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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1921)
GRANTS I* ASM DAILY (AH'RIER PAGE TWO i hip it. J t\i '!<' *$. nwi. X MIS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. B. Voorhiea, Pub. and Propr. Sun Meen’s Watered at poatofftce, Grants Pass. Or«., as second class mail matter. NOODLES AND SAUCE CRAB LOBSTER ADVERTISING RATES Utaplay apace, per inch------------ 35c Local-person a I column, per line ...10c Readers, per line--------------------- Sc f 4 SHRIMP DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, par year---- $$ 00 By mail or carrier, par month.. .50 % THE UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year------------------- $2.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in th!« paper and also the local news pub provisions are concerned, why the tished herein. county may not collect the tax levy All rights of republication of •pa- sial dispatches herein are also re- for hospital purpose«, and when col lected expend the mone- . in that served. manner However, the county will FRIDAY. JANI 'ARY 21. 1021 not be permitted to inert any indebt edness in this regard." ■ • ♦ OREGON WEATHER vi ♦ ♦ Tonight and Saturday talr. ♦ except probably rain northwest ♦ ♦ portion. ♦ « (Continued from Page One) % Medford Fluff Rug Man— Will be in Grants Pass Saturday. | Get those fluff rugs ready for spring , houaecleanlng Phons ,’2-J. Grants | Paas 81 NEW TODAY INSURANCE—Fir«, antomobil«. Ufa. accident and health. T M. Stott. 308 North Sixth St $2ti | ’H E problem of the un- * employed is one that the entire world faces. It is a serious one. You can help materially in solving it for Oregon. « You can begin today—-in your own home—in your business. t REPATR WORK of an' description | Ament’s Auto Repair and Machine I Shop. Phone 113-J. ' 81 SPECIAL SALE for thia week only on IT. S. army goods gOOd' —Blanket*, j shirts, raincoat*. belts, breeches. pants, coats, legs ins. slick- i ers. caps and a complete line I of army goods Call early and i get your choice. 1 V. ft Army Store I Co., Conklin Bldg. 92 pital Is required to vacate its present j THE CARE OF THE SUFFERING quarters by Fel rtiarv 1st. Regard leas of what may be the "The county has three inmates, or opinion of a pqrson as to the advis patients, one of whom can be remov- ability of the purchase of a resi * ed to the county home by that time, but two can not and no place can be dence property for hospital purpose«, found where they can be cared for the situation arose that Josephine The understanding reached is that county must provide for the care of the Clarke property, consisting of REWARD- $25 will be paid for the its sick and injured. Humanity puts the house and 150 feet square will be Immediate return of articles stolen j purchased by a trustee and occupied no duty or privilege upon the people from my residence Saturday night, for a hospital at once, the purchase BUY OREGON PRODUCTS than that of the care of the Ijl, and and no questions asked, or $50. price being 13.000, to be paid for reward for the arrest and convi«« more particularly the care of those when the taxes provided for tn the tlon of party or parties responslbl i. who are without means to care for budget shall be collected, probably for the theft. A. E. Voorbies. 8 J | themselves. There is no objection so one-half in May and the balance in ASSOCIATED INDI’STRIES OF OREGON potent that it could stand long in November following. There will be WANTED—Your car to overhaul. no interest paid and no obligation to All work guarantee«!. Ament’« the way of some solution of the purchase more land in the future;11 -Auto Repair and Machine Shop. 81 problem, and the county court has in fact it is well understood that no FOR SALE—Modern bungalow on given earnest thought to the matter more land is to be purchased. north side of track, Close tn. Has “The price quoted above includes before acting, and the Courier be garage and garden, Splendid llt- the merits of the plav or tlie photo lieves that It ha* acted conscientious personal property valued at not lew tie home. Address No. 147 care than $300. The doctors are to put play are concerned, bearing out the 81 ly and as wisdom would direct The of Courier. in $1500 in Improving the btfilding old adage that “ the play’s the GINGHAM 15 CENTS A YARD Immediate provision of hospital ac and equipping the hospital, all such FOR SALE --Everbearing straw- thing" after all. An excellent ex- 27-inch Outing Flannel. 