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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1918)
STOPS FIRES r IN THE EAST Bruce Deemis, who w as i » ehe the party, as state c h a ir* the Council o f N ational Defen troduced the rhsinadw o f the in g, A . J. Sherwood, both i b rie f p a trietis talks. Th e first o f the visitors te tr was Captain E. G. Cook, o f fis Canadian In fa n try Battalion. Gook was eviden tly a man o f rather than o f words and ha slow ly; but the w ar ptories I to te ll held the closest attoat Judge W atson haa had a aeries o f Juvenile court cases before him this ugek, in volvin g delinquency on the pgrt o f g irls 16 years o f age, and peiinger. These cases w ere brought to' the attention o f the court by Mrs. ond week to attend the convention a f O k ra Upton, o f the Paeifie Coast county agents. H e returned last tjdmne and Protective Society o f Sunday and furnishes us the follo w F frtlan d, who is a state official eom- smaaioned by Gov. W ithycom be. It in g list o f those in attendance: Coquille— M r. and M rs. J. A . Bren Itfh work in Which she ought to have nan, M rs. B. H. Burns, Messrs. N ovia fcai the earnest support o f every man Lsndreth, Gee. Hetm lnger, W allace a id woman who believes in decency H enniager, ‘ le b t. H olvsrstott, Úse. sfid wants to stop the debauching o f g|ung girls, but in which she has Robison, Jus. Robison. fttan antagonised and slurred by A ra go— O lof Aasen. M yrtle P o in t-W m . W eekly, S. S. those from whom better things were Had there Reed, C. H . Bryant, J. C. W h ittin g- to have been expected. teen such co-operation it m ight have been possible to secure the punish Parkersburjr— M r. and Mrs. Chris ment o f the men who contributed to Hie delinquency of these m jiIs and to Danielson. Bullards—<C. D. Jarman, Fred h^ve put the fe a r o f tfcOtoanry hand o f the law into the hearts o f others O’Rourke. 2 B ridge— Ed E. W eekly, Edw in Who m ight be tempted to repeat such f t * da. A s it is, all the excuse given W eekly. f* r fa ilin g to support M rs. Upton in B ancroft— L. W , Lund. Khis crusade is that, however bed con - Broad bent— Robt. Carman. M arshfield— M r. and Mrs. Jss. Lan- ditions may be in Coos county they drith, Messrs. Julius Kruse, and W . I Sts fa r w orse in Portland and A s toria, and that the rottenness down C. Purainger. here ought not to be exposed and a N orth Bend— L. O. Kjelland. t There work »b o o t 1260 people whe house-cleaning made until those cities attended the Farm ers’ W eak course, have been fum igated. It ’s the « » » « end hi aonnestien w ith it there was cM argum ent that we are »justified an exhibition o f com and potatoes ia in sinning because others do w orst. The 8 entinel stay be weakly which Coos county, according to her huttt, earn# out w ith the highest hon- squeamish in refrain in g from pub lishing the names o f the wayward girls who have been before Judge Watson this week, but hopes, even against hops, that som ething m ay yet be done to reform them and doesn't want to put a straw in their B ay i f they can be induced to return f t a decent life . The fa ct that their E mms have been published elsewhere ffiajtas a « difference to us in this am t- in g the past year, Cooe county stands in a claaa by herself. She haa taken the fro n t aoat on erory opportunity. And the credit ia duo in la rgo meaa- ure to County A gen t J. L . Smith, who haa boon the rig h t man a t the righ t place and the rig h t tim e—in collect in g and preparing the exhibits, in tn- atailin g them at the state fa ir a t Sa lem , a t the corn and potato show here in Coquille, a t the W estern Oregon Corn Show a t Eugene, and at the Farm ers’ W eek exhibition at C orval- M o re Road Patrolmen, dounty Commissioner A rchie Ph il ip states that in addition to the pa- troilm en fo r the road districts in his h a lf o f the county whom the Sentinel named last w eek' he has appointed the follow in g: fo r the F airview dis trict, Goo. Bonham; M cK inley dis trict, A rth u r Brown; Sumner district, W . B. Fart-in; Tem pleton district, J. T . Davis and Preston Munson. DREDGE THE RIVER AGAIN Norton inform s. The annual main tenance fund o f 66,000 allotted by the federal governm ent fo r the Coquille w aterw ay haa not bean expanded fo r the past tw o years, ow ing to the im possibility o f gettin g s dredge down here to do the em ail amount o f work fo r which funds h ave bean available. N ow , however, the amount o f work to be done here and the approxim ate ly $18,000 on hand, together w ith the work reedy fo r her a t Cooe B ey, w ill make it w orth w hile fo r the Oregon The work o f preparing the data fa r the new aaaessment board to work w ith ia now in progreea a t the A s sessor's office and M r. Selander in form s us that it w ill be completed and that the board w ill begin its field w ork in about tw o weeks. The cities w ill be surveyed first, and the lands not in town Iota le ft until the weather ia a little m ore pleasant. The board consists o f M r. A . A . 