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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1921)
I GRAN 04 I* AB« DAILY CO URI. H VI'! lilt At . M AY HI. IlfJI. á WANTED DOYLE’S Successor to E. Firth & Company s IIH'MIM’ til Pretty Silk Dresses IN FOI LAIUN4 Mil'll GEOR4ÍETTE 4 oMIUS VIIONS $22.50 Classified Advertising FOR HAI4C Foil RENT PHONE 339-L for fir and pine wood, FOR RENT Furnished «partaient. bone dry. at *3 25 and *3 50 per 61 m G St. 79tt 663 N. 8th Ht. L. F. Boat. 53tf FOR RENT 5 rooms at *25. Va- cant after Thursday, May 19th. 85 FOR HALE Team 6 and 7 year* old. 715 North Second St. weight 2400. Address No. 180 care of Courier. 64tf Foil RENT Furulshcd apartment with wood range and gas stoves. WtXID FOR SALE Fir *.' 25. pine Close In. Inquire at Millinery *3. on ground. 4 miles west on up 8 7 Store, 708 E St. per river road. Posts and building housekeeping pole*, lllvely A Brlckoll, General FURNISHED light rooms for rent. 823 J Street. 84 Delivery. G wtf * WANTED An oil range In good con- ¡dltlon Phoae 179-R. 65tt WANTED -To rent furnished mo dern 4 or 5 room house, north aide of track preferred. Address No. 195 care of Courier. 84 WANTED 100 feet of galvanized pipe In good condition or In smal ler quantltiee. Some faucets and couplings. Wm. Boog, 208 Foun dry street. 84 The world’s record for the contin uous run of one attraction In New York la held by Mr. Al Jolson In "Sinbad,'’ who played there m thia production for two years at four dlf- ferent theaters. "Slnbad" is the 23d spectacular extravaganza to tie pro- WANTED by couple with no chil duced at the Winter Garden, and not dren Modern furnished house on only doee It outshine any of ita pre north side of track, Would con- (jecelRorM )JUt the receipt* overtop 86 anythin« ever known at the Winter alder lease for year. W ANTEIY—Roof shakes Let me Garden, It is Indeed a shimmering know what you have and price at upheaval of oriental opulence, a* ' once. J. L. Johnson, Rd. 1, Box ( gorgeous as a seraph's dream, and as 84 1 magnlflcenct as the midnight sun. In 57. this Incomparable evtravaxanza there I'llYHK'IAN ANDHI RGE4IN are fourteen glittering, gorgeous L. O CLEMENT. M D.. Practice scenes, through which the inimitable limited to disease* of ey*. ear,nose Jolson frisks and frolics, capers and and throat. Phone 62; Rea. 239-4. carols, producing galea upon gales of laughter. During the nine year* that a. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician Al Jolson has been the star of the and surgeon. City or country calls Winter Garden, he has never before attended day or night Phone*. had such an ample budget of corking Re*. 36»; Office. 182; 6tb and H. songs and In the singing of a comic E. J. B1LLICK. M. D. Physician, sur song Al Jolson leaves all other* tar geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; behind. In "tflnbad" he imperson res. 1084 latwnridge. phone 54-L. ates Iribad, the Porter, which gives him ample opportunity for the dis-j W F RUTHERFORD—Manual tbe- I play of all his extraordinary powers. raputics. Office over Barnes* Jew I W|th such an entertainment backed elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. I by a company of 150 people. It is RALPH W. fTTMARNS, M D. Phy-, little wonder that the huge Winter alelan and surgeon. X-Ray eqtiIp- Garden was ;>acked to it* utmost ca mont. off ke In Masonic Temple pacity at each New York perform Bldg.. phone 21-L. ance. At Page theater. Medford. May 25. NTHAYKn FOR SALE !>ry slab wood, 3-Iler I HEAL EHTATE STRAYED Sorrel roan mare with Nine Million Cars Registered. load for |7.50.- Klngle tier, I *2.75.1 bell on, name Nellie. V on shoul A totnl of 9.211.295 motor cars. In Also taking orders for fall deliv- E t . mckinstry . sos g st. phone der. Notify J. T. 'Robinson, Won cluding commercial vehicles, were reg 355-R, real eetate. Beet of soils for erlea of Dr and hard wood C. W. I der. Ore. 87 ister«! last year In the 48 states and Lambrecht, Rd. 1. Grants Pa M. 96 fruit, hay or general farming. District of Columbia, according to fig REWARD ures compiled by the bureau of public gt GAli CURED MEATS Ham*. ba ROY HIGGINS—General real estate. roads of the Department of Agricul con and picnics at reasonable: Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 8». REWARD—1 will give *50 cash for ture. There were also registered a Information leading to the convic total of 288,140 motorcycles. prices. A. A. Hyde, 934 N 9th' tion of the party or parties who street. 