18c yd. commodations for the patients, espe improvements and equipment to be berry plants. $1.50 per hundred, ample of a motion picture that ha.' Cheviot Cloth, 5f> patterns to «'hoose front 19c a yard J. M. Branscombe, phone 6O2-F- succeeded and yet strictly speaking cially those who are charges of the owned by the county. All doctors Devonshire ( ’ loth 32c 82 22. a composite cast having patients In the hospital are to has no "star.” but county, was the first consideration. \ ar<l Wide Percales 23c pay $50 annually into a fund for up FOR SALE—De Laval cream separa- of players. Is furnished In Allan We have the experience of eight keep. tor In good condition. Prlco $35. Dwan’s latest production, "The Scof-1 years ago when a dying patient was RIDING PANTS FOR MEN “For a long time the county has Call 5OO-R-3. * 82 fer." which opens a two day run at | found in the make-shift quarters at been paying $50 per month to «he \\ hi|H-ords the Rivoli today. A feature which: $3.45 ESTRAY—There came to my place the county home in most distressing support of the hospital, this payment many critics mention flrat in review Genuine Moleskin $4.29 January 15. one Guernsey heifer. ing this picture la the uniformity of | •nrroundings to guide tn the care of now to cease. The nurses are to pay Others at 2 years old. metal mark in left $3.19 and $3.25 to the county $25 per month rent for the finished acting throughout I patients since. Jersey steer, ear. and 1 year old the use of the hospital after such ’’Every member of the cast 1» a hap Men’s Overalls $1.35, heavv weight no marks or brands Owner pay As adding further light upon the time as the county purchases it. The py selection.” commented one re charges. W. advertising and feed Meli ’ s Overalls $1.25, blue i right of the eonntv to purchase pro-' county will pay the regular charge, viewer. "and it la further proof that | X« L. Hayes. Murphy. .Junipers $1.25 and $1.35, blue now $20 per week, the same as the pertv for hospital purposes, the fol a atar la not absolutely Indispensable FOR SALE—Shadeland Eclipse seed to meritorious filming." lowing opinion by Attorney Norton public pays, for its ward patients. oats, recleaned. W. L. Hayes. Mur “To summarize: The county will Mr Dwan stresses the care he ex was before the county court: phy. or C. N. Culy, cooperative ercised In making his selections of invest $3000 for the property and "The power to acquire and oper- ■ ■ the doctors add to this $1500 for shipping manger. Grants Pass. 81 tf players for the company to present ate a hospital was granted by legis ¡betterment and equipment, making a "The Scoffer." He la said to have lative act of 1911. which is now Sec total investment of $4500. to be Ancient Popular Pastime waited weeks In order to »ecure aom« tion 3353 of Olson’s Oregon ILaws. The Chliw-e have played ball In va of those chosen in order to give them 1 owned by the county. Instead “The only serioim question is the j paying $50 per month as in the past rious yay* from time« of remote an an opportunity to complete existing method of defraying the expense of to the support of the hospital ths tiquity. For centuries games of ball contracts for other film concerns. ”1 have been known nod played In Japan. the hospital purchase. county will receive $25 per month Ethiopian nod East Indian traditions held up the taking of my picture “Josephine county is prohibited rent and will save the bonus of $50 refer to with bulls played man.' rather than make any second choice» from going in debt In this regard per month as paid in the past, saving centuries «go. and I am gratified with the result of nnder the limitations prescribed in $600 per year; receive in rents $300 my patience in this instance, Section 10 of Article 11 of the Ore !and at least $200 per year donation popular director says. gon constitution, as amendetf which by the doctors, making a total of sav THIS “ANGEL’’ WAS A KITE ✓ _ prohibits Indebtedness In excess of ing and income of $1100 per year, $5.000, the county now being in debt and in addition county hospital pa But Superttdioua Railroad Man Whc Shot It Down Wat Certainly In excess of that amount for items tients will be cared for at less cost Scared for a Time. not excepted from the operation of than nurses can be hired at the coun that Section. ty home or at some other place, tak “The shooting." says a Texn« The only method remaining is for ing into consideration board "occurred some yetirs ago on the the county to levy a special tax for “The county will own the property, hnndle brunch of the Santa Fe hospital purposes and to use the which should bring all of the $3000 the hero <>f the tale nns-n superstition funds when collected, in that man actually Invested in the event that engineer who believed in ’warnings ner. but in doing this the county some better arrangement can be "One night he was rolling along nt MR-HAPPY cannot raise a greater amount of made at a future time. The plan is a good «peed, when he «aw n dear PARTY revenue for such purposes than the not all that is desired but seems the white light, like a wlll-o’-the-wi.