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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1921)
PAGE FOl'K Filili tY, J AM tilt HI, «HA .NTH PASH DAILY COI Kl KN I Oll I I PER52NAL *5? LOCAL 1 I la one that shows regular de posits in a good savings bank The earlier you commence to save the sooner you will be in a position to embrace oppor tunities which come ouly to those who have some money. Why not begin at once by open ing an account here? We wel come small accounts as well as large ones. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK S \ N 1 I '1 OF MM'THKRN OIUBGON » The Victory Drag' Saw Outsaws Ten Men Rogue River Hardware Company TH I TVfWHlSTik »TO»» Shoes for the Family f i I Men’s Black Cotton Sox ............. 2 for 25c Mer.’c T; > cy, were 75c, now ., 50c SZen’- were . c, no v 50c CueioiMer- xc Trand Collars 2 for 25c _ l ue iing c _ ^icn s leather work gloves at new prices 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S —1 i,-—•■ — Mr» Ben Morgan, of Roseburg, Kelurne From Porlland— spent Thursday in this dry, the guest Mis» Marlon dined has returned or Mrs Stanton Rowell from Portland, and la airain at home Just received another barrel bulk at the Country Chib Orchard», at Cocoa. 30c lb. Basket Grocery 81 Merlin T Y IWan left Tuesday Tor San I Francisco to enter the Southern Pg- One-half I’rico— Any suit or overcoat, one-half I eiflc hospital for treatment, expect- price, at Peerlnss Clothing Co. 70tf ' Ing to be there about a month. Have only a small amount of open Hoiix'iimdc Xoodlra— time loft, so rush vour orders for \n<l chicken broth at the Bonbon, piano tuning. Phone tm-J All work nier» Saturday night after the dance guaranteed Clarence Kienle of i Portland. Ore 81 A I xm of Fun— Mrs Irene Fry. of Tacoma, re At the dance Saturday ni»ht Will' ' turned last night to her home after have a William Tell waits. 81 ' spending a week with Mrs. Carl Gent ner. Xew Horticulturist trrhra—- Peaches or Ypricota. large cans., Carter C. Fultx, recently from Du 25c. Basket Grocery. 81 fur. Oregon, is now connected with Miss Margaret Morrison, of Crea- l J the Country Club orchards, at Mer cent City, visited her cousin. Mr» lin. as horticulturist Harve Faublon. and left this morn-l ♦ Ing for Marshfield. Save Money— l«eopold Godowsky. who appear»' Buy your auit or ovorcoat for H at Medford June 25. records exclu i price at the Peerless Clothing Store sively for the Brunswick Phonograph; Co. His records are sold exclusivo-1 Irrigation District .M<«ting— ly by Stanton Rowell. 8t| ; Then* will be a meeting of the land Mr. and Mrs. Theo latndls left | owners of the Granta Paas Irrigation thia morning for Portland. They I District at the courthouse on Mou spent two months In CaHofrnla and day. January SA. at 1 o'clock lt Is stopped off here for a week with a of vital importance that every land sister. Mrs Rea Calvert owner bo present Committee • _________ Guaranteed pure Buckwheat al Basket Grocery 81 Visit old channel Mine— Mr and Mrs T H. Horning left Edgar T. 'Wallace, of Han Fran- this morning, returning to their cisco, and S. A. Holman, of Oak-, home at Otter Rock after spending land, arrived in the city last nicht. two months with their son. Herman »nd this morning left for Gallee, where they are interested In the Old Horning. Channel mine. llroom Special, Mb-— Wonder Saturday only a store. Conklin Bld« Sate u mol i- »lin iHdtliiml» Km* roMory luminisi gown« Children . rompere We «h» ll«Mii»Ut<liing rnrs. nellle Reas FASHION’S LATEST DECREES IM OlUGIX \TI l> in for spring »ml Summer, lirjl. »ho» » disili«’«! < liiuige In favor «Í roomier gurmenla. A well deie|o|>ed < lirai an«l a full blade effort I» the moot important Improve meat. Sktrvn yrMrw local dealer GEO 3. CALHOUN Extra Special Any Suit or Overcoat 1-2 Price Peerless Clothing Co. Divorre lotion File« .Mrs Mabelle laimont has Hied ac- tfon for divorce from her husband. Paul Tjimont. alleging cruel and In human treatment The plaintiff asks that she be granted the right to the use of her maiden name of Maebelle Seybold w T J fi- dû r! Granta Pa»« Jau t>rrlia»i Will furnish the music for dance at the Waldorf hall Saturday night. Opi«»»«- Park Extension— I etters receive«! from men repre- j senting the cattle and stock interests In eastern Oregon, particularly In The growth of your business is in large and around Prineville, state that the people concerned in the livestock i .e. sure what you determine to make business that locality are greatly •Ive to make 1921 a very pros- aroused over the prospect of Dia ou decide wisely in mond I«ake being annexed to the • Pass and Josephine Crater Lake National park The with ir depository—you’ll find our drawal of the fine range In and around Diamond Igike. In the terri '.¡< e helpful. tory included by the park commis sion in requesting the extension of the borders of Crater latke park. wo >ld greatly Injure the cattle busi ness not only in eaatern Oregon but grants P ass .O regon in this section of the state also The lexers state that all possible pres sure will be brought to bear to pre vent the annexation of Diamond Probe Jacksonville Case»— rain matters pertaining to the Jack- Lake to Crater 1<ake park —Ro«»- F. C. Bramwell, the new state n- - >”vi'.le unk cases—Mail-Tri >une. burg News-Revfew perintendent of banks, arrived in Spence New Night Clerk— Whv Cook Sunday Dinner— Medford on this morning's train from B. W. Spence is the new night At home, when yoi can «et cream- the north, was met at the depot by clerk who was on duty for the first ed chicken for 25c a plate at the Bon former County Prosecutor Geo. M. time at the Josephine hotel last bonniere Roberts, and together they wen at night. Mr. Spence arrived from once to Jacksonville to look into cer- Portland yesterday Merchant Printen—Courier. rZ^LvE TO MAKE 1921 A PROS PEROUS YEAR Grants Pass and Josephine Bank $ ‘What do you need moat in your home?” DOWN will put this wonderful labor-saver in .your home now. The few remain ing easy payments arc really met with the savings of laundry bills. Time, worry and work saved means something, too. WHY DOES EVERY WOMAN? WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS GLAD WHEN IT’S OVER? Doesn’t washday mean in your household a day of contusion and long hours of h.'ird work? It does in homes where the washing is not done electricallv with the Western Electric NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! THE SPECIAL EASY TERMS ARE GOOD UNTIL FEBRUARY 12TH! WASHER AND WRINGER WESTERN ELECTRIC Washer with Swinging Wringer With the swinging wringer you can wring the clothes from the washer into the rinse water, from there to the bluing water and then into the basket without having to move the washer. ». Wash day becomes wash hour and all trouble, confusion and fa tigue that the old-time wash-board rubbing and hand-wringing brought into the house are banished at once and for all time. Phone 47 PAUL’S ELECTRIC STORE 203 South Sixth Street «a Will next wash day find you rubbing mid wringing the Haine old-fashioned back-breaking way! Or will it mark the beginning of a lifetime freedom from the washtub and scrubbing board?