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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1919)
4 The ti S w M r A U lt o r i« * Y O U XIV. £> Coouille Goes Over the To This Morning With - ThouMude to Snare Oregon L ife las. Co., »1,000 Gao. Shelton, »100 Loan Wilkes, »200 L. Myrberg, »60 Ola Simonson, »160 rA nn a 81m on sen, »160 C. E. Mulkey, »100 Mrs. C. E. Mulkey, »100 Clarence Barton, »60 Ralph 8mith, »60 Car latón Brawn, »60 Keith Leslie, »100 R. 8. Know!ton, »600 A. R. Collier, »100 Wattman A. Ball, »60 W . D. Champion, »200 E. E. Elwood, »100 Gordon Anacom, »60 H. T. Hanson« »60 C. F. Langden, »60 8. C. McAllister,, »60 James N. Mast, »60 E. E. Olson, »60 Lsland Peart, »60 Alex Peterson, »100 Joe Peart, »100 W. H. Purdy, »60 Chas. J. Smith, »60 M. A . Stoical, » 1 » . Frank Thrift, »60 Standard OU Co. »600 R. H. Mast, »60 Part o< Bandon, »1,000 E. E. Johnson, »600 A lfred Johnson. Jr., »60 A lfrsd Johnson, »100 Chas. Goodrich, »60 L. A . DetwUer, »60 L. Snyder, »60 Chas. Nswton, »60 Total, »67,760.00 Sine« our kut isaue enoudk «üb te riptiona hove boon raceivsd her« ror U m VWtery Loan bond« t « put u away «vo r the top, our quota o f $64,- 000 M t only having »0,760 in addition. tion« received thi« ■poniibl« for thi« grattfyiag roault. Here i« th i Hat o f thoaa who havo «ubacribed «in e« our l u t iaaua: Total subseriptions raportad ln tha Scntinel Friday, April 26, 1010, $40,- 460.00 • A t Firat National H. B. W eigar, »60 Mr. and Mra. Mi. O. Hawkina and H a rris Hawkina, »260 Mra. Raymond E. Bakar, »60 SR . H. 8woot, »60 Mra. Thomas -Wilasa, »60 Mra. Thonua WQaon Jr. »60 Mita Farn DaLoug, »60 Mr. and Mrs. H. L. »M Wm. Norris, »100 Mra. R. H. Sweat, »60 Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kistner, »100 Ed Detlafsan, »400 Emma Kennedy, »100 Mr. and Mrs. J. I « Sawyer, »100 W inifred O. Speumer, »60 Mayma DeLong, »60 Mr. and Mrs. C. A . DaLong, »1,000 Agnes Whetstone, »100 Mary C. Harvey, »60 C. G. Leatherwood, »100 Geo. N. Battay, »60 Mrs. Geo. N. Battay, »60 E. G. and Dora L Kay, »600 The last number o f our Lyceum John Yoakam, »900 > will bo given at tha Liberty M. J. Hartaon, »100 Theatre nest Monday evening by Mr. John Lewtas, war correspondent and ' N. E. Landreth, »100 lecturer, and hi« subject wrill be, “ The Mark Morris, »100 W orld W ar and Tha League o f Na- Coqulllo Honor Guard, »100 Mr. and Mrs. 0 . S. Davis, »400 L S. Robison, »100 Mr. Lewtas in tha past fifteen years IS travail*» extensively fa Eu W. C. Rosa, »100 Wm. Bettys, »600 aad s thoroughly eeovursaat with the Mr. and Mrs. R. A . Easton, »60 bleats involved in this great strug Harry L. Aber, »60 gle. When the war broke out he felt W. F. Aber, »100 keen interest end followed every Fred William Barker, »260 ove in detail. Later he visited tbs battle line aa a newspaper corres C. A . Boyrie, »100 pondent, collected hundreds o f pic Ed Boyrie, »100 tures, from which he has had lantern E. R. Clark, »60 lea made. These he places before Thoma« J. Curry, »60 his audience and, with n graphic des Howard E. Edwards, »60 cription which he gives, brings n John T. Eide, »100 doubla masaage to his audience. Mr. W. W. Elliott, »100 Carl Flaattan, »60 Lewtas spent the summer * on the H. C. Gats, »100 Chautauqua platform, has lectured be Geo. A . Gilman, »60 fore the leading schools and in tha Austin Hasard, »60 largest churches in tha Pacific North- Ola Hegiie, »100 it and in Canada. N o patriot can afford to misa this great lecture. B. V. Huey, »100 0. B. Hughes, »100 Antons Jacobson, »60 Getting Them All N ow A . Jenkins, »60 The valuation board fo r assessment John Johnson, »60 purposes, which is now going over the D. G. Keller, »100 acreage o f the county, finds n good Leo B. McCool, »60 many tracts o f cultivated lands in Frank McNair, »60 isolated sections where improvements N. J. Magill, »60 have never got onto the tax rolls. Tha Frank C. Mann, »60 owner would probably mast tha depu C. D. Miller, »60 ty assessment somewhere and tall him Lee Neely »60 there had bean no change in tha H. Nelson, »100 place or that it was “ about the same John Newman, »60 aa last year,” and no change would Arthur Peart, »60 bo mads in the valuation even i f Bev C. Peart, »60 el al thousands o f dollars had bean August Peterson, »60 spent in improvements. This time John H. Purdy, »100 the valuation board is saelng every Roy Sackett, »60 thing and placing a figure