Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1892)
* VALLEY RECORD. The People's Paper. ASHLAND O b ..T« cs « d * t . Jan. 28 1*2 SO WAR. f LATEST COAST NEWS. The Chilian Controversy Settled by Santa Cruz ia to have a new bank. A. the Chilians Apologizing—The Pres P Hotaling is at the head of the enter ident's Message—Miss Mitchell’s prise. Marriage The Sacramento grand jury is investi Klamath County Items. Van Dunlap is laid up with the grippe. I Ed. Grubb is clerking at the Hotel Link-1 ville. Dorris, of Butte creek, lately shipped 300 , head of beef cattle to Oakland, Cal. Capt. Siemens has made application for an additional lieutenant for Troop B. I Lieutenant Ira C. Johnson ha- gone out to Alex Steele’s ranch for a few days' rec- . reation. Jesse Watters, the Bly stock-man. has rode the billy goat of the Linkville A. O. U. ’ W. lodge. I Mrs. R. B. Hatton and children went to i Tule lake Tuesday to visit her mother, | Mrs. Louisa Boddy. Cyrus Baldridge, of J unction has writ- I ten the Star that he will start a bank al Linkville in March. He is interested in the United States Banking company which has a bank in Junction, another in Genrais, and one at Sheridan. Three gentlemen from Modoc county, Cal., arrived Wednesday, having came pre pared to fish in Klamath lake. All over the country they are begining to hear of the white-fish with which the big lake is teem ing, and they are coining to angle. In all probability hundreds of fishers will be I around the great lake next spring, summer I and fall. Dave Shook arrived Tuesday from the Shook Bros. Dairy cattle ranch', which is a big concern. They are feeding 1500 head of cattle now. 500 of which are calves, also ; 250 horses and mules. Several horses and mules and a few head of cattle are already | on the range, and finding plenty of nice I new year's greens on the bare hillsides. | Eleven tons of hay is the amount fed daily to the stock on that ranch, and there is bay ! enough to last over fout months longer. i D. W. Anderson, of Lost river gap, also Gene Barrows and another man, are pros pecting a ledge on Bryant mountain, west of I-angell valley. They have built a cabin there, brought out a grub stake, got down a distance of nineteen feet. Thev have not struck the main ledge yet, but they say they have some very promising quartz rock in their possession and are fully justi fied in prospecting. Who knows jiut that Klamath may be holding big glittering busi ness in her bosom?—Linkville Star. Makes the Weak Stron gating the charges of corruption against The marked benefit which people in run Assemblyman Elwood Bruner. down or weakened state of health derive The Republican* have got * gerry from Hood's Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves The field trials at Bakersfield were mander up lor Ohio that take« the bakery. the claim that this medicine •' makes the weak very successful. Lady Tripper, an En A* a work of political black art it lays strong.” It does not act like a stimulant, glish setter, owned by Thomas Higgs, the California gerrymander altogether in imparting fictitious strength from which there HIS IS THE SEASON of the year to won the championship. the shade. spray your orchards for the San Jos* must follow a reaction of greater weakness Lawrence Kip, a young San Francisco scale, green and woolv aphis, which should than before, but in the most natural way be sprayed while the leaves are off. attorney and a grandson of Bishop Kip, Hood's Sarsaparilla overcomes that tired feel A great deal of annoyance and hard the widely known Episcopal divine, has ing, creates an appetite, purifies the blood, feeling would have been saved if the £V"E. E. Deming has a Climax spray and, in short, gives great bodily, nerve, pump which produces the finest spray and Chilean Government had demanded the joined tbe Catholic church. is free from danger to the tree, and offers mental and digestive strength. recall of Minister Egan when be was Three boys en route to the Whittier bis services for such work at- reasonable first sent down there. reform school escaped from the officer at Fagged Out rates. Call on or address. E. K. DEMING, Sant* Barbara. There were seven boys “ Last spring I was completely fagged out The President's Senator Hiscock says the Republicans Ashland, Oregon. <lec24 in the party, all from San Francisco. strength left me and I felt sick and mis My are making a great man out of Hill. Rarely in the history of congress has erable all the time, so that I could hardly They are doing it in about the same way the house of representatives presented Donner lake waa frozen over for the OOT^TST G-T^IIDTDLE CAKES. attend to my business. I took one bottle of that Napoleon made a great General out such a seen« of supressed excitement aa first time in four years last week. A Hood's Sarsaparilla, and It cured me. There of Wellington—by letting him beat them. that which was witnessed Munday when number of people from San Francisco One quart of corn, one cup of flour, one cup Is nothing like it.” R. C. B egole , Editor the president's Chilean message was and Sacramento went up there to skate. Enterprise, Belleville, Mich. Rodyard Kipling collaborated “The of milk, one tablespoonful of melted butter, four Th* miners convention waa held at “ I derived very much benefit from Hood’s Naolahka” with Wolcott Balestier. read. When the house assembled