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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1920)
GRAN TH P.WIH DAILY OOUILKM Till llMDAY, OCTOIIKH »I, Itrjo. I Classified Advertising KOH MALM WANTED TO RENT 4 or & room boues, furnished or unfurnished. FOR HAIJC Tennessee White Win Phone 880-J. »9 ter Barley and Oray Winter Oats tor fall seeding. River Banka WANTED Wood cutter», pay 92 76 Farms, Rd. 2*, Ursula Pass. 68tf per cord for cutting fir. H. H. M<Clung, Wonder, Ore. 10 ALFALFA HAY If you waut good FOH HMNT buy see H. N. Parker. Phone 196-Y FOR RENT- Upper futnl.h"d fist and garage with nil convenience« FOR BAIJC— 1 drag saw. 1 16-b p. at 915 per month. Adults only ansias t 8- b. p engine. 1 6-h. Apply Mrs. Howard. «21 D stroet p. sagina. All nearly uew. 409 09 10« F atrsat. Phone 161-Y. =. - .*—y ¿g-. .. .a MIMOMLLAMWOl'N MASONED WOOD FOR SALE Oak and laurel, 94.50; body fir, 94; KNIGHTS <M” PYTHIAS - Ther pine and second growth fir, 93.80; mopylae lodge No. 60, meets evi-ry mansanlta, 98. C. W. Igimbrecht, second and fourth Tuesday even Rd 1. Box 11. >4 ing Visitors Invited. 09tf FOR SALE CHEAP Team, wagon NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna mental, shads and fruit tree». Geo. and good herneas Team weighs H. Parker. 70tf 2100. Inquire of Al Teal. lOOtf Foil 8A1JC One work horse end one ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent. saddle pony. A Grlshaber. P. O. Box 133. 06 660 N. 7th St., Grants Paas. 88tf FOR BALE Baby buggy in good BELL TREES FOR U8—Heavy de mand. Attractive contract. Sat condition Inquire at 300 North isfactory «lock. Good line of va- Fourth Bl., phone 394-J. 04 rletles. Sign up Immediately to; WOOD FOR BAIAÎ Delivered for secure best results. Salem Nur I per tier Phono W H H»b- sery Company, 428 Oregon Bldg., | Inson, Wlldervllle 01 tf Salem. Ore. 110 FOR RALE- - 230-egg Incubator In WILL BUILD SAWMILL or will good condition Price 912. Call operate mill, or woods, or both. at 123 9 East M street 06 20 yearn of experience Can give reference. L. L. Pauleon, 601 FOR HALE Full seed rye, 5c per North 8th Bt 07 pound If sacks furnished. H. M. and D 8. Button. Williams, Ore •’SINGER" leads as usual -1921 07 model« on floor Grants Paas Hard* ware Oo. Bee them. Your tarma FOR RALE River Banks Bslter are ours, J W. Scott, sales man- Berkshire! Thrifty, prolific stock. agur Binger Sewing Machine Co. River Banks Farms. 03tf 76tf FDR SALE 1914 model Ford. 9225 if taken at once. Room 31, West FUR WORK a specialty; dressmak ing and ladle« tailoring; every ern Hotel. 09 line of hand work and Spanish ICO ACRE farm. 40 acres cultivated, drawn work for the holiday sea good buildings, orchard, water and son; now Is the time to get orders fence. Price >7000. Will take In for satisfactory service. Mrs. some trade 718 E street Grants W. 'll. Swope, 661 North 3rd St. Paas. 09 Call and get estimates. 30 FOR 8AI»E OR RENT- 960 acres of CIVIL HNGINKHR land. 150 acres In cultivation, the rest in pasture and timber. Good (EVIL ENGINEER Daniel McFar land. Olvll Engineer and Surveyor. location For particulars write to Ree 747 North Tenth Bl Phone Box Number 102, Kerby,’Ore. 16 311-Y. 1011 - i —, FOR 3AlsE— 200 pieces 2x4« at 910 - -................. DRAYAGK AND TRANSFER per M; 2000 feel IH and 2-lnch plank at 910 and 916 per M; 1 THE WORLD MOVES; so do we hand power washing machine, 95. Buuch Bros Tianafer Co. I’liouc H N Johnson, Rd 1. Box 26A. 349. 8 miles north of aranta Pees on ■ Pacific highway, 1 mile from the F. U. ..IllAM. dravage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture Pleasant Valley store. 05tf moved, packed, skipped and stored HICYC1.E In good condition, flrsl- Office phoqe J24-Y. claaa Ursa, for sale; also bicycle PHYSICIANS frame with good wheels and tires 661 North Third St. 10 L. O. CLEMENT, M D., Practice! FOR SALE Handsome gum wood dresser, with large beveled French mirror. • ■ set single harness. Call mornings, or evenings before 7 at 818 N. 5th St. 06 s. WANTED limited to diseases of eye, oar. nose 1 and throat. Glasses fitted Hours 9-18. 2-6, or on «¡»{»ointment.; Phone«, office 62; residence 359-J. I UQVOBMDGE, M. D. Physician! and surgeon. City or country calls t attended day or night Phon»»«. He« 369; Office. 188; 6tb and H. WANTED—100 head weaned calves, raised oa cow, stalo price of stock. G. W. King, Montague, Cal. 123 E. J. UI LUCK, .M. D. Physician and surgeon, utfloe Schallhorn WANTED -Job In or near town. Can block, phone 54-J; residence. 