on things Alax Bandon, »100 as they are now. Franc!» Sell, »60 John F. Stanley, »60 Machon Rooming House Frank W. Theater, »80 Tomorrow the Mâchons’ rooming R. Thomason, »60 house will be opened to the public C. W. Upton, »100 with the moet up-to-date accommoda A . E. Watson, »100 tions to be found in Coquille. Modern Wm. H. W iggins, »60 in every respect, with handsome fu r Jos L. Wilday, »100 nishings, steam heat, electricity, D. A. Wood, »100 baths, hot and cold water in every C. B. Young, »100 room, they will fill n long-felt need S. M. and Lulu Noslor, »200 and be n foretaste o f what tha travai J. P. Beyers, »200 ling public may expect here whan our Raymond A. Jeub, »100 two hotels are built and in operation. R. N. Catton, »100 “ The Machon” will be fo r transients Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Walker, »200 only, or those willing to pay transient Nannie McAdams, »60 TALK WITH WAR PICTURES H. W . Young, »200 Mr. and Mr«. A . B. Campbell, »H Catherine L. MulvihiU, »60 Ed Moeller, »100 L. E. Coats, »60 W alter F. Scott, »60 C. E. Hurrel, »60 L. E. Alexander, »60 F. L. McClellan, »100 E. E. Johnson, »200 A t Farmers and A . F. Kirschman. »1 6 « L. W . Oddy, »60 F. G. Leslie, »100 Mia. John Bottoni, »100 K- N. Laren« 9900 T H E C O Q U IL L E H E R A L D COQUILLE, COOS C O U N TY. OEBQON. F R ID A Y , M A Y X » I * . NO. I t FILL 01 pm Valley Sentinel * The skating rink in the basement will be opened with a big dance in n couple o f weeks. F tt Elk Election The Fat Elk Drainage District as sociation mat hare last Monday, and re-elected the three directors, L. P. Branstottor as president, E. H. H am den aa soetstety and C. R. Gabel ar. They decided to call fo r bids fo r in stalling tide gates and also fo r cut ting brush along tha ditch. Tha call for bids is elsewhere advertised. OH TITLE State Game Warden Over It Affects 700 Business and p t j _____ s - i . » ii,, rules Deputy— Says Residence Lots in the Get Squirrels CitV of Coquille M., made another quit claim deed conveying her interest in the property to the Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. ! In explanation o f this doed Mr. Sengsta-ken says the abstracters dis covered this fiaw when about to make a doad for property included in WF WILL ISSISI Western Oregon Voters Will Vote For Irriga tion Amendment the tract in question. And in or- ——------- der^that in case o f her death it might Mr. Thomas, county gams warden, That there is a cloud on the title not be rendered difficult fo r others to Two sections of Oregon that are to be under the impression that o f most o f the real estate in Coquille,' get a curative deed instead of taking separated by a great distance geo the farmers are violating the state St least on over sixty blocks, or as the quit claim simply fo r the tract graphically on account of two barrier gams law by putting out poisoned many as seven hundred lots, including jthat wns being sold at that time, It mountain ranges are figruatively join barley to kill digger squirrels in or sil the business p ir t of town, will be was made to cover the whole halt mile ing hands for a united drive on the der to save their crops from being surprising nears to most o f our c it i- ' square. This left it so that the own- ballot boxes at the special State elec destroyed by these paste, (the dig It is only recently, however, | era o f any o f the 700 lots in the tract tion in June. That great stretch W gers.) that Mr. Machon had to secure s deed could secure a deed from the Abstract empire known as Eastern 'Oregon is Mr. Thomas might have saved him from the Title Guarantee and A b Co., curing the defects mentioned. enthusiastically working to give the self and our office considerable am stract company to correct such a flaw. Mr. Puiford, the attorney for Mrs. coast counties o f Oregon the Roose barrassment i f ha had conferred with 8U11 mors recently the city of oo- Sperry in the case in which the sum velt Highway; the seven great coast the proper officials connected with quille had to do the same thiag in the mons is now being printed in the Sen counties comprising one-seventh of this work before creating rush n dis ctae o f the waterfron* property it tinel, objects and sooner than do sfe the area of the state are just as en turbance in the newspapers on uffia selling to Coos county. In this has chosen to make the T itle Guaran thusiastically working