98 I took windows from my residence Preferred Death to Blindness; Got Wish pipe SHOP — Plumbing, REPAIR FOR SAI4-5—160 acre* timberland.; on the Takilma road. H. M. Pfef- Discussing his failing sight with work, steam fitting, boiler and Josephine county, W Mi of NW14j ferle. 84 some friends, Elmore Dennis. 94 yean 506 work'and Installing. pump and NH of 8W14. 8oc H T 39 old, of Jackson, Mich., said be hoped IXH'LTRY 8., It. 8 W. What la It worth to South 6th street. Phone 306. G. he did not live until he was blind. Sltf i you for cash Any offer considered. A. Bryan. A short time later he steppe«! Into an FOR SALE — Six-weeks-old Leghorn Address A. D. Dabney, 4827 Elm- j elevutor shaft and fell to his death. cockerels, 15c each or 10c each in CARNER-GA YETTY IRON WORKS wood Ave . Los Angeles, Cal 85 . lots of 50. C. Schaefers. Rd. 2. 83 General foundry and machine Automatic pres* feeding at FOR SAIJ1 80 acree on Deer creek. work; gray Iron and brass cast I'HOTtXIRAI'H Y Cpurler office. 1 mile from poatofflce, good water ( ings, any alxe and quantity. Deal- right. 18 acres plowed, house and | era. In second hand mine and saw THE PICTURE MILL for artistic barn. *3200. Terms. W Mln- photograph*. Hours for sitting. mill machinery, boilers, engines, SALE OF .... 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday sit NOTICE OF GOVERNMENT thorn, 624 West G St. pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F TIMBER tings by appointment only. Phone streets, Grants Paaa, Ore. 94tf FOR SALE--dairge Ice chest and 283-R. or residence 140-J. 65tf General I-ind Office, Washington. cupboard. Call at 507 A St. F. G. A. PRICE - ^Painter and decora D. C.. April 18, 1921. Notice is Nl liNKRY HTOt'K E. Booth. >4 tor. 614 West B street. Granta hereby given that subject to the con Paa*. Ore. Idtf NURSERY—Everything in up to ditions and limitations of the Acts To SELL FOR CASH or exchange date nursery stock, also directions of June 9. 1916, (39 Stat. 218), and for house and lot, 7room modern HANKERS LIFE COMPANY—D** June 4. ?920 (41 Stat.. 758), and for planting and soil culture. Call the instructions of the Secretary of bungalow and largo lot In Medford Moines, Iowa Myron C. Gaston, on F. E. Jordan. 880 North 7th the Interior of September 15, 1917, Address 513 North Central Ave . District Agent. street. Granta Paas, Ore. 4 3tf and June 22. 1920. the timber on the Medford, Ore. 84 following lands will be sold June 3. CAM, UP HARRY JONES. Western 1 1921, at 10 o’clock a. tn., at public ACXXM'NTANT UNCUT HAY lu the field for sale. Hotel, for paper hanging, painting auction at the United States Land Pilone 149 J 84 and kalsomlnlng. 85 AUDITING — Systematizing. See me flee at Roseburg, Oregon, to about daily or monthly audit ser liighest bidder at not less than Foil SALE Ono extra flnaBerkahlre MORE NEW HATS at Mrs. H. E. value as shown by this vice. Ivan Livingston, Incorporat appraised sow from heat registered stock on tice, sale to be subject to the Burton's at a big reduction. 407 ed Accountant. Phone 389, Ad proval of the Secretary of the Inter the coast, |50. Also throe fanejr North Sixth St. 87 dress, Grants Pass. Ore 70tf ior.. The purchase price, with an ad sow pigs 17.50 and *10.00. J. L ditional sum of one-fifth of one per- Johnson. Rd. 1, Box 57, 2 Mi miles JUST ARRIVED A new line of hats. PIANO INSTRUCTION 1 cent thereof, being commissions al Milan sailors and children's hats at 85 lowed, must be deposited at time of north of Grants Pass. Mr*. M. P. Anderson's, 708 E St. MRS. JAMES M. POWER8, Instruc sale, money to be returned it sale FOR HALE Attractive modern bun tor on piano; studio over Barns*' . is not approved, otherwise patent 87 will issue for the timber which must galow, fire place, Dutch kitchen, jewelry. Phone 265-J. be removed within ten years. Bids built-in conveniences. Corner lot. CANDYMAKING business. Start at will be received from citizens of the DENTINfS home. Everything furnished. Men cement walks, close in. No. 193 I United State«, associations of such and women >30 weekly Bon-Bon E. C. MACY. D M. D. Flrst-cla, citizens and corporations organized care Courier. 