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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1921)
FRIDAY. JAXI UlY 21. UIIA.XTH 1'AMH DAILY Cut HIE. Unit PAGE THRU Classified Advertising LI V*E Hill ItENT FOB MALE SEASONED WOOD FOR SALE Oak HtH'Bhj FOR KENT Phono 331 R, ami laurel. 84 75; body fir. 14; or call on R D. Cote, at First Na pine anti second growth fir, «3 75; flottai Bank. ' SI manvanlta. 85. 'C. W. latntbrcchl. 2«tf FOR RENT—Furnished apartment Rd h Box 11. «fl’i G street. HOtf ALL KINDS dellvoretl 829 00 HAY- par ton. Rec mo nt the rink at- DILAVALE AM» TltAXHIEIt 90 ternoonx. L W llydc THE WORLD MOVES; so do we NI'RAERV Highest gratia fruit, llunch Transfer Co. Office photic shade, nut trees—also berries and 349; realden e phone 315-J. ornamental In variety. Albany Nurseries (BranchI 880 North F G. IHIIAM. drayags and transfer flat.'* piano* and ’urnltur» Seventh street. Grants Pass. 71 If moved, parksd. shipped and »fared FOR RALE Good 3-roonii‘d plas Office nhone 1 M V tered house About 3 seres good land, small bearing pear orchard REAL UNTATE Pro|>erty first place on isft south E. T. McKINMTRY. «03 G «t . phone of river bridge R. L. Cannon, Rd. 3Ú5-R. real estate. Best of soils for 4. Box 2, Grant* Pass, Ora. 96 fruit, hay or general farming POH BAU! • Completo pumplng plani. Inclttdlng 2000 gallon tank. ROY HIGGINS—General real estate Office ill South Sixth, Phone 0» 2H h p. IniernatlonAl cugino and SUN REDUCES CHOLERA BILL Unwise and Uneconomical to Dcpor-n Entirely on Serum to Protect Swino From Disease, A few tiay»' uorh In the ply pen» und yards »«'raping. dlelnfectlrig nod cleaning I* pretty good bog-cholera In surance. suys the I'ulletl States De- punim iit of Agriculture Htr1< t wiul- tatlou I* tiie be*t aid the frrnier cit’i OLKS with the knack of doing things get a head start each day by breakfasting on O lympic Rolled Oats. The OLYMPIC Line Includes your favorite cereal ujnilardy milled, packed, sealed and wrapped. 2*4 Inch liitlldawser pump. quino 1801 a Street. In HEE HAU.INGER & HITLL for farm, 81 city nnd business property. 10 and 11 Flanagan llldg Phone 284. FOIt RA1.E line tifali* bay 824 per lon at tho barn. 5 mi Iva below PIANO I.AhTKlt’riON city Phone «Ofl-F-1-2. C. H Fls- inins «1 MRS JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc tor on piano; studio over Barn-«' BROODDR STOVE 250 to ¡200 ca jewelry Phone 285-J. pacity. I’sed only three months, hirst class condition. Mrs. Cyrus Wheeler I'liotie 274 y. "7 a street. «2 K V ¡ OLYMPIC] D E. X TINTS C. MACY. D. M II Flrst-e! dentistry 10914 s «th St 8. ARMY’ goods al special sale. Valli Saturday night, January 22 VETERIX ARV SI 1«.EOX all army clothing nt greatly re duced prices. Big reductions In DR R J BESTl'L. Veterinari» u R<-slden'e 838 Washington bout. rain coats. V. S Army Store Co.. v»rd phone 3»«-k Conklin Bide «2 DRY WOOD >X»R SALE -Manzao- Ita and laurel. 85; <>ak, 84 50; plne and tir. 83 75. J L. John son, Rd. 1, box 57. 82 FX»R RALE A Foni truck with Alax- fer atjnchmenl at a bargain. G O. Oititn. Ill Manzanita Ave 83 FOR SALE OR TRADE New Way gas engine equipped with Bosch magneto. 22-lnrh saw. 2 belts and extras. 812*. l«arge pipe wrench, Wanted 13; sanitary couch, 17 —Hay rake, l’-btir harrow, mow Ing machine, seeder. hillside ¡»low. Address loidwlg, Rd. 3. Box 74. «4 FOR SALE—«Balad alfalfa River'Banka Farm*. hay. 80lf_ WAXTEI» ATTOflSEYB D NORTON Attorney-st-ls » Practices In all State sud Fed ra WOMAN WANTS POfllTfON as Courts First National Hank B.dg housekee’.ier, ranch preferred Age 30 years, two school children Will G. W CULVIG. At'.orney-at-law take (25 per month and board and Grant* Pas* Banking Co BMg lodging. Address No. 144 csre of Courier. 