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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1919)
Coquille Valley Sentinel AND THE COQUILLE HERALD 7.. — YOU XIY. 1 BUNCO ARTIST -in I - ——--- ———--------- 1----------- ................ .......... . COQUILLE, COO8 COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1919 NO. 17. Sunday Will Be Mother’s Day Did you ever see a man so depraved that he had anything but a good word for his mother. Sunday will be Mo ther’s Day and there will be especial mention of it in the church services on that day. Put a carnation or boom white flower in your button hole oa that day and go to church in memory of the mother whose good advice you have not always* heeded. It will do you good. Every -man ought to bo glad to do something in tender mem ory and in honor of the mother who bore him. We sometimes think that motherhood is the greatest thing is the world. There is nothing more un selfish; nothing more forgivirfjj than a mother’s love. Do something Sun day to testify your appreciation of it OÜRLOANRECORD 81.66 THE YEAR. Why We Waited For the Tide The employes of the power com pany, waich is operating the big plant over at the Bay while the Smith mill is shut down, are continually learn Amounts Subscribed In This State Loans Coos County $20,- ing something new. Last week’s Don’t Cash in on Your War He la Arrested at Gold Beach trouble when the power was inter 000 for Road Work Here District In Each of Savings Stamps—Learn and Brought to Coquille rupted time after time is an illustra at Coquille the Drives to Save • and Jailed tion. The vacuum pumps attached to the turbines draw their water from a At the meeting of the State High large pond which rises and falls with The following statement showing In order that the habits of thrift Lost Saturday Bob Leach, the the amount subscribed in the Coquille way commission held at Portland the tide. North Bend constable, brought Archie Especially low tides last learned during the war may not be district for each of the five Liberty Wednesday it was decided to loan j vreok drained the pond and they had to lost sight of entirely, County Super B. Arnold, as he calls himself up from Loan bond issue, our quota each time, Coos county 820,000 for one year to wait for the tide to come in to work intendent C. E. Mulkey is asking the Gold Beach and placed him in ail the number of subscribers for each be used on the Coquille-Marshfield these pumps. By Saturday, however, commercial bodies of the county to here. He was arrestod on a warrant issue and the amount of over-sub road. This loan was applied for by they had got the pond dredged out and do something in the way of encourage charging him with obtaining goods scriptions, is furnished us by Leo J. tho county court and they offered to were not bothered any more by the ment to the children to purchase War under false pretences. Ho bought an Cary, the local chairman of the dis pay interest upon it. This money is tide. The gradual filling of the pond Savings Stamps. The Bank of South auto of Milas Richardson at North to be used, 810,000 to complete the with sard and sediment was some western Orégon at Marshfield has of- trict: • Bend and paid for it with a check in Our quota for the First Liberty work of putting the road on line and thing they had not figured on, but erod $100 in three prizes to the a Marshfield bank in which he had Loan was 36,000, the amount sub grade from the city limits to Cedar they won’t be caught in that fix again. schools in the county making the best no money. Then ho started south but scribed was 87,360, being a 32,360 Point, and 810,000 to grade the road record this year; and to still further was stopped at Gold Beach by Sheriff oversubscription. The number of sub within the city limits, from Cunning stimulate interest in Coquille the Tolman on a message from the sher scribers was only 19 and it is certain ham creek to the Burkholder corner Commercial Club has decided to offer iff’s office here. He had already given ly a matter to be proud of, for every on Taylor street. three prizes for each grade in the Co- another bogus check there and was one who was on that honor roll. It is certainly a good stroke of quillj schools. The prizes are not just about to write a third one wnen For the Second Liberty Loan our business for the county to get the to be awarded to the pupils selling the officer took him in custody. He The following names bring the list put up a bold front and talked very of subscribers for the Victory Liberty quota was raised to 825,000, and $38,- money as soon as possible to finish The lecture by John Lew las at the Lie most baby bonds and thrift loudly