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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1920)
University of Ore. Library raute Dmln Courier ------------ VOL. XL, No. JO. GRANTS PASH, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. Till IIKDAV, OCTOBER 21, 1020. ----------------------------- ---■» WHOLE 51 MEER SIM. SPEAK HERE ON LEAGUE FLOPS ioung Woman I smh * Ufe in Con flagration WTiF'h I tas troys Flv*- story Building Today Naturita) Nmn'il in I llim»t»m I m I Day on Which Nrg’ttallon» May Ba Ntartcd IxvMCue of Nation» Aaoembly to Ask Supreme t'oum il to Name Man<la- tory Power Over Nation Ixm Angelo«, Oct. 21 One young II HIDING OPE NN CAMPAIGN IN ADVICE ONLY CAN HE GIVEN UN Brussel«, Oct. 21.—The council of LAM POLITICAL MEETING OF woman. .Ml»» L. E. Hepburn, a book M.W YORK IN MM RENTER DER THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS the league of nation« in session here, CAMPAIGN SLATED FOR THE SPEECH SAYS NOMINI I has decided to ask the aupreme coun- keeper of the Coast Envelope Com OPERA HOUSE ' ell to appoint a mandatory power for pany, was killed, and the lives of Armenia. The expenditure could be several others were believed by fire ' tome by all countries participating men to have been lost in a fire which In the league of nation«. The coun completely wrecked a five-story cil discussed the notice from Scandi building in the wholesale district, navian countries that they would Fifty hysterical girl», huddled on the raise the question of general disar Affirmative Voto of Every Reprww-n- Vtaa Heard Here latat Spring Cam« roof, surrounded by flame«, were mament at the Geneva meeting of l<uigning for General Wood—Well tatlve Nexeaaary to Render Even rescued by the firemen. The loM U the league assembly, and decided Advice to Mendier Known on This Coast estimated at >300,000, that the question be referred to the military «nd naval commission. London. Oct JI.- The coal »trlk» Rochester, N. Y . Oct. 2! -Making Wilmington. bel., Oct. 21.—In a What will probably be the last situation took au unexpected grave the first speech of his campaign in •pedal drive against critics of ar- speech ot the campaign to be held in turn when railway mon and tratta- New York state, Senator Harding Grants Pass for the republican party they port workers announced that again challenged his democratic op is that billed for next Saturday night would strike In sympathy unless tie never lose sight of the uncontrovert- TA RrrriT ("1101 11IH at the opera house when Hon. Mont- ponents to show by hla public utter- foliation* between the government avllle Flowers will be tho speaker. ances where he has changed his po and miners were opened this week . Aside from the fact that Mr. nowers The railroad men's delegales Issued that even this action cannot be taken Now York. Oct. 21.« French mlll- ■Ition on the league of nations since is one of the best qualified man upon an ultimatum that all member» will unless, and until, every representa-j i tary authorities in Cilicia, Turkey. he accepted the republican nomina Berlin. Oct. 21. — The former Ger the platform today to discuss nation cease work Sunday at midnight un tlve, Including our own. votes in the | have Informed officials of the Armen- tion He asserted that he had favor man Emperor William confidently al issues is bis standing as an orator less the strike Is settled or negotia affirmative." lan national union that France is go ed consistently an International as expected to emerge victorious'y fr«>m and lecturer and his address will be tions begun by Naturdsy. I Ing to occupy the entire region to sociation in the Interests of peace, the world war and then marshal his i a treat from every point ot view. He UNITED LUTHERAN < HURTH ' tho full extent of her mandate and but could not under the present con STANI« FOR VERSAILLES PACT continental armies against England has tor years been recognized as an that Armenian» will be afforded com- ditions from a definite and specific in what he termed “the second Punic authority upon national ana inter I plete protection, according to advice» plan. Washington, Oct. 21.—The United war," says Mathias Erzberger, in his national affairs, and his books have reaching Near East Belief headquar Lutheran church of America in con- volume of war recollections just pub wide acceptance as sources ot tact ters here from agents in Aleppo, Alntab, Asia Minor. Oct. vent Ion here refused to sanction the lished at Stuttgart. The emperor and as apostles of sound American Turkish nationalists who have been de laration last night of Rev. E. F. eviedntly used the term “Punic war" ism. Syria. Both Urfa and Mardin. now lying fighting the French in this region Bachman, of Philadelphia, that the in the sense of a conflict for world This is the fifth presidential cam well within admittedly Turkish na- shelled the American college here to treaty of Ventalles should be modi supremacy between two great na- paign in which he has servud the na fied. tions. Van-ouvor, It. C.. Oct 21.