Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1921)
miti iii»n, mav ai. inai. GRANT* l’AM DAILY COI RIFU PER52ML Money Grow» Attend th« lhe little mu lugs will not puri Im»« much. Imi planted in n reliable Bank, like our«, they n< ■■iimiilnte and with in terest a<l<hal make u sum big* vuotigli to .Im worth while. Money grow«. Tile only question Is regnrdhig Ulti safety of the Bank where your money Is pianteti. The Bank inual l»e safe, reliable anil and bonetti. Our Bank I» that kind. 1 I Mill I. Vi nr h xi ttv »I uxr THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK HOLT HF.Kb OREGON McCORMICK Mowers and Rakes GET OUR PRICES n\ __ IF1 I,W! // Rogue River Hardware Co. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FARM MACHINES SÏRVICV. .VAt£i : I R Steady Interest Producer tn account with the Grant« I’ iins and Josephine Bank la a «te ly inleitwl producer, yielding a sat- islm tory rate on ilvpo-lt*.. Remember flint invite small dcjMisits, ns well ns large ones. I Interest Paid <»n Suilng« Account«. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G ramts ’-' ass .O regon MEDFORD 8:30 Curtain TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY the 24th The KING of JOYLAND one Al. edsoTv pnrsiOfrrr mm / k 0ÄW In Greatest <4 all Winter Garden înumpte SWBAD Whizzling, Sizzling, Sumptuous, S eiacular rill« I S ft».» >, *3.110, S-’-ôO, $2.00, SIIMI. Plus 10 |M'f lent war tax Specials in Aluminum Ware Ail Next Week SEE OUR WINDOW Holman’s Furniture « «acred PAGE FIVE LOCAL White Silk and Flannel phonographicj Worth ».’.OO— concert at th«» Presbyterian church j We will alow you $5 for your ,o)d on Sunday evening. Choice voices, suit to apply on the price of any wool great master piece« will be heard. 84 suit. PeerleM Clot hing Co. 78tf Office stationery —Courier office. Aluminum Jelly Pans and Bread < Mell for Freeh Egg*— 84 At Klney & Truax Grocery. Pans at 89c. Holman's Furniture 84 Store. • Guaranteed garden hose both cot- Acme I nfo— At Granta Pass hotel. We serve ton and rubber al Cramer Bros. 8 4 ' Mr. and Mrs R. V. SWinden, of waffle« from 6 a. m. to 11 a. in. Best Roseburg, are In the city, having you can buy. Larsen and Andrews, 80tf come to attend the funeral services Props. tomorrow for G M. Caldwell. Brookings .Man Take* Bride— Are you Interested In Aluminum Delbert Jan Griffin, of Brookings, Ware’’ Special« at Holman’s Furni and .Mary Louise DeMattos, of thia ture Store all next weok. 84 city, were married yesterday. Rev. Lawn mowers with ball bearings at C M Cline officiating. Cramer Bros. 84 Aluminum coiundors at $1.19 Hol Big Dame al Hugo- man’s Furniture Store. 84 Dandy music, dandy supper, dandy i Flume lumber al Borland Thoma« time. Everybody come. Saturday, Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 84tf May 21. Six-quart Aluminum teakettles at $1.25, Holman’s Furniture Store. 84 Visits Grants Pass Friend»— Itowdrop lawn «prlnklero, just like ltev. M W. Haynes, D. D., of Mc ruin, ut Cramer Bros. 84 Minnville. was In Grants Paas over Mr«. Charlie Austin and baby ar- night visiting Rev. C- M. Cline, rltxl from Portland this morulng. Mr. other« of the Baptist church. Austin 1» driving through by auto, Hay nee is so well impressed with and lhe family will again beco ili e locality that he plans to return residents of Grants Paas. spend the month of August here as Asthma, bronchitis, lung trouble« a vacation. may 110 cured by Dr. Tompkins meth 82tf Your Old Hat- ods Phono 8U4-K. Typewriting paper— -Courier office la worth 50e to apply on the price lawn and garden fertilizers at of a new one, grade $1.50 and up, 84 Peerless Clothing Co. Cramer Bros Set of 3 sauce pans at $2.25. Hol- 84 Typewrite man's Furniture Store Grass hook«, grass shears and hand Smith Premier No. 4 second hand cultivators at Cramer Bro« 84 for .sale al Kinney A Truax Grocery. Alfalfa seed, field peas. Minnesota No. 13 seed corn, alsike clover seed al ,¿astern Star Member»— 79t! Counts’ Feed Store. Eastern Star members are request Sweet corn, melon and equash •eeu •d to bring old clothing and shoes to 84 he Masonic ball ter shipment to the at Cramer Bros. Mr«. G. M. Caldwell. Mr. and Mr« Near East relief committee. Ship Harold Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ment wll be made May 25. 87 aid Gillis, Fay M. . Caldwell. Mrs. C. F. Dixon and J. 1 A. Pilgrim arrived 1 Wonderful Tint«»— from Portland this afternoon, accom With the best of music at the Gold panying the body of G M. Caldwell Hill open pavilion Saturday, May 21. 84 Aluminum Roasters, the round kind, while they last at $2 25. Hol- 84 A Place for Old Clothes— man's Furniture Store. Japalac in all colors at Cramer! Next Wednesday, May 25th, is "Old, 84 Clyothes Day’’ in the Near East re-1 Bros. Before you build get figures on lief campaign. It is asked that pre your lumber, shingles, lath, doors vious to Wednesday, or on that day, and windows at Borland Thomas that old clothing that is available for Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 64tf this purpose be left at the city hall, White gloss enamel for all wood when it will be turned into the proper work at Cramer Bros. 84 channels to finally assist in protect .Aluminum Double Boilers at $1,75 ing some of the sufferers in the Near and $2 25. Holman's 1’urnlture East. Store. 