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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1919)
tsm Coquille Valley ■y x ANX> T H E VOL. X IV . COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY, OBBQON. FRIDAY. M AY 1C. M l» NO. I l -a m ia - — RECALL JUNE 3? C O Q U IL L E H E R A L D obtained, and without any verificati**, appears to be all that is Another Boll Wheel Break* I ■■ * — THE JERSEY MEET MG0UNÏÏ M T u ê The Sitka Spruce Co. nüQ here 1ms Now, Filed been shut dawn since Monday w hile* County Agent Smith Invitee ' Dairymen— WÏH Make new log haul w u constructing. The Loot Saturday Nomee io n . (N i n i old chute had been in bad shape for months but time had net bees to make the repair. On Mon day, however, it renasi! the breaking * f a coopto at cogs from the bull- wheel, aad the managemen to repair with a new chut* at This w u completed yesterday |*nd the mill started up again this morn ing. The Recall petition* against Judge James W atson and Commissioner A r chie Philip were filed last 8atorday, K ay 11, by Henry Ssagstackan. The number o f signers on the petitions against Judge W atson are 2692 aad the number on those against Commis sioner Philip are 1094. This is quite different from what Two Bad Boy* at tho Bay we had been led to expect in Judge Watson held juvenile court paper reports, but petitions against or at the Bay Tuesday and hoard Commissioner Philip, bearing about 1»00 names, were filed on the 15th o f two, cases. Ralph T h om « had be arrested fo r stealing two hatchets and October, 1018, and could not be with other tools, which he returned being drawn from the County Clerk's caught in the act. He w u placed on to refile again this spring, while the probation in the car* at his parents. petitions circulated last year against Archie King w u tried for persis Judge W atson seem to have been tant truancy. His heme surroundings placed in cold storage te bring out were altogether bad and he w u p new and add to the new petitions cir- ruled in car* at his brother, J. W. salated this spring. How many o f the' King. nemos are o f M IS vintage and how many were secured this year we have found no on* who w ill attempt to tell, though this appears to be a matter o f some importance as w ill appear later on. Soventy-five separate petitions against Judge W atson have boon In order te hasten the payment by bunched together and certified by A t torney John C. Kendall, a f Marshfield. the government at about half a mil Something less than h alf that num lion dollars at taxes due in this coun ber were sworn to in H a r d aad A pril ty on the Southern Oregon lands, (the year, presumably by the men who Ceos Bay W agon rend gran t), Judge W ateeo this morning sent ta* fellow - them aad secured the lag telegram to the n u n to ld s u r of But Kendall's blanket ¿he general land office at vit cover* all alike last year’s petitions and this year’s fo r which D. C.: some one else stands sponsor. Y et Coquille, Or*., May 8, 1919. singular to m y Kendall’s certificate Hon. Commissioner at the General is an affidavit only in form , lacking the signature o f a notary or any ooe au Land Office, Washington, D. C. Owing te delinquency o f taxes on thorised to administer oaths. So it amounts to no more than ad grant toads during recent y e a » Coos expression o f his opinion as to the county h u become a borrower and its interest burdens are considerable. As validity o f the signatures. you are aware there is a Ths form o f the heading o f the pe titions are entirely different. A fter C om Bay Wagon reciting in cash ease that they con stitute fifi per cent o f the electors who A s every month’s delay in the pay voted for candid*too for Supremo ment o f our claims means a loss at Judge in Coos county at the last gen about three thousand dollars per eral election, those against Judge month through interest payment* we Watson give thee* reasons fo r recall most respectfully urge early action by your office. W * wish to take this oc- ing him: to assure you o f our appre “That he has boon arbitrary in his attitude toward tho public and extra ciation o f the coo peration wo have al vagant and incompetent in the expen ready received in these matters. James W atson, County Judge. diture o f public funds." ASKS HIM TO HURRY Those named against Archie Philip allege that: “ His judgment in public matters has not been sound; he has been violently partisan in discussion and acting up on county affairs com ing before him, and has been incompetent aad extra vagan t" When the writer saw Commissioner Philip Wednesday morning he said that his name eras spelled three differ ent ways in the 84 petitions