about the damages ho was aw Loan in the Coquille district down to 100 was subscribed, being an over this grading out to connect with the Liberty Theutre last Mcnday night stamps but will go to the three pu ing to get from the men who had 9:30 this morning. It will be seen subscription of 813,100. The number highway which the state will pave was listened to with rap: attention pils in each grade who have the larg stopped him, boasting that ho had that our quota is already oversub of subscribers for this loan was 269, this year. This will probably result as he depicted scenes of honor or in est investment in W. S. S. of this which was nineteen times as many as in another appropriation by the State cidents of the great war which came year’s issue on Sept. 30. The first |2,000 in the bank at Marshfield, and scribed to the amount of >10,050: for the first loan, or an increase of Highway ,Commission noxt year to under his observation as u war cor prize will be a baby bond, the second denying that they had any right to over 1300 per eent. pave from Cedar Point, where this respondent. Not even the false alarm 82.00 worth of thrift stamps an! the arrest him without a warrant. In Total subscriptions reported in the year ’s work will end, on through Co of fire which emptied the theatt*. third 31-00 worth. For the Third Loen our quota was deed, his assertions of his innocence Coquille Valley Sentinel up to Friday, 840,000 and 368,900 was subscribed, quille to Myrtle Point Loo J. Cary, chairman of the W’. S. were so strong that it seemed to be May 3, 1919, 357,760. about nine o'clock could keep the We note that the commission lqt crowd from coming back to hear all S. campaign, says wo are to have a the over-subscription being 8289,000, a question whether ho would be hid At First National Bank or 72 per cent, which is a record of rood contracts to the amount of 81,- Mr. Lewtas had to say, as he told of thrift stamp drive this year to make or not, until the constable arrived Ray Dean, |60 which we have a right to be very 187,000 on Wednesday. It nlso agreed seeing German bodies piled seven our quota as we did last year, which with a warrant for him. Then he Mrs. Vida Madison, 8700 proud. The number of subscribers to build ten miles of road in Curry feet high for three quarters of a mile he expects will start some time this subsided and became meek as a lamb. C. R. Bloyd, 8600 summer. this time was 618, considerably more county south of Port Orford, in re in their first attack on Paris. The the officers here he puts up a Wallace Henninger, 860 than doubling the number for the sec turn for the U. S. Forest Department O. C. Sanford said at the club meet sympathy talk, attributing his trou Arthur Hooten, 860 He received a hearty cheer when ond loan, the increase being 128 per building ten miles of road in Coos ing Wednesday evening that at the bles to anything except himself, Geo. T. Moulton, 8200 he emphatically denounced the Bol- cent county south of Reedsport Both claiming that everything fas against Edna Harlocker, 860 sheviki, saying, “I have no more use rate last year’s W. S. Stamps are be In the Fourth Loan our quota of these roads are sections of the Pacific him and that he never Bad a fair Rosine Knldor, 860 for the Bolsheviki than I have for the ing cashed in at the postofllce it will 880,600 was oversubscribed 812,160, Highway and may in time become I. W. W, nnd I have no more use for take a good part of the 1919 issue to shqw in this world. It is si old say Theo. Nelson, 8200 the total subscription being 392,660. portions of the Roosevelt Highway... ing that “no rogue e’er felt the halter Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Belieu, 8100 the I. W. W. than I for the make good the government's pledge This was our high water mark both in I :c redeem last year's issue on 10 days' draw with s good opinion of the law,” Lanson W. Leneve, 860 devil.” notice. the amount of subsciptions and the Nine Million Dollar Program and the tendency of men is to excuse Theo. S. Easton, 860 At times it was difficult to follow number of subscribers, which was 898, themselves for their crimes, no mat Construction highway projects Mr. Lewtas, so rapidly did he talk, • The people have not yet learned the J. L. Hensley, 8100 an increase of over 46 per eent. By totaling 39,076,200, has been author lesson of thrift, which the W. S. S. ter how glaring. It's an old story Sarah L. DeLong, 81.000 but on the whole it was an intensely this time we had all got our fighting , with the officers, for they hear it in a ized by the state highway commission Mary O’Farrel, 8100 interesting story of a small fraction were supposed to teach. It was not