Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1920)
«HANIM P. CAGE FOLK Financing a Nation “at Work” lk» you realise that the coat »«ms ,>p"v«u«’n of our industrial plants defWSMfa u|x>n an unfailing supply <4 banking ac<omni>‘«la. tiou, credit, or more briefly, loans? It la the function of the Fed eral Rreerve SjMevu to insure at all time», an aiuple supply of such loans for current commercial need». Thea«' loans arc inatie available through tauik» whl«h arc member* «4 the System By banking with us. you aid in this prveesa ami ««joy it» benefits. THE FIRST NATIONAL-BANK OF 8OVTHKRN OREGON Rogue River Hardware Co. WH .... DOROTHY GISH —in The Quaker Pipeless Furnace is built of heavy riveted boiler plate steel—and steel radiates heat three times as fas' as cast iron. That is why Quaker heated homes are always so comfortable on cold mornings. Just open the draft and up through the Quaker Register Sura an enormous volume of warm, pure, clean air. fore you buy a furnace, find out about the QUAKER Mary Ellen Comes to Town” A RIOT FROM START TO FINISH —AND BENNETT'S “GREAT MOTT” Won't let yotir face rest one little minute TOMORROW 203 dot TH «TH HT. FHO.NL 17 Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles i' - ---- Hallowe'en Mank Ball— October 27th. Waldorf Hall. Dane« ticket* «1.10, extra ladles and spectators 25c. The NovomlMT Delineator« < Are at the Gohlen Rule Store. £>G Dinner Party Given— Mr*. C. A. Thomae entertained at dinner last night, the occasion being the birthday of her husband. Platea were laid for 10. Autumn decora tions made the affair very attractive. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Borland. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel, of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Knapp and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Thomas. Oh, Hoy! I/<oks Who's Here— Carnival and dance at Riverside Community Club house, on Rome beyond Foots Creek quarter of a mile. Don’t miss the date. Saturday, October 23rd. Ofltf New Coats mr$. nellie Ikas Our Measurement System mirror* you in c«»rrc*t cloth««. This is one ut Ihr liii|H>rt«u>» r**uM»n» why Price tailoring Inter- ably in*|4rca the quc*tion— At the »lit» of Ye Jolly Utile Tailor GEO 8. CALHOUN IsM-al dealer «early *li least year« HAVE YOt R Fall Suit and Overcoat MADE TO MKAHt II* HY Hart, Schaffner 4 Man AT Peerless Clothing Co. Ford* in Collision— Two Ford* were made into case* for the repair man Inal night when Dr. lx>ughrldge and C. C. Brown, of Holland, collided head-on near Won der. The two car* wore travelling at a very good rate of «peed and were rounding the curve thia aldo of Wonder. Neither of the driver* *aw the other car approaching until too late to stop. Both applied their brake* and had almost stopped when they came together The car driven by Dr. tx>ughridge haa a bent radius rod and a sprung axle. The other car had a hole punched In the radiator I W<»nd«T Who'll Ge« the l‘risei At the Hallowe'en masquerade? The one that deserves It. of course! O«tf 310 fur the beat couple Holland Couple XtarritMl— Haymond Thomas Baldwin amt Miss Daisy H Hervey, both of Hol- land, were married Wednesday after noon at 5 o'clock at the M. K par sonage. Rev. Joseph Knott* officiat ing. Dance and Iternlval— Riverside Community Club, Pacific highway, Saturday evening. October 23rd JUST AS NECESSARY It is just as necessary for the well-to-do to practicf..... .. as those of rchitix <■- ly small jyossesaion. Everyone should have something for his or her income. An account with the .Josephine Count v Bank will be of good service to vou. 4% interest paid on savings accounts J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass .O regon Here We Are Again Thursday, October 21 At the Waldorf Hall WITH THE RAME JAZZY, SNAPPY Mt SIC AVI! HAD KLENZO Dental Creme It not only give« you quicker heat but more of it from the tame fuel. Every corner of every room is wanned thorough I . It’s cleaner too be- cauae every joint is riveted tight like a steam Paul’s Electric Store ----------- BEFORE. DAM E TICKETS *1.10—GENERAL ADMISSION I Or "The Pipeless Furnace that is built of SteeF’ bolter. Can’t teak gs*. toot or athM like the cement joint. Of cast iron furnace* do. fire pot i* h-.ed with high temperature Are brick.. Hold beat extra Ion*. Won't crack »or bum out Handr watar Biter ovt.itte of furnace keep, air motet and pure. The Quaker te the ideal heating plant for hornet tchoote. churches and »tores Ea«.'.y and quickly installed in any oM or new building ■ Just Arrived OH G«4 Ready— •'Denderine." Sabin ha* it. - For Murphy October 30, llalowe’en J. E. Gustin left th I* morning tor doin'*. Hob goblins will get you It Seattle on a business trip. Imported Grass Rugs. 6x9 at you dare stay at home. 35.35,- 8x9 at 37.50 and 9x13 at 39.50. See them at Holman's Fur If You'r Ktiul'a Off «4 Meat— Try a vegetable dinner at the niture Store. 