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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1933)
THB COQUILL* VALLBY SENTINEL, COQUILLE OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 8, IMS. PAGI —r Why buy any second-choice tire when a GOODYEAR costs no more? The experience of tire-uaera ia that, Goodyear Tires give greatest value at every price—every year the public buys MILLIONS more Goodyears than any other make. That’s a pretty definite indication of superior value. I »I V But also it's important to get tires of the ri| iRht ' type and size for your partic- Here’« where our -------- Tire ular < driving. -------- - --------- --------- — Experience helps you eave save more money. . We study your needs, advise you expert ly, then expertly apply new tires and shift old ones for you. You’ll get lowest cost tire satisfaction by usingGoodyears hacked by our Tire Experience. Come in, we’ll prove to you that you can save money here. Trade your old tires for new GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHERS 200 Millionth Tirol Built by Goodyear September 12th Greater Volume give* you Greater Value when you buy Goodyears C oquille S ervice station Phone 133 1 and Mr«. L. A. Meyers. ily to San Francisco, and sailed for Fred Vetter returned home SaturJ_The. P'«?^ on b< Coquille Port Orford on the Vanderbilt. Af day from the hospital where he under 'Christian Endeavor at the Arago ter nine days they reached their des went an emergency operation for ap feymnaeium was a big success. About tination. Dave Carey was bom in pendicitis a week ago. He ur recover seventy-five attended and the play Iowa and came to Port Orford July was well presented. The title was 4th, 1872. They were married Jan. ing satisfactorily. Houston Robinson and Joe Sinko "The Empty Room’’ and the cast of 7th, 1883, at noon, at the old McBride left by stage Monday morning for characters as follows: The Inn Keep place at Garrison Lake, near Port their respective schools. Houston is a er, Willis Jessee; the Inn Keeper’s Orford. Mrs. Kate Leneve, of Port freshman at O. S. C. and Joe is a nwther- Afd* Slo«n; Mary, ‘he Mother Orford, was Mrs. Carey’s bridesmaid. freshman at A.hland Normal. They ot Je*u»> A*ne* Newton; Joanna, Mr. and Mrs. Carey have lived the had planned to remain until Tuesday “weetheart of the Inn Keeper^ '^a past fifty years in Coos and Curry but owing to the high water they were Swinney; ‘ the servant, ‘ Avery Combs; counties and have raised a lovely the nobleman, Orvus Miller; the family. Frank Ilves with his par obliged to return a day sooner ents at Powers and Jack lives in Myr La Vaun A seen returned to school, P^Phet, Bob Bailey, at Ashland Monday, having spent the Mr. ,nd Mrs. Orvus Miller and Mr. tle Point. ..The daughters are Nettie holidays here with her parents, Mr.,nd Mrs. Nile Miller and daughter Clancy, of Eureka, Lottie Belshaw, of and Mrs. L. M. Aasen. I?,'“1*’ were dinner guests of Mr. and Myrtle Point; jtae Johnston, of Ban Mr. and Mm. W. B. Doyle drove to.?1™' Grover McQuigg of Coquille Sun- Francisco, and Addie Goodwin, of Honolulu. A host 'df friends wish Mr. Camas Valley Monday to see Mr.1 sad Mrs. Carey many more years ef Doyle’ s s mother, Mrs. M. . x«. E. lumie, Lillie, wno who v_ _ da“ • i*ter i*»yie moincr, jot »•» iyi I l • . « l . has been quite ill the past week and V,un were dinner •< ** ™d. hapP,neM together MYRTLE POINT ITEMS .. . took . a turn for - the worse. I M Mr« Aaann rtf fonnilU suddenly r»- IM E<l Aasen Coquille New Yearn 1 Bridge Happenings Freddie Milani, 14 year old son of **•£• Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Johnson, of Charles Wilson returned the first of The Ar Arago Mr. and Mm. Joe Milani, underwent **° basketball squad will an emergency operation for appendi- Pl*y ‘he first league game of the sea- the week to his home in Brewster ' Portland, spent several «lays this week Valley, after visiting here «ioqe'at the home of Mr. und Mr.' R. F. citis at the Coquille hospital Friday DFri,d_a\ *Tening _ Th,,y, and J------ were u— here *" to *“ attend Christmas at the home of his grand- Garrett, ”----- “ — —J the the Bridge team on the local floor. The night. He is getting along as well as funeral of Mr. Johnson ’ s father, Amos parents, Mr. and Mm. W. A. Lett. _____ __ _ _ j Arago lineup^ fdr thia season is: For- this io: could be expected. Among those who are ill in our com Johnson. Edith and Evelyn Woodward Curri*¿nd Schroeder; center, Miss Helen Deyoe left'Monday for returned to their respective schools. ”*trick; guards, Collier and MoAllie- munity are Mm. Fred Ehrig, Warren Klamath Falls, after spending the Cribbins and Albert Pancoast. Mrs. .. . ... ...... .. tor. Miss Edith is attending!