80 lander, o f the assessor’s office, and Dennis M cCarthy, who made the tim ber cruise o f the county s fe w years ago. . W ith them H . J. Kim ball, o f Marshfield, w ill be associated in the north end o f the county and J. A . Coi- lisr, o f this city, at the south end. This board, or those boards, w ill inspect a ll the tilla b le land o f the county and make a p lat o f each tract o f such land on the rolls, showing which position H holds among the ten classifications, ranging from tide fists to the m ost h illy lead th at is plowed. Thaos plats w ill furnish a basis fo r action by the assessor in placing s value upon it, som ething which that office haa never «before had— a showing as to exactly how many acres o f bottom land and how ■ -* 4 iectin g to havo them alw ays a t hand, In this connection he told an amus- this fello w whan using form aldohyde to k ill tho lie# g o t ooo o f the t itty fellow s on his fin ger and thus address ed him befeor snuffing him out, “ W hy haven't you g o t your helm et ea, you little bligh ter.’' CapC Gook also told about the w ay the Germans reversed the bullets in th eir guns and fired them butt end forem ost to tanks as horrible s wound as possible. H a vin g, stopped one o f them him self and having been gassed and shot through the stomach, the narrator knew all about the hell o f w ar, though he said practically noth in g about his own sufferings. The Captain was follow ed by M ajor F . B. Edwards, both o f whose hands w ere blown o ff by an explosion in the trenches, and it was interestin g to note the optim ism and good humor, tho cheerful view o f life that he took, notw ithstanding a calam ity that m ight w ell have made him a misan thrope. H e told how the English and Canadians had gone into the w ar to see it through and fa it sure that the men and women he saw before him would be no lees determ ined to secure a ju st and lastin g peace. . Th e M ajor came nearer speaking th< Am erican language than eith er o f are to have only be per- h®Ud» y • * - ist cut down eaanot prin t tgasipe lim it * "«• » sr, which was ye before *it theaters are > run on the » keep th eir i the b elief auch b igger r places are working peo- eed holiday, eaaember the nestlsss and d *y » are a tbing o f the id w hile the in progress, in g a thous- h y'A asen Bros., o f A rago. The first prixe in the lon g typ er w as won by C A . PettingeU , e 4 Co- q utile, w ith his Burbanks. , Th e second p rise in th e round var- ieties was won by the S ir W alter R aleighs shown by J. N . Gearhart, o f D o n , the rest o f the state got w hat was le ft. N ea rly a ll the b ig counties o f the state, including M arion, Linn, Lane, Douglas, Josephine, Polk, Yam hill, Multnomah, and Benton w ere repre- seated in the corn exhibit but none w ere able to keep up w ith Cooe* gait, A t the county agents’ banquet, one en tire table was filled w ith Cooe county people. Thera was also s H oover banquet a t the gymnasium at which 800 people set down to a meat- Its «, wheatless and sugarlesa dinner fo r which the charge was 66 cents per plate. Vetch was served as beans and various silage plants in other differen t m atter from one ia which only 80 odd m illions o f people w ere interested. The expense was propor tion ally sm all then, too. It ia given cut by W ashington officials that the 80 billions o f dollars the present con gress w ilt appropriate in t# o years is 9 billions m ore than a ll the ex penses o f our national governm ent from its foundation until February, A large number at farm tractors w ere shown in a b ig parade and they also took part in a plow ing demon stration. The students had aa agricultural fp ii in the arm ory latsing tw o nights. In this there was keen com petition between six or seven departm ents o f tha college.. One o f the most in teresting con tests, though, was the m ilking tost 1 « which fou r g irls set out to m ilk the same number o f cows. Tim e was called in five minutes and the m ilk was then weighed to determ ine which was the sw iftest m ilker. The Cooe county people who at tended w ere very enthusiastic hboot the course, one o f them asserting that what he learned the first day paid him w ell fo r goin g up there. There w ere 21 county agents pres ent a t the convention, and 26 