it was San Francisco last week. The old war Sarsaparilla, which I took for general debility. eggs, half a teaspoonful of salt. Beat the eggs sep evident that something unusual was Then Balestier died and Kipling is now •ir sf the HiniMteest taHeare* ia the Slate It built me right up, and gave me an excel The galleries were between the farmers and the miners is collaborating with Balestier’s sister. about to occur. arately, add the yolks to the corn, then the milk, lentappetite. ” E d . J enkins . Mt. Savage, Md. But that is another atory, be ia to marry filled to overflowing and thsre were ended and peace reigns. A committee fsr Sale ar Exrhaage far Fam Prspertj. N. B. If you decide to take Hood’s Sarsa then the flour and salt; beat well; then stir in care mor* memberf on the floor and in their was appointed to go to Washington to her. _ parilla do not be induced to buy anything else fully the well-beaten whites, and bake on a hot seats than liad been noticed any Monday petition congress for necessary legisla instead. Insist upon having It is too bad the Chilian "war” ii over. tion. WI 1,L SELL on long time or exchange griddle. The world will now lose its excitement for morning since congress convened. for farm, my residence in Ashland with Ricardo Gonzales, a handsome, well- When th* clerk began reading the Lieut. Wallace Kogers and bis band of a frontage of 160 feet on Main street, and braves whom the people (particularly the message the house was as still as death. educated Spaniard, has been arrested at 150 on Alida avenue. The grounds are girls) bar* been leaning on for protection The correspondence which accompan Los Angeles for passing counterfeit nicely laid out with choice fruits and shrub during this fierce struggle. bery, artificial stone walk, good stable and ied the message was voluminous and i money. He speaks several languages ' outbuildings. This cottage was built in the would fill 100 columns of an ordinary and is well known in the best society of Chris Buckley has resigned from the fall of 1888, of the choicest material and by several Coast cities. He is a professional ' first-class workmen. Newson Bros., S. F., Democratic County Committee of San newspaper. The president reviews the controversy i swindler. Sold by all druggists, fl ; six for ?5. Prepared only architects. Will sell or exchange any part Francisco As the Democratic party by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. of one to four acres all in choice fruit and D. M. Buras, police commissioner of had previously withdrawn from Mr. from the beginning and lays particular | adjoining said residence This is the most Bucklev, bis membership on the com stress on the insults to America at the San Francisco, was imprisoned in the IOO Doses One Dollar modern in style, and best constructed cot mittee had ceased to be a matter of im hands of the Chileans. Attention is City of Mexico, where he is at present tage in Southern Oregon. Choice location, portance. _____ I and can be had at a bargain. Inquire of E. called to the fact that all the foreign le looking after mining interests. He waa E. Miner, owner, or W. N. Luckey, Real gations at Santiago, except the British, arrested on a charge of fraudulently ob- Estate Agent, Ashland. Oregon. nil9*91 The state sheriff’s convention is ¡ d sheltered refugees. The Chileans held obtaining title to the famous Candelaria session again at Pendleton Every time this a crime on the part of Minister mines. The charges are said to be with rKo"'-’nïÂ?5'fn the sheriff’s of this state convene the i I’''’" 14 NEv tax-payers had better sew another button Egan while none of the otbers were no out foundation. The assault on the American It is positively stated that work on the on tneir pockets. It means still another ticed. I feel it my duty to say a few words in re- V F TEA I ^TROUBLES* yank at the public feeding trough for sailors is reviewed and all the evidence Puget sound extension of the Union Pa eard to Ely’s Cream Balin, and I do so en county sheriff’s already up to their arms bearing on it submitted. The note by cific railway will begin inside of thirty tirely wfthout solicitation. I have used it ttecently the following Notice appeared tn the ex-Minister Matta, in which the presi days. Orders have l>een issued to rush more or less half a year, aud have found it and elbows in the public funds. San Franci»co Chronicle. dent of the United States is charg 'd the bridge acro-s the Columbia. Under to be most admirable. I have suffered from 11, “ Judge S had been sick only about two Mrs. M. E. Tyler, Portland boasts of the fact that she with deliberate falsehood, the pr -sid* nt the new arrangement the Union Pacific catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a weeks, and it was not until the last three or little bov and I never hoped for cure, but pay* nearly one-third of the taxes of the referred to as ail insult to the dignity Will absorb the Port Townsend South"rn Cream Balm seems to do even that Many four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from state. Why of course. Just go to that and self respect of the nation. railway, which, when completed, ivill of my acquaintances have used it with ex diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the Artist. glittering city and you will see what the cellent results. — Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren kidneys refused to perform their functions and The message concludes as follcup: extend the Port Townsend to Olympia. Ave., Chicago, Ill, balance of the state is working for—pay he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life “ If the dignity as well as the prestige W. R. Pless, a partner of Senator J. of one of the most prominent men in Cali ing tribute, aa it were. If the great Port fornia.” Like thousands of others his un Examiner Prizes. Corner Main and Granite Street». land middleman was pulled away from and influence of the United States are P. Jones in a dredging aud reclamution timely death was the result of neglecting early In the S. F. Examiner’s distribution symptoms of kidney disease. the state teat and be compelled to feed not to be wholly sacrificed we must pro project being conducted in the meadow PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED on himself three months he would suck tect those who, in foreign ports, display lands bordering on Sonoma creek, was of prizes this section came out as fol 1 IF VOU ■■ 1—■ Bromides made in all sizes. Call and the flag and wear the colors of this gov struck on the head with a piece of heavy lows: L. A. Neil, Ashland, a Domestic; are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de hin'Mlf dry. examine our work. of the kidneys or urinary organs, ernment. against insult, brutality aud hose coupling by J. B. Stout at Sonoma. sewing machine; J. S. Sims, Central rangement donV delay proper treatment until you are ■ The Oregonian is exceedingly kind to death, inflicted in resentment of the Pless had refused to give Stout $10 for Point, lot in Azusa, Cal.; J. N. McDon forced to give up your daily duties; don’t the democracy of Oregon in furnishing fault of their government and not for recovering a flood-gate that had been ald Jacksonville, W. D. Sutherlin, Rock waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of them a ready made democratic paper out any acts of their own. It has been my carried down Sonoma creek by a freshet. Point, E. Beeson, Talent, A. Avery,Mer the disease at once by using the greatest of all lin, F. Vitousek, Sisson, H. C. McIntosh of their own office in the shape of the desire in every way to cultivate friendly known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid There are rumors again current at Wolf creek,each receive one Chatterbox ; ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Evening Telegram. We would suggest, should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely For the Purpose of Selling the however, that they “fire” their absent aud intimate relations with all the gov Helena, Mont., t hat the great smelting O. Ward, Lone Rock, feed-cutter; D. L. Wny vegetable and pleasant to take. $1.00 a pack minded foreman who recently got one of ernments of this hemisphere. We do works at Anaconda and the mines at J Matheny. Santa Ana, Cal., a plow ; J. F. age, 6 for $S.OO. 9 Fine liody of Land Known Scott’s ripenorting, south-hating republi not covet their territory. We desire Butte will lie closed again for an indefi Kennedy, Roseburg, Mrs. E. Hite, Duns muir, each a sewing machine; J. Silber as the can editorial* into the Telegram as a their peace and prosperity.” nite time. The trouble is stated to be F ob S ale by J. C. B arbett & Oo stein, Sisson, H. R. Dickenson, Ft. Bid- The Apology. leader. due to a demand of the Montana Union well, fountain pens; Moor Bros., Sisson, S antiago , January 25.—The Chilean railway for a twenty years' contract or ' Samuei Whitsett,Roseburg, pair of shoes; Stock Farm For Sale. Evidently Hon. H. B. Miller, of government lias sent a reply to the ulti an agreement on the present basis of Jas. Gregerson, Beagle, subscription to HAVE OPENED a Real Estate office in Grant’s Pass, is still listening to the matum of the United States. The reply freight rates. Frank Leslie’s Monthly; G. Morning HE BELL ESTATE, containing 160 Odd Fellows’ Block, up stairs. Four merry buzz of the congressional bumble is in effect as follows: Chile _ acres of land in the heart of a good " agrees to Hundred Acres best land in Jackson coun Oscar Palmer, a furniture dealer at star, Little Shasta, same. bee ; for, according to a Roseburg paper" cattle range. About 6 miles from Henley, ty-fruit or garden—to be sold in tracts to he has bought an organ, the Oakland Ob withdraw the offensive note sent by San Diego, has secured a judgment Cal., on the Klamath river. suit. Fifty acre or upward tracts:— One SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. server, and is going to move it to bi* Senor Matta to the Chilean ministers against the Santa Fe railroad for $1,000 Also about 56 head of cattle. half down, balance on time. For further particulars inquire of town to voice the roaring of his boom. abroad and acknow ledge that its issuance and costs. During the boom the rail-1 WHEAT-No. 1 white «liippinj, »1.70 9 C*L; IE. J- FARLOW. THOS. JONES, Henley, Cal,, road hauled several carloads of freight Choice, Ths voice will be about in proportion to was due to an error of judgment. »1.7191.73; millinj' grades, or W. T. LAIRD, Ager, Cal., Chile also withdraws the request for which were delayed a month or more on 1.7». the boom, neither long nor loud. A may28 Administrators. paper that is a personal organ is not fit the withdrawal of United States Minis the way. The plaintiff claimed that he BARLEY—Common to good Feed, (1.0591.10 E. J. FARLOW, Agent, Ashland, Or. to read, and a man that needs a person ter Egan. In addition the Chilean Gov lost the sale thereby. The suit was for 9 ctl; better qualities, P 12>4<ai.l.5; new brew SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. al srgan is not fit for a congressman.