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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1920)
GRANTS PASS DAILY OOUR-Kh WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1920. I Classified Advertising FOR RENT FOR SALE FJR SALE—Choice baled alfalfa HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent. 411 North 6th street, . opposite hay, $28 per ton, f. o. b. Grants courthouse. 92tf Pass. Riverbanks Farms. 85tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Slab wood, dry $3, green $2.50 per tier. Cash on de livery. W. J. Teal, phone J95-R. BANKERS LIFE COMPANY, Des 85tf Moines, Iowa. District agent, My ron C. Gaston, Grants Pass, Ore. FOR SALE—2 and 3 months old Over $7,500,000 in force in Ore cockerels, 15c and 25c each. Con gon. 95tf Shaefers, R. F. D. 2. 30 Old and N:w Books. There is no sillier affectation than that of old worldisiu. To rave about Sir Robert Browne and know nothing of William Cobbett Is foolish. To turn your back upon your own time Is simply to provoke living wags, with rudimentary but effective humor, to chalk opprobrious epithets upon your person. But. on the other hand, to depend upon your contemporaries for literary sustenance, to be reduced to scan the lists of "Forthcoming Works” with a hungry eye. to complain of n dearth of new poeius. ami new novels, •imi new sermons. Is worse limn uffec- :ntton—It is stupidity.—Angustili! Birrell. FOR SALE—65 acres of land, 2 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS — Ther C •-king Fire In Films. mopylae lodge No. 50, meets every houses, 2 wells of water, fruit The celluloid films used for motlor second and fourth Tuesday even picture* Ignite easily and burn rap trees, 8 acres cleared. James ing. Visitors invited. 09tf irtlv. m>< essttatiug the Installation of Steward, Rd, 2. 18 special protective equipment. A Ell in A-l FOR SALE—1919 model Ford tliE PICTURE MILL copies photo ropean inventor Ims combined ii new 4000 condition, run less than graphs and valuable instruments— hemical with nn Ingenious method of miles. Price $500. E. J. Lind, makes beautiful sepia enlarge- applying it. will 'll <nves. It Is asserted, 16. Rd. 1. ments-tints portraits and views in ill of the film except the portion first Till' film tn the project Ing oil or water color—does all kinds •r'tf'i! FOR SALE—1920 Harley-Davidson of viewing and commercial work machine is surrounded by it ring of motorcycle, $300. See Ray Wil anywhere at any time—call or tutting with Inner perforations, con liams, 301 8th street. 17 phone mill 283-R or residence nected with un Iron tank containing ihe < hemical, a colorless liquid A I HAVE SOME fine broccoli plants, 140-J. 34 •¡live near ihe operator's hand enables ready now, at «1.25 per hun- he flow to la- started instantly.—Pop dred. Phone or call on T. P. Cra- MINING—Will do contracting of ular Mechanics Mi.-nzine. tunnel, shaft and annual assess 18 mer. ment work anywhere In Southern FOR SALE—-1-man stump puller at Oregon or Northern California I Burkhalter’s Feed Store. 18 Geo. S. Barton, Grants Pass. Ore. Phone 515. P. O. Box 646. 36 I FOR SALE CHEAP—Second hand ___________________________________ piano in good condition. Address CADILLAC AUTO STAGE—Leaves No. 1500 care of Courier. 37 every morning for Crescent City Given By Many Grants at 9:30. Passengers only. Head ILL-A-HEE BREEDING STOCK FOR Experiences told by quarters Fashion Garage. Orlan people— SALE-—Owing to the removal of Those who have had weak kid- do Hiller. 13tf our flock of Ill-a-hee Barred neys—• Plymouth Rocks to the Butler Who used Doan’s Kidney Pills— DRESSMAKING Poultry Ranch, it will be neces Who found the remedy effective— Such statements prove merit. sary for us to reduce our flock be DRESSMAKING — I am now ready to You might doubt an utter stran fore August 1st. We are therefore takj orders for dressma^itg at my ger. offering female stock at $3.00 each ________________________________ You must believe Grants Pass peo- new location 661 North Third while they last. Our flock of ap pie. street. Prices reasonable, esti proximately 300 Oregons will go Here's Grants 'Pass proof. Verify mates cheerfully given. Mrs. W. It. for $1.50 each if taken in one lot, Read. Investigate. Be convinced. R. Swoape. 22 or $2.00 each if in lots of six or Ask your neighbor! more. Must be sold before Aug You’ll find why Grants Pass folks VOCAL INSTICI CTION ust 1st. Address communications believe in Doan's. G. F. Fry, 707 IE. K St., Grants to 616 Stock Exchange Bldg., Portland, Ore., or call at Ill-a-hee MRS. GUY KNAPP—Voice and pinao ■Pass, says: “I am glad to say a good word Coen's Kidney Pills for I Accredited teacher for high school know for Ranch at Grants Pass. 19 they do what is claimed for work. Phone 224. Residence them. My kidneys were out at fix FOR SALE—Two young grade Jer 420 A street. 