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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1918)
ppsr.:. .. couimr, follow in g appointm ents o f patrolm en fo r the roads in hie h a lf o f the coun- west, but it was n et sxpa they would visit Ooquille Loyal Legion o f L oggers a t u n es o f the Sitka Spruce got busy arid induced the Sti «U o f Defense t o ' send tie here, T h ey w ill Jhave si th rillin g interest to tell, and te s t m ay be r litigation, m Bay w ag- raan Marsh- incidentally rw due an its f. The gran t same statue to which has ilted States, would be d gran t cam So Senator *d a h ill ia ee that tbb w Sopthern I fo r Its in- 11 m govern- to pay thn Urn January .m eeting o f the Coun- tjr court continued until Tuesday ev- suing when an adjournment was tak- an. The follow in g is a report o f the business done a fte r our issue last F riday: N o action waa taken in regard to to ll charges on the county ferries, and so much opposition has deveiop- ad to that proposition that it is en- tireljr uncertain whether it w ill be adopted or not. Tim court on petition ordered an election to be held in Enchanted Pre- cinet, No. 67, at B ridge, on Saturday, February 9, to vote on the question o f perm itting stack to run a t large. f: An order was mads aw arding the printing the court proceedings and The fa cte the S fa tin e! published about Beg* Allan’s sales o f boose in Pleasant V alley, are m they were given us b y the sheriff’ s oAce, and can easily ba verified. M r. A lis a ’s printed denial dosso* sound h a lf as load « ■ Ms plea o f g u ilt f PINE BURR” IS i! NE^V TIPPLE location o f the county lib ra ry hero. Under the law the county lib ra ry ia located a t the county seat, which ia the distributing point fo r th e county. a le t o f flavorin g extracto thé* haft attained a greater sale and w ider no toriety than anything ever before sold in Cosa nnnnty— that to tito Ja m aica G inger preparation has. Thia is sold, lik e the rest o f them, ia f oar- ounce bottles which used to retail fo r 86 cento, but the w e t, or an impreco- dented demand, has * r a n g that prise M ost cities the sise o f Coquille m aintain a public lib rary aad are proud o f the support they g iv e it. Thia city donates 616 a month, which barely pays expenses and leaves lit tle fo r the purchase o f books. Com pared with the benefit to the whole citizenship o f a w ell equipped library 816 a month ia trivia l. But it was not expected to increase end M yrtle Point each sees the ligh t and Coquille alone w ill be le ft oat o f the county lib rary unit. Since the above was w ritten and In ju stice to the finance com m ittee w e must add that a member o f that com m ittee inform s us th at they had no knowledge o f the reaeewe fo r the pro posed change to c ity ownership, as outlined by M r. Sanford. T h ey w e n o f the nct present at the eouncil and. Ubrary Misa M arvin, «to te librarían, and had fallad te ruad the rapar« o f the m eet- tn g as pubüshed in tho Sentinel at that tim a. One m emhar o f tim fi nalice eom m ittee adm ito th at M r. Sanford’e explanation peto a differ- ent ligh t en the asattor. AHhough the eom m ittee waa dtocharged from fu rth er considera tion o f tho snbjaet títere ia nothing ^ to jw even t the c o tt- report laat Menday eigh t. b righ tiy ■h, 63,870 scree. , uitable fo r gfaxing', a fte r the Urn- ia rem oved, 31,864 acres. [ore or less rocky, 4,160 acres. ome o f these la d e ere immedi- y adjacent to thia city on the hills i rise to the fe e t o f a «. > - * - Í .< - ha follow in g additional details ha Chamberlain b ill w ere given ia wrday’s press dispatches: he plan' fo r handling the lands up- revestm ent o f title follow s the I o f the act disposing o f the O re- * C aliforn ia gran t lands. P ro- Is , w ould be d ivid id between w it' roads, pbVt* ferlS m stisn and general trSfisury as provided ia ; set, and classification would ba a in the same w ay. Appropria- ia provided fo r paying the seas- f a ll taxes accrued a t data o f ds* ry o f deed and fo r 660,000 a j » el fo r classification. reference righ t is granted fo r a g- Itural land fo r a tract not over acres, where-leases have run con- ously fo r 10 years upon paym ent ¡2-60 per acre, w ith p rior p refer- > to actual eettlers, liv in g on lands i December 1, 1916. __ ___ . _ ' Association, asking fo r a concrete roadway, 16 fe e t width, with an ac phalt covering, between Marshfield and M yrtle F ein t by w ay o f