coun ties W ill have agricultural agents this Game ToaifkL The first scheduled championship gasM o f the basket ball season here w ill be played this evenihg at M a st nic H all between M arshfield and Coquille high schools. The M arsh field five is an «unknown quantity this year, being composed o f new men, while Coquille 1ms several veterans at iwu or three years in her line up. ' The first case on Monday was that o f a 16-year old g irl from Powers. H er bearing was adjourned until 1 next Monday. The next ease was that o f a 16- year old g irl from Bandon suffering from a serious physical deform ity, which it is hoped an operation may at least m itigate. The court w ill pro vide the means fo r such an opera tion in her case. She was remanded to the custody o f her mother, who is in very poor health and separated from her fath er, and who greatly needs her help. On Tuesday tw o m ore cases were heard, tw o sisters livin g up one o f the forks o f the Coquille, one 15, and the other IS, having been the victim s o f lecherous scoundrels. Judge W at son committed them to the Pacific Coast Rescue end P rotective Society, end, th ey w ere token out by M r*. Upton, the m anager o f that institu tion, when the went north day before yesterday. Another g irl, only 14 years old, from the forks o f the C oquille,'had s hearing the same day and was re manded to the custody o f her parents. These cases had all been under the cognizance o f the court fo r some tim e, but no evidence to w arrant ac tion was obtained until Mrs. Upton got busy and secured it. Boy« Get Off Easy. Big Timber Deal Probable. A Coos Bay paper published s cou ple o f days ago as a fa ct accomplish ed s big tim ber deal that is still hang in g fire. That is the sale o f the tim ber on 2600 acres o f the Southern Oregon’s lands in the South Slough section by the Menasha Wooden war* company. This tra ct contains a grea t deal o f fine spruoe and P ort O rferd cedar needed fo r aeroplane stock. It is the origin al grow th, too, that territo ry not having been burned over ia the big fire that swept this country clean some Sixty odd years * * °- • Valley Becomes a Big Lake. T h e valley hens has been alm ost s solid lake Of w ater a ll the week, the floods being highest on Monday and again yesterday, hewever, Only n strip o f land on the river bank haa been showing up. The downpour o f Sunday night was doubtless the b ig gest factor in this inundation, which is often compared to the annual over flew o f the N ile and, at course, pro motes tha fe rtility o f the lands in the riv e r bottom. F ive boys w ere up before Recorder Lawrence yeeterday on a charge o f breaking tw o globes among the clus ter ligh ts around the court house. One o f the boys confessed having thrown a ball o f mud w ith a sling sfcrt that brought one down, unin tentionally, be said. Another had L. W . France, the S. P. agent here, climbed a lamp post and broken oae with his elbow. A fte r a fath erly lec tells us that December, 1917, a ll rec ture by F. E. McKenna, at the Pow er ords ware broken by the receipts at the - station here. The amount o f were released on their prom ise to re business done was over 84JXM. The frain from clim bing the lam p poets force has bean la rgely increased dur or dam aging tha ligh t fixtures in the in g the past year, ow ing to the grow in g business, five or six people being em ployed where tw o used to do it all. Judge W atson inform s us that ow in g to the absence at the State H igh w ay Commission in C aliforn ia now, it w ill not be possible fo r tho Coos County eoure and com m ittees to amet w ith the Commission next Monday as perhaps as much as s thousand d ol lars an sere, where they lie contigu ous to the la rger citiee, to absolute scro, where the hills g et high enough and rocky enough. Mr. Selander estim ates that the work o f the new board w ill require at least six months to com plete, and, o f course, the data obtained w ill not in all cases be available fo r the as sessor in m aking the 1918 figures fo r the tax rolls. Honor Sendee Sunday. In honor o f the men, who have en listed from fam ilies connected with tho Presbyterian church here, there w ill be y special sqrvice next Sunday evening. An address w ill be made kv Hon. C. R. Barrow, and there w ill Lo special music o f a patriotic nature by the quartette and choir. E very body is invited to attend. Fred W . Davis, the lum berjack Sky P ilot, w ill preach at this church Sun day evening at 7:30. He is goin g to start fo r France shortly to look a fte r the w elfare o f tha 16,000 unlisted lr-.r.l ermon who have gone across. K .ei/ b od y is invited to come out and