1004 handle trucks or other care, also Isiwnrldge, phone 54-L. steam engines. Call at 601 North Eighth street. * 06 W. F. RUTHERFORD— Manual 'he raputics. It gets your arrment. WANTED-Contract for clearing Office over Barnes' Jewelry store land. Call at «01 North Sth St. 06 Office hours 9:80-12; 1:90-4. WANTED Span of horses and good wagon, also 2 cook stoves. Address Rd. 2. Box 60-B. 06 PAGE ♦- We have nxperi<nce>! a very wet «Nil, it hav ruined ¿early »teedy since Oc<ober ’» Tom J. Smith Is visiting hl« sis ters. Mrs. James and Mrs. Fred Sey- ferth, Mr«. Myrtle Pfefferle of Brook ings, spent a few days in our valley. Mr and Mrs. E. L. Hays came over | from Crescent City last week and will go on to Gazelle, Cal., to visit : Mrs. Della Msnzay. Mr and Mrs. C. W. Woodcock are i visiting a few weeks In Washington i with her parent«. Mrs. Ethel lleckendorf la quite 111 ■ with what I n reported typhoid fever. We hope to hear of her speedy re- ’ covery. Chas. Duncan, A. J. Fulk. Cha«. I Seward and daughter. Mln« Margue rite Durkee, were Grant« Pass vis- . I tor« .Monday. Mrs. Vivian Grimmett, who has; been quite ill Is much Improved at' this writing. -Mr. and Mrs. Dave Renfro have returned to California after a «bort Oregon Must Have a Port Equal to Any Port on the Pacific Coast Initiative measure no. 310 on the ballot gives to the Port of Portland means to create such a port. The primary object of this bill is to furnish the means to in sure the opening and maintaining of a 30 foot channel from Port land to the sea and of building and establishing port facilities at the City of Portland s ufficient to handle the foreign and coastwise shipping of that port. The cost of this improvement will be met by the people liv ing within the boundaries of the Port of Portland. When you go to the Polls November 2nd vote 310 YES and give to the Port of Portland the power to maintain its 30 foot channel to the sea and to build adequate port facilities to handle all of the great products of the interior of the state. The passage of this bill means lower freight rates for the products of Oregon in reaching the markets of the world and a consequent greater profit to producers. This is the most important and most valuable measure that has ever been put up to the voters of the interior portions of the state. Millions for a New Stomach One of the greatest A mermen millin- aires said to his physician, “A million dollars, Doctor, spot cash and no grum bling, for a new stomach,” and then the sick man groaned and turned away. All lua wealth could not make him happy or contented, for happiness large ly defienda upon digestion. Without health where doe« happineas come in! After all the stomach plays a great part in everyday life. Without a healthy stomach and good digestion our blood is thin, watery and poor, our heart action is weak, our liver docs not do its duty, anil man is miserable and unhappy. Prevent disease by putting the house in order and strengthening the system against the germs of disease. Dr. Pierce, of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y-, years sgo understood diseases and their prevention, and be discovered cert an roots and herbs which were nature’s remedies, and succeeded in putting them up in a form that could I».» easily pro cured at the drug store (liquid or tablets). This he called Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This Dis- covery gives no false stimulation be- cause it contains no alcohol or any dar eotie. It hnlps di gestion and the as- siznilation oí aueh elements in the food as are r«iuired for the blood. It gives to the blood the fooo elements the tis sues require. For over fifty years it has enjoyed the confidence of the American public. Try it nowl Didyou-Gver d beating Storm in a'J fish ; BRAND; Reflex ' Slicker? OhBcy’tWs protection OREGON PORT DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE G. S. O’Neal, Secretary (Paid Advertisement) ¡N T visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. J S. Miller made a brief vls- | It with her mother, Mrs. H. H. tlibbs last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Masters, of San Francisco, have visited the past three weeks with Mrs. John Krauss. John Krauss is quite ill at this writing. Samuel Eggers is spending a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Sowell. tOWER* AJ. TOWER CO. í niASUMt>»M BOSTON. MASS. ar«r»s rwmwvrar of the Pacific CoaSt use ^Zerolene PLEASANT GROVE G. W. Britton made a business trip to Grants Pass Saturday. Dave Evans, from Clear I-ake. Wash., is now visiting friends and neighbor^ Wild a McCallister and Florence I Matheson, of Kerby, spent the week end visiting friends and relatives. The rainfall proves to be unsatis- | factory to the anple picking at the River Banks Farms. Not many apples have yet been picked. Mrs. George Britton called on Mrs. Smith Friday. Mrs. Ella Young returned to her home at Kerby after spending the summer in this vicinity. Wes Smith made a business trip to Grants Pass Saturday. Robert Inks, of River Banks has purchased the George McCallister farm at Kerby. * Charley l«ewis and family visited the parents of Mrs. I-ewis at Holland for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Dressel. of Yreka, are spending a few days in Grants Pass. Greeta Smith and Vernice Beagle, who are attending high school in Grants Pass spent the week end at the home of the former's parents. 