Co- quills. Judge W atson and Comm is- »¡oners A rm strong end P h ilip are going to Portland to present this resolution to the State H ighw ay corn- mission and urge He adoption on January 61. The court visited the county farm the first o f the week end found ev- eryth ln g in excellent condition binder the able managem ent o f Superin ten- dent Landreth. The cows there are showing til# highest bu tterfst test in the association; and the farm is wall supplied w ith hay and cañ eta fo r w inter feed, tw o or three acres o f the la tter having bean grow n, Joseph H auser was allowed 666.60 fa r 17 days w ork en the read fo r the support o f Me fam ily, w hile he was doing tim o fo r bootleggin g , M rs. Brainard, o f Bandon, who has bean vib ratin g betw een the home o f relatives in Bandon and the county infirm ary, was given an al- lowance at $7.60 a month from the indigent fund as she preferred to live at Bandon. The m onthly allowance o f M ay An- 86.76 Christmas Kxpeanta. its Runde, o f Bandon, from the same lie Commercial Club allowed the fond was reduced to 6 w . i fo r the Community Christmas Mm. D. W . Ew ing, o f Bandon, was expanses and fo r tbs dinners granted an allowance o f 610 a month, lished to needy fam ilies fo r their Mrs. L. D. Kinney, o f M aiehfleld, latinas dinner a t the regu lar was given e raise from 610 to 815 ting W ednesday evening. The e month in her allowance. Mrs. Kin- unt paid fo r all expenses con- ney’e husband ia in the insane asy- ed with the celebration was 649.- lum a t Salem, and the county is F or the six baskets provided to about to soil the propartida he form g holiday cheer to those who erly owned a t the Bay fo r about Id not otherw ise have had a $100,000 taxes, interest and penalties istmas dinner $66.76 w ee paid. . and costs, which have accrued during lie lis t o f organisations which the past ten years, i so fa r donated to the expenses is W . E. Lew ellen, o f M yrtle Point, oil o w e : w a s allow ed 687.60, the county's h alf aeons, 66.00; Eastern Star, 66.00; o f Ms claim o f $76 fa r throe tuber- Fellow s, 66.00; Modern W ood- cuTous cattle killed. , 68.00; Royal Neighbors, 65.00; Tbs claim o f Schroeder Brothers. E. Church, 66.00; Presbyterian o f A rago, fo r 676 indem nities fo r rh , 66.00; Christian church, $1.80; the same reason waa sat fo r hearing voile church, 65.00; Christian at the February m eeting o f the court ch, 66.17» Total, 640.97. on the 6th pros, tore ara tw o or three organiza- Dean A Brown w ere given an ex- i which have not y et donated and tension o f tim a from Jsn. 2 to Feb. Commercial club w ill make up 2 fo r the com pletion o f th eir Em pire- Skipworth Is Coming. Spadai A ttorn ey L. A . L iljeq vist, who is servin g Coes county in the collection o f delinquent taxas, has received assurance from Judge G. F . Skipworth, e f Eugene, th at,th e Judge wiO come g o Case county during January and sign the order fo r sale o f the Kinney properties. F ollow in g the signing, them is lik ely to bo seme delay, fa r the fed eral court is yet to W alter Rohle fo r Coquille district. Glenn Roselle fo r South Slough. - Geo. Perkins fo r Marshfield. : Prod Baker fo r Brew ster V alley. W illiam W ilkins fo r Lakeside. Commissioner A rm strong announc ed the follow in g fo r his section: A . J. Counts fo r Rendon. Mr. Fahy fo r 8even Devils. Stephen Stew ard .fo r Riverton. J. H. Rada ba ugh fo r Fish trap. Richard Braden fo r M yrtle Point. fc. P . Adams fa r Catching Creek. W m . T . Brady fo r G ravel Ford. The appointment fo r the B ridge section still rem ains to bo made. M ay Build Branch Roads. , “ N ow that the governm ent has tak en possession o f the railroads we see it stated that branch roads are to be built where they m ay he seea to be necessary to secure aeroplane and shipbuilding m aterial. There are large quantities o f w hite cedar in the southeastern part o f thia county which are not readily accessible as preaaat and it m ay h e that a read w ill ba built up the M iddle Fork and Rook crook from M yrtle Point to tap that source o f supply. RANY IS: HELD FOR ASSAULT The first proceeding in the nature o f a court tria l to taka place in Cam county’s new Jail occurred yesterday afternoon when Frank Rany had his prelim inary exam ination before Jus tice Stanley fo r an aaaault with intent to k ill upon C. H. Carson. The accused was bound over to the grand Jury in 62000 bonds. Rany says his home it a t T illa mook. The assault o f which he is