— ernment, in its answer, proposes that the $.>.<88) and attracted attention because ing. (1.1591.2'; Chevalier, (1.35*1.4'» for best One Dollar Weekly grad"» and down to (1.15 for other quantise Portland Telegram affair of the attack on the Baltimore I of the principle involved. G. A. R. OATS—From »1.391.42’4 9 ctl fer good to sailors in Valparaiso be submitted to The inspection of the Riverside or- | choice feed and »1.4031.47)4 for milling; sur UY’S A GOLD WATCH bv our Club BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. F. A. Cogswell, of Linkville, Klamath the arbitration of some neutral ¡»ower. System. Our 14-carat, gold-filled cas ange groves by Professor Coquillet and prise, (1 «31.62’4; off trades (1.2791 32)4: county, is said to be a candidate for the Meets in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and If this priqtositiou is not acceptable to Messrs. Scott, Watson. Muscot and Claf gray, (1.3'914: black, for seed (Oregon), (1.409 es are warranted for 20 years. Fine Elgin Id Saturday of each month. Visiting Com republican nomination for circit judge. 1.50; do. Californian, (1.«091.91. or Waltham movement Stem; wind and the United States government, the rades cordially welcomed. He is a brother of State Senator C. A lin, horticultural officers for Los An CORN—Large yellow, (1.30 9 ctl; small do, set. Lady’s or Gent’s size. Equal to any W. A. P athck , Commander. Cogwell, who is a democrat. Now if one Chilean government sugg.'.-ts that the geles and San Bernardino counties, for (1.37)491-40; white, nominal. 150 watch. To secure agents where we J R Casey, Adjutant. have none, we sell one of the Hunting Case of them could get the republican and the matter l>e submitted to the decision of scale bugs after the application of hydro BEANS—Pea. (2.4092 6« V e»l; Pink. (1.409 other the democratic nomination, there the supreme court of the United States. cyanic acid gas. resulting in the finding 2.00; Bayo, (1 «.>92.00: 8mall White. (2.1092.20; Watches for the Club price $28 and send C. W. R. C. Butter, (2.0032.25; Red, (1.8591.95; Lima, (2.259 O. D. by express with privilege of examina would be a good chance of having a mem of no bugs of any kind, proves without I (.40. tion before paying for same. BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS NO. 24 ber of the Cogswell family for judge. Congressman Carninetti lias intro Our agent at Durham, N. C., writes; Meets m Masonic hall at 2 o’clock p. m. SEEDS—Rape, 2'492)40 91»; Hemp, 59>’4e; But it is likely that the democrats of duced a resolution in the house to pro doubt that this process is entirely satis "Our jewelers have confessed they don’t 2%33c; Flaxs-ed, 232’40; Alfalfa, on the Saturdays preceeding the first and that senatorial district will desire to re vide a bureau of information whose duty factory and effective. It has been thor Canary, 6?497c; Mustard, Yellow, (2.7'91.00 9 ctl; know how you can furnish such work for third Saturdays of each month. turn Senator C>igswell to the senate. it shall be to furnish written and di- oughly tested iu that valley for the past Brown, (2.5093.00. the money.” • M aby E. M c C all , Pres. year. Our agent at Heath Springs, 8. C.,writes: —Portland Telegram. G ertrude V an T assel , Sec’y. HAY—Wild Oat, 0'2.00914.00 '(1 ton: Tamedo, re.tcd answers to all question submitted ‘ •Your watches take at sight The gen A “ Pogonip“ fog passed over Carson, 01.00913.0); Wheat, (11.00914.50; Wheat and tleman who got the last watch said that he by ui *mber* of congres t. Matt Quay, well known in Pennsyl Nev., the other night and whitened to Oat, (11.0U915.50; Barley, (11.0'913.50; Alfalfa, examined and priced a jeweler's watches in KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Soin • of the wine men of California vania politics, has been vindicated by a the depth of half an inch the trees (11.0J912.0J; Clover, nominal; Stock, (9.50'9 Lancaster, that were no better than yours, GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights jury of hia peers finding two weak Penn have written to Represent at ive McKenna and fences. It fell from a clear sky, 10.50; Com press jd Hay, (1200915.00. but the price was $45.” I STRAW-quotahle at 50965c V bale Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every sylvania news papers guilty of libeling concerning the report that the depart Our agent at Pennington, Tex,, writes: settling iu long spear shaped particles. Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good HOPS—From l«91(c » 1». him. The value ot this vindication is ment of state, in its reciprocity negotia “Am in receipt of the watch, and am standing are cordially invited to attend. RYE—Quotable at (1.7091.75 fl etl. pleased without measure. All who have somewhat lessened, however, by the fact tions, would attempt au agreement with Very little touched the ground and the E. J. K aiser , 0. C. I DRIED PEAS—Niles, (13 91.4.5 9 ctl; East- seen it say it would be cheap at $40.” that th* trial waa before a judge who France, Spain, and perhaps other coun effect of the leafless white limbs and T. E. G odfrey , K. of R and 8. ern Green, (2.75; Californian, (1.359L75; Black One good reliable Agent wanted for each owes his position to Quay, and by a jury tries. a 11 that one of the articles of bri V g fences was very peculiar. Pho- eye, (1.5091.GO. place. Write for particulars. summoned by a sheriff who is also in agreement would provide for the free togiiipa* rs took views all over tbe city. nov!9 EMPIRE WATCH CO.,New York. MASONIC, BUCKWHEAT-d.7592.OO. debted to Quay for bia place. Now let Tlie temperature varied so slightly that Mill Products. I SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, B. A. M. Quay tackle the New York World. That admission of wine in this couutry. it remained all day. It was the heaviest The Death Record. BRAN—No. 1, from (17.5:91(.50 * ton. journal has called him several kinds of a Representative McKenna has informa full of “Pogouip” ever seen in thevalley Regular convocations on the Thursday J ohn V ance , mayor of Eureka, Cal. tion to the effect that the department, in MIDDLINGS—No. 1, from (20.00921.00 9 ton. next after the full moon. thief in several kinds of ways. I and was considered phenomenal. To F. H.C abteb , H. P. its reciprocity negotiations, will proceed Ex-Secretary of State H endricks , at GROUND BARLEY—From (24.5 925.50 9ton. inhale much air heavily charged with M. L. M c C all , Secretary. Sacramento. The funeral ot the late Cardinal Man only under the provisions of the Mc ROLLED BARLEY — From (24.50925.50 9 ton ------ DEALER 11ST------- ning, asy* a cablegram, was witnessed Kinley act, aud under it the president these particles is deadly. There was no Ex-Congressman W illiam E. R obin CHOPPED FEED—From (21.0 922009 Un. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. A A. M. by a great assemblage “composed largely is authorized to effect a reciprocity snow on the ground which made the ef son , at Brooklyn. FEED CORNMEAL — From »28.0 929.00 9 ton. Stated communications on the Thursday of workingmen and their families” This agreement concerning coffee, hides, mo fect all the more peculiar. Justice B radley of the United States of or before the full moon. Thousands of cattle are slowly starv CRACKED CORN—At (28.50929.50 9 ton. la the greatest tribute that could be paid lasses and only a few other commodities. Supreme Court at Washington. M L M c C all , W M. OILCAKE MKAL—Quotable at (2.5.00 9 t>i the dead Cardinal. “Workingmen and Wine is not in this list, aud no reciprocal ing to death in the hills of Southern from mill. James Chisholm, Secretary. Ex-Governor J ohn H ali . at Frederika, their families,” are the very salt of the Idaho. The loss to stock raiser» will be FLOUR —Family Extra-, (5.4095.50 9 bbl; Del. He was Governor of Deleware earth. Their hearts are honest and their arrangements concerning its entry will tremendous. Every blade of grass on Bak-rs ALPHA CHAPTER, NO. 1, O. E. S. ’ Ex ra, ( >.35>5.4'>; Superfine, (3.4093.&X from 1878 to 1882. expression free and frank. The rich as be attempted. VARIOUS—Cash prices for 10-1» sks: C.acke I Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays the ranges is covered by from two to Representative Stump of Maryland, a rale are the real rogues and knaves of Wheat, 3-\c 9 th; Kye Flou . 8)40; Rye Mea!, in each month. Walter Sturgill, the C-year-old son of the world. The grasp on wealth has chairman of the house committee on five feet of snow. The present winter 3c; Buckwheat Flour, 3)40; Cornmeal, 3c; Oat- M bs . A. M c C all , W M. TIMBER s Of s 0,1.1 s SIZES J. L. Sturgill of Baker City, Or . was has not been equaled in severity since meal, : +\91c; Oat Groats, 4c; Hominy, 3*4'*4<:; Miss Lydia McCall, Secretary. seared their hearts and a hypercritical immigration, has prepared a bill abso run over and instantly killed at Port 1870. The rigorous season was not an R ’ ce Flour, 4k; Fanns, 4c; Pearl Barley, 3 ; a9 element called policy, a fear of one lutely prohibiting the coming of Chinese Split Pea, 4c. Rul ed Oats, 4)4°* Buck land by a street car. The wheels of the I. O. O. F. another* advantage and rapacity, chill* laborers into the United States for a ticipated by the ranchers and they de 4c; Graham Flour, 3'4c. motor passed over the boy's neck, com layed bringing the cattle to the low wheat Groats, the purity of honest or noble action. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. period of twenty years, which he will Vegetable». pletely severing his head from his body. lands. The delay has proven fatal. A Hold regular meetings every Saturday A few days ago Dr. Johnson Thompson, lay before the committee at an early stockman says that every animal left in I ONIONS—Quot ib'e at90c9(!.10 9 ctL The boy had been deaf since birth and evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren day. POTATOES — From 3093.5c 9 ctl for Early in good standing are cordially in vit*. J to ex-Minister to San Domingo and a dele the hills is doomed to death, either from Rose; Chile Garnet, 409•Oe; Burbanks,25c935? did not hear the alarm sounded from the attend. J. H. M c B ride , N G. gate to the Congress of Colored Catholics, cold or hunger. Boise meat dealer have lor River and 709000 lor Salinas; Sweet. »1.00 a motor. The date of the marriage of Miss Mat- E. J. Farlow, Sec’y. went into a Philadelphia barber shop, 1.25. raised the price of meat 2 cents a pound. During the services in a church at kept by a colored man, and was refused tie Mitchell daughter of Senator Mit Miners iu the mountains cannot work VARIOUS—Green Pepp r«, 3 9 0c 9 box PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. Stobodsker in the government of Viatka a shave because he was not a “white chell of Oregon, to Due Del Rochefou Egg-plant, 'i0975c; Cucumbers, 2u945c; Gre.