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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1920)
i ni UHI» «Y. < H Toll Kit 81, 11)20 NIC* TODAY 6RANTS PASS 0AIL1 MIER Published Dally Except Ruaday INSÙ RANCH- -Fire, automobil«. Ute, accident and health, T. M. Stott. 308 North Sixth St. «2tt Carson Grapes itarwd at poetoffice. Granta Paas. Ora . aa second class mall matter K. l„ GALBRAITH Real Batate. In- » su rance, and plate glass liability «09 H G street, phone SR. 40tf ADVERTISING R ATES play apace, per inch------------- 26c bocal-personal column, per line.... 19c Reader« per line---- ------------------- 5c WANTED s or 9-room house, with good garden plot. Must be worth price asked. Address No. 101 ’ care of Courier with full Informa tion. 1 * DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year 36.00 all or carrier. per month.. .50 101 and 105 North Sixth LOST I’ur-e containing bills and one creamery check, lost between Dryden and Granta Paas. Finder please leave at Courier office and receive liberal reward. 07 Grants Pass, Oregon R<xul*r W. R. C. Saturday- ■ General Laxan W. R. C, will hold \&al<u> Circle Fieri»— their regular semi-monthly meeting Azalea Circle elected officers last Saturday afternoon. A full mem- Tuesday evening for the ensuing bership attendance Is desired. year. The new officers are: Viola THl RSDAY, OCTOBER il. IMS». Flannagan. guardian neighbor: Hat ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦a ♦ tie Bâcher, advisor: Jennie Hatha Death of Mrs. Donnell— OREGON WEATHER Word has been received here of way. magician; Anna Rtlnebaiigh. Miss Corbett has given out the fol the death of Mrs. H. S. Donnell at clerk: Mary Davis, banker; Emma lowing receipt for canning mush Weather for the Week Santa Crux on .Monday. October 18. Hoyt, attendant; Anna Meissner, rooms of Brights disease. When Mr. and captain of guards; Addle Sampson. Caution: Unless you are absolutely Mrs. Donnell left their summer home ' Pacific Coast States: Gener Inner sentinel; Ella Calhoun, musi sure that you know a mushroom ally fair, cool, frequent frosts in the Cow creek canyon section In cian; Lucinda Slovcr. Emma Smith when you see it. do not run the risk probable in Waabington and September to visit friends tn south-1 and Anna Wolke. managers; Ixmella of gathering and using for food what Oregon and probably extreme ern California. Mrs. Donnell was In Dean, past guardian neighbor. you think are mushrooms A large northern California. apparent good health and her death | number of persons are poisoned WOOD HID0 u INTED was quite unexpected. The body every year because of carelessness in Tonight, fair in the west will lie taken to IxMt Angeles for ere- . this regard. Many very poisonous portion and rain in the east At its reglar monthly meeting to' mation She Is survived by her hue-I plants closely resemble edible mush portion. Friday fair, band, two daughters and a son In Ixw be held at the office of the clerk rooms. Can mushrooms Immedi ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦eeeee Angeles, and by her son. George W. Monday evening. November 1. 1920, j ately after picking; it allowed to Donnell, former postmaster of thia the Board of Directors of School Dis- j A PERNICIOUS MEASURE stand they become unfit for use. trict No 7. of Josephine County., city, now a resident of Eugene. Wash and trim the mushrooms. If Oregon, will receive sealed blds for Compulsory vaccination has al small, can them whole; if large, they the sale and delivery to the said dis ways been opposed by an element of may be cut into sections. Blanch trict of four hundred tiers of body 1 the population that thought personal the mushrooms In boiling water & I fir wood, said wood to bo cut In two liberty was being trod upon But minutes. Remove and plunge them Carl Wood returned to his home foot lengths and delivered on the authority has the right to enact leg quickly into very cold water. Pack in Chicago after spending about a ground at the various school