**1^ 1.; Monday. Mrs. G. A. Collier and grandaughter C. 8. Murphy who has been conval holidays at the home of her parents. 0. S. C. and Evelyn is teaching at Mrs. Elisabeth Bennett and daugh escing very slowly from her recent Snake River in Curry county. They Glenda Stewart went to Powers iHneas is improving more rapidly now. ter Dorothy returned home the first Thursday and spent a few days visit spent the holidays here with their The Grange called off the social of the week from a trip to California ing friends and relatives. mother, Mrs. Edith Woodward. meeting which was planned for Dec. where they spent the holidays at the Burtie made a The basketball fans of Arago vic , Mr. and Mrs. J. 80, and instead will have a pot-luck home of Mm. Bennett’s sister, Mrs. business trip to Grants Pass Sunday. inity were treated to a full evening dinner at the next regular meeting Ellison Emmerson, at Angwin. of baeketball Friday when three teams Mrs. C. C. Robinson of Grenada, Cal. Friday evening, Jan. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morrison left met them at Ashland and came home of the Christian Endeavor Union met Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Culver enter Monday for Crescent City on a busi with them. She will spend S ’ few the three school teams on the local tained at a dinner party Tuesday ness trip. floor. The boys played first, winning months with Mns. Edith Woodward, evening, bavin/ as their guests Mr. Henry Huntley is confined to hie who is in very poor health. < - by the score 30 to 26. In the girls’ home with an attack of the flu. and Mrs. N. W. Perkins and daughter The Arago school was unable to be game .that followed Arago also was Phyllis Jane of Canby, Miss Alma . Mr. and Mrs. C. Bollenbaugh, of opened again Tuesday because of the victorious, winning 16 to 8. The jun Larkins and Mm. Elise Lamp. The Canyonville, spent the week end at iors then played and won 1« to 12, all high water. Perkins have been visiting relatives the home of his mother, Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mm. Nile Miller are enjoy games in Arago's favor. and friends in Myrtle Point and vi Huntley. ing a visit this week with Mr. and O. H. Aaeen has been confined At Mr. and Mrs. W. Ball, of Cottage Mm. Wallace Miller and daughters cinity since before Christmas and plan home the past week with infhientA. | to return to their home at Canby t^e. Grove, are visiting this week at the Colleen and Maxine of Portland. Francis Keltner left Monday morn Mrs. M. B. Mix and Mm. Eugenia latter part of thia' week. Mm. Culder -hottie of Mrs. Ball’s sister, Mrs. Laur ing for Eugene to resume his third ence Mullen. Fairly were .dinner guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Perkinl'are sisters. year at the university. He has spent Herman Ikemyer, of Berkeley, Cai., Mary Alice Corpe who has been ill Mm. W. A. Wellman of Myrtle Point the past week here visiting his par with heart ■ trouble since about spent the week end at the home of Mr. New Years. ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keltner. Thanksgiving time is much improved and Mrs. P. W. Laird. He returned Mrs. Mary Kribbs went to Coquille now. to California Tuesday morning, ac Saturday to visit her brother and his News Notes From Powers Mrs. Frank Porter and children, companied by Miao Elda Laird who wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder. Allan and Alvan- King returned Paul and Patricia, visited Sunday eve was returning to the University of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward Tuesday from Iron Mountain ning at the James Porter home. The California after spending the holidays drove to Roseburg Sunday on busi where they were packing supplies to Frank Porter fsmily has moved back with her parents. ness. Miss Rachel Woodward, Miss Mias Jean Guerin returned to Cor the miners. They found two and half “Pe*r Out Cabin” on their home Ruth Woodward and Clarence Mullins feet of enow and saw a large timber ,te*d- after living for a few months vallis after spending the holidays in accompanied them. Rachel went on to Myrtle Point. wolf, which later followed them. This on2he Kurtx Plac«- Paulsoba, Wash., where she ia teaching Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mills