to develop the subject. s District Attorney Hall, in an tee and Abstract Co. a party defend irrigation projects o f the East Ore Tbs state game warden, Mr. Carl opinion on the title, advised that * ant to this suit, and ask for cosis gonians. Schumaker, has advised US that ws quit claim be secured to cure the against them. An apt illustration o f the friendly are perfectly within our rights in the M e e t, end it was done. O f course every owner o f a lot in spirit that is animating the coast matter and that ho will When T. T. Land s few days ago the part o f the city covered by the counties is a rally held at Gardner on thing possible to co-operate with us Sold his place on Spurgeon Hill to Cunningham and Siglin quit claim the Umpqua river recently when set and all concerned in the poisoning of Fred Von Pegsrt, the consummation deeds will be interested ni the out tlers came by the hundreds to boost the digger squirrels and other des o f the sale was held up fo r several come o f this suit. fo r the Roosevelt Highway bond issue. tructive rodents. days and Mr. Land wns obliged to re Some o f those in attendance came Mr. Schumaker says that be is well main here a good deal longer than he * from poi..ts miles distant in boats. $382.500 Taxes Paid aware o f tha fact that the poisoned intended while the cloud was being The amount o f 1918 taxes receipted More than a thousand gathered at barley ws are distributing w ill not removed from the property. for as paid prior to April 6 at the Gardner to hear President S. C. Pier, kill gams birds, fo r it has been defin In the Sentinel this week Mra. Hel sheriff’s office here was »882,600. o f the Roosevelt Highway Association, itely proven by experimental fending en C. Sperry appears as plaintiff ana Leaving out the Southern Oregon, the explain the wonderful possibilities o f it to such birds that it will not the Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Kinney and pome of the C. A. Smith that will be opened by what he de This is probably due to as dofandant, in a proceedin'; to clear company, where the business is in the clared will be the greatest scenic the fact that the fowls are possess the cloud from her property. hands o f a receiver, this is a full half boulevard in the world. ad o f their well known gissards. A ll these cases stand.on ail fours, o f the total taxes for last year. The assemblage not only endorsed This poisoned barley is vary dead as the lawyers say, with every other the highway project, but it went on ly though to digger squirrels and e o f property in the half mile record with a unanimous resolution other such rodents and Has been found square reaching east and west from favoring the passage o f the Galla to be the cheapest and moat effective Coulter streot, a block east o f the gher bill whereby the stats is given method o f destroying them by the court house, away out onto Spurgeon authority to lend credit to irrigation thousands. Barley has been found to Hill; and north and south from tne projects approved by a special com be the boat kind o f grain fo r poison river out into the neighborhood o f the mission consisting o f the state su One o f our friends the other day Butler place where the Jog occurs In ing the diggers. perintendent o f banks, the state en asked us some questions about the W s have been preparing this pois the county road a block north o f the gineer and the attorney general. contract fo r the Coquille-Marahfield oned grain fo r the past twp years at Henry street bridge. Letters and telegrams endorsing This cloud is a pretty tenuous one, highway, which w ith 'a little figuring the Gallagher bill are pouring into cost to the farmers and shall continue we tried to answer, and thinking other to do so in accordance with the law something like “ the morning cloud the headquarters o f the Roosevelt taxpayers may also be interested in passed at the last session o f the Ore and the early dew,” but it exists, nev- Highway Association at the Imperial gon legislature, which compels every ertheless, and though no one need the same m a t f ^ w e w ill give our Hotel from the chambers of commerce readers the results arrived at. The one owning, tensing or having donsin- have any feats o f losing his property, and other public-spirited organisa concrete roadway ia to be '16 fast on over lands infested with such ro on account o f it, it is, however, pret tions ail