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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1933)
* VOL. XXVIII. '**>*•* '5 NO. S3. THE PAPER THAT« LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME ■ 11 ■ 4 ...... 1. i w - 11 " sffi * ■ 1 COQUILLE, COOS COUNIT. OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 13, 1333. GRANGE NOTES More About Meteors LIONS DONATE I10.F. INSTALL' This Is Friday, the 13th 33.M THE YRAR TOSTARTTUESDAY County Treasurer Chas. Stauff fur This is Friday the 13th, hangman’s nishes the Sentinel some further in u sy, and considered by some as the formation this morning about that ai st unlucky day on the calendar. It meteor, or shower of meteor«, one of Was an unfortunate day on the stock County Council Formed—Oppose which Grover McQuigg says he saw Clothing for Relief of Needy Odd FeHows and Rebekahs Seat Market, some 26 or 30 yearn ago, the Farmers’ Meeting Under Spon explode at a distance of 2000 feet, Sales Tax—Social Next day Thomas Lawson wrote about un Given to Relief Associa Officers Wednesday sorship of Smith-Hughes Christmas morning. der the.heading, “Friday the 13th,” Thursday tion Yesterday . Evening C. H. S. Department Mr. Stauff says he naw tbe reflec ■ * -:'’J«Y? * • <• \ • I .. and which was widely read some quar ' • r tion of the meteor aa it passed over ter of a century ago, but to almost all Tbe Masters, Lecturers and Secre his home at Mamhfield, travelling The stock of clothing and meg’s There was a large attendance at the of u* every day in 1032 could be class The regular series of farmer meet taries of all Grange subordinate lodge from the northwest in a southwesterly wearing apparel in the relief depot pot-luck dinner which preceded the ed as Friday the 13th, if that is * day ing« sponsored by the Smith-Hughes in the county met here yesterday to direction. He also has received a lat was largely increased yesterday as a joint installation of Rebekah and Odd of especial ill omen. Perhapa (T) to department of Agriculture of the high organize a Grange Council. The coun ter from his brother, Will, who lives result of contributions made by mem- > Fellow lodge, in I. O. O. F. hall day will end the period of bad fortune school will begin this week. cil is different from the county Po at Grenada, near Mt. Shasta, in which bers of the Lions Club. At the din Wednesday evening, and full justice which has been so persistent for the The first meeting will be held in mona Grange in that all members the latter report» that he was out ner session of the club each member was done to the viands. past three or four ytort. At any rate the Coquille High School building have a vote in Pomona, while in tbe milking at the time, just about 6 a. brought something, a suit, a shirt, Mias Evelyn Oerding acted aa in no one need have any worry about Tuesday, 8 p. m., January 17. This Council only the three officers from m., and saw the beautiful sight. To underwear, boots or hat. The relief stalling officer and Mrs. Ethel Leach Friday the 13th, except those unfor work is put on esch year by W. IL- each subordinate have a vote, al him the meteor looked to be the size association management hm ex as grand marshal in escorting the tunates who may be sentenced to hang Cunning, instructor in the Smith- though any member ia welcome to at of a football, with tail and plume of pressed its sincere appreciation te following Rebekah officers to their on that day. Hughes department of the high school. tend the council sessions. stations: 4 .. i . ....... smoke, and it lighted up the whole Lions for their contributions. There is no fee charged and any one The purpose of the Council is to country for a few seconds, like day. Clarence Williams and Henry Le-! Past Grand—Ida Oerding. Freezing Weather Thia Week interested is welcome to attend. consider the needs of state legislation, Wm/Caughell saw -w meteor that cocq, of the Marshfield den, extended j Noble Grand—Myrtle Noah. The purpose of these meetings is to As usual when it stops raining in investigate, study and make recom morning from the Rogue river bridge an invitation to all Lions to attend a Vice Grand—Hester Hnlverstott. give the farmers an opportunity to this Oregon country, the thermometer mendations to the Grange organisa and says that one disappeared in thet dinner dance in Marshfield this eve Treasurer—Fannie Stevens. has been down below the freezing get together and talk over their prob tions, and also to bring the county Pacific.. - ning end many Coquille LioM and Secretary—Myrtle Benham. point for the lsst three nights. Wed lems and to suggest improved farm granges into closer touch with one Con.