That our advertisers, Messrs. house was insured for $300 in the Farm- (lie:ltion6 el'.owing^ha/hV’hld’turned ‘on Particularly described as follows to-wit: Family Recepte a Specialty. seenis to be free from chloroform anil the D.M. Ferry A Co., of Detroit, Mich., ers Insurance Co. of which Wm llnch ttie water from above to commence min- The west half of the North West quarter oily substances put into many cough mix are most reliable, is attested by tbe fact >s t „ ,2 .1 co.mmen5t’ “in of Section twenty eight (28), and Lots four tures.” 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale bv that millions buy seeds from ihem year “ A k 3t r°rk 8 °nC G) and five (5) in Section twenty nine (29). J. C. Barrett A Co. after year. Their enormous business under the high bank when it gave way all in Township thirtv eight (38) South of O. K. T —Honest Results —O. K. T. furnishes the highest proof of their re ?.nC. A. „J1.!?1- Ju8tic.e of .the Peace Range one (1) east of the Willamette Mer- Glee us a Trial; we hare what Many of the pioneers of Oregon and Capt7 w~ Wilburn “ 7ondacted Fishing is very good in Rogue river. " ------------- 2__ „2 ”the‘wr- ; idian. containing one hundred and thirty liability. Their see«! Annual for 1892 is \\ ashington have cheerfully testified to 1 - ■ _ . _ you want. oner’s inquest.—Yreka Journal. five 72-100 acres more or less, together with FRESH SAUSAGE in 5 and 10 lb. Pails, seaed Henry Flesher, who fell in front of a 1 a model of its kind—illustrated, descript wonderful curative properties of the all the tenements, hereditaments and ap- II I . I ■ 'S moving locomotive at Grants Pass has since ive, priced. It contain« information of the celebrate«! Oregon Kidney Tea. Purely “ In buying a cough medicine for child- purtenances thereunto belonging. with Lard on top. died. great value to any one about to plant vegetable and pleasant to the taste and can ren ’ savs H. A. Walker, a prominent drug- Parties wishing to buv land will please ttF“(Jpen Sundays from 9:30 a. ui. Rev. Geo. Robert Cairns, the Evangelist seeds. Sent free on application to the be taken bv tbe youngest child or most gjs -fat of Ogden. Utah, “never be afraid to take notice that this will certainly be sold will begin services in the Baptist church film’s address, Detroit, Mich. delicate woman. O. K. T. is a never fail- bu' 33F juy Chamberlain's Cough Reniedy. There at the time advertised and the place to 1 p Ill. on Sunday Feb. 7th. at 11 o clock. Tbe ing reniedy for pains in the back and loins, is no danger from it and relief fa always mentioned. public invited. A son of ex-Governor Moody is taking non-retent’ion ot urine, scalding or burning sum to follow. I particulaly reccomend FREDERICK 8. D e WOLFE. For Sale by sensation while urinating, mucous dis- < hamtierlain's because I found it to be safe Attorney in fact for said above named Are you Married? If not, send your ad in J«>sephine «-ountv with a view to devel- cherge-and all kidney troubles of either and reliable. 80 cent bottles for sale by parties. ' ------- ■ oping some of its many mineral resources. dress to Tbe American Corresponding Club, I ils was out to Dr. Flaiia^un’s mill Monday. sex. »1 at all diu^gists. J. V. Barrett A Co. ’ 1 Aahland, Or., Jaa. 88, MM, Plaza Corner, Ashland, Or. TALENT, Jackson County, Oreyon. t« Clearance Sale I To make room for Spring Stock we offer Drygoods, Notions, Shoes, Bargain Counter Goods, &c., at BEDROCK PRICES. WILSON & WALSWORTH ASHLAND, OREGON. Successor to M c C onnell & winter , this month. IN COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES TRUTH 2^7 TRUTH. D.M. TRUTH. ! JJ CLOSE:OUT O F— Fancy HHGroceries ,lt Cost! &c., &c., See Our Ad. in the Next Issue DRUGS, MEDICINES, and TOILET ARTICLES T D. L. MINKLER & SON. Books and Stationery. 15,000 Lbs. Kettle Rendered Lard. Smoked Sausage in Sacks. I Quality Guaranteed. C. K. KLIM. t, O. B oa «3. WajUburg, W. V«. ► I . J » ■