house» of the district, at the option of the islation for the protection of the in hot glass jars and add boiling wa year at Hugo. Mrs. G. T. McCormick. who Ta stay board, well piled ready for measure masses, and statutes are written that ter to cover; add one level teaspoon ful of salt to the quart. Place rub mint require the individual to meet certain bers and caps of Jars In position, not ing in Grants Pass taking medical ment by the board. All wood ! treatment, spent Sunday and Monday be cut from the body of sound green conditions for the benefit not only tight. Sterilize for the length of trees free from rot. dote or punk ' at home. of the individual but of the commun time given below for the particular D. E. Heller left for Mare Island and diameter to be not lesa than ity as a whole. No one can have the type of outfit used ' Monday, where he will work In the four Inches and not more than ten Water bath homemade or commer ' shipyards this winter. inches (seven Inches round timber), right to do exactly as he pleases if cial. 90 minutes. Water seal, 214 de David Peterson, of Portland. Is round timber not to exceed twenty the right he assumes is against pub- grees. 80 minutes 5 pounds steam visiting home folks per cent of the entire delivery. The lic policy. pressure. 50 minutes. 15 pounds Mr Tingle, of Ixmg Beach. Cal . Board reserve« the right to reject When science discovered that im . steam pressure. 30 minutes. came Sundav night for a visit at the i any and all blds. Remove the jars, tighten covers: ' Tho, Ahern home EDWARD S VAN DYKE. munity from disease came from vac Clerk. cination. the discovery was hailed as ■ invert Jars to cool, and test the Mrs Naomi Dtllen returned to her I joints. Wrap Jars in paper. If can- I home in Prescott. Wash . after sev- the greatest of the age. It has i ning in tin. always use lacquered I eral days visiting with her sister. • H«»W INA' Glltl. «'AN caved the lives of thousands of peo i cans. Do not fall to blanch and cold Mrs J. M. MeKy. i HAVE PRETTY KYRB ple, and with the other measures for i dip mushrooms before packing Af No girl or woman la pretty If her i G T. McCormick spent Tuesday In proper quarantine, many of the must ter opening containers, remove the Grants Pass. i eyes are red. strained or have dark loathsome and dangerous diseases mushrooms immediately and use W. W. Penney was in Grants Pass rings. Simple witchhazel, camphor. them as quickly as possible. bydraatia, etc . as mixed In LAVOPtik ( Tuesday afternoon on business have been all but eradicated. There, eye wash, will brighten the eyes and Our community suffered another Is some discomfort in submitting to loss through the death of W. G. Van a week's use will surprise you with vaccination, and occasionally bad re derbilt last Thursday. The funeral its QUICK results. Regular use of Balta are obtained, but its benefits was held at the home Sunday after I^voptlk keeps the eyes healthy, are a thousand fold greater than its noon. The large attendance, despite sparkling and vivacious. The quick Dainty the stormy day. and the many floral change will please you. disadvantages. Dr. Harvey Wiley, offerings, attest the esteem with aluminum eye cup FREE. National the noted health expert, on his re Adv. which he was held tn the community. Drug Store. cent visit to this state, in »peaking of the proposed legislation, said: London, Oct. 21.—Official confir- "Never before have I been in a, mallow that Terrence MacSwiney communitv where matters pertaining was fed during his delirium last been given. Meat juice to public health have been taken out night, has 4 <3 Mac- was forced into his mouth. of the hands of experts and put to a Swlney, on recovering consciousness, vote before the people. I do not said "They tricked me. and I didn’t think that a parent in this state who know it.” has children of school age will vote for this measure, because it means KIDNAPPED BOA' TAKEN BACK TO HIS MOTHER I that the school children will be pro tected against contagious disease.’’ Tacoma, Oct. 21.—-Bobby Stagg, To defeat this pernlefous measure, kidnapped September 14th, has been returned to his mother here. vote 313 NO. A pair of shoes that we sell ADI It HUSBAND WILL for 36.¡«8 is now selling fur $1 AGREE PORTLAND MARKETS to 3'0 elsewhere. COMING EVENTS that mother never Itakeil as Oct. 23 and 25, Saturday and Mon good bread ax you get from BOAS HIGH TOP SHOES Portland. Oct. 21.—Cattle are day—Salvation Army Harvest Fes this bakery. The fine flavor, are selling here at 33.65, steady; hogs lower, 315.50 to »1«; tival. the lightncox, the all rouml 33.95, 34.98 and 36.25 — sav sheep weak; eggs firm; butter Oct. 23, Saturday—Pomona Grange goodnexs wl.ll prevent I ing you real 3 3 3- steady. meets with Hugo Grange from tlrexoine reference October 29, Friday—Hallowe’en par ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ mother's Inking. Try a loaf Oltf ’ ♦ ty at Presbyterian church. »ml prove It. No better bread ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦ December 15-17-—Teachers' 3tate was ever Inked or ever will In. the Eastern market Is 6 examinations will be held. Ask your Grocer for Bread months ahead of the west—-C. December 20-22—Josephine County : W. R. C. Notice— Inked by the J. Breler is now in New York. Members are requested to meet at teachers' Institute. Mr. Breier does not make buy the Woodmen hall Friday afternoon GRANTS PASS BAKERY ing a sideline—he and has as at 1:30 to attend in a body the fu BENSON AGAIN NAMED sistants are busy all the time 503 G Street HEAD OF SHIPPING BOARD neral of Mrs. Radke. buying merchandise at the ______ right price. Mr. and Mr«. R. Santell, of Gold Washington, Oct. 21.—Admiral Benson has been reappointed chair Hill, are in the city today. They will LADIES TAN CALF man of the Shipping Board. Four play tonight at the dance at the Wal military heel, lace boot . >6.50 other members were reappointed. dorf hall. LADIES VKT KID military heel, lace boot 36 98 •’ . —‘ ¡nan who keep« LADIES CHEST.NIT BROWN • j' vi 111 tell you Louis heel, lace boot, why pay that sa.-r.c thing 316 elsewhere .....................39.85 specially those frequently attacked by rheumatic twinges. RAND Bl « K LACE IKMrr A counter-irritant, Sloan's I mi- LADIES DI LL KID. ONE EYEI.ET Louis heel, Goodyear welt, ment scatters the congestion ami bene- TIE. DREAM LAST. FRENCH HEEL value |15, eastern price 11.98 Iraltt without rubbin e to the alilicted I part, soon relieving the ache and pain. AND TI RN SOLE BARGAINS IN MENS SI ITS Kept handy and jsed everywhere for reducing and finally eliminating the OVERALLS pains and aches of lumbago, neuralgia mu.yJc strain, joint, sprains' Blue Bib, 220 weight.... |1 98 bruises, and the results of exposure. Y ou just know from its stimulating, healthyodor that it will do y.->» good I Sloan s Liniment is sold by ull druy- gist» -35c, 70c, $1.40, HUGO HKK 4M K WI\IM>U BARNES, The Jeweler FOR SAM-: Holstein bull calf. 10 days old. 35. J. F. Webster. Rd Î, 1 mile west of town. 07 KINNEY &TRUAX MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Frees Is exclusively an titled to the use for republication «< all news di» patches credited to it or all otherwise credited tn this paper and also the local news pub- Mebed heroin. ▲11 rights of republication of spe cial dlapatches herein are alao re Cuff Einks | MSWINEY GFTS FOOD SEEING Moore Bakery Under New Management « 4 % We now carry a complete line of Fancy Pastry F. C. Goetz Proprietor Ardencraig Farm For Sale Complete With Stock and Equipment at $50,000.00 IS CONVINCING VETCH WHITE FOR OCR Pilli Eft ON ALL FIRM) MKKDH MONARCH SEED CO MEDFORD, OREGON WHY? SPECIAL E $7.85 Sample Store Sloa Linimenti AUTO TOPS IUnU*a M m stab«, w>p with ll^kt. •aer-te-baedl,- weatber- l-r»a< ms new Smart lecAiaa, servltnaM« tep. _ 1-srfM-t riMSag aad lm<>rovlng Ul« caT» iMb»—a wMe •bete« fe, M. »m aad «ei ar» own rvtawm ixtwmi G. B. BERRY Second-Hand Bargains chev W r E o L¿ t FINE FORD TRUCK SHAPE $600 $475 $450 C. L. Hobart Co. i