that were filed last Saturday. In two petitions -his name is given as pjiülips," in seven H is "P h illip" and in twsnty- two it is “ Philip," which is correct But Mr. Philip m id that he would not attempt to take advantage o f any such technicality to prevent an expression by the people on his earn at the com ing election. The people had petition ed fo r a chance to vote on his e y e and he wanted them to have i t In Judge W atson’s cam the filing of two entirely different petitions or sets o f petitions— as a single petition com plicates matters considerably. When petitions were signed in A ugust Sep tember and October, 1918, the num ber required for a recall would be baesd on the vote in Coo* county fo r Supreme Judge at the election held in November, M l«, w h e re « the peti tions signed this spring would be based on the vote in November, 1918. In the form er cam the number o f signers required was, « we remember 1962; in the latter it was somewhere between 700 and 800. More than this the mm* people who signed the peti tions last fa ll again signed this spring. Indeed, we hear o f on* man, whoee name appears on the petitions four times. He seems to have wanted to treat all the petition pamers alike a show no partiality. It is hardly p sible that names secured at such d if feren t M— and under such different circumstances can all be counted the same petition. Beside* It is clear that plenty o f men who were qualified voters a year or less ago may not be Inevitably some hove died Won’t Redeem Such Bond* , Postmaster Lenovo inform s us that he h u been instructed by the Post master General to redeem W ar Sav ings Certificates (Baby Bonds) only in the hands o f the original purchas ers, and not to accept any on which the name o f the purchaser h u been erased or mutilated. The little 26- c u t T hrift Stampe have never boon redeemable, and the only way one can get his money back on them is by buying $4 worth and exchange them fo r a baby bond. Speculators had bem buying baby bonds at all sorts o f cut prices before this order w u issued. Now they m u t lose all they invest in them. Homesteader 89 Y e a n Old (The Port Orford Tribune h u a story about William Rumley, o f A g n o « , who h u ju st proved up on a homestead at Agnes at the age o f 89 years. He w u born in slavery and had eleven m utera before he w u tak en to California by the last one and gave him the slip instead o f going back to Missouri. He is held in very high «te e m by all who know him, des pite the fa ct that ho is a colored IL M THE YEAR. r— J. L. Smith, county agent, ia going cut next Monday morning to the meeting o f-th e Jersey Breeders’ Association at Portland. He says he will reserve places in the excursion for any Jersey breeders in this coun ty, who will let him know that they will attend. W * say “ reserve places,1 not for the m u tin g but in the excur sion o f 800 or 400 cars that will make a two-days’ round trip up and down the W illamette valley at the clo u of the convention and visit m ost o f the big Jersey breeders' ranches in that whole section and be entertained at sundry banquets. It will certainly prove an inspiration to every visitor who ia able to get away and enjoy this trip. The m u ting at Portland the excursion will cover four days, Monday, May 20, to Thursday, May 24. Mr. Smith tells us that he is com missioned during his absence to pur- 100 head o f Shropshire sheep, th ru pur* bred Jersey bulls and six heifers, on* Holstein bull aad on* Duroc aad one Poland China boar. The matter o f a track moot by the high schools at Coo* county this spring is yet undecided. The tobacco enters into it. The anti-to- at toast will have a meet aad how nearly that will include all at them is unoartain. An Adventurous Youth The most interesting stories we ever heard about the South 8m Is- ids were th o u told by a school boy la eur town ia K aasu , who went to sea in the Saark with Jack London and brought home tots o f pictures aad curio*. The boy's name w u Martin Johnson and his father w u on* o f the leading merchants ia Indspm see, Kansas. The bey took a trip to Europe u a stowaway while in his ms and when Jack London w u building the Snark wrote to him lor place u . one o f her crew. London answered that he needed only a coox. Whereupon Johnson went into his mother’s kitchen and proceeded to qualify, though w* believe he w u tar a great success u a cook. He stayed with Mr. aad Mrs. London, however, longer than any one e lu on the Snark, winding up in Australia. W e remember hearing Kim tall about meeting a French outfit who were tak in g moving pictures on the Cannibal Islands at the time o f the Snark’s