returned |' The Christian Endeavor enjoyed a wolf has been in this „'flirt ' the school and Clarence Mullins went to mountains' for some time, ’ftiey also ¡watch party New Year’s Eve at the to their home in Warsaw, Wis., after Corvallis where he is standing O. S. C. saw fifteen deer. The trail to Rogue home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Culver. a visit at the home of their friends, this term. The evening was pleasantly spent in Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank re river is now impassable, the first time Miss Elsie Moller returned to Cor games and contests. Constance Knight turned to their home at Johnson Mill since the trail has been built. received the prise for winning the vallis after spending the holidays with Mm. Ethel Littler haa been at the Sunday. Mr. Burbank ia steadily im most games. Pleasing refreshments home folks. proving from a recent operation. Mrs. ! Mast hospital in Myrtle Point suffer Mrs. Blanche Parry and daughter were served which included some ing with the flu. She is much im Burbank will teach school for him this fruit sent from Fresno, California, as Maxine returned to their home in Eu- proved and ia expected home Thurs week. a treat from Clarence R. Clayton, who gyne after spending the holidays at Ohaa. Schroeder ia visiting his niece, day. Both of her children have flu, was a member of the society while he the home of Mrs. Parry’s parents, Mr. they being, at the home of Mrs. Roy Mte. J. D. Cart. Frey. lived here. Present at the party were and Mrs. E. W. Jones. George Robinson drove his daughte Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Perkins and Mildred Payne is teaching in the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culver, Mm. Opal and her two holiday guests. Stanley Lake, Mm. H. C. Van Alstein, daughter Phyllis Jane returned to absence of the second grade teacher. Marie and Pauline LaBanty to Glide Mae Hatcher, Winifred Clinton, Anna their home at Canby, Oregon, after a Lillian Frick. Sunday. They spent the holidays here Culver, Constance Knight, Vivienne few days’ visit at the home of his par The private kindergarten, taught with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. by Mae Langstron, resumed school af and Virginia Lake, Mary Louise Oul- ents, Mr. snd Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw and ter the holidays with a large enroll ver, Geneva Evernden, Helen James, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baines and eon daughter Patty are spending the holi- ment. Marjorie Van Alstein, Archie Culver, Louie returned to their home in day« at Ashland-visiting Dr. and Mrs. On Saturday, January 7, Mr. and Junior Bartlett, Ernest and Orlin Lett, Grants Paas after a short visit in H. A. Shaw. Mrs. Dave Carey will celebrate their Byron Van Alstein and the host and Myrtle Point. Mrs. S. L. Lafferty was a dinner golden wedding anniversary, at their hostess. Melvin Bariclow returned to the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Laf home in Powes*. H. G. Evernden, J. T. Evernden, Roy Oakland Polytechnic school after In the evening ferty of Myrtle Point Saturday. their friends are giving them a large and Grant Doney and Fred W. Corpe spending the holidays with his mother Miss Pearl. Meyers returned to her party, which will require two halls. have s'M given some neighborly help and famfly. . work in Portland Thursday. She is This party will be attended by about on the A. O. Hooten's new bouse. The Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shockley returned employed by the Consolidated Truck 300 people. Alice McBride waa bum work is progressing nicely, though home from Oregon City where they Lines there snd spent the Christmas in Marion county, Illinois, in 1863. O b the recent stormy weather has hin spent a few days at the home of her vacation hare with her parents, Mr. April », 1872, she oaaso with her fam- dered it. mother. Live News From Arago Lì I [ ¡ Mr. and Mm. Ralph Sayers returned frosen pipes and 'the other week the to their home at Roseburg after a sev Christmas holidays. We were all glad eral days’ stay in Myrtle Point to see that there were practically no Mrs. Sarah Chandler, an old resi cases of flu among the students. dent of the Lee country, passed away There will be basketball games both at her home early Tuesday morning. Friday and Saturday of this week. The funeral was held at the Schroe One. the fimt league game of the sea der chapel Wednesday