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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1921)
NITI KKAI. M IX 111, ll»’JI. GR4XTS l*UW DAILY <MH HIER rAOK SIX = F « PRICE REDUCTION Josephine County Is to be congrat ulated for having so many farmers who take a keen interest In better- equipped homes The enthusiasm and interest displayed by the crowd of people who went on the homo study tour last Saturday was a decid ed proof of this fact There were seven ears leaving the CourthmAe and nine more joining In the proces sion at New Hope and Murphy, mak ing a total of some 60 people who » took advantage of the opportunity ' to see some of the splendidly equip / ped homes in the different rural com-' munities. The new modern homo of Amos Smith at New Hope was the first place visited. Mauy women envied The 490 is the lowrat priced fully equi|>pc<l quality car on the mar. the owner of the splendidly aranged kix—the greatest automobile value in the world, Call today and SOO It white kitchen, the cool basement, the screened back porch, the bathroom, and most of all the ele.'trlc plant and I water system. Envy creates a de GOODYEAR ANI» MILLER TllU-> sire to own. and is therfore a good factor in stimulating interest in Im proving homes. Smiths have many possibilities in their surroundings' PROYOLT Miss Beulah Miller, ot Missouri and Prof. Peck of Oregon Agrlcul- ’ Flat.- spent the past week with her tural College gave a most helpful talk on the best wav to go about im sister, Mrs. Dave Roberts proving the yard, transplanting the Wm. Farris spent Friday and Sat-; beautiful shrubs from nearby woods urday in Grants Pass. I and selecting the plant that thrive Mr. and Mrs. Fred lJtchen In this climate under certain condl- daughter. Rosa Marie, made a | tions. He e«i>eclally urged farmers to Grants Pass Saturday. not to have too large a grass plot, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allison and pointing out the fact that so few son. Jack Jr., Mrs. Elves Blevens. of have the time to keep up anything Grants Pass, and Mr. McFarland, of but a small lawn. British Columbia, were out in this Up a winding, climbing road back a district Thursday afternoon and into the mountains to a homestead evening. They stopped along Wil- the cars went, and many there were EVERY SLICE A TREAT liams creek to eat their lunch and who exclaimed to see what a com- on their return «pent the evening fortable place a homestead catr be to the one that eats it. Wheth with their friends, the R. F. lewnun Mr. and Mrs. Estes.are surely jus- er you toast it or eat it plain, j family. titled in the pride they take in mak with butter or cheese or Jam, Thomas Jones and Geo. Fields ing their home a home indeed There our bread evokes only praise made a business trip to Grants Pass are a good many/armers with homes from members of the house Saturday. much more conveniently situated hold. It is made right and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunlap spent who could well take a few lessons baked right and priced right. to heart after a visit to this home Saturday in Grants Pars Ask your Grocer for Bread Mr. and Mrs. Duncan and children stead. The barrel water system baked by the made a business trip to Grants Pass which saves so many steps attracted the most attention. Then there was | Saturday. GRANTS PASS BAKERY the large pressure canner fitted with Misses Gladys and Cleo Roberts, of pulley arrangement on the small 503 G Street Grants Pass, spent the week end with stove on the back porch, the gasoline Chas their parents. Mr. and Mrs. lamps. the fine cooler, the Iceless re Roberts. frigerator and the helpful dress form Miss Myrtle Lettiken spent Satur- all making the work of the house WE'LL WARRANT WHEN day in Grants Pass visiting with keeper lighter and easier than many OUR WORK YOU'VE TRlEO friends. even in town. .THAT YOU WILL BE Glenn Provolt made a business trip ! At the next stop, the home of J. to Medford last week. QUITE E. Daniils, everyone proceeded to Thomas Sharpe, of Vancouver. partake of the bounteous lunches ing and Interesting one. and every SATISFIED! Wash., has been visiting the past they had brought. After dinner the body hud a good lime. We are grate j week with the R IF. lawman family. > party was conducted through the ful Indeed to the people who so hos Mrs. Bert Bigelow and Mrs. Geo house, noticing especially the fol- pitably opened their homes to us, Sparlln made