1 for you. boklorlhsRellextd^e Moæ than half the motorists I SIANDARD OIL COMPANY CCALIVOBJJIA) Corred lubrication grade for each type of engine / I Used Car Bargains j Used cars that you can use. All in first-class condition. Only Re’l “Failure." I’m proof against that wind “fall- ore " I’ve 'eon liehlnd It. The only failure a man ought to fear Is failure In cleaving to the purpose he sees to e best.—George Eliot. RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- ! , ■■■— ............. . alelan and surgeon, X-ray equlp- ■ ■■! O- i- ment, dental X-ray. OfTice. Ms- sonic Temple Bldg. Phonee Of- WANTED Several small houses for 3 O WHITE U0GHCRN3, O. A. C. flee 21-J; residence 31-L. sale- quick. W. H. Patullo, r<al strain, pullets, laying hens and VETERINARY SURGEON cockrels for sale. Address No. estate. 09 2497 care Courier. 0« DR. R. J BE8TUL. Veterinarian. REAL ESTATE Residence 83 8 Washington boule A min is as old an hia organs; he MICKIE SAYS vard, phone 398-R. E. T. MoKlNSTRY, 60S 0 St., phone can be as vigorous and healthy at 355-R, general real estate business 70 as at 35 if he aids hie organs in DENTISTS Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen performing their functions. Keep oev»NOOHt\ ft set your vital organs healthy with First-class eral farming. SOMl TM* »O«« * ft« BUAS I E. C. MACY. D. M. D. I dentistry. 109 5« 8. 6th 3t. T* PBN «N ÄN OftN m V nit BObAt PIANO INSTRUCTION I fou * b atr wnnueo sneux ATTORNEYS 1VAtY ft»« Mt < VA'* »S*. TV*' MRS. JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc tor on piano; studio over Barnes* II. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. CAPSULES Jewelry; open 9 to 5 dally, except Practices In all State and Federal Monday and Tuesday. Phone 265-J The world’s standsrd remedy for kidney, Courts. First National Bank Bldg. liver, bladder and uric acid troubles G. W. OOLVIG, Attorney-at-law. eibce 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates TAX. vital organs. AU druggists, three sixes. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. SOONER TAXI Phone 262-lt tor j Leeh ter the Mme Gold Med.l on evwr be» sod accept no innUlioa Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney Prsctices swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf In all courts. First National Bank ONE I OU' MODEL OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX THREE lots MODEL 4OO CHEVROLET TOURING CARS TWO 1917 MODEL FORD TOURI.IG CARS ONE 1H TON MAXWELL TRUCK. 1920 MODEL, EQUIPPED WITH PNEUMATIC TIRES. THREE CARS WE WILL SELL AT A SACRIFICE. 511 ST GET RID OF THEM. WILL MAKE FIRST CLASS BUGS. MAN’S BEST AGE t COLD MEDAL Building PALACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. Wind. O. 3. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. A oyviâft iCHTQ iS f tVM I h Q u M u N Aw AM luf vova ao **■* <>un MVa u i 1!< th T a ' 'TAfo 5Tmv * C. A. S’DLEK, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic I »m.nla. Grants Pass, Ore. i GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law referee In bankruptcy, Masonic Tempi«. Phone 185-J. Tom 03tf The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 24, 1919. JAMES T. CHINNOCK lawyer Trains will run Mondays, Wednee- days and Fridays First National IlHnk Building. I^ave Grants T ass P.M. 1 P.M. A. C. HOUGH—lawyer, Tuffs Bldg Arrive Waters Creek........... 2 Ix>ave Waters Creek.......... 2:30 P.M J Practice In all courts. P.M. I Arrive Grants Pass............. 4 l-'or Information regarding freight V. A. C. AHLE, lawyer, practice In and passenger retes call at the office I «'ate and federal courts. Office of the company, Lundburg building, over National Drug Store, or telephone 191. AGENTS COLUNS AUTO COMPANY \CCI<SORIi£ 5// 1 PLr 1 To« CAPSULES APrsmrsttoaof•I COMPOUND COPAIBA «nd CUBEBS I «H — AT YOUR BWuCGtST— I CHICHESTER S PILLS VÁ!. TOK 1.HMOM» nnxxtx A rsTüBxra rw T «b« no el Her l}„ of 3®«r T RrWfî»XnAili4>D iuUAlSy yean k nr»wn its Best, Safest. Always Rdiabla SOLD àiDXl GiilS IS BtRYWHUŒ H» TPÍ.I..SC PHONE ?I7 9 e FOR. HUDSON^ MAXWELL. CEALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS H STREET, GRANTS PASS rjtE i