afternoon and son ia with Lakeside at Lakeside interment was in the Lee cemetery. Friday and. the other with CoquiHe She leave« to mourn their loss, her here Saturday evening. These are husband, Ike Chandler, and several both expected to be good games. children, besides a host of friends. Mr. and Mm. Weriey Bean enter Mrs. .Harry Judson returned to her tained at a lovely New Yearn Eve home in Portland after a shprt visit party at their home Saturday even with friends in Myrtle Point ing. The evening was spent in mu Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nelson and sic, this being furniriwd by Mm. W. T. two children returned to their home Alpine and Mrs. Mabel Kiser at the after spending the holidays with his piano and Mrs. Tom Thomas, Mm. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson. Bean and Mrs. C. M. Hartwell on the , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mullen left the violin. Mm. Thomas also yodried and last of the week for California where Mrs. Frances SeH played the mandiflin their daughter Florence will finish throughout the evening. All of the college at Stanford University. Their guests joined in group singing. Re son William ia attending O. S. C. freshments were served later in the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young have re-, evening. Those present included Mrs. turned to their home at Burrows Bay, Mabel Kiser from North Bend, Mr. Wash. and Mrs. Tom Thomas from Coquille, Mr. and Mm. Nudafrl are the proud Mr. and Mm. A. £. Dye, Mr. and Mm. parents of a baby daughter. W. T. Alpine, Mr. and Mm. .Francis Miss Ena Christenson returned to Sell, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Berry, Mr, her home at Cushman after spending , and Mrs. George Martin, and Mr. New Year’s at the G. L.McRay home and Mrs. C. M. Hartwell. on C. street. -I One of the first social evenings of George Mullen and* son Clau4 left the year was a New Years Eve party last week for Bend where they have given by Mm. Perna Harris for her employment in the Weekley camp daughter Been. The evening waa Mrs. Richard Pfiefer returned to spent in cards, games and music. Per her home in Salem after a few days’ j haps the most excitement of the even- viait at the home of her parent», Mr. | | ing was caused when every one was and Mm. Peter Axe. | asked to participate in a game which Miss Eula Mayes left last week for required a litle ball with a steel hook Kansas City, Mo, where ¿he will take through it to be blown into the air and post raduate ,work in nursing. «aught over a little ring. Mias La Mrs. A. A. Schriefer returned home velle Walstrom and - Mias Perna from Monroe, Oregon, where she visit Knight tied for the prise. They each ed her « «ter, Mm. F. A. Pierson. tried over again and Mice Watvtrom Mi«« Minnie Maoher returned to won, getting a beautiful cushion pre- Myrtle Point after spending Mie holi- sented by Mm. Harris. Musk was days with relatives at Silverton. If ___‘ ~ ____ Helen ___ Nulf, Marie furnished by Miao Mrs. Floyd E. Summers and two ‘ Dye and Ileen Harris, iteftoi’hme'nte cbiIdr«n returned from a week’s visit were served at twelve to the follow at Junction City. ing: Lavelle Walstrom, Donald and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lewis returned Jack Auer, Helen and Morris Nulf, to their home at Lakeside after spend Eleanor a^d JMin Reriman from Le ing the holidays at the home of Mr. neve; ETwyn Miller from Port Orford; and Mrs. Frank Young. Maxine Brining, Darrell Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins are Hank Burr and Stanley Norris from enjoying a visit from their daughter, Coquille; Perna, Grace and Jewel Mrs. Claude Moon, of Loe Angeles. Knight, Evelyn Berry, Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. VanFauasen gave a Marie Dye, Benny Wateon, Howard party Saturday evening in honor of Hull, Howard Schroeder, William Mc their son Gene’s twenty-flMt birthday. Farlins, Mrs. Nettie Peterson, Cherie After dinner the young people went Mae HartweH and the two hoetemee, to the home of Delbert Steel and en Mrs. Perna Harris and Ileen Harris joyed the evening playing games. from Riverton. * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper returned Riverton News from a vacation trip to the valley Sat The Riverton schools opened Mon urday Accompanied by Miss Edith day morning after a three week vaca Hull they were the guest, of Mr. and tion, two weeks of which were due to Mrs. Adolph Molthu Monday evening * \ » * 3 A -*■