over the coastr Similar en wide, which is very nearly s rad, dents to begin at once and continue in ty certain to confront any one who dorsements for the coast highway are making a sale and prevent him while the thickness o f the concrete, reaching the association by the score good faith to poison them according; 6tt inches in the cener and 5V4 at the to instructions. I f such parties do from giving an absolutely clear title froip the irrigation belts of eastern, not comply with such law within thir- without getting a doed from the Title outqjde, will average 0 inches in thick southern and central Oregon. ness. The rock shoulder o f two feet ty days from the date o f the official Guarantee and Abstract company, The two bills are of kindred im on either side will cost s considera notice recently published in two Coos which owns the cloud. portance. The Roosevelt highway i f ’ How the trouble originated cannot ble amount while the roadway will huilt will bring millions o f tourists county papers, the County Court is then empowered by said law to ap be briefly narrated, but we will try only lack six inches of being a rod hi to Oregon. These tourists will not width. point persons to do the poisoning, and to make it clear. only view the unparalleled scenery The length o f the roadway is to The chain of title fo r the portion the costs o f same shall be added to offered by the highway, but they will the taxes on the land and they of the city o f Coquille mentioned Be bs 14 miles or 4480 rods, and the lat seek opportunities to invest their ter figures comes very near being the shall serve as a lien on the property. gins with a patent issued by the money and make their homes in Ore number o f square rods in the work. W s are not doing this work for the United States June 16, 1864, to Evan gon. The great stretches o f land In Divide the contract price o f $318,781 fun o f it, but it is a county and state Cunningham on his homeslerd. He the irrigation sections offer the best wide project and so fa r we have found unfortunately died intestate and it by the number o f rods, and we find kind of chance for investments. The all the farmers greatly in favor o f it was failure to preserve a complete the price per square rod, and also per people o f Eastern Oregon and other and are glad to co-operate with us, for record o f all the proceedings in the linear rod to be about »71.60. TT h « sections that are looking to their fu is $2.87 per square yard or somewhere they believe in protecting their crops. administration of his estate that ture development through Irrigation between $14 and $16 per cubic yard caused the trouble. This work is being carried on in are only too well aware that any The administrator, who was named for concrete. Our friend tMought this thing they do to insure the construc all counties o f the state and is under the direct supervision o& the United Wycoff, advertised the real estate of was an excessive figure for that sort tion o f the coast highway will be Evan Cunningham lor sale and sold of krork, and it is at least 60 per cent therefore greatly to their own inter State« Biological Department. Signed: J. L. Smith, Coos County the tract in question to Elisabeth higher than it used to be before the est. For this reason they have been (Grandma) Leneve, January 2, 1866. war; but that it is unreasonable at glad to get behind the highyay move A gen t Thera is proof o f the service by thé the present time we should hesitate to ment. sheriff o f this citation on J. W. Cun assert. And besides we have not tak Cars Sold Here This Year ningham, the only heir of Evan Cun en into the account the rock shoulders Fred Slagle reports the following ningham, in regard to this sale, to of 2 feet on each side, or some 12,000 In Flash and Sound Division Harry H. Oerding and P. J. Michels, cars sold here since the firat o f Jan show cause why it should not be square yards o f this rock work in alL who have recently been mustered out uary, twenty-one in number, * the mads, but it is not said that the notice of the army, were in the ‘‘Flash and prices ranging from »846 to »2096: Challenge to Debate wns served in this county or state. Sound” division in France and were O. C. Jensen, Oakland. That la one of the faint shadows of Editor Sentinel:— The school house together most o f the time. It was Dr. V. L. Hamilton, Buick cloud. Another is that the records question was