blood up and were determined to for the year, according to estimates thousand different forms. If is al Nellie Nelson, 8100 of the war and as the worda cascaded expected that Uncle Sam would act bring the war to as speedy an end as made public yesterday by its engin- as a bank in selling and buying W. S. ways somebody else or something he L. A. Whereat, 8100 friid his lips, you were carried acron» possible. couldn’t help that makes him go icring department. John Messer Hawkins, 8260 the Atlantic to see the same scenes S.; but a large percentage of those For the Victory Loan drive, which who purchased last year are dumping wrong to hear the man who has been Besides post, roads projects sstlm- that he did. Nettie V. Selander, 8100 doses tomorrow, our quota wnc 854,- ifc/at 32,279,694 and forest rood pro caught toll it. Marian D. Young. 3100 The pictures taken by him on Ms their baby booth. back on the govern 000 and on Wednesday, three days be jects estimated at 82,086,168, are It is to bo hoped that Arnold, who Vesta Boyrie, 360 ravels were likewise interesting, ment now. We arè not' through fi fore the close of the drive we had sub embraced in the year's program. In f is also known as “McNair,” won’t J. W. Leneve, 8100 many of them being of the ruins of nancing the war and these baby bonds scribed 862,000, an over-subscription the construction of these the state and should be held until maturity except blip through thp meshes of the law Gus Battista, 8100 French towns. of 88000. The total number of sub in extreme cases. as so many criminals have been do --ounties will co-operate with the gov- The lyceum committee reports that Mrs. Cora Richardson, 81,000 scribers, however, was only 260, which l-nment. ing in Coos county lately. He claims At Farmers and Merchants Bank Lhe course has paid its way, although was less than a third of the number Instruct Bridge Committee to be a Coos county boy, but so far Most of the post road projects are the talent cost a good deal more than Mountain States Power Co. 3800 in the Fourth Loan. no one among the old settlers has ituated in eastern Oregon. Marion, ever before, and addled 815 to the $10C At the regular Commercial Club Keith Leslie, 8100 Recapitulating new, we find that ?olk and Yamhill counties are the recognized him. Mrs. H. W. Young, 850 and more they already had in the meeting Wednesday evening it was unanimously voted to Instruct the Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Martin, 8100 the Coquille district’s quota for the nly western counties Hhat will have treasury. Saturday Is the Last Day club’s bridge committee to appear be Lycurgus Lodge No. 72, K. of P. five loans was 8204,500 and that our uch projects to construct this year. oversubscription was 864,600, making Eight of the forest road projects are fore tho county court this week, ask Obituary of G. W. Norris Saturday of next week will be the 8100 a total of over a quarter of a million, situated in eastern Oregon and seven ing the county to build the bridge at Total 864,060. last day any one can register to vote George William Norris was born in 8268,000 in fact, taken by cur people. n wectern Oregon. at the June election. For the sake Oregon City on the 5th of December, the earliest possible moment, this If any banker in the county had been Accident at Johnson’s MUI of the Roosevelt Highway bill a gen 1847, and died at FairvieW, Coos coun year if pocsible, and leaving the lo asked at the beginning of the war Joke Was on the Cops eral registration is hoped. Be sure ty, Oregon, April 26, 1919, being 71 cation, type and cost of the bridge en Wednesday morning the gear on the whether the Coquille district could or tirely up to the county court. In you are registered yourself and that leg lift broke at the Johnson mill here, would subscribe this amount for war A couple of young men boarding in years, four months and 20 days old all your neighbors are. All who have necessitating a shut down for the rest loans, the answer would have been an an otherwise unoccupied residence at the time of his demise. He leaves view of what the members of the voted in the past two years and who cf the week. A heavy log was being emphatic negative. Let us hope that down towr\ were for a time under the a wife two sons and three daughters, court have said publicly, this was equivalent to endorsing the grade hive not changed their places of resi ,,-ilied up and it got away faster than in the future the peopTe of this dis shadow of much undeserved suspicion besides numerous relatives, to mourn dence are among those permanently it was expected to, canvng a jerk that trict may be found working together the first of the week when