visit there. He h u since lectured all over the United S tatu . He and his w ife later visited those island* and took many thousand* o f fset o f film, but their experience among th ou savages were not such u they would be willing to rep u t. T hau films are the ones you will a u at the Liberty Theatre next Thursday aad Friday evening*. Shall W e Celebrate? The matter o f the Fourth o f July celebration at Coquille this year is now under consideration by the local Moos* lodge and much favorable comment is heard. It is now six y ea n aince Coquille h u don* any thing in this lins, and we are sura a decision to celebrate the 143d anni versary o f the Declaration o f Inde- pendence would be heartily welcome to all in this vicinity. .. “ Chevrons” with Uniform A ll the men who have returned from service in tho army and navy either foreign or at home, should pro vide themselves with a “ discharge’’ Circuit Court June 16th arm chevron, so that they may wear Under the statuto* the June their uniform in the Decoration Day o f our Circuit Court would parade, announces the committee m June 2, but owing to the ref< charge o f that day’s ptogram. And and recall election com ing on the Sd every retailed soldier or sailor in this aad the 8th being Naturalisation da i district is requested to bo in the court the date tar the opening participât* in that parade. o f the term h u bem postponed until Monday, June 16. An adjourned ses Tomorrow the Last Day sion at court will take place, however, Tomorrow (Saturday) ia the last or May 2« and the grand ury will con- day to register fo r ths election June n that day. I. Every voter certainly wants to vote for the *2,600,000 fo r the Roose A fi____1 C n U J a e o ’ am U w H w O w l e l l w I B velt Highway along this coa st T h u Returned soldiers, who destre there are the recall and a number o f form ation concerning their referred by the legislature ment life insurance should call on in which verybody should be Mr*. Virginia Lamb, chairman o f the Home Service branch o f the Red Tomorrow will be the last day to A ll th ou facta indicate the need o f O m s , who h u been furnished with all the data aad instructions which register for the Jon • election. Y u carefully drawn statut* to geve a recall eases. As H is the government n u t s placed befece will probably w a it ta A ie you ta * men. '• Ual «< museo. Uttto mattar to to Start Improvements D u t you think the appuran e« o f could bo im proved? Could not our already attractive little with F«D Report of tlw P m u ! _________________________ * and nuiner ous other eye-soras dispensed w ith? A t The Recent May A Civic Improvement club would deal with t h e « matters, end the ladtos are going to have such an organisation, A t its May term the County Court with the help and co-operation o f each appropriated »600 to aid in boosting and every lady who will interest her the Roosevelt Highway p roject The self along th e « lines. Meet with us money will be drawn from the W ar nm t Tuesday night at the City Hall Emergency Fund. Another donation at 8 o’clock.—Com. o f 9200 from the « m e fund w u made for the Community Labor Board at Home Guards Called Out Marshfield. The almost defunct Coquillo Coo* The $20,008, which the court ia go ing to borrow from the State Highway guard organization is requested by Commission ia to be used, $1(1,000 to the committee in charge to partici put the Marshfield road on line and pate in the Decoration Day parade. grad* from the end o f the Perham A meeting o f the Guard is therefore contract near Cedar Point to the Burk called for Monday evening, May 26, holder place on Taylor street in this at which time an hour will be spent tn city; and $10,000 in removing s lid « drill, with a business m u tin g to fo l on the new grad* betw un Cedar Point low st which some disposition will be and Eagle P oin t the latter being made o f the |46 still in the treasury. H. A . Young, Capt. about a mil* this side o f Bunksr Hill. This will prepare the road for paving by the state fo r which the contract ia let and which is expected to begin soon now. The Court h u not yet re ceived official notice from the commis sion that the loan h u been made, u stated in the newspaper reports, how- Practieally all the s lid « to be moved are this hide at C o m City. C. J. Stadden, at Sumner, mad* ap^ plication for perm iuion tor the L a ra » drSdg* which ia now at work du pen - ing the channel o f Catching creek to dump the dredging* on W ater street there, which the court granted. Roadm uter Sawyer w u instructed to use not to exceed $300 in eliminat ing some sharp curves In the Seven Devils spetion o f tho road between