—Gov I tlonallst territory, are to be occupied, day. tional republican committee as wri Erberger, who was formerly mía ter and speaker. As a speaker he ernment officials are considering these advices state. Urfa was the ister ot finances, but now has te m- long has stood in the front rank of bow the liquor traffic shall bo ad- scene of a massacre by Turkish na porarily retired from public political American orators. There are men mlnlatere«! as a result of a 15,000 tionalists of French forces garrison activities, set forth in detail the who think profoundly—others who majority repudiating the prohibition ing the city last spring. meeting between the then Emperor write well and others who speak ac law yesterday. It 1» believed that According to the Information re William and the reichstag after the ceptably—Mr. Flowers possesses in liquor will be dispensed In govern ceived by the relief organization, the I fall of Chancellor Bethmann Holl- superlative degree all these qualifi French have sent word to Kemal ment stores. weg. and following the adoption of cations, and the national committee Pasha, nationalist leader, that they ! the peace resolution in July, 1917. Vancouver, ti C.. Oct 21. latest have not forgotten this massacre and has sent him to represent the party Washington. Oct. 21- The McFad With the price of gold fixed, the returns Indicated a wet majority of that If any further outrages are com- He says the emperor became en-' in its most important debates and milted against any Christlan, «Armen-1 den bill proposing a tax on gold used committee conceded that many com thusiastlc over the phrase “peace or speeches during this campaign. as,ooo i Ian or otherwise, In I'rfa, the city. tn Industry and the arts to be paid in panies had found operations unpro ; compromise," which he assumed was “The greatest political address turn to the mining companies, was fitable because of present high costs, what the reichstag majority demand since McKinley’s time,’’ was the ver will suffer. AK.MOI l“7 ( <>l ATS Relief officials are Inclined to be opposed In a report submitted to but It said the fixed price In “periods ed. “Excellent word “compromise,’"' dict of 3500 men ot the Good Roads lieve that the only solution of the day to the American Bankers' Asso of adversity, depression and falling William stated. “It means,” he said convention at Lansing. Mich., before New York. Oct. 21. Armour A present critical situation in Cilicia ciation by a special- committee, of prices brings to the gold miner, as to i "that we take the money, raw pro whom Mr. Flowers talked almost two Company ami various officers wore Is a firmer French poll« v .In holding which ¡George M. Reynolds, of Chi no one else. Increased profits.” ducts, cotton, oil and ores out of the j ; hours on September 12th. This ver cago, Is chairman. Credit deflation, the committee pockets of our enemies and transfer dict is reported every where. Indicted on 127 count» today charg- tho occupied areas. No The committee held that the with held, will cure the present situation I them to our own.” Ing profiteering. finer, fuller, clearer, exposition of Relief officials are In lined to be drawal for Industrial purposes last of the gold miner. lieve that the only solution of the The parliamentary leaders. Herr’ the meaning of this campaign will “The best banking opinion of the I Erzberger says, were astonished by be heard than that which Montavllle II. J Fry und wife and W. C. present critical situation in Cilicia is year of >22.000,000 of gold from the continued the report, i this unexpected display of imperial Flowers is now giving. Democrats Hughes, of Portland, are among the a firmer French policy in holding country's monetary stock was not a country.” national emergency calling tor spe “ looks forward to a progressive and guests at the Oxford mentality and felt that they were be ; and republicans alike are benefited the occupied areas cial treatment of the gold mining in far-reaching contraction of our cred According to latest information re- dustry so as to stimulate the gold it fabric and regards It as the only ing made the victims of his mockery. by it. The emperor’s further remarks were Montaville Flowers, born and ' reived at relief headquarters condi output. alternative to such a disastrous dis I in the same channel, he declares. raised in Ohio, is now a practical bus tions are chaotic throughout Cilicia. “Diminished gold production in ruption of the credit system as Japan Where the nationalists nre not fight periods of high prices and high costs has recently seen. William asserted that the United iness man. former nurseryman and States and England had entered Into fruit grower of California. In July ing the French at Alntab. Adana, tends to reduce price and costs "The proper course to take In not and nearby cities they are persecut again,” said the report, which declar by artifical methods to seek to ex an alliance for the purpose of reck a convention of republicans in Los ing the Armenians. Eighteen Ameri ed that the offer of a premium on pand the gold basis of our credit sys- oning with Japan after the war. He Angeles offered him the congression cans are cut off in Adana by the siege gold would lead the world to assume tern, but rather to contract the su- was also reliably informed that Rus al nomination on the republican that nationalists have been conduct that the United States was in danger perstructure of credit to a point sia would join Japan in warding oft ticket, but he preferred the larger Washington, Oct 21.