accused on the 26th o f last October, was s t the bachelor home o f Carson 16 m iles beyond Pow ers, over Johar Council Advises Use of Vacant Streets— Settling Up P in t Street Case. A ll members o f the council were present last M eaday evening a t the regular sassion. c' A petition from Frank B urkholder' m in estin g that he be perm itted to cu ltivate the street in fron t o f four- lola in the bottoms where there is no tr..fite w as not fitted upon. The conn-, cil has no authority te gran t such * permission and where it is done it Is ’ at the user’s risk. H owever, the city 1 officials were unanimous in the opin- * ion that a ll such unused streets and ' all vacant lots should bo cultivated - this year. The finance com m ittee, to whom was referred the lib rary associa tion’s proposition that the city as- ’ sume entire ownership and control o f the public library, reported that they did not see fit a t this tim e to grant the petition. T lf r principal objection made eras that a municipal public li brary would not ba conducted M eco nom ically ds a p rivately managed public library. I* ? * ). W. M iller raportod for the fire com m ittee th at they had examined the Scenic theatre and w ere convinced the silggeeted safeguards already ac complished made the building per fe c tly safe, 1« addition, M r. E lling- The only report m m il,' fo r the street that the condem n« threatened the life l dcstrians. A s to tl E lliott, he understood from the eity attorney that the previous aldermanic action was illeg a l and ha introduced a resolution providing that the city engineer file plans aad specifications fo r a wooden w alk there, a fter which the council w ill erfisr the im prove ment m ails i j The- slide on Spurgeon street in fro n t o f P . E. Drane’s property where F. G. L eslie resides, is receiving at tention from the street departm ent and aa soon as a ll danger from fu r ther slides is phased the hole w ill be On Councilman M ansell’s suggestion that the city should maintain a tele phone fo r the convenience o f the public so that the marshal m ight be quickly called, Couacilman Gardner was ap pointed to interview Supt. Gates, o f the telephone company. It w ee the aldermanic view that under the pro vision o f the company’s franchise the city m i^ht request a free phone far C ircuit court here. Indeed, sena tional developments are hinted at. A not her Call for W arraats. The Sentinel today contains an other call fo r county warrants from Treasurer Dimmick, this tim e fo r all issued before Jaa. 1, 1916. It w ill ba noted that the interest on warranto under thia call cessed on Jsn. 8, having been figured in that w ay be fore M r. Dimmick learned that the Sentinel had been made the official county paper fo r the publication o f such notices, and then it was out o f the question to go over all the compu- tations and change the interest to tals a few cento. The present call is the fifth made since the delinquent taxes on the Boutin tract were paid aad th ee« calls cover tw o months in In order to work out fu rther details hi the adjustment o f the F irst street case. Councilman Hawkins, Lorenz and Barrow w ere appointed to act with the efty attorney and the city t re asm ex in determ ining whether the contractors w ere entitled to further compensation, under the court’s rul in g. The w ay It comes about ia this: In round numbers the court held the contract price fa r the job wm 810 ,- 000. 812,900 worth o f w u rreat» were issued o f which say 82,600 w ere later repudiated, lega lly so according to the court. But the 82,600 deducted fr o * the 812,000 leaves only 89,600 where the decision w ap.that the cod- tractors * w ere entitled to 610,000. This deficit o f 6600 must be paid to the contractor» or to the' holders o f Another point fo r settlem ent is fourteen months in all. Thia laavas the county exactly three years behind whether the property owners on in the redemption o f warranto; but F irst street who bonded fo r the im- other calls w ill be madfc in th e,n ear provem ent or * Prid e4"h in fu ll shaQ future as rapidly as the treasurer can compute the interest end do the nec Ida Law rence wm allowed to re- essary bookkeeping. deem loto 10. 11 end 12. Mach 6 ta G raves addi tion to M arshfield on peg ni ent o f 62.04. In aehooi «hetrirt.N o. 29, in tho Ban d o « serti so, ito preporti on o f the gen erai school fund and the total emount e f special tax it could levy carne 6106.10 short o f the 6400 the tour pre-