Bandon and the Bay. Under * law enacted this year the ecunty treasurer b ecom « the custod ian of the school district funds form - ly disbursed by the district clerk, unleu the County Court decided to mala* a different disposition o f them. The coart here w u o f the opinion that ibe money could be handled morff at- ficiently and u tisfa ctorily b y the county treasurer and so ordered the work don* under the law without any exception. Warrants will, o f courae, continue to be drawn by the district boards for teachers’ « l a r i « and school expenses, but they will all be payable at the county treasury here after. The court decided to build a mil* of road north o f the Bay to connect the landing point on Kentuek Slough, which ia to be the northern terminus of the new ferry a crou the Bay from North Bend, with the present terminus of the Coast Highway North at Glas gow. The reason for this is that to run the ferry to G lu gow would n a c«- sitate the rebuilding o f the long trestle there, which h u already been destroy ed by the teredo. A mil* o f road on land can bo much more easily built and kept in repair than half a mile o f wharf can be built and maintained out a e ro « the flat«, which bar the approach to G lu gow . Tho court decided to build 560 feet of new read to connect New Lake with the Banffon South road. Other wise, the New Lake people, who are on the old road there, would be without any rond s t all when that trail through the brush Is closed, after the new road is completed. It wns also decided to build a road mil* up Larson Slough from ths Const Highway. This is in place o f the road recently knocked out by the ccurts on account o f an error in des cribing its location. Julius Lr.raon’s fight against the road petitioned for was to prevent on* from e ro «in g his id. This the new road ju t estab lished by the court will do. The citisens o f Road District No. 1« presented s petition and subscription list, agreeing to b u r half the cost o f hauling gravel to build a road a mil* long from ths E. D. M yeis’ place to the old L m Hall place. The court agreed to do this work on ths 50-66 bu ia suggested in ths petition. The « m e kind o f a proposition w u made by 8. S. Reed end others, who wanted to gravel the road on the west tide of the South Fork from the Lundy Cheese factory to the John Whobrey barn. The court agreed. Another mil* o f roadway on an even division o f the cost o f gravolling be tween the county and the r-aidents o f the locality w u petitioned fo r by Ralph D. Krug and others o f Road District NX 96. This stretch is from the Stringtown road the foothill naar M yrtle Point to Mkthony creak, Here the county will br.v* to do the 1 - ■ ■■■■- — 1 1 -■ (Continued an tttri yaga.) FOR DECORA TION DAY Ths Woman’s R elief Corps commit tee and the Commercial Club commit tee to a u ist them in preparing ofr the Memorial Day exercises met Sun day and named the follow ing commit tees to take charge o f the various porta o f the celebration: Program— Mrs. J. E. Norton, Mrs. W. G. Brandon and A . T. Boldon. Speaker— W alter Sinclair. Parade— Leo J. Cary and Ned C. Kel’ oy Music— F. G. Leslie and Geo. O. A T. Morrison w u requested to make arrangements for the memorial services on the Sunday preceding Decoration Day, and be announce* a union servica at the Federated church on the 26th hut. Rev. J. E. Conder will probably preach the scr men a t that t n r . The returned soldiers are all great ly interested in having this year’s ob servance o f Memorial Day the most complete ever attempted and we owe it not only to them but to the G. A. R. to comply with their w ish «. Every effort should be made to secure parti cipation in the parade o f all the men who served in the National Army, as well as th* G. A. R. W. R. C.. Red C rou, Honor Guard, school children and other fraternal organlM tions. Th* program for Decoration Day will be published next That Wonderful French Canary D. C. Krantz, of Fishtrap, who was in yesterday, says that everybody in- reshqd in the French Canary grass will d o V a ll to com* to hi* place and go* the five acres he 1* leaving to go to seed this year. Thera L u been no atock on it and it now standa three feet high and so dense that there is no telling how many tons ther* are to th* aers. H* says it grows well on bench land, and he be lieves it will succeed well on two- thirds o f ths land in this valley. Thera is no other g iu s that h u svsr been grown here that will stand any comparison with it. Tuesday Evening at City Hall N u t Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the City Hall the ladtos will meet en-masse ’to organize a Civic Im provement elub, and