06 06 E. G Holman la spending the day Bonbonniere Friday. in Central Point attending to boa- inesa matters. Will Attend Mrciiug— The Factory Brand and the thick Attorney O. Sk Blanchard will ness ot ALL LINOLEUM guaranteed leave this evening tor Portland at Holman's Furniture Store. 06 whore he will attend a meeting of G. Tl Thompson and wife, and the Bureau of Mines and Geological Miss Stone, of Seattle, were register commission. The meeting has beau ed at the Josephine last night. called to discus* mean* tor the de ‘ Matting rugs In all aiaea. 6x9 at velopment of the Iron deposits along _ »5 50; 9x9 at »7 50; 9x13 at 39.50 the Columbia river. Methods of get Holman's Furniture Store. 06 ting smelter* and blaat furnaces on Phil Flood, of Portland, one ot the the Pacific coast are also to be taken old timers among the travelling men up with the Idea of making the west who vlait this city, I* stopping at the Independent of the east in the mat Oxford. ter of stool products. Fred Collins went to Crescent City thia morning to spend a few days on The No««'mlx'r Delitn'ator»— business He expects to return here Are at the Golden Rule Store. Saturday J. D. Cooley, of Agneaa. has been Two Route* Open— spending several day* In the city. Mr, Two carrier routes on th« Dally Cooley is stopping at the Palace Courier are now open for boya with while here. He expects to return wheels. Extra pay for wet weather down the river tomorrow. and bonuses tor long service Apply Among the Portland guests regis at once. tered at the Josephine last night were Mr. and Mr*. E. F. Wann. E. H Barrendick. Chas. H. Mead and Carnival an«l Dan« A big carnival and dance will be Thomas Start. Gold Seal Congolenm in the yard given at the Riverside Community goods and rugs of all sixes is a guar Club house on the Rogue, Saturday anteed product. These can be found evening, October 23, about three at Holman's Furniture Store. 06 miles south of Rogue River, on the Mr. and Mrs Fred R Brown ar Pacific highway. I«arge hall, excel rived this m< rning from La^rande lent. peptul music, and good eats. 00 ai.d will visit here with Mrs. Brown's sister. Mrs. W. T. Miller. Mrs. Brown 8t h.'ar Ranch ' m »1<1— is well known here having attended . The Schear ranch, on Deer creek, school in this city several years ago. has been aold to H. D. Bagley, of A touring party from Eureka ar Chico, Cal. The ranch comprises rived in the city last night for a short 210 acres and it I* understood that stay. Those in the party were E. It brought 316,000. Mr. Bagley haa Russell. G. E. Long. W. J. Flnncan. arrived with hi* family and house E. Mass. D. Shannon and Mr. and hold goods and will make his homo Mrs. Oscar Smith. on the place. The sale was made Mrs. W. S. Tucker. Mrs. W. M. through E. T. McKinstry. Campbell and Misses Marie and Myr tle Campbell went to Takilma Friday Friday'« Here Again— evening, returning home Sunday, So Is clam i chowder, at the Bon- They were guest* of Mr. and Mr*. bonnlere Charles Owen and family. • You are vitally Interested In Ore- Tlw Event nt the Son»«» gon having a port equal to any port Will take place October 23rd. on the Pacific coast. Initiative meas carnival and dance at the new River ure No 310 on the ballot to be voted side Community Club house. Don't in November srlll provide Oregon miss this. There will be something with such a port. The cost will be doing every minute. Located on borne by the people of the Port of Pacific highway beyond Foots creek Portland bnt all ot the state must a quarter of a mile. vote on ft. Vote 310 YES on the bal lot on November 2nd. (Adv.) Dix Again»! M«'a»urr C. C. Dix, of Portland, was In the city yeeterday arguing agalnat the proposed anti-compulsory vaccination TEE amendment. He haa been In a num ber of southern Oregon towns show ing what the effects would be on the public health If the people pa sa the measure at the coming election. The I bill seeks to abolish all form* ot vac cination, Inoculation and medication, making Impossible the best use of In oculation* by the physicians. Quar antine would be impossible also, ac cording to Dr. DU. Wie Bit!» A ou Goodbye Tonight- In Her Newest Peppiest Picture Quaker Heat is Quicker Heat —and Cleaner too L0Q4L PERSONAL ------------ '------------ ■ TH I HMDAY, IMTHIKB ill, IVJ*. I KAIL Y OOV —From the Sat. Eve. Story OREGON Whit« teeth, healthy gums amd a clean mouth A good liberal tube for 25c CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books 3DL» Jaw* Santell-Ewert Orchestra