81 IE. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Pra tlcei I d all court* First National Hani WANTED Small machine lathe In Building fair condition, Will pay cash for same. Address 31« I street «1 O S. BIxANCH ARI>, Attorney-at-i.i » Golden Rule Bldg Phone .7 WANTED -A coll box and magneto for 2-cyllnder truck. Address Pe C. A. *’’»LER. Attoruey-ai-M» M ter Tangen, Rd. 2. Box 121. 82 aoate su tie. Grants Pass. Ore WANTED —A few more milk custo UEO H DI. KHAM. Attoruey-wl-ia» mers. 10c a quart, come and get It. referee in bankruptcy. Masoun ««3 N. Rth St. L. F. Roat 82 Temple. Phone 185-J. »I IM kl.I.A \MM t pine SHOP—Plumbing, REPAIR work, steam fitting, holler »and 505 A C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuff» Bldg pump work and Installing Èra lice In all co uri» Phone 30« << South «Ih street. 51 if V A C. AHLF. lawyer, nrsciie« tn A. Bryan »’ale sad federal courts Office Nl'RSERV stock of all kinds vrn.t- over Nations! Drug Store «h.idq u:.J fruit tree» Jvo. H Parker ' ?0it * « SOLD ON MONEY BACK PLAN 1 wreck autos and trucks and sell the good parts. Bodies. tops. stMls. cushions, wheel*, tires, rims, wind shield glasses, lamps, gears, bear ings, axles, bolts, magnetos, car- barrators. * ark plugs, rebuilt en gines for any purpose, transmis sion springs. If »anted will In stall the parts. Also I will have a car at nil times to be sold at F> reduction each day until sold, Nearly new 1920 model this time. Watch sign on windshield nt Den- nls Auto Salvage. 505 South Sixth 87 street GEO. M. ASHFORD, C. E. Land sub division, mine anti Irrigation sur veys. «14 N «th St. Phone (MI Iti ll.ltlNG I OX TRAITORS HARPER tv SON- Building contrac tors Shop work, fiirnlritrc crating. Shop 510 II St. Res. rhune 112. •.TH A» I l> STRAY Eli From Naw Hone, reti j heifer calf, white snot on fort head, weiring hell. 10 month* old. Smooth crop off left ear, under Finder please slope In right, phon« «oi-F-13 or write Josephine - M°s*lnter. Rd.'4. Gr tnts Paas.' 81 I Draeon. r i • ■ to the work of the itog-cholers •erunt. It Is unwise ami uneconomical to depend i-n(lrvly upon the letutn to protect the swine from this costly tit» I'HYHKIAX AND NI ItGEON ‘ease. In 1U18 tie farmers pn <1 >1 «■ * rum bill of over ..■ik«t.< at utid they L. O. CLEMENT. M D . Practice . still Itwt taiXMMKX) worth of pig«- limited to diseases of eye. ear.nose ! There can be Uo doubt a* to the effec and throat. Phone «2. Res. 239-J tiveness <>f the serum treatment, but the sensible farmer will do v I nt he H lAJl’GHIUDGE. M D Pbysiclau I mn with aboral. I k * utid disinfectant and surgeon City or country calls to remove the cause of the tumble. The attended day or night Phon » threat of cholera 1» always present so Re* 3«9; Office. 182; «lb and H long u* there are utnlra'lied cesspools nml wallows. Straw slacks should E J HIU.1CK. M. D Physicist, never he left from one year to the next and surgsou. otiles dcballbbrn If they are where the hogs can reach them. Shelters anti pens should lie so block, phone ^4-J. residence Un ctmstructed that they may I h - et ally loi«nridge, phone Sl-i. cleaned utid expttwd to the sunlight. AV F Rl'THERFORD— Manual the- A few day* devoted to Aul'k of th s raputlca. Office over Barnes' Jew-) sort In lite ‘fall when the hogs have been taken from the |H-ns will do much elry. Hours 9 30-12; 1:50-4. io protect tite^terd* of another year. IMWH W STEARNS. M 1». Xray equipment. Phones: Office, 21-J; PROSPECTS FOR CATTLE MEN Residence, 21 -L. • RELIABLE YOI'NG MAN* ' wanri work. Any kind, prefer ran la; Address No 143 care Courier 8« H X I»’.