up for discussion at the their work to locate as nearly as pos Dr. Jas. Richmond, Buiclc. contain no proof of the publication of Commercial Club last week in a ten sible the position o f the German J. 8. Sawyer, Chevrolet the notice o f sale by Cunningham’s tative way, but the salient features o f guns; and this was done by noting the Milo Dunham, Chevrolet administrator. the matter were not discuased. And difference between the flash when they Henry Belloni, Chevrolet The record does show, however, an in order that the people may get a were fired and the sound which came M. Poland, Chevrolet order' by the court confirming the clear understanding o f the position of later. By getting these data from d if Ernest Hammock, Chevrolet sale, which recites that an application each o f the parties to the school, the ferent positions it was possible not E. A. Wimer, Buick ‘o eell the real estate was made, r* school house, and the school site con only to determine the distance of John McAdams, Buick that a proper citation to the heir was troversy: I hereby challenge Mr. A. these guns but their exact location— A. R. Clinton, Bufck mads. The defect here is that the J. Sherwood to debate with me before almost or quite to a foot. This sort R. E. Nosier, Baby Grand Chevro records contain no return showing a public audience in Coquille, the en of work kept the men in that division let that the sals was made. These are tire school, school house and school under fire when they were on duty. Lanson Leneve, Baby Grand Chev the flaws in the title, which seem to site question.— C. R. Borrow. Mchels was gassed while at the front, ro let make it quant ionabls whether the dead but says the effects are not noticeable Theodore Clinton, Chevrolet given by the administrator to Elisa Can Keen Their Uniforms now, and, in fact, that he would have W. C. Rose, Baby Grand Chev beth Leneve .was supported by the A new order has just been issued to run a mile or two to find whether rolet proper proceedings. Mrs. Leneve did by the W ar Department that soldiers his wind has been affected. A. T. Morrison, Chovrolet not retain the property long, however, on being mustered out are permitted Martin Clausen, Buick selling tt on Oct. 9, 1866, to T. B. W il W alter Crook, Baby Grand Chevro lard. I f subsequently became a part to retain their clothing and equip Let’s Have Clean-Up Dav ment. A great many o f the boys let o f Elliott’s Addition to the City of Noticing that Eugene is to have a have not heard o f this order, and Thomas Guerin, Buick “ Clean Up Day” early thle month we Coquille. ^ think they have only a few days in Ed Myers, Buick Y e a n after that, someone became whisk to return their uniforms etc. are led to inquire why that date has May Lund, Chevrolet aware o f these defects and concluded But Postmaster Leneve says he has not reappeared on the Coquille cal The war ia over and the that upon them might be based some orders not to receive packages of endar. Nick Johnson Ooens Store sort o f a claim fo r J . W. Cunningham, rlotking etc from former soldier for scarcity of help is no longer so keenly felt, so we see no reason why our city G. H. Ingram, representing the who would be the beneficiary o f such ratal* to the W ar Department. should not spruce up a bit. Our own Portland Credit Man’s Association, on defects. On October 11, 1878, Cun- Wednesday, sold to Nick Johnsotf the gingham mads a quit claim dead for Ad illustrated lecture on the World tin cans and other debris have all stock and fixtures o f the W. H. Lyons Interest in this property to J. M. W ar Jind the League o f Nations at the been buried in a sewer excavation; Siglin, an attorney practising on the thoame next Monday evening, May 6. so it is not fo r ourselves are are store, excepting a show counter, a ba It ttRhe last number on our Lyceum speaking, but we know there must con alicer and one or tyo other items Bay. which were sold to 8. M. Nosier. The Then the matter lay dormant for cou nt and no one will want to miss be several years accumulations on many places. stock brought 80 cents on the dollar. 188 years, during which time Mr. Sig- H. ? THE COST OF THE PAVING Mr. Johnson intends to open a groe- lin died. Coûta* Cuta. 100 t v V L * »1.50 TH E YE A R . A pril 27, 1811, however, wj «tere immediately at North Bead. Helen Bigttn, the wid«w aad hair uf J, I ike l u j « — - « a _ _ I uw cMnnoil to Can aa as f er