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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1918)
WMk. Mr. wail j Mr. a* Calif or- And deliver them promptly and'carefully. And give you just what you order too—in quality and quantity. Wa heap a full Una o f staple groceries and guarantee them to be pure OUR teaa, coffees, m m *r, butter, cheeee, egg» W. H. LYONS First National Bank Building . The Danger that Lurks in Your Nose and Throat The nose affid th e th roat are th e germ s' ea siest route Into th e sy stem . T hese germ s If allow ed to accu m u late, set up irritation. cau sin g grippe, colds and their com plications. Oerm destruction therefore becom es a duty of th e first Im portance. An Atomizer is the most trustworthy means o f achieving this nose and throat dean- Avoid grippe, colds aad sort throats by spraying your nose and throat daily. The maximum atom iser having two bottles is best to Fuhrman’s Coquille, Ore. “W aste N ot Your Time!" We will make your tim e valuable by coming to us for your “*** H ay, G rain, F lo u r an d M ill Feeds T ' Lim e, C em ent, P la ste r, F ire B ricks Lornted: W here R ail an d W ater M eet' Phone 161 I - Kay and H u n t Warehouse C o ■ o m mining properties on the upper Sooth Coquille. Vern G aroutte, a logger from the Johnson camp on the South Fork, has moved his fam ily to town for comfort and school advantages. They live. In one of Mr, Seaman’s bonees on Rail road Ave. Tom Sturtevant, son of John Stur- tcvant, cams down this week to see Ids fath er and m other. Dodd Buell got a fter the young eons of somebody who broke Into his house in his absence and g et pay for the stuff. Del King, a son of Comrade Bill King, is now a lieutenant in Aviation in Texas. Four, said to be delinquent girls, were automobiled away from near by under the care of Officers Mrs. Up ton and Hark Dunham. It is said the “correspondents’* would fill several M rs. Ada StilweU n et Nicholas, Is visiting friends in town hare where she was ones a little girl. H er pree- ent home Is in Marshfield H y a tt Jones, one of the S. F. men, is about op crutches ns the result of n wound on % M gm nd later blood pois- Burr, the lum ber dresser, keeps a ro ar in his shop getting out stock. Ho is also using M yrtle. I t sounds like business* in our in soma respects quiet town. There are many never planted spac es In town which should be planted. The Stores have the seeds now. Mrs. F. A. Collins fell in her home and h u rt herself so badly th a t hubby had to do everything, which he did cheerfully, bat hie wife Is again boss of everything inside again. • Looter Trigg, properly attending to fcis own business and helping those near him, m arried the beet g irl h e could find—and she likewise. A fter a little trip outside they returned and eaoyod a charivarri. They invited the unmusical noisy onss inside and ssrved them w ith good enough refreshm ents. At Norway. Our M yrtle Point boy, Charlio A den»’ son. U heard from in “In beDe” France. v « W on’t last long at th at price SPEC IA L SPEC IA L SPE C IA L Pickled Pork in Brine Hominy, large cana 10c Bartlett pears ” 20c CHESTER RAISINS per pound 10c Apricots AUNT JEMIMA buckwheat flour pkg. 15c 27 l-2c lb. Fancy mackerel 16c lb. PEANUT BOTTER 5 lb. tin $1.00 COFFEE COFFEE AUNT JEMIMA pancake flour pk£. 16c COFFEE Galvanized pails Ilk.KtWI. M Milk pails ” ” tP u A high grade el cut coffee; a bargain—try i t G rey Seed O ats B lue Stem W heat V alley Club M Wtot W hite O ats R ed C lover C rim son C lover W hite C lover Wt Ateyto Rye G rass Busy Comer Grocery Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon From the Sooth Fork. Saturday or Sunday night T The thief got through the back door and found ISO in the till abd got safely out and away. We don’t know him. Boaaie Broulette is appointed guar dian of Lawrence Machado, in the es ta te of Jason Dins Machado. Tony Barkley now handles the Ore- genian from the train to the local subscribers and they get their paper*. Jack says th a t because war is hall and th a re ll be an end to w ar, there will be an end to hell. Is he rig h t T Del King, Clarence Adams and Ivan Rose, who were noted in the papers ea on the delinquent list, have been in the eerviee several months. The Phennegar boy who h at n bad bone in his head aad has been before several courts and in the hands of many officers, is not n Myrtle Point other. They return Baierday. Dr. F . G. Bunch, dentlat, bee net fret gone to the front, no stated last weak though liable to ealL Ho was and in Butler. Hugh Neidaigh passed the examin ation on Wednesday and « p a c ts soon to b /u soldier. Honor to him. The rich chrome iron deposits fat the Upper South Fork country are now being appreciated. A ttorney J. O. Stemmier with two eastern gentle- 'T he model of a cattle stall—some thing n e w -ie shows in the Christen sen Creamery window. It is not pat- eeitod aad any person m ay copy K. H- V. W hitney is the inventor and he takes pleasure in thus offering i t “They” didn’t get Ben’s ho«. It wee butchered and hanging on the tack porch to -cool in the evening when a member of the fam ily stepped 1 £ ' J * ••» •th ia g ami tam ed off the lig h t Lingering n few minutes they h e a rt one say to another, “They ere nU in front! Now!!" But Ben came o u t They didn’t get the hog. Uan Bnrklow is w earing the -*-r of en officer today and be is one. Grandpa Mullen, one of the «Id comrades of the Civil w ar, te . very •k * man aad is receiving the best • f care. Mrs. Eva R. U m returned Thars- dey after several days’ stay with friend, i . MnrehfleM. Miee LeU. M ilter, of Coquilte, •irtta eonteote the Milter Ic . Cmem Having been n render of your paper for come tim o, I have been wondering why the Middle end .Sou th Fork have n t voice. But Met any the farmers have a different voice fo r calling cat tle home th an had M ary, “Across th e Bands Aden.” Miss Bernice Chandler is with us fo r the next four m onths' term of school a t Locust Grove. Mr. Anderson will bo our neighbor fo r the coming year on the Charlie Dye place. Broadbent has an active band of Bed Cross workers. W ort was received from the Lady Justice of Farm erville, California, th a t dm was m arried. M rs. C. E. Griffin, sister of the bride, was the recipient of n large box of wedding cake, flowers and trailin g vines. She has been inform ed th a t they are home from the moon, boon charivaried and are to bo rocepfioned and showered. Mrs. C. E . is the of the opinion that this is the Judge’s m ost serious case, inasmuch as this month or six weeks- old bride has forgotten the date of her wedding. A t leastw ise, when w riting, the only fixed idea is th a t it J" T« » . M d she is M rs. Tom Camp W L H er m any friends will remem- te r her as the Mias Bingham, who clerked for Mr. Pike a few years gao, also in Mr. C arpenter’s Racket ■tore nt Bandon-by-the-Sea. ^ It used to be “B eauty,” Now H is a P o rt. B at the road got muddy, Bo it ie stored. . *k*ke Jefferson’s New Y ear resolve * “Bach no m ore.” F r“ 4*r Hoffman and bride were 5“* j " nswIf m arried couples to cimrivariad. m M a 99 HD on the Umpqua. k»«on, who w as in the « Id he expects to have Now Cues hi d rn K Cowt.. jM> W. Kaufman, J m i , B. rcm iw ^J. «Mt W. A. Toys ve. Mrs. COQUILLE GARAGE, A. A. Pauli, Prop.