-. T Cholera Thrivrs n auct roundings aa These. ’ .4 fyprasks College ol Agriculture En couragtng Farmers to Increase Thplr Operation*. The Nebraska College of Agrlcul ture Is citcritirnglng farmers tn expand their live stock operation*. Th- scarcity of all kinds of stock, esttecla ly cattle, ixtint* to continued guot price» With feed prices going lower better days *eetn to be neur for botl the live stock rnlser And the live »tocl feetier. While It is true that man.' feeders lost money In the last two t ears, feed prices may be 50 per cent lower than Inst year, Likewise cheap er feed and labor should stlmulatt live stock raising. The number o • attic In the Vnitetl States has bee decreasing at an nlnruilng rate, Tit number in the V tilted States Ims de creased from S9 head for every It» persons In limo to 42 head In't Dttrinc the same period the rate ol slaughter Increased XtkSl.OIki heat! an nually. Stwne |Hs-ple go so far ss to predict that In a few years only mil lionaires can have beefsteak on their lab'e». unless live stock production 1« stimulated. FORAGE FOR BREEDING EWES Supply Is Necessary to Produce Strong, Vigorous Lambs—Helps to Balance Ration. You Can’t Orive a Nail With an Apple Poor printing Breeding ewes must have some good forage In order to produce strong young, ttnd the growing anti develop Ing lanths miqt have it in order to make good healthy ewes for breeding, ami the fattening sheep should have some forage to help balance the'r ration, tlrn'u alone fed to sheep that are Intended for the block will not I reduce the best results. They must I ave a combination of feeds, with some good forage forming the principal pro portion of the ration. on >r paper never inybody. Get Pa work that is good enough to bring you good results. FAT HORSES ARE FREFERREO Use ar. econom It la better for the farmer who has hor-t-.« to sell not to di-tpose of them wl on they are somewhat run down, following 11 hnrd summer's work, but 10 fntuen them up. A fnt her e always brings a much better price even though he be an Inferior horse. Farmer Makes Mistake in Disposing of Anima's When They Are 'omewhit Run Down. ical paper such as ® 0G-1© and come to an eco- nomical printer. That’s us. Quick serv ice and good work at reasonable prices. BROOD SOWS DURING WINTER Should De Maintained as Cheaply as Possible and Yet Farrow Healthy Litters. t/tiD More Printed Matrnsmlilp — Ask SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R for Jl’ner I ike <•» 1'1,11..- '"all« »•■ Automatic press »■verefl »nvwhcrn inv'tnie '«tf Courier offne. feeding at i».c 1 Miring the winter the brood sows should be mnintnlned ns cheaply nr twissible, but nt the snme time the.» the must be properly fed In order to fur tow it large number of healthy. well- I grown pigs In the spring. F.ret Payment of Rent would Is- hard to find exact rec- of the first rent paid. It Is said when the Gerrnans conquered parts of Gaul, the land was parceled out to thlefa, lieutenants nml private soldier». In return the holders of the lands promised military