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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1920)
AKW TODAY GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. K. VOORHIES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1»SO. GRANTS PARS DAILY COI KLEB PAGB TWO Pub. end Propr. Entered at poetoffice, Grants Paas, Ore., as second class mall matter. C&rolene THE SOLUTION OF THE PERFECT CUP OF COFFEE ADVERTISING RAT 'S Claplay space, per inch—.....„.—30c Liocal-persoual column, per line..10c Bonders, per Une........... ........ 5c DAILY COURIER By mali or carrier, per year.....$6.00 By mall or carrier, per month- .50 FOR SALE—Two h. p. motors, almost new. Address No. 1476 care Courier. 10tf INSURANCE, ALL FORMS—Inquire for rates on grain and hay insur- I ance. T. M. Stott, office phone 44-J. 12tf NEW SECOND HAND STORE has opened at 111 South Sixth street, next door to the Panama Restua- rant. T. C. Booth, Propr. 18 NO. 18-60c M.JB—504 GOOD HELP is almost impossible to obtain and my Watch Repairing has grown to such proportion that I am compelled to discontinue certain lines of repairing. AFTER JULY IST I will not be in a position to accept for repairs any Jewelry or small work, but will make a specialty of Fine Watch Repairing and Diamond Setting. BARNES, The Jeweler E. L. GALBRAITH—Real Estate, In surance, and plate glass liability. 609H G street, phone 28. 40tf WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year-------—.......... „92.00 DRY WOOD FOR SALE—About 700 tiers of 16-lnch fir and pine and 100 cords of 4-foot wood. Wish I to dispose of this wood to one I party and offer it at $2.50 per tier and $1.50 per cord on the ground % mile from C. & O. C. R. R. spur 6 miles from Grants Pass. A. L. Edgerton. • 15 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it ! 9 or all otherwise credited In this paper and also the '»cal news pub liquor question in connection with j lished herein. All rights of republication of spe- the democrats. "I am trying to de-, elsl dispatches herein are also re cide,” he said, "whether to make i served. __________ WANTED—Men for woods and mill. moonshine and face a few years in I Inquire Borland-Thomas Lumber WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, lBSO. (Continued from page 1.) the pen, or to vote for democracy Co., Grants Pass. 16tf One-half pound boxes of chocolates and take a chance on another four ♦ •» ♦ Roomer, gentleman pre- WANTED ♦ ♦ years like we have had.” A man like for second prizes were donated by OREGON WEATHER 17 ferred. 211 E street. ♦ that oertainly must want his liquor. |l3d. L. Schmidt. The full basket on the green was ESTRAY— There came to my place 4 Weather for the Week on Deer Creek on July 2nd one 4 enjoyed by everyone. The commun Pacific Coast 8tates: Fair; 4 The state Chamber of Commerce iron gray saddle horse, Brand on ities grouped together, and although ♦ ♦ nearly normal temperatures. left shoulder C. Owner come and ♦ intends to spend a lot of money to . the plan of seating was somewhat get him and pay charges. + Tonight and Thursday fair. 4 advertise Oregon. After a look at altered by the early rain, still the Tuttle, Selma, Oregon. j keen appetites of all were soon more 4 our sister state of California, where warm. Continued ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ « advertising has made it what it is, than satisfied. Coffee, cream and FOR RENT--165 acres, or will di sugar were furnished by the Farm vide: all under irrigation. Inquire it certainly looks like money wisely THE COOT OF WATER Bureau and lemonade was furnslhed Dimmick ranch. J. H. Smith. 25 | by the Chamber of Commerce. Joy- When the engineers and others spent. ' ful singing, inspired and led by Dr. FOR SALE -Until the 15th only: who are acquainted with conditions Rumors are again abroad that an ■ Poling, followed the dinner hour. Piano, music calbinet and piano in the west state that the Grants box, one oak sideboard, one oak other revolution has sprung up over ¡One of the remarkable features of Pass Irrigation District project is library writing desk, kitchen range night in Mexico. It is to be expect- Dr Poling's community sing was a and pipe, one heating stove and the vesy best now under develop very harmonious and pleasing effect ed that some more Amerclans will pipe, one center table, one glass I produced by having half of the crowd ment or being planned, they make be killed. Maybe if the Mexicans I ¡sing “Tipperary” while the other cupboard, one check writer, one At first the statement advisedly, took Washington, the administration half sang. "There's a Long, Long set of three gasoline lam|>s, some of 972 per blush, the estimated cost wood. Currier’s Millinery Store. Trail.” A group of little girls won would wake up. acre for the water seems high to 512 S. 6th St. 19 praise from Dr. Poling by the excel- some of the land owners who had lent part they took in the singlng of HELP WANTED—Donkey engineer, The Green Heron. “Old Black Joe.” become accustomed to values of the This bird, which Is sometime« celled 80 cents; cook house helper, 360 Paul V. Maris. Director of Exten- raw lands In the brush at a figure the “fly-up-the-creek.” Is shout one and and board. Leland Lumber Co., Leland, Ore. Phone 131. even lower than this estimate. But a half feet long und is common through •ion. spoke on the Farm Bruea'u. its out the United States and Canada. It aims and objects. He described the agricultural lands are like diamonds feeds mostly on f|«h frees and other extensiveness and strength of the WANTED -■Good hay pitcher in the rough. They are not worth aquatic animals, and mny be seen, par Farm Bureau movement as sJlown by about two weeks. Good wages. B. ticularly In the morning and In the eve S. Watts, Murphy. 