—Effie Johnson. With Mr. McQuigg reporting that their wives expect to attend. practices that can be used. nesday morning it touched 26 de another. Another visitor was Wm. Langdon, Warden— Amy Aasen. the one he saw exploding, and feeling No set schedule is adhered to and grees, while yesterday and this morn Officers of the Council, selected yes the concussion, the only explanation tailtwister the ------------- Bandon — den, and at Chaplain—Belle Kay. —............. — of — -- ----------- the topics to be taken up wiH be de ing the minimum was 26. Besutiful, terday, were C. O. King, of McKinley, is that the one Mr. Stauff saw in U>« request of Fert> Emery, Bill per- R. S. N. G.—Forabelle Boober. comfortable days, however, are the termined by those attending the first Pomona master, as president; Mrs. northern California was another of formed the difficult task of extrart- L. S. NX} .—Belle Gould. ¡ rule after the fog disappears in the meeting. The work is carried out on Grace Rackleff, of Myrtle Point, vice the Leoffides shower of meteom which ing dimes from the local Lions ym- R. S. V. G.—Clara Boasertaan. the conference basis which permits morning. president; and Mrs. C. V. Smith, of viait the earth every 38 years, and I terday. L. 8. V. G —Mary Wimer Less than a quarter of an inch of everyone to enter the discussione. Coquille, secretary.. which were about six wee> later than I President Dave Rackleff appointed I. G.—Delta Wilcox. These meetings run for ten consecu precipitation since last Friday, brings O. G.—Harriet Schaer. astronomers had predicted they would on the Boy Scout committee to main tive weeks. Tuesday has been arbi Ray Gill, of Portland, master ofthe be, in 1032. tain contact with the Scout council, For the Odd Felloara, H. M. R om the total since Sept. 1 to 27 inches. trarily set aside for the first meet Pomona State Grange, was in atten ■C. L. Ward and F. S. Emery and ' acted as installing officer and Ira ing but should there be too many con dance at the Coos Pomona Grange agreed to serve on the committee him flicts for that night it can be changed. meeting held at Fairview Tuesday. self. Ths success of these conferences The mast important matter discussed Gus Gailas entertained the dub Past Grand—Stanley Stevens. depend upon the number attending. with a vocal rendition of "Deep Èiver” was the sales tax, which many people Noble Grand-rRay 8torer. Much good has resultd from those of believe the legislature will enact into and “Trees,” accompanied by his In Vice Grand—Wade Arstill. past years and several improved farm law at the present session, although structor, Mr*. E. A. Woodyard, at the Trees.—L. H. Hasard. Pioneer Hall was crowded last eve practices have been adopted as a re Starting yesterday and continuing the measure lost by two votes in the piano. Gw hw an excellent voice ning for the “Tom Thumb” wedding, sult of them. One question to be de Sec.—W. E. Bowerman. for three days, a Cheese Makers’ F senate in the special session laat week. and his two numbers were greatly en given for the benefit of the Pioneer cided this year is that of finding-• Warden—Leroy 'Swinney. Short Course is being held at ' the Master Gill spoke in opposition to the joyed. Con.—Ernest Plaep. Missionary - Society, and the perfor green crop to fill in the gap from Co. plant here thia week tax and the Grange went on record as Swift A John D. Carl, of Arago, was also 3 mance of the little folks was thor July to September when the pastures Chaplain—Fred Schaer. which is being attended by all the not favoring a sales tax. guest of -the club. oughly enjoyed. R. S. N. G.^-J. P. Beyer*. dry up. This was taken up laat year company cheese ma kens in The county Pomona Grange will L, S. N. G —A. N. Gould. The little bride was Shirley Jean and the results of trial piota planted tion. meet with the Bridge Grange at ita Slater, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. last spring will be given. Coos Legislators’ Assignments R. S. V. G.—Ira Chase Swift A Co. officials from Chicago. next meeting in April. L. S. V. G. — C. W. Gano. Slater, who was attended by Harriet The organisation of the thirty-sev San Francisco and Portland are here R. 8. 8.—J. L. Stevens. Walker. George Gant, son of Mr. and enth legislative assembly of Oregon Bar Aaan. to Meet Jan. 28 The Coquille Grange is to give a.“too' Mrs. O. T. Gant, waa the groom and L. S. S.