service when needed. Some of the land wt»« given to favorites, who were allowed to pay lit money Instead of service, and the system was established. Rent was '•rrtulnly known In the days that Rome flourished, there Ite'ng Latin names for rent under long leasehold tenure; rent of a farm, ground rent, rent of state Innd« and the annual rent tiay- able for the richt to the perfH-inal en- Joy men» of anything bullt ou Ilio sur- face of t he In nd. GRAHAM lIEnh of the beat quality can only be made from graham flour ground from selected clean wheat which has been ground properly and kept together in its natural proportions. Many mills make graham by mixing bran, shorts, middlings and flour, but they can not get the natural mixture which consti tutes good graham any more whole than yoi can > get real and milk by mixing cream skimmed milk. Try a sack of real graham made by the Ancient Bible. A Bible belonging to Elizabeth Itad- don. a Quakeress, printed lu 1.V13. has been discovered In the East. Th:* Had don B'hle Is sixteen years older thnn the Reims Testament sometimes -poken of a# "the oldest Bible." The Hnddon Bible Is an authentic "Great" B'hle. It is also a "Treacle" Bible I'ttverdale. the translator, rendering “The Prophecye of Jeremye.” gave 'he reading "I am bevy and abafbed; Is there no triade at Gylyad." This In the King James modern version resits "balm In Gilead." The Haddon Bible Is Indeed “Great." If weighs IS pounds, and Its dimen sion» Tire: Thickness. 4*i Inches; width. lOAi Inches, length. 1G>$ Inches. —Detroit News. Few Do Much Walking. Statistics of mankind'* ambulations. Including young children ami old per- *'-ns. and taking Into consideration '.I k .'act that nowadays there ure the Inclination und the ’o ride more and walk less than our fore fathers did. show that n fair estimate of itu uvernge distance walked dur ing the 24 hour* by the men. women ami children of continental l‘nlt««d Stt.tes seem« to he ntlles. The |io«tinnn and rhe tioli'-envu nml the messenger lu.v walk far mor»- m tes tl 1111 four «n tloes the furrier th.nigh the use of the tractor htt* taken iota» <-f the iiurlen of agricultural mirk of.'* mete JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate All styles and sizes Requires about 60 days to fill orders Cor stani iy jn Stock: Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books .Merchant sales books at Courier office AUTO TOFS Replace the shabby top with light, easj -to-liandle wentli.i- l>r«H>f one now. Kmart looking, serviceable top*— tterfect fitting anti Improving the rar*« |.H>k- ,- a «Ide cholee In nw- lerhtl.« and coton. fix my cold « OUR PRICES LOWEST G. B. BERRY ALWAYS keep Dr. King's New Discovery handy. It breaks up hard, stubborn colds and stops the paroxysms of coughing. ” No harmful drugs, but just good medicine. At your druggists, fiOc and 81.20 a bottle. I Grants Pass-Medford Fat coldsandcou^h^ STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. L'fi—' Oct. 25, 1920 Dail.v and Sunday LEAVE Grants Pass PASS MEDFORD Waiting Room in. tOtOO a. tn. Bonbonniere ni. l:oo p. ni m. 4:80 p. m. Phone 160 Dr.King’s New Discovery Stubborn Bowels Tamed Leaving the system unclcaned, clogged bowels unmoved, result* in health de- vtruction. Let the gently stimulating Dr. King's Pills bring to you a regular, normal bowel and liver functioning. Same old price, 25c. Alldruggist*. Prompt! Won't Ate connect with «(ages for Ashland anti Jacksonville Gripe I