88 , under the laws of the United States dentistry 109>* S 6tb 8t. Co.. Philadelphia. Pa 108 GOATS FOR SALE- 20 head of An or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a VETERINARY SI R4JEON gora wethers, price *2.50 per head- qualified purchaser, the timber on W. H. Ellis, Inland. Ore 8« MRS. W. R. SWOAPE'S dressmaking DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. any legal subdivsion will be offered Residence 83 8 Washington boule- separately before being inchided ^n WHY PAY MORE? Dry wood for salo Farlors over Kinney & Truax. any offer of a larger unit. T. 39 S.. vard. phone 398-R. Room 3, across hall from oliera cheap. Pine 83 tier, 2-tier load; R 1 W.. Sec. 5. SW%. NWU. Pine fir *3 50 tier. Phone 326-Y. 150 M., Fir 175 M.. none of the pine house. Call and get estimates, er to be sold for less than *2.50 per M., 87 Houser Bros. phone 508. 28tf Advice. and nane of the fir to be sold for lees Never Interrupt a man when he Is that *2.00 per M T. 33 S.. R 5 W.. ¿■XiR SALE 5 horse power steam DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER telling you his troubles. The pause Sec. 9. NW4 SW K, pine 200 M., engine and boiler. Will trade for , fir 440 M., none of the pine to be gasoline engine. Phone 23 4-,R. 88 THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. may give him time to recollect some sold for lees than *2.50 per M., and more.—Boston Transcript. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phase none of the fir to be sold for less III II.DING 4ONTRA4TORS than *1.00 per M. T. 31 S.. R. 7 W. 3 49; residence phone 315-J. THE OALlFXiRNIA AND OREGON Sec.. 1. NE Í4SW>4. fir 300 M., not to be sold for lees than *1.00 per M. HARPER A RON—Building contrac F. G. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi COAST RAILROAD COMPANY T 39 S.. R. 8 W„ Sec 3. SWH tors. Shop work, furniture crating. Time Card anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship NE%, pine 280 M , fir 150 M., NE«4 Shop 510 H St. Res. phone 14 2. Effective Nev. 24, 1919. ped. packed, stored. Phone 124.Y. NWH. pine 220 --- .................... M.. - Fir 45 Trains will run Mondays, Wedn ee- SW14 -VW «4, pine 105 M.. fir 20 A. J. GREEN—General contractor. days and Fridays NW U SW>4, pine 45 M., fir 10 TAX. Ixtave Granta Pass........ ...... 1 P.M. SW>4 swt,. pine 95 M., fir 35 Estimates and plans made. Noth- Arrive Waters Creek ........ 2 P.M. SE>4 SW14. pine 140 M.. fir 10 M., Ing too small or too large. Shop (K)ONDR TAXI—Phone 262-R for loavo Waters Creek........ 2:30 PM. none of the pine to be sold for less Jitney Luke or Cutler. Call* an Arrive 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-L. 92tf Grants Pass.......... 4 PM. than *3.00 per M.. and none of the swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf For Information regarding freight fir to be sold for less than *1.00 per NALASKOWSKI — Contractor. and pAssenger rates call at the office M. WILLIAM APRY, Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for of the company, Lundburg building, Commissioner General Ijtnd Office. Taxi 79tf or telephone 131. 61tf 93 Buy GATES and KELLEYS Get Mileage AND Inopie buy -imply tires and get adjustments. Others buy GATE« St PER-TREAD TIRES and g»8 mileage, and also KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIREH. The tw-st tirew in the world have dropped within the rau h of all. We are exclusive agents. The tM»t tire service in the city. More anil better service. Tires changed, tuls-s repair«! while you wait. Thrive up. Vulcanizing Retreading Half-Soling OLE’S Tire Shop :MMt NORTH «TH ST. DODGE AT A BARGAIN. DIRI» DELIVERY. I»I7, LET IMIS. OVERLAND DE1JVERY MODEL m>. tM>. 1918. FOKDSON TRACTOR AT A REAL BARGAIN. C L HOBART COMPANY E carry a complete line of Electrical Appliances. Come in and see our new Premier Clean er—it sells for less and cleans the best. W GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY uowae. nía YAfkuiKie VT XNVTM 'TVAAX BOOK OM KkthKOSN TRADAWMsi OVX,\ QU\Y XVANX N KKOHTVA AGO 6 Side of Water Office That Should Be in the First Lesson VICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DETIE 1 CHEVRO .MAXWELL A mn göoo GOSW NES' \ COULD RtkÀtVÆÆÂ XMMO IMVÆUTBP 'Xi WCAU XAtxUY WM.ES YVA’ OCENU 'M A VAOLL LOT OF ---------- BUY ÄG' \F \ B üx ' \ tosv \ÀJ\ABR£ \?ux \Y