the police his loss. Goorge Norris was a man crossing on Ferry street, but the tem per of the club was for a bridge at registered. Those who have not vot broke one section out of the 6-foot as heartily for other things worth made a descent on the houso in their of exemplary habits, and respected by once—the best the county court could ed in two years or who have moved gear wheel. So it was nocessary to while as they have in the Liberty Loan absence and found what semed like ev all who knew him. He had been a provide with the funds on hand and to from one precinct to another will get another one cast before operations drives. idence that they were running an illi resident of Coos cohnty since 1868. He be appropriated. need to renew their registration. could be resumed. The accident en cit still and making some kind of was a typical pioneer like his ances ~ The County Clerk sent out 3,000 tails an expense of about 8200. There tor and great great grandfather, Dan booze. The stuff smelled sour and its New Time Table on Sunday Shipping Spruce for Pianos postal cards last December to those was ’ nothing to the widely circulated taste wasn’t especially pleasant, but iel Boone, preferring a frontier life. In another column of this issue the who had not voted for two years and story that this accident was due to an Spruce wood to make backs for it was upposed to be on the way to He was a good citizen,* upright and received repliee from 600 of them, who explosion. Mr. Johnson says that the Southern Pacific railway gives the sour mash whiskey. It was debated honest in all his dealings, courteous J<5<) pianos is being shipped frim the wished to renew their registration. shut down gives them a chance to get new time table which goes into effect whether to make a state or federal to strangers, and hospitable to a fault, Johnson mill at Reedsport to a Chica If you have not renewed, better hunt to work with the resaw as they have next Sunday on the Coos Bay line in .-ase of it when the boys were pulled, r kind husband and father, and he will go piano firm. The order is for three The changes here are slight. up the register in your district and been wishing to for some time, and full. and all was going to depend upon the be sadly missed by those who have carloads of piano backs. Each car attend to that matter right away be that they are running it night and The mail train from the east comes in - crcentage of alcohol disclosed by an been closely associated with him holds 5000 pieces. The wood is 33 fore the books close for the June elec day while the rest of the mill is not at 2:10 p. m., an hour and ten minutes alysis. If it was sufficient it would through life. inches long and 3 by 4 inches in size. earlier. In the morning the mail tion on Saturday, May 17. It is clear spruce. operating. It will also give an op :ertqinly be a McNeil’s Island case It is estimated that there are 10,000 portunity to clean up the yard which train will go out at 8:10, which is 22 and they would have to appear for This is the first time that a South Card of Thanks mon and women of voting age in this was getting considerably over-crowd minutes earlier than now. western Oregon mill has filled an or trial in Judge Wolverton’s court at We wish to thank the many friends The local train between Marshfield county; ’and that not more than 8,000 ed. When running at capacity this Portland. But before there had been for their kind acts and help during the der for spruce piano backs and it and Powers runs through in about of them are now registered. mill employs about 60 men and now anything more than talk about it, the sickness and death of our husband opens a new market for this class of half an hour less time, but there is has logs in the boom and contracts officers in some way got onto the fact and father, also for the beautiful timber, which abounds in the lower Umpqua river country. Must Be Filed by Tomorrow ahead to keep it running all summer. little difference in the time of its ar that the absent landlady had been a floral offerings. rival at Coquille in either direction. It manufacturer of vinegar on a small It is expected that the recall peti Mrs. G. W. Norris and family. goes up to Powers at 9:06 in the morn Sues Boat Line for Coal Bill scale, and that it was a jar of her Conflict in Dates tions which have been in circulation ing and gets back at 6:16 in the after sour fruit juices that had been dis during the past two months will be The Sentinel has printed this week There is conflict in dates between noon, arriving at Marshfield at 6:30. Empire School Burned filed either today or tomorrow. In the Radcliffe Chautauqua and the This schedule will be in our