it is hoped and expected that every lady in th* city will be interested in, and show her interest, in this much needed organi- zaticn. And it is particularly urged that the mothers o f school children who are vitally concerned In th* school situation o f Coquilto, attend this meeting. Tell your neighbors and friends and urge them to bo prae- Dunham Gats Veteran’« Jewel A t the recent meeting o f the Knights o f P yth iu at Marshfield twenty-one men, who had been mem bers o f th* order for 26 years, were decorated with veteran’s jewels. Among them were Hark Dunham, of this city, and Chris Rasmussen of Bandon. THE CLUB MEETS Things of Interest Discussed by Our Citizens Wed* day Evening J. E. Norton, u chairman o f th* Bridge committee, reported to th* commercial club Wednesday evening the r « u lt o f their interview with the county court tost w « k . The court promised to have their engineer pre pare estimates at once for bridges at three different locations. One o f thrae would be for a grade crossing at Ferry street, and the other two for overhead crossings. One p f these would be on Willard street, alongside the Busy Corner, and the other mid way between t h o « two sites, landing on the bluff back o f the J. A . Collier apartment house. The court promised to build the bridge next year— but not sooner. L. H. Hazard reported for tlm Lib erty Temple building committee total receipts o f $218.66, and disbursements o f $182.03, which with a $20 donation not yet received brings the balance on hand to $66.62. Th* only bill unpaid is that o f E. E. Johnson fo r $268.18, agd from which he deducted $68.13 u his donation. This le s v « a deficit o f $143.38. A committee consisting o f C. W. Endicott, L. H. Hazard and F. G. Les lie was appointed to « lic it funds to Mt the deficiency and if p o«ib to to secure enough more to complete the building u originally intended. A vote o f thanks was extended the Lyceum committee« consisting o f H. O. Anderson, J. J. Stanley and R. E. Baker for the follow ing report o f the 1919 courae: Receipts Bal. from 1917-18 courae.......... $ 11.04 Receipts fo r ssau n ................ 623.86 T o t a l.................................. $634.39 Expenses W ar Tex ................................. $ 56.66 Hnll Rent ............................... 110.00 Piano M oving......... ............ Tr.lent .......... 8.00 41J.00 Adverticing . ...........................• 18.60 Sundry expenses ................. 2.00 Total ............................$610.16 Balance on «hand ..................... $ 24.23 W ar Savings Stamps on hand $116.91 Since our tort report the follow ing names have been added to the mem bership roll, making the total now 119: T. P. Hanley, J. D. Mye s, J u . D. Laird, G. O. Wilhite, E. H. Kern, C. L. W illey, Jas. Brockman, Jas. W. Laird, Thos. Tennison, R. L. Girnlin, A lf. Johnson, R. E. Nailer. W. G. Brandon, E. H. Hamden, I. T. Arnold, H. S. T uttb, Oliver B. H u gh «, J. A. Jackson. i Clu8 Comes Across Tuesday Prosident Cary o f th* Com mercial Club received th* followin| message from C h a ri« Hall and L. L Thomas, were then at Portland.’ “ Roosevelt Highway association haa u k ed Coos to raise $1,200 to advert!ss in Portland papers, and * 1 « to send Mrs. Castner, president o f women’s federated clubs o f Oregon through the whole state to campaign for the RooMvelt Highway. Hall has sub scribed $200. Thomas and Bateman have subscribed $100 m ch. The bal ance is to be divided as follow s: “ Myrtle Point, $60 “ Coquilto, $160 “ Bandon, $100 “ North Bend, $200 “ Marshfield, $300." In response to the sbov., st their m eetirg Wednesday evening the Com mercial Club authorized the Roose velt Highway Association to draw on the club treu u rer for $160 for adver tising purpocee That this expense should not bo met by the 119 members o f tlie club exclusively, when the Roosevelt High way will be a benefit to every man, woman and child !n Coos county, to self-evident and the club treasurer, L. H. Hazard will be glad to receive sub scription* from any on* who is will ing to a u ist financially in boosting fo r thic coast high w ry. Judge Files Objections Death of Mrs. M. J. Thrift, a pioneer woman at Oregon and one o f the early rosi- dents at Ceos and Curry counties, died at her home in San Jo**, California, April 26th. Her husband, A . H. Thrift, diod at that pines about two year agu^-Port Orford Tribune. <1 9 Judge Watson this morning filed with County Clerk Oddy his objections to th* celling o f a special election fo r ths recall o f the County Judge, speef- I fying in what respects the petitions filed fall to warrant such action. I . - . .. m Calling Cerda, 1QQ far $L08. 1