—A three- ing against the French garrison since of going on a paper money basis and where It can be safely maintained the Anglo-Saxon blow. He admitted field offered by the national cam yesr '.hr ft campaign to rH< n every June 28. that its dollar was not as good as under conditions of a normal distri that England would not emerge from , paign. fainiiy In the country tbs', has no gold. bution of the world's gold supply.” the war defeated but said the final bank i ««cunt was propose 1 to the accounting would come when he led American Bankers' Assoclntl it I day his continental armies against her in liy Its committee on public and pri “the second Punic war.” vate thrift. As a part of tho cam paign, government officials would be POSTOFFICE ROBBED AND called upon to practice utmost econ MUCH LOOT IS TAKEN omy so as to reduco the expenditure of tho federal government. Roseburg, Oct. 21.—The safe In ’ "The recent orgy of extravagance." Stockholm. Oct. 21.—Sweden is Tho public Is invited to attend the the postoffice and store of John Hed- declared the committee's report, “has suffering front a scarcity of money first annual corn show for Josephine den, in the Lower Umpqua country,; Indicate«! very clearly the need for county, which will be held in the was dynamited early today and be- and an abnormal economic situation. more popular realization of the need tween ’ >20,000 and’ >30.000 stolen. Th,s Is reflected in the report of the basement of the courthouse Satur for saving when and as the oppor state bank for September. day. This county coni exhibit prom-! The robbers left no clue. tunity presents itself. The time Is Is«»« to bo of great Interest as well as The money shortage depresses the — at hand when thrift and saving will benefit since corn growers from all I stock exchange where prices of bonds be regarded as not only possibilities, CHINESE AVIATRIX JUMPS I and shares have touched a very low over the county are responding TO DEATH FROM AIRPLANE1 but actual necessities." heartily. County Agent Miller has level, even old established Industrial Small saver» are to be tho chief listed to date 70 exhibits and some enterprises which pay dividends of source In financing tho • normal Menlo Park. Cal., Oct. 21.—Fran- sections are still to be heard from. 10 to 18 per cent being quoted be growth of commerce and Industry, ces Lee. a Chinese girl and student low par. Josephine county Is well adapted aviatrix. was killed when she jump- the report said, adding that present to the growing of corn and with care Causes to which Sweden’s unset John ed from a falling airplane. tax policies offer a serious check to ful seed selection practiced by the Courtney, the pilot was critically in-j tled condition is attributed here in- increased Investment by holder» of growers tho time Is not far distant jured when the machine hit the; elude the socialist program, emanat of largo wealth. when It will bo known as the blue ing from the present government, ground. "Not only must the loHson be ribbon com county. such as the investigation whether nml taught to the individual citizen I socialization ot industry and com No farmers of Josephine county especially to tho wage earner who merce lies within the borders of pos has not yet found a. place to begin.' can afford to miss the benefit to be sibility, heavy taxation, an Increas- said tho report, “but our government derived from attending this . Ing demand for higher wages and ths officials must also be Impressed with show. lAt this time growers labor unrest. n similar Idea because of their ex learn what varieties seem most suc cessful In thIN part of the country; Adding to this, the growing debts ample to tho clllzons and also be to foreign countries through un- cause of Its demand upon the people's whero they can secure good seed al necessary imports and decreased pro- savings for purposes which too often ready acclimated; and the best meth Ixindon, Oct. 21.—Peggy O’Neill, duction ascribed by many to the nre neither wise nor economically ods for handling the production of first class corn. actress, who about a month ago was eight-hour day. one obtains a pie- handled. Ono of the most beneficial fea taken suddenly ill during a perform ture of the present economic position “The lax burden upon Industry „ International. and commerce and upon -the billions tures of this corn show will bo the ance, reported today that an attempt of Rwed»n. Senator Warren G. Harding, Republican nominee for President, is thor» of savings which would otherwise be talks given throughout the day and «'ughly familiar with th« Imposing stone and can “make up” rapidly and skill- had been made to poison her with ! used to finance now Industry and evening by W. S. Carpenter, crop spe tuny. Hero he is shown “making up" forms In the composing room of his poisoned candy. Her pet dog was Frank Estes and Colin McIntosh fed one chocolate and died from the have gone down to spend the day at new commerce is beyond all reason cialist. O. A. C., on the selection of newspaper, the Marion (0.) Star. corn for seed and for sllag«. effects. and In excess of the public need." the Old Channel mine at Galice. ^XoL?\’;r^we TAniirn |/il0m 11/A0 ruKMtK KAIdtK W IU UtrtAI tNbbifiU V— HARDING—THE EDITOR ATTEMPT IS MADE TO *- :