84 Al J. Martineau and M. Norden ar Worth 3<»c— We allow you 50c for your old bat| rived In Portland this morning, hav ing left Grants Pass Thursday by to kpply on new one. grade $1.50 and automobile. They excepted to reach up. Peerless Clothing Co. the northern city yesterday, but the heavy rains through the Willamette .Modem Woodmen— valley no doubt made travel a bit Meet at W. O. W. hall at 1:30 Sun heavy. Mr. Martineau will remain in day to attend the funeral service of Portland for some time, undergoing Neighbor G. M. Caldwell at Baptist 1 an operation at a Portland hospital church at 2:30. before returning. laiwn mowers sharpened and clean Chautauqua Ticket. Will be on sale at thelRogue River ed at Cramer Bros. 84 Ihin't forget our special Sunday Hardware. Sabin’s drug store and at , chicken dinner at the Aciue Cafe the Chautauqua booth in railroad 84 park. latrsen and Andrews. Props. office. Morchant Printing—Courier Acmo C«fe— At Grants Pass Hotel. Best ------ r place ------- Irrigntion Talk Monilay— The Chamber of Commerce lunch- tn town to eat. Try our hot waffles, shortcakes eon Monday noon promises to be of homemade strawberry unusual Interest. E. S. Shattuck, and pies, Our crab. lobster head of the Shattuck Construction shrimp salads can't be beat. Company, which is building the local quick service try us. -All experienced Andrews. irrigation project, will be the speak- white help. Larsen and Props. er. Mr. Shattuck has built many of the large projects of the west, and Save Sg.'tAM his remarks regarding the local sit Turn in your old suit at the Peer- uation should be hoard hy every per less Clothing Co. 7Stt son who can find a place at the Machinery for IMm— luncheon tables. Two carloads of heavy machinery for the Savage Rapids dam are now Itero From Klamath Falls— Marshall Hooper, now an official being transported from this city to ' connected with a banking institution the dam ready for Installation as at Klamath Falls, is In the city vis- soon as work upon the structure is ting his family. Mr. Hooper has been resumed. Included in the shipment ' called to Jacksonville as a witness in are the hydraulic cylinders that will, the grist of cases to come before the operate the gates upon the crest of j ¡Jackson county court next week as an tho dam. With the arrival of this Saftormath of the failure of the Jack machinery from its makers in Port sonville bank. He was called before land, practically ail the material for the grand Jury during the past week, the C'unr’etion of the structure is the Jury making further investiga now dlr lhe ground. li ions regarding the bank’s affairs Mr. Hooper was n state hank exnmi- ' nor at the time nt the closing of the Institution. Funeral of G. M. Caldwell— The body of G. M. Caldwell, who died In Portland Thursday, reached Grants Pass this afternoon, and the I funeral services will be held from the Baptist church, Sunday, May 22. at 2:80 o’clock. Interment will he In the Granite Hill cemetery. Mr. Caldwell died following an operation, performed at a Portland hospital about two woks ago. He rallied from the effects of the operation for a Hme. hut the later relapse resulted In his death. Mr Caldwell was for many years a resident of Grants Pass, and served as a member of the city council, as well as in other pub lic capacities. Obituary notice will be published later. WHAT’S THE DATE? Can you remember the dates or la your head too full of ad dresses and teiphone numbers to keep track of tlie birthdays and other anniversaries of your friends? And yet It means a lot when some one remem bers your birthday, doesn’t it? It’s no fact of mental magic If you will keep a "Forget-Me- Not" list and SCATTER STNSHINF. WITH GREETING CARDS CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS Sport Skirts mrs. Hellie Deas IV« <lo llrniKtlt« hin« CHOOSE YOUR CLOTHES with the Mime care you would your car. every Individual need in to a style to fit TAILORING f Long life—long fibre woolen«--Ixitli foreign and almost iinliniitml assortment of weaves, colorings Tailored to your measure—at the price you want to pay. Over Sixteen Years Local Dealer GEO. S. CALHOUN NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Prices at Peerless Clothing Co. Shoes for the Family Ju-l res eived shipment of Indies Hiking Breeches, Coats and Shirts. These garments match in color—Olive Drab Khaki. 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S "T RIVOLI 1 NOW PLAYING BRANDING IRON « From the most widely di» ussed novel of the year .by KATHERINE NEWLIN Bl RT, with Barbara Castleton rhe THEME of |H»se»»ion—Does a n>an OWN his wife in th«' same sense that he owns HIS CATTLE? RIVOLI Hand Rehearsal— (Iri i n Peppers— Tuesday. May 2 4, and Friday. May Tomatoes, Artichokes. Cucuatbers and Sweet Potatoes at Kinney & 27. at W. O. W. hall, 8 p. m. All Truax Grocery. $4 band men are urged to be present. F. Lk Coon. Roscoe Bratton, J. R. Hig- 85 genbotham. lx*giun Auxiliary to Meet— The Woman's Auxiliary unit to the local post of the American Legion will hold a special meeting at the ■ourthouse Monday evening at 8 o’clock. This meeting is called for the purpose of Increasing the unit’s membership and for perfecting the working organization. All mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of Am erican legion members are eligible to membership and are cordially in vited to attend this meeting. The ladies will assist the G. A. R. and the legion in the Memorial dap program and other community activities. BORN Mrs. LIGHTFOOT—To Mr. and Chas. Lightfoot, Saturday. May 21, a daughter. G.ALLdNAT—To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallinat. at Rogue River, Satur day, May 21st, a son. STEED To Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Steel, at their home on Foundry street. Friday. May 20th. a daugh- tef. COMING EVENTS May 27 to June 1—Frlday-Wedn day—Chautauqua in Grants Pass.