opinion covered. Things are not always what the abstract prepared by Attorney C. The two-story school building at feet they cannot be filed later than High School commencement here both the most satisfactory the Coquille they seem, but vigilant officers are R. Barrow in the case of Enos T. Empire, one of the oldest structures what are needed to enforce the pro tomorrow, if the election is to take being scheduled for Friday, May 30. Valley has ever enjoyed. Wolverton against the Myrtle Point hibition law now, even if they do some in the county was destroyed by fire Transportation ■ company, which was place along with that on the amend Mr. Baker says the invitations for the yesterday morning. Among the fur times make a mistake. ments and measures now before the school commencement were sent out appealed by the latter from the de nishings lost was a piano recently Farm Workers Come First people on June 3. There has been a some time since and the date cannot rision of the Circuit Court here. The purchased. The origin of the fire is great lack of interest in the recall be changed, but it is thought possible Farmers and farm workers will be The Hammond-Hollister Feud respondent in the case is tho assignee unknown, though it is supposed to movement during the time since the that the Chautauqua dates may be given preference in obtaining dis The Hammond-Hollister litigation have been caused by a stove in the of J. R. McGee, of the Riverton mines, petitions were placed in circulation, switched, some other place in this sec charges from the army, war depart at North Bend has disclosed several rear of the building. Miss Bess Flan and is suing the boat line for 82374.82 and if the recall wps the only matter tion taking our date and giving us ment officials announce. The depart new phases lately. The arbitrators in agan, of Marshfield, is principal of tee alleged to be due for coal McGee had to be voted on n/xt munth the vote theirs. Nothing has been heard as ment does not consider there trill be a the suit between them decided that school, the other teacher being Miss furnished it. would undoubtedly be very light. yet in relation to the matter, though. general shortage of labor in the farm Hollister owed Hammond 82,884.72. Elizabeth Hqfford, of Myrtle Point. ing communities but to prevent any The day after the arbitrators’ award Trouble Again for Sentinel The dining rooms of the Arago Hotel chance of it happening have decided to the First National Bank of North Swan Gate Only 30 Days Oregon Life Helps Out Here Troubles don’t come singly in the have been secured by the acnool board From Portland eomee the news that The Victory Loan committee here see farmers or farm laborers in the Bend, which is largely a Hollister in and school will re-open next Monday. Sentinel office. Last week our mail Roy Swan, who recently came in and desires through the Sentinel to ex army are given first chance to leave stitution, started suit against Ham It is recalled that Mrs. Minnie for points up the Coquille was late »e- surrendered to the Sheriff’s office her», press their appreciation of the 81,000 the service. mond to recover 81646 from him on Miller, wife of Joaquin Miller, the cause there- was a low tide over at the and was subsequently taken to Port subscription for bonds of this issue three notes, which he claims he is celebrated author, once taught for bdy, cutting off our supply of juice. No Council Meeting Yet land by Deputy Marshal Tichenor to made here by the Oregon Life, net responsible for, and also attached several months in this school. This morning our gasoline engine answer to the charge of evading the through its county agent, J. T. Sul broke down before the Sentinel was The City Council missed its regular the $2.884.72 due by Hollister to Ham draft had been sentenced to jail for livan. This is one of the corpora meeting Monday night, on account of mind in aid of the suit. Tho sheriff’s office here is now busy half printed and we will be late again SO days by Judge Wolverton, for evad tions that makes its subscriptions in the Lyceum entertainment. checking over the 8,000 receipts Is —how late remr-ins to t>e soen. It is the localties from which it secures not known now that there will be a ing the draft See the Great Nazimova in “Toys sued during the rush at the end of the its income—a practice which is very meeting before the regular one on the of Fste,” a story of realised romance. payment of the first half of the 1918 The Strawberry C*rnivaj, at Rose Calliag Cards, 100 fee 81-00. third Monday of tbs month, May 19. May IHk and 16th at Liberty Theatre. burg will opsn Friday. May 28. ARE $10,000 OVERQUOTA I LEWTAS’LYCE- UM LECTURE