a business trip to lowing features: I-arge living room. and there will doubtless be many re-i 1 Grants Pass Saturday. small convenient office, wood box suiting benefits from this trip. Miss Thada Ijoesch. Beatrice Lew lift, screened back porch and ce- SIGHTSEER man. Thomas Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. mented basCment Mrs. Daniils was R. F. Lewman and son. Orville, Mr. loud in her praises of her indispen- ♦ and Mrs. Vernon Boyce and daugb- slble pressure cooker, saying that ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ AMI 8KME.NTS ; ter and son, Gleneava and Robert, she would part with any other piece ♦ motored to Gold Hill Sunday, where of her kitchen equipment first rath-I ♦ ♦ >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦ ♦ "Branding Iron" ni the Rivoli More I they attended a Gold Hill picnic. On er than let her cooker go. Yes we're quite able to guaran their return they stopped at Grants women ought to be realizing the I Pierre laindls made the greatest tee the plumbing work we do mistake ot his career as a Romeo Pass and visited friends. because we never announce value of these cookers. Daniils are! when he allowed the seeds of distrust that a job is finished until it is Miss Martha Mee, of Thompson fortunate enough to have a fine to enter his mind. If he had only |>erfectly >ati-fa< tore lx>th to creek, has been visiting a few days spring in their back yard and they stopped to reason It out but Jeal us and to our customer. We with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Chai have piped this water up to the back ousy never reasons. It goads to ac know that you'll be entirely porch. Mee. tion. When Pierre came home after satisfied with our servi<ew. Miss A. Grace Johnson, professor a Jaunt on the trail and round that Mrs. S. A. I-angtweate gave an af- ternoon tea Friday for the pupils of Household Administration at O. his wife had entertained the district who will graduate next Friday from A. C. gave an inspiring talk on "The parson, he didn't wait for her to ex the eighth grade at the Provolt Housewife and Her Work.” She ex plain that the parson's horse had school. Those present were Misses plained how housework might be picked up a pebble and he could go 514 F Street Violet Loesch, Martha Mee. Hazel made a pleasure rather than a drud no further. Instead he heated his PHONE 308-J Carl, Dora Stone. Inez Ijangtweate gery by having proper working branding Iron and In the height of and Mrs. Chas. Mee, Messrs. Claude heights, correct dress and shoes and his rage plunged its cruel prongs Into j and Floyd Fields and Stanley I-ang- conveniently arranged kitchens. Al his wife's fair, whit»! flesh. "That tweate. They report of having a very- though some of us may have incon will show the world who you belong enjoyable time. venient kitchens now It will not hurt to," he snarled This amazing Inci A party was given last Saturday us to be planning how many of these dent forma the basis of plot In the V THE DIAMB5B BRAN». A Ask y»«r for /A Cbi-ekes-ter • WtameU Hr, „ 4 //k\ night by Miss 'Dora Stone and Thada inconveniences may be removed feature picture, "The Branding Iron" Fills la Ke4 r<-taJk\V/ bore*. sealed with Blue Rirbon. Loesch at the borne of Clayton Stone. Prof. Peck also gave a fine talk, at the Rivoli theater today Taka •Cher. Bar r>wr V The evening was spent in games and taking people around the yard, and PnMht AirfarriTM B em -TFBH BITSONB BBANB PI LUX, for RS yean known M Best, Safest, Al R cliable music. Cake and coffee were served pointing out the good arrangements "To l,len»w one Woman' SOLB BY DRIGGISTS [VWWHitf about midnight. Those present were of bushes, vines, etc. When Adam yielded to Eve and ate ! Misses Violet Loesch, Inez Ixjng- From Daniils all the cars went on the fatal apple, he didn't know he tweate, Gladys Roberts, Nellie Stone. to the home of A. L. Blodgett at Wil was furnishing the theme for the fea .NOTICE OF HALE OF IRRI ' Helen Cowan, Arleta Messenger. liams Creek. If only more people ture picture at the Rivoli theater GATION DISTRICT BONDS _______ ¡Grace Roberts, Dona Jones, Hazel would realize what a power water is this coming week. But It’s the truth. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Carl, Opal Fields, Beatrice lawman, when it is harnessed for service. The Not that I xj I s Weber’s latest lec sealed proposals will be received un- Ruby Fields, Mrs. Margaret Loesch, small hydraulic ram which pumps ture ''To Please One Woman," has til the 24th day of June, A. D. 1921, Mr». Nellie Lettlken, Mrs. Claton water from the creek into the house prehistoric settings or Is one second at the hour of 2 o’clock in the after- Stone, Mabie Meek, Elva Provolt, was a new idea to some. A well ar later than up-to-the-minute. But the noon for the purchase of Fifteen Dora Stone and Thada Loesch, ranged bathroom and a sink in the habit 'Adam started of doing foolish Thousand Dollars worth of bonds of Messrs. Atchie Pierce, Arthur Farra, center of the kitchen floor were the things to please the ladles persists to the Enterprise Irrigation District of Jack Butler, Clifford Cowon, Claude last word in this water KjNim. An- day, and Miss Weber has graphically Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds Fields, Don Messenger, 1-ester Hill, other use water had been put to was portrayed just what happens when an are to draw interest at the rate of 6 ■ Thomas Sharpe, Floyd Fields, Geo. the oi>eration of a water wheel In unsophisticated young man tried to per cent per annum payable seml-an- Messinger, Sam Lettiken, John Meek, the irrigating ditch for the pnrpose satisfy the whimH of a pretty and nually upon the 1st day of July and Emery Stone. Marvin Carl, Harold of running a washing machine. It selfish woman with a tendency to the 1st day of January of each year 1 Fields, Tom Jones and Elery Stone. would take too long to enumerate "vamp" all and sundry. Everyone reported of having an ex all the conveniences which were ob- until the maturity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by ceedingly fine time. served. Would You Believe It? the Board of Directors ot said Irri The game of croquet does not dr I-ast, but not least, two homes In gation District, and should be direct Murphy were visited, that of T. E. velop experts and enthusiasts to the ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise Gilmore and that of L. M. Mitchell. extent that golf and tennis do; but Some Large Emeralds. Irrigation District care of Fred D. One South American country has Here we saw two fine tireless cook nore people play it and more wood Fletcher, Loomis Building, Klamath produced an emerald of «30 carats ers, screened back porches, and at la consumed In providing the batts, size and claimed it was the largest Gilmores a fine hot and cold water mallets and stakes than in the pro Falls, Oregon. The Board of Directors reserve the emerald In the world, and then learned system, ic«dess refrigerator, washing duction of golf clubs and tennis rack ets combined, says the American For right to reject any or ail bids of- that fields in the Ural mountains have machine, vacuette, and two handy estry Magazine nt Washington. The produced emeralds that weighed six fared. and three-quarters pounds, while the wood boxes, while at Mitchells there entire playing Outfit of croque« Is O. J. HILLYARD, South American stone weighed only was a bathtub under the kitchen made of wood except the arches, and Secretary of the Board ot Director« one-third of a pound. The six and floor, deep drawers for bedding sometime* these are of bent wood. of Enterprise Irrigation District. Ill three-quarter pound emerald was which were built under the stair«, among the crown jewels of Russia, and and a nutriber of other thing« Typewriting papar—Coad oMaa. its location now Is unknown. The entire day waa a most Inaplr- Have You Seen the New Model 91 CHEVROLET/] TIRES W. S. Maxwell & Co. The High Grade Universally Popular 30 X 3* TRAFFIK NON-SKID s 15.00 V A complete stock of all sizes in TRAFFIK, RUGGED and CORD See us for prices on other sizes C. L. HOBART CO. J % « I I I B. S. Dedrick CHICHESTER S PILLS NOTICE ! goiug scout, your on our route, ami you G OOD are broken down. here, with high class gear, the best within this town. A SSISTANCE I’ here is where, your treated fair and never treated mean. R eKill your pace, anti rest your face, and get A BREST some gasoline. jobs we’ll make small, we liaudle all, from big machine jobs to small. G REAT your woes, save your clothes, we’ll E SCAPE do what vôu desire. And make our GARAGE a place for y«ur car to lodge. Fashion Garage & Machine Shop PHONE 163 SERVICE OUR MOTTO DAY OR NIGHT HARDIE Hand and Power 9 Sprayers HOSE GUNS . I Orchard Ladders Bluestone Black Leaf 40 Oil Emulsion Lime Sulphur Areenate Lead Oregon Growers’ Packing Corporation Telephone 61 Grants Pass, Oregon