17 much until the glitter is brought to ning. standing patiently motionless In the large ‘numbers of farmers in the the surface. The value of land is some shallow water, waiting till prey east and middle west who have given WANTED—A man to cut up somt generously of both their time and very often .produced by the very comes within reach board wood and clean yard at resi money to forward Farm Bureau dence. See A. L. Edgerton. 16 fact of the bringing of the water. work. Mr. Mairis spoke of the im Waterproof Solee. Without water, it is Absolutely provement in agriculture carried on IX1ST—Check book with check filled If shoee are much won. in the damp valueless except so far as its poten without overshoes the soles should be in other sections of the state under out, notes, etc. Pinder leave at Gravlin’s Barn, Will tial value may appear. The cost of waterproofed. Most shoe dealers car the Farm Bureau organization and pointed out the possibilities that exist trouble. Geo. Barrows. bringing water to the Rogue valley ry a preparation for tin» purpose, or /- a two-to-one mixture of melted mot- tn Josephine county. lands is small as compared wrth the ton tallow and roatn may he applied FIVE DOLLARS iREWARiD—Ix>st a In an address by Dr. Poling on the black bag containing shoes, boots cost of watering the land of any at home. You will And that the sole» subject “Making Farm Life Attrac and slippers. Finder please send other district now under develop do not only defy water after such treat tive to Boys and Girls,” he stated tnent. but wear longer by express C.O.D. to F. J. Painton, that our boys and girls are our ment. The most Important irriga Laurier, Wash. 19 greatest asset. tion project now contemplated in PHONE I.OST—Pocketbook containing silver, the west is that of the Columbia keys and fuse plug. Was left on basin, and in considering the costs Galice bridge railing July 5. Fin Consolation. From the agony column : “Young of water, a reading of the report Just der please leave at Merlin P. O. 18 made to the governor of the state of JO8VHINB COUNTY TRUCK <»• mao. recsotly rejected, desires apart ments adjoining those of young couple NOTICE Washington is most enlightening. possessed of a baby that cries all night, Farmers and Frutt Growers; eanslng father to promenade In paja The report says: We have on hand several hundred ma» : good loud swearer preferred.”— “With water delivered at the farm pounds of Grasselli brand arsenate of IT A AGREED Boston Tmnserlpt. unit, 9175.40 an acre will be lead, which is giving complete satis THAT OUR SPEED faction. It comes In packages rang ■completed cost of the Columbia -16 A ing from 4 pounds to 200 pound bar sin irrigation protect, which will UM FRIEND rel. Let us have your order now. We a gravity supply of water from the INDEED • would also like to have your esti Pend Oreille river,” according to the mate on the number of pear boxes report of the Columbia basin survey you will need, so we can supply you with made-up boxes, or in shooks. commission, submitted to Governor SPEEDY We would suggest those needing any Hart of Washington PLUMBIN quantity, say over 500, get them in “The crop results now being ob shooks and make them up at the tained on adequately watered areas flth and H SC* ranch. We have several tons of dry lime in the state J notify a development sulphur at the old Rex Spray plant. cost for the Columbia baain much It is a wonderful fertiliser, worth higher an acre than that prospect,'* Alonso Joaos, Mgr. $40 per ton. You may have It for ■ays the report. hauling ft away. Get busy on thia, as You'll know that our speed Is "After more than a year's Inves it is well worth considering. a good friend of yours whea Yours for success, tigation of available sources of water yon are in need of a plumber OREGON GROWERS PKG. CORP. to fix up a' leaky pipe or do supply, of methods of distribution some other repair work. At Per, T. E. BEAULIEU. Manager ORDER •nd a complete land classification of such a time you will consider IT TODAY the ColumMa basin area the report It quite fortunate that you re NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION submitted shows that 1,753,000 member our phone number. OF PARTNERSHIP IN •crea of land in Adams. Grant. ( We would like to be of service to you. Franklin and Walla Walla counties | Notice is hereby given that the co SANITARY partnership heretofore existmg be can be reclaimed.*' B. S. DEDRICK tween O. M. Knox and Paul Rutten- VACUUM PACKED cutter, doing bueineea as Knox and A man who ilkes his little “nip" Ruttencutter. is this day dissolved by CANS once In a while was discussing the mutual consent of the parties, and that Paul Rutencutter becomes the sole