«p total amount levied for the year Im- best way out of the situation caused dancing over the track a few hundred (Continued from Page One) feet In front. He shut off steam and mediately preceding, pins 6 per cent by the closing of the hospital.’’ ciime to a stop as quickly as he could thereof. there are some of these groups, more The« conductor and train crew came ‘T am advised that the County vocal than representative of real running up to the engine to see what Office stationery—Courier office. Court fn De'embar. 1920. Included In public opinion who manlfe-t hitter was the matter. their budge* an Item for hospital feeling against Britain. But when “ ‘There Is some one swinging a Inn purposes, and -hat this item was In Only <>nc of those New Dressers left an Important question arises, when a tern serosa the track, said the engi at $17.50- Cottin is coming up. Mat cluded In th« lev-- which was subse I NOURISHMENT'S A * neer. and the crew went ahead to In real issue come« "fare us. »hen the quently mad« and that the total tresses will be higher—a few 4O-I b. vestigate. RtMEDV— - sober public opinion of the United - at *11.73. Will «mount of the levy Is within the 6 iyi cotton ones ■ left “ ’We can’t find anyone,’ repor'ed States asserts itself. FOR. V4HAT AILS in on now take 2nd hand mattresses lr. per cent limitation. the rear hrnketnnn. and the engineer “I never have bad the .slightest B oth you and me “Such being ’he '■ase. there I« no one*. pulled out ngaln. but he went, s'owly. concern over the relations of the Iwo l-HONE ”1 reason, so far as the constitutional and in a few minutes stopped again countries. We form the strongest Mr. I*arty has written a per- The crow went aheyl once more to union for peace between nations thnt see what was the cause of the light. f acriptlon for all hungry folks. exists in the world today. We have The conductor, who wax a good shot He advises you to «at the drew his revolver, and nt his second got Into the habit of settling all our choice meats that we ROll. You «hot there was a crash, a scream, and different«» .by means of negotiation the light went out. and something get sixteen ounces to the and arbitration. The great bpdy of white came fluttering down from the the people fn the United Staten can Pound of nourlshnmi It III this clouds. not conceive of a war between the •hop. “The engineer was xrarM. ‘Ynu’vp two countries because they are confi «hot an angel, sure,' he an Id to the dent that any matters in dispute cnti conductor, with a face aa pnle n« Watch for Mr. Happy Purty and will lie nettled either by negotia death. I tion or by th« Judgment of n court “Investigation brought out the fact thnt a small boy, with a lantern tied Sick Headache, Sour Stomach. Bloat ns with iieople In any domestic J'tr- Ixdictlon where law pud order pre NEW PRICE to the tall of a kite, was the cause «♦ ing, G m , Constipation— all theae dia- $7.85 the trouble; but for a long time It treadng conarqu- ncca of indigeation at« vail.” tensed the engineer to be asked about avoided if the bowel* are keep ope« ’shooting angel».’” and regular. tl>e United ' es h «* - s e, - - —« M «m « 50Í G Street > not alarming "Wr ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ fc «. m A * i jtiAJ.'.ä*I sillent people and r; AMI SEMFNTS act p orr ptly, paU or nausea. ♦ • ♦ ♦ • *♦♦♦♦♦♦ Th'V .M nr tlie Lov-ela, »wei-UO lbs out.” he said. ’’Con Ing to help In the mi The public lias chine to rocogni’e atomach and tone up the liver. E. R WMaaSurat. R- F D. 1, NarfoaS, Va. the fact that absence of a star from 'Foley Cathartic Tablet* have to« tnota Office stationery -Courier office. a cast often mean« little so far as good thao an« medicioe I fur uaeu." Keep people at work in Oregon's ^factories and everythingjwill be fine SAMPLE STORE Two Second Hand DODGES At Bargain Prices C. L. Hobart Co Plaid Skirts For Biliousness CITY e re i / I