-n Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and gentleman.” This incident shows cauld is fixed for Feb. 11, at the church as their claims are hidden by the snow. Corn, (1.7592-50 9 crate, large) 509’5, »mal : Russia, the roof gave way and fell upon 4th Monday in each month. Members in When the that the color line is sometimes drawn of Sainte Clptilde. The affair will be The Masonic benevolent society of St. Green Okra, GO«7>e 9 box; Tomat >es, 50c9(l the worshipers beneath. good standing cordially invited to attend. Lima Beaus, 295 p th; String Beans, 192c 9 wreckage was cleared away it was found in a curious fashion. Doubtless, that the most brilliant event in the Paris sea Louis is bankrupt because of the grip. W. W. K entnob , C. P. ft: Summer Squash, 2>9>0c p box; Marrowfat that fifty persons were either killed or barber bad no objection to shaving a son. President and Mrs. Carnot have M. N. L ong , Scribe. General Stanley, m command of the Squash, »8.00 jll.UO 9 ton; Garlic, 3®3!4e per lb. man because he was colored but he ob signified their intention of being present injured. _________________ department of Texas, says the Garza Fruits and Nut*. jected to doing something that would in HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, NO. 24. FRITS— Oranges — Riverside navel, »2.509 jur* his business. It was the white pub and so have Mons. Ribot, minister of revolution is ended. Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each A factory has been started at Los An 4.C0 9 box; do seedling, »1.7 >s250, Los Angeles lic of Philadelphia that drew the line foreign affairs; Mons. Constans, minis i navel. (2.009 3 00: do seedling. 31."092. 0. Va- I month in Odd Fellows’s Hall, Ashland. and the barber had to hew to it or lose ter of the interior, and the best known geles for the making of essential oils savin I da B ubckhalteb , N. O. , saa.l boxes, 75e9(l.U): Fl rid a, 85.0: When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. bis best custom. How many of the names in the American colony, including from the rinds of oranges and lemons. INDEMNITY ASSOCIATION J. H. McBride, Sec y. Loreto. (2.0 j ®2..>0; Panama, (3.‘>0 Mandarin, editor* and preachers who grieve over Mr. and Mrs. Whitelaw Reid. Details When she was a Child, she cried for Castor ia. The total ; roduction of pig iron in the nominal; Sonora, »3,2'93 50. I the fad that the Southern whites object are not published as yet, but it is not at United States for the year of 1891 was Lemo s and l.lmea—Lemons - Santa Barbara When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. A. O. U. W. to sitting at the aatne table with negroes all unlikely that the daughter of Senator 8, 279,870 gross tons, against 9,202,703 »3.5095.00 9 c»; Riverside. (3.0 '94.00. San Di- A ffords Y ou T he B est O p When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. ago. (2.5091.00: Loa Angeles, »1.5092.00; Sicily, would go the second time into a shop Mitchell will have a wedding surpassing (6.0096.50. Limes — Ca iiornia, I.a-ge box. s Meets in lodge room in Odd Fellows’ Hall where negroes were shaved? How in brilliancy any of her predecessor» the year previous. portunity at the L owest every Ever*.it & Post, one of the biggest pig 81.0034.00: small, 75c'9»i.0O; Mexican, »7.0 3 first and third Wednesday in each many of them would patronize a hotel or who have succeeded in making matches OUREB 7.50. month. All brethren in good standing are iron and spelter commission houses in restaurant that mixed colored and white P ossible R ates . By using S. B. Headache and Liver Cure, I cordially invited to attend. Various-Table grapes, 4 e3$l. 0 9 box: ap this country with headquarters at St. ples, guests indiscriminately? These good of high rank in France. T. Shattuck has lost about $2000 on and S. B. Cough Cure as directed for colds. 50c/d»1.0'9 box; ch >ioe and fancy, »1 259 G eo . E ngle , M. W. I Louis, has failed. souls are very catholic in theory, but They were onions this season. He held them for 1.75: lady app es. »1.2791-75 per box for large; B S R adcliff , Recorder. Professor Hilgard of Berkeley, Cal., You pay only on your insur while preaching the equality of the negro George Ray wards, a Santa Ana law do, small, 75c9»1.00; 1 ears, Winter Neuis, »l.i'O higher prices, but our mild Italian win- SUCCES =?FULLY they draw the color line in practice says that shallow rooting trees may be yer, was chastised at the depot by a Ger ®» 1,50; Japa ese persimmons, 7 c9t .OO: b.i j ter caused them to sprout and Mr. S. used two years ago during the La Grippe successfully grown between grape vines. ed value and are enti nanaa. »1.509'2 >0 9 bunch' Mexican pineappl s That colored barber knows the value of savs he intends to winter his next year’s epidemic.'and very flattering testimonials man baker woman. He was leaving »4 095.00 9 doz. their professions. He prefers their cash Vines are deep rooters, and do not ma town without paying her a bill. , onions on the Siskivous. L. W. Smith, of their power over that disease are at hand. tled to share in Cranberries, »8.00310.00 per bbl. terially interfere with shallow root to their talk. who has been raising onions, savs that For sale by J. C. Barrett & Co. Lord Salisbury’s health is poor. His FOREIGN FRUITS—Mexican Limes, »4.009 growing trees. at present prices he can realize $600 an the benefits. physicians have advised him to take a 5C0 9 case: Banana«, »1.5092.50 9 bunch; acre each year. The yellow onions, he On the first page of this issue of the Smyrna Figs, in boxes. 