—Marion George. was completed Monday by the election At a meeting of the Coos County program and lster serve refreri.rn.nt. his “best man” Was Morris Williams. I. GHF- F. Oerding. of the Kime officers who served during in W. O. W. hall naxt Thurwtay ev-1 »•«“•jW Bar Association, held here laat Sat O G.—E. M. Kay. Flower glrb’were Nancy Ann Haga, ning, The Grange will. duce department, C. H. Parsonajhead ill-advised and 810,000 wasted special urday, J. Arthur Berg, H. A. Slack ning, January January 10. 10. Rose Marie Peaft and Maurine Joyce session last week, Fred Kiddle being hold a business Marion .artier in the 0' Taylor, who was the youngest one in and Jas. Watson were appointed a Bank Holds Annual Meeting chosen as president of the*epate, and .v.nin, but at 9 o’clock th. public b P- the cast, as she will not be two years committee te prepare for the annual Earl W. Snell as speakei of ths f The annual stockholders’ mooting of meeting and banquet of tha aaaocia- invited to some to th. hall, tear th. Senator John D. Gow waa •he First National Bank of Coquille, old until next month. ~ Clinton Peart tisn which wiH be held in Coquille chairman of the senate committee on held Tuesday, made no change in the was ringbearor, and Jackie Stevens This and Billy Lewellen were the usher« the latter part of this month. I plant here, and now at Manchester, Municipal Affairs, vice chairman of board of directors of the institution. committee has met this week and Grange Quartette and enjoy the re-' Joe Don Estes acted as the father in the Railroads and Utilities committee, L. H. Hazard, O. C. Sanford, E. D. Calif., is also in attendance. named Saturday, Jan. 28, as Abe date, freahmenta which will be Mrved. Ad giving away the bride. The cheesemakers attending the and a member of the other following Webb, E. L. Detlefsen and H. A. Slack and the Coquille Hotel as the place mission will be 25 cento. The vocal music was furnished by school and C. P. Zumwalt, Norman committees: Federal Relations, Fish being re-elected. where the banquet will be served. Nor was any change made in the two little tots, Nona Finley and Phyl Halter and August Staub, of the Co ing Industries, Forestry and Forest The association last Saturday en Marchants Start Organization quille factory, J. A. McDonald from Prodocte, Judiciary. lis Mae Litsenberyer. Another fea ■'fficial personnel when the board met dorsed three bills which are to be About fifteen Coquille merchants the Sixes plant, Ray Rickman from In the house, J. H. McCloskey has that evening to dose up the yesr’d ture was the boys’ chorus of ten presented to the legislature at the voices, led by Bennie Barton. met at the city hall Tuesday evening Myrtle Point, and A. J. McDonald, of been named vice-chairman of the business and plan for the coming year. Thirty-five little folks were included present session. One bill as drawn to atteempt the organisation of a the Norway plant. Fisheries committee, and a member L. H. Hazard was re-elected presi up by Judge Brand would limit the in the evening’s program. merchante credit association in Co of the Foods and Dairy Products, For dent; O. C. Sanford, vice president; time for a plea of insanity as a de quille. estry and Repeal of Laws committee*. E. D. Webb, cashier; and Bess Maury, Bandon Plays Here Tonight North Bend Bank Closes 30 Days fense. The second bill would tend to C. C. Farr had been aaked by Pres. W. JI. Bennett, of Port Orford, assistant cashier. equalize the number of peremptory Coquille High will play her second R. L. Stewart, of the Chamber of joint'repreeentative for Coos and Cur A notice posted on the door of the challenges allowed the state and the home game of the season in the com Commerce to arrange for and con ry counties, was appointed by First National Bank of North Bend, defense in selecting the Jury in crim- Medford Thieves Caught munity haM tonight, meeting the Ban duct the meeting at which moot lines Speaker Snell on the Administration Wednesday morning, notified ita cus :nll cases. The third would restrict don Tigera. flandon is not expected Last Friday C. C. Williams and of business in Coquille, doing a and Reorganisation, Health and Pub tomers that it would be closed for the time allowed the defense in suits to defeat CoquiRe, but the Red Devils Matt Coy arrested two young fol- credit business, were represented. lic Morals, Labor and Industries, and thirty days. This was made powible to quiet title, to appear and use non do not look for any easy encounter. Iowa, Chas. Davis and Clifford