33tf and I had a lame and aching back sey cows from high producing that made it hard for me to stoop. dam, one giving milk now, other MRS. J. L. JOHNSON—Instructor of My kidneys didn’t act right. I used voice. Rooms above Moore’s Ba Doan’s Kidney Pills and they helped to freshen in fall. Price reasonable kery, hours from 1 to 5 on Tues me iby relieving the backaches and if taken at once. J. H. Robinson, regulating my kidneys.” days and Saturdays. 67tf Rd. 4, phone Wilderville. 17 ------------ ■----- | Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy- get WANTED Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that PIANO TUNING Mr. Fry had. Foster-Milburn Co.. WANTED—Grocery or general store in country or small town and in GEO. W. CROSS a tuner with 17 Mfrs,, Buffalo. N. Y. Roguo Valley. Price stock lease, years practical experience, includ ing 9 years factory training. Head or sell building. Describe in first quarters Josephine hotel, letter fully. J. R. Mlnich, 1258, Your satisfaction is my success. Michigan Ave., Portland, Ore. 18 82tf Convincing Testimony CAPTURE PIG AT SEA HEADED FOR EUROPE Swimming Porker Explodes Old Theory About Cutting Throats With Feet. A small white pig was found swim ming across the Atlantic by two Stat en Island fishermen, says the New York World. The pig. mime and ad dress unknown, was In perfect health, thus dissipating an age-old theory that a swimming swim- Kill cut Its own throat with its feet. Charles and Frederick Petersen, prominent citizens of Tottenville. S. I., went fishing three miles off shore from Keyport, N. J. They were drift ing In their motorboat wlieii Charles glimpsed something swimming near by. The brothers agreed It was a sea turtle and decided to capture It. One of the brothers boarded the dingily, overtook tlie swimmer ami brought him aboard, it was a nice young shout, weight thirty pounds. They carried him back to Tottenville ’■uu> uimv , and intend to make a hog of tlie derelict. Frederick Petersen Is chiefly Inter ested In the blasted scientific theory. It Is thought tlie slioat fell from a steamer. ¿7 EL If you are nursing a grouch and don’t want to get rid of it don’t come here. Our customers are a happy, contented, carefree lot because they turn all of their motor troubles over to us. We are equipped properly to handle any com plaint you may have to make of your car. When you come to us you have the satisfaction of knowing that the work is done right. _______ AGENTS FOR. WZ HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS CÖLLNS AUTO COMPANY ACCESSORIES AHO REP* . I POLICE HOLD BOY SOLDIER OF FORTUNE TS Mû PHONE 317 ' 57/ H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate All styles and sizes Reouires about 60 days to fill orders Constantly in Stock: Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books A WANTED—Man and wife for out of TAX. town work. Wife to cook, man for general work. Good home, good wages. Address No. 1493 SOONER TAXI -sPhone 262-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an care Courier. 17 swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf WANTED—Wheel chair to rent for short time. Call 272-R. 18 PALACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. Tom WANTED—Girl or woman for gen Wind. 03tf eral house work. Good wages. Mrs. Horace Pelton, Gold Hill, Ore KERBY-GRANTS PASS JITNEY— gon. Phone 100. 1« Leaves Kerby 9 and 1 daily; leaves Grants Paas 9:30 and 4 dally; WANTED—To rent, modern 4-room through and way passengers. Ever house, furnished or unfurnished. ett Hogue and Pete Beagle. No children. O. C. Smith, Ox ford. 16 REAL ESTATE HFJ.P WANTED In the Home Laun dry, address 724 D street or phone E. T. McKINSTRY, 603 G St., phone 383-L. 16 13-R; general real estate business. Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER eral farming. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone ATTORNEYS 34». H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Practices in all State and Federal Safes, pianos and furniture Courts. First National Bank Bldg. moved, packed, shipped and stored., Office phone 124-Y. G. W. OOLVIG, Attorney-at-law. BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS transfer. Phone 14-R. 16 - Grants Pase Banking Co. Bldg. «>■ H. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices In oonrt4 First Nation a.; Bank Building. ----- - MICKIE SAYS PEARL OU (KEROSBNE) HEAT and LIGHT k CLEAN ECONOMICAL FUEL FOR OIL COOKSTOVES. HEATERS A LAMPS \ STANDARD OIL COM PAN Y X_________ tCAllfOBNIA) J O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Why suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre? O. G. C. preparation for goitre ban bene fited many. Why pay several hutdred dollars far an operation to remove a goitre when O. G. C. can be obtained for sueb a comparatively ■mall expenditure? O. G. C. when properly applied gives satis factory results, or your money will be refunded. O.G.C. is sold direct, by msil »«A. Write for booklet. Address Dept. U O.a.C. CHBMICAL COMPANY ^^^^^^eattle/Wsshingtoo^^^^^^ PHYSICIANS EMIGRATION IS HEAVY More People Leaving United States Than Are Coming In. Emigration Is exceeding Immigration 'n the United States for the first time since 1907, figures compiled by the Im migration bureau show. In July, August, September, Octo ber and November Immigrants to America numbered 125.000, while the emigrants totaled 144.000. The same tendency existed In November, Incom plete figures show. During the five months 1,060 Greeks landed In Amer ica, whereas 11,500 of this race re turned to the old world. Emigration to Italy is al*<> heavy. Mexicans are replacing the Italian* and Greeks In this country a* section hands. L. O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours all T hs free advertís ih ’ 9-12, 2-6, or on appointment. HI PRINTS FEB T he RED GEO. H. DURHAM, AUorney-au-law Phones, office 62: residence 359-J. CROSS,'N THE LIBERTY referee in bankruptcy, Masonic LOAN, 'N T he H4. s . s . ,' n Tempie. Phone 135U. 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician T me vhar ' n T he TO OPEN MILLION ACRES JAMBS T. CHINNOCK Lawyer and mirgeon. City or country calls N.M.C A.,'N THE RECRUIT- . INO CAMPAIGN ' n -T he First National Bank Building. attended day or night. Phonea. Land In Alaska to Be Available Un BELGIAN RK li SF ’N MR Res. 369; Offi.e. 182; «th and H. der Public Domain Laws. \ HOOVER ’N «VasTni NCr ) VETERINARY SURGEON According to the report of Alexan der T. Vogelsang, acting secretary of DR. R. J. BESTI'L. Veterinarian. E. J. BILUCK, M. D Physician the Interior of Alaska, more than Residence 838 Washington boule and surgeon, office Schallhorn 1,000.000 acres of agricultural land has vard. phone 3SK-R. block, phone 54-J; residence, 1004 been surveyed In Alaska so that It may .A I^awnridge, phone 54-L. be available for entry and patent un der the public domain laws. The California and Oregon W. F. RUTHERFORD Manual the- A considerable portion of this Coast Railroad Company raputica. It gats your ailment. Is within country traversed by or utary to the government railroad TIME CARD Office over Barnes' jewelry store being constructed In Alaska, — Office hours »: 30-12; 1:10-4. townships have been established on Ritentive N ot . 14, lilt RALPH W STEARNS, M. D. Phy- the public lands along the line of the sician and surgeon, X-ray »q ■ Ip- railroad. Trains will run Mondays. Wednes- meni, dental X-ray. Office. M*- Favor Photographing Gravea. day* and Fridays Leave Grants Paas............ 1 sonic Temple Bldg Phones Of- The secretary of arar and the sec Arrive Water* Creek......... 2 flee 21-J: residence 31-L. retary of the navy would be authorised L«*ve Water* Creek......... 3: So P.M to send photographs of boriai place* Arrive Greats Hsas._........ 4 P.M of American dead In France to rela DKNTISTR , For Information regarding freight tive«. under a bill introduced In con and peeeeager rates call st the offic Flret-eli gress by Representative Sandora at er the company, Lundburg kuildlar E. C. MACY, D M. D. lor telepBn'a* ill. dentistry. 10»H 8 4th 8t. Louisiana. ( C. A. S’DLER, Attorney-at-law, Ma sonic I'oinplo, Granta Pass, Ore. Only two left John Brandt, neatly uressed bright-eyed lad of thirteen, is held at the Children’s society In New York as an "Incorrigible” at the request of the police of Norfolk, Va. John admitted that he had run away from home when eight years old and had been traveling ever since he was ten. He said he had been on the Mexican border, had vis ited army ' iiiiiib and knew how to handle a rifle. ■g» '^THE BOSS IS TOO OLDS T' CrlT DRAFTED, BUT \ 1 VLL san we'» doin ' mis BIT JEST THE SAMB.tNtlH AUTO CAMPING TENT AND COT $25 COMPLETE C. L. Hobart Co. The Wardrobe Cleaners Cleaning — Pressing — Repairing PH0N1 147 315 N. 6TH ST. WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Call asd (N M Timmons & Higgins (Mil sad aae os Phone 324-J G. B. BERRY Harne»« and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With Grant« Pa«« Hardware Co. F