16918c p. tb; Mezica 1 SIX MILES SOUTH OF The people at Phoenix, A. T., and rest. R ecord is * lot of information bow Hill Oranges. (3.0033.25 9 box. savs keep better than the red ones, and neighborhood, have petitioned congress The Russian government has decided “stols” New York. The impressions one DRIED FRUITS—New crop: Apricots, sun- he uses three pounds of seed to the acre. gets from the Oregonian are very mis for au appropriation for levee purposes to make exi>eriinents iu co-operative dried, -596c 9 lb: do bleached.6(38c: Apples, —Grants Pass Courier. Grants Pass, Oregon. HMUICE BLOCK. ( M. Ill 4 IMI NT’S. leading For instance in tbe case of a to prevent overflows of Salt rivsr. fancy to avoid a*ri‘i>etition of the famine. sun-dr.ed, sliced, 49 c; qrs, 331)40; evapo Meals at all hours at Mrs. Gillette ’ s, the rated, 6)437)4 c : Beaches, bleached, 6:37c; d> democratic county supervisor whom a Rome was well shaken by an earth sun-dr ed. 495c. Pit.el Plums, 5V436 c ; Pears, only cafe in the city. Oyster stew, 25 cents. A contest is raging in the London superior judge sent to jail. The im quake a few days ago. The people were sun-dried, sliced, 495c; do qrs, 334c; do, eva pression from the Oregonian was that he newspapers, through the medium of let porated, 798c. was a convicted ballot-box stuffer and ters and editorials, over a singular pro panic stricken for a time. No damage Raisin»—New: Layers, (1.1.591.35 9 box; do resulted. Hill pardoned him for his villainy, posal that has been broached from some J. C. TOLMAN, Pres. J. A. LEE, Sec’y. carload lots. f. a b., »1.5091 Old crop: real facts are that the superior judge quarter to devote the funds raised for The German reichstag committee Layers, (1.0091.25 9 whole box, .ooae Muscatel, J. M. McCALL, Treas. A. 8. H ammond , (INSISTING OF---- was a republican partisan and sent the the late Duke of Clarance's wedding tes has decided in favor of the admission of Ta(3JOe. Attorney democratic supervisor to jail for contempt timonials, to furnishing a dower for the com. wines and timber into Germany at NUTS—Brazil, 7,49t<14c V lb; Almonds, soft, Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Prune, of court for 30 days. Every body knows reduced rates of duty until the end of 16c; do paper shell, lsc; hard, nominal; Wal Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine, Almond what kind of a “trial” a contempt of Princess May. whenever she shall be April. nuts. California, «oft shell, 10911c; paper shell, The Times. The Spectator, Walnut, Cheatnnt, Shade and Orna 11912c; hard, «<>’,c; Pecans, 13915c; Cali court trial is. The absence of tbe dem wedded. mental trees. G • 'i 'd Hernandez, who did not cap- fornia Peanuts, 4‘49’c; Filbert», 11912c; Pine ocratic supervisor put the county in tbe and some other papers, favor the idea, bands of the republicans, and the par while The Pall Mall Gazette and The tur • Garza when he had a skirmish with nuts, 11912c; Cocoanuts, »5.00 9 100. ----- ALSO----- Dairy Produce and Honey. tisan republican judge cried fraud be- Standard and other journals, denounce tlie revolutionist, has been condemned Strawberry Plaits, Blackberry Haats a*4 cauae Gov. Hill nipped his hair-brained the project and comment upon the inde to d ath by the Mexican authorities, and BUTTER—Fresh—Fancy Roll. 35937c 9 lb; Vrayeviaes. rascallv scheme by the pardoning power. licacy of " offering the Princess a purse will be shot. »o- d to ch 4. choice, 27),932'4c; other quali Residence and 12 acres in 1 Gov. Hill ia a man of good sense and in lien of a lover.” The Pall Mall Gaz Ti “ Democratic National convention ties, 17)»32> c ; California »-kin, '2214924c; Bick-beadaches are the outward indie ationa Pic «led P.oll, 24927c; Eastern, ladle packed, knocked these fool schemes out from un ette declares the plan “worthy of a will u: t at Chicago June 21. CENTRAL POINT I 1-59)8c; do Creamery, 259'27)»c. of derangements of the stomach and bowels. der tbe plotters, and defeated them by nation of shopkeepers." and suggests as CHEESE — California, 11913c 9 tb, as to As Joy ’ s Vegetable Sarsaparilla is the only Bo <* Buckley hae resign;' 1 from the ^lAN BE HAD at a very reasonable law in the courts besides. qua ity; Young America, 14915c; Martin s towel regulating preparation of Sarsaparilla, > figure, if applied for soon. Six-room' Of all this noise about Gov. Hill being a counter proposal that the money, Det;.. > rr.tic County committee of San New York Cream, 12)4913)4. house: good barn; good well water; clear it is seen why it is too only appropriate a dangerous man the R ecobd has failed whose disposition is the cause of so much Frtnciseo. EGGS—From 3u9<0c doz for store: good running stream through one end of place, ---- 18 GROWN ON----- Earsaparilla in nick-headaches. Ic ii not only to see any ef it established. Because be perplexity, be devoted to the erection of to choice ranch, 4 -95c; Eastern, 26930c for fine chicken fence; farm tools, etc. Land The New York World says Cleve «nd ii :h gathered; doc>ld storage, 22925c. appropriate; it is aii absolute cjire. Afters ’ • s *1 ha* successfully foiled the roguery of a memorial hoepitaL cleared, and best kind for garden or fruit, i htk> annouii -'-l his withdrawal from the course of it au occasional dose at intervals I HONEY—New, ll@14c 9 lb for Comb in 1-tb other* is no discredit to tbe tuan. Ac Located two blocks from depot. Reason j Main St.. Opposite Flagstaff | preeideuii..’ ...ce. will forever after prevent return. flames; 2- 6, 10312'jC; Extracted, 5)496)40: for selling: owner wishes to move on ac cording to our way of thinking that is a Thomas Litzenberger, nephew of the BEESWAX—From 20923c 9 tb. count of chronic rheumatism. Price $2500. Jno. M. Cox, of 735 Turk Street, Bau Fran In the Iowa senate. Cliff, who w.a dutv he owes to the people for bolding s late Vice-President Hendricks, is under For particulars inquire at R ecobd office, or Poultry. cisco, writes: “I have been troubled with public trust, just a* it is the duty of an arrest In Montreal. where he is being elected secretary at th • lexi- dug *>f the Estray Notice call on or address, CHAS. G. RIPPEY, WITHOUT IR RIGATION. attacks of sick headache for the last three honest newspaper to stand fearless before session, before the Democrat ic Lietiten- POULTRY — Hens. (5.<X)®«.50 9 dozen; Bro.i Central Point, Oregon. years from one to three times a week. Some a lot of high grade*! rogues who rob and held to awgjt thn arrival of extradition ant-Governor, Bestow, was sworn into er». 3.1034.OO for large and »2.5091.00 for small: AME TO THE HIRAM COLVER V*- ME do not handle, cultivate, or time ago I bought two bottles of Joy’s Vege plunder their fellow oien and commun papers on which tlw young man will oe office, was furcibly ousted from office, Roo» ers. (4.5006.1'0 for young and (5.0096.00 for farm % of a mile south of Phoenix, attempt to PROPAGATE any varieties table Sarsaparilla and have only had one old; Geese, pair. (1. 09200; Ducks, (4.009«.50; ities. Yon should not expect anything t <ken to Chicago on a charge of burg- Wood for Sale. Jackson county, state of Oregon, about the or kinds of FRUIT, until satisfied that Bpjtqw cast: "g .ae d«* iding vote. S. N. LivaTu.-itsys, 16917c 9 tb for Hens, 17c02cfor attack since and that was on the second day but vilbunous abuse from tbe punctured lary. Litzenberger was a clerk in the 1st of September. 1891, one Sorrel Filley they are well ADAPTED to the soil and ikarsow, Lemocra:, was then elected Old uubblet« and 18.3-10 for young; Pigeons, alter I began using it ” rogue. ________ ________ Chicago postoffice under the Cleveland three or four years old, 14 hands high, with climate peculiar TO SOUTHERN ORE Cliff has youiig, «‘ 5003.00 9 down, old, fi.5091.75> io the position *h --.Sirr. white stripe down the face, both hind feet i GON. Write for terms to I M. Mayer, the merchant tailor, ha» just administration, but lost his place and not yet decidetl wba> a... •.* ti elll pnr- RY MANZANITA, FIR and PINE Inii’c Veeetable white half way to the hock joint, mane on | A. H. CARSON & SON., received over 360 samples of new (jit ami became a professional burglar, He is stove-wood. Leave orders at the Ash left side of neck, no brands visible. .'. ’ . ,'njve two of the greatest bargains in ’ 4 winter goods of different kinds are I if you suspected of complicity in the robbery cue. Itut says he’..-. land Planing Mill, or with C has . H abviy . G rants P am , O regon . vUy vSarsaparilla T i'le irakjng Voider ev<»r offered in Ash Secretary and taken M.t* want a neat fitting suit at a reasonable of a mail w igon on the West Side a few jan!4-2t H. C. MESSENGER. Pbosaix, Jan, 4th, 1882. land. D, L Minkler jr Son. Or W. B. GOLTON, Agent, Ashland Of., , figure, call at bb shop, and will appear to discharge us usual year» »go. dnMM. W ashington , Jan 25.—Last Saturday lenor Montt, the Chilean Minister pre sented a formal request for the recall of Minister Egan. President Harrison sent an ultimatum the the Chilean govern ment the same day. It demanded that the offensive note by ex Minister Matta be withdrawn, an apology for the asanlt upon the Baltimore sailors and indemni ties for injuries inflicted on Ameriean citizens. HOOT THEM OUT ! T FOR SALE! I Hood’s Sarsaparilla NO MORE BACK ACHE OFTrz/ Yum Yuni Corn. We have a full line of the finest canned goods. Note that we are still selling the best raisins for 15 cents per lb. HOTOGLm W. P. SQUIRE, ASHLAND, OREGON Seal Estate aid Apt. REAL ESTATE. Special attention paid to Eastern Correspondence. MARIA COLVER FARM FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF I T J Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To B H C. MYER Ashland, Oregon GARLAND STOVES & RANGES. CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS, AMMUNITION, CUTLERY. JAS. NORRIS & CO All Kinds of Lumber, Doors, Win dows, Flooring and Moldings, Rustic, Shingles and Lath. Furnished to Order. LUMBER YARD NEAR DEPOT. 0 «3 0 Gfrx-ix>x>e IS i is Your Stock Insured? The OllEGON LIVE STOCK MUTUAL H Home Office, Ashland, Oregon. SICK BARGAIN Head In Aches C C. BARRETT & CO C D < * 2DO.OOOTREES FOR SALE Town Property !| OUR NURSERY