Sar- Mr. Farr asked those assembled Mining committees. by a holiday proclamation by Mayor knowledge of the setion as a cause Bandon was severely drubbed by gent, wh’o claim Ruch, Oregon, as, what they hoped to accomplish by; McDaniels, although other business for the setting aside of the judgment Marshfield in her opening game, los their home, on suspicion. They had, such an organization and the unani there will not observe the order. Governor Vetoes Both Bills of the court. ing the contest by a 41 to 3 count, in their truck ten used tires, and mous reply ww that a central office, I This moratorium, which has been while Coquille, on the other hand, has The “lame duck” amendment to the each one was on a rim, besides a gas where credit information could be ob won and loat in her two frays. Coach , United States constitution was ap engine and a rotary pump. A day or frequently accorded banks elsewhere, Farm Loan Association Electa tained at a moment’s notice, was ths Hartley will tikely tost every avail- proved by the house of the Orepon so later a bulletin from Medford told has the approval of Hie United States The Coquille National Farm Loan 1 able first string man in this game, but legislature yesterday and will be also of the theft over there of these srticl«« bank examiner and is to give the Association held ita annual meeting Z. G. Pause, of the Western Mer North Bend bank officials time to in- if the Tigers should threaten, the approved by the senate aa soon aa it j on Jan. 6. Members of the sheriff’s here Tuesday and re-sleeted the same cantile Agency, was present to dis I force from Jackson county ware here 1 terest new capital in the iiMtitution first string men will be used as one reaches that body. board of directors which hw served cuss ths possibility of his agency act and liquidate some of its holdings. team. This will be the laat game for The house yesterday sustained the Sunday to take the men and the re ths past year: Geo. 8. Davis, presi ing as the office through which the According to a statement published Jack McCue who *s ineligible for par governor’s veto of the bill which would covered staff to Medford. dent; P. J. Jacobson, vice-president; business should be handled. He last week the total resources ars ticipation after the dose of thia term I have repealed the state property tax. - ■ ..... agreed to secure all information as »447,345, with total deposits of 320«,- and J. P. Johnson, H. W. Mast and of school. | but laid on the table his veto of the R. H. Lawhorn, the other three mem Uletta in a Bad Storm to the operation of such credit organ-1 264. There wiH also be a second team t bill which would piece the state on s bers of the board of five. R. H. Mast bâtions elsewhere, and bo ready at The daily press a few days ago had game starting at seven o’clock. warrant baab. was reappointed secretary. The board a meeting to be held in the city hall an item about the three-day gale Blunt Wrench Through Tire New bills introduced yesterday, be I of appraisers consists of Messrs. next Tuesday evening, to submit* a which battered the S. 8. Manhattan fore the legislature adjourned until One of those ‘*Believe it or not” oc Davis, Jacobson and Johnson. Legion and Auxiliary Meet figure for handling the work. on its maiden trip from New York to Monday, included a general sales tax currences which cannot occur, but did, The only other business ww the The American Legion post and the England. This was the vessel on bill with credits given all homesteads, happened to the Mt States Power Co. hearing of reports and routine mat Legion Auxiliary met at Legion head Sam Taylor to Clone Out which Geo. A. Ulett and family cross a selective sales tax bill for tobacco, Ford truck as Frank Thrift was com ters incident to the closing of the Sam Taylor, who has been conduct quarters Monday evening for their cosmetic* and malt and a severance ed the Atlantic. Tremendous seas ing this way from Myrtle Point last year’s business. ing the clothing and gents famishing r*<ular monthly broke over even the top deck, twelve tax on growing timber bill. Monday. A tire blew out and when Because so many of the present An store in the Odd Fellows building *... invitation ' from North Bend was persons were injured and a seaman he stopped the truck and went to ex loans are not being paid the associa since the fore part of laat year, is ««tembd » to ■ all “> * was bung when he became entangled amine the tire he found one of those tion was able trqmake but two new Relief AMOciatioa Helps All advertiaing he K*thering in I. O. O. F. hall in a rope. But the vessel reached advertising a a eloee-out cloee-out sale sale which which he - „ double-ended wreches, about six inch loans the pest year, although several expects will continue until the tatter th*r* ne3rt Monday evening, Jan. 1«. Queenstown, Ireland, only twelve The Coquille Relief Association re es long, and which is not sharp at applications are on Ale, to be acted part of February- He is offering' Anyone who has room in his ear for quests the Sentinel to say that local hours late. either end, had been driven into the upon when funds an available. many bargains, aa listed in his adv.1 extra passengers is requested to no- people should take no stock tn as tire from the tread and had pierced el sewhere in this issue, that of T. tif? F. F. Schram. sertions of itinerant needy that the Office Active After Lull another hole along side the rim, Pleased with Coquille’s Showing Warner on another page. ] H wm decided to have •Valetame association will not help them. Any A After a week’s lull things began to through which it was sticking. Mr. Taylor says he has become box social, at the, next ■»^«’»r^Fsh. Representatives of the bond house worthy penion, who is willing to per hum around the sheriff’s office last man couldn’t drive one through a tire of Burr, Conrad and. Broom, who had convinced that there is not sufficient 13, and all eligible members are re form some work for what he receives, I with a sledge, just by holding it in night A fight in Powers called for been in North Bend Wednesday morn business here, at this time to sup quested to remember the date and ba is given food and supplies" of some notice of Mr. Hess; -a truckload of position with his hand. there. ing, were here that afternoon . and port an exclueive men’s store. kind. And'all transients should be lumber, taken from the Matthews asked City Treasurer Sickeb for a referred to relief headquarters in the place at Fairview was later found not Minister Breaks Arm in Fall' report on Coquille’s financial eondi- WiU Speak at Christian Church Sentinel building. far away, and the chief of police at I To Observe 13th Birthday Rev. W. B. Smith suffered a painful tion, especially in regard to bonds, Mrs. Thomas Bailey, of Eugene, Eureka notified Mr. Hess that he had Prohibition’s thirteenth birthday accident hero last Thursday morning, They seemed quite well pleased with B. P. W. Will Meet Monday arrested a couple of men with six wiH be observed at a tea given at the will epeak at the Church of Christ fol although he is rapidly recovering from the result of their examination«. Dur lowing Christian Endeavor hour on head of cattje which they had stolen home of Mrs. C. C. Fkrrr Monday, Jan. ite Hireling of the VslV O« vv • — m Regular meeting B. X» P. W its effects. effects. He was at his home in ' Ing this calendar year there is but one 1« at 2 p. m. i Sunday, January 16. Mm. Bailey is club will be held in the club rooms fr<w" the K‘mp r,nch te Cnrry C0Untr the north part of town, waiting for bond maturity to be met, that of " a ’ u Interesting program consisting inUr“t Monday evening, Jan. 1«. Mias Ida the watens to subside so he could re 11,000 of tha Knowlton bridge bonds, of readings, music and talks has broa StaU M.wton.ry Christian work. She Philip Will Collect the Tax Oerding, chairman of the Emblem turn to Bandon where he is pastor of and that is not due until Dec. IS. arranged, some thirty people taking rerF>“ “ committee, will be in charge of the Sheriff Heaa stated yesterday that the M. E. Church South. He had his Them is about »14,000 in interest to part. A birthday cats will bo a feat-. *>"“•“* U atUnd evening’s program. Archie Philip is to be the new prop rubbers on snd as he stepped out his be paid during the year. □re of the refreshments. I - erty tax collector, working out of the back door his feet slipped on the wet You are cordially invited to attend Services to Continue The case of Richard and Dennis Mc sheriff’s office, and that he will start boards, and he fell breaking both and enjoy the aftemon. I The services at the Baptist Church on his duties the first of the month. bone* in his left arm. Just above the Carthy vs. Ths Coquille Lumber Co., ■ I. ■ I ■ 11. *11 ■ ma— ' Kmlaa— came up in Circuit court Tuesday and R. H. Creager, who handled the col- wrist. arguments in the foreclosure suit were for filing notices of assess- heard but not finished. It will come I » Th,'°"“’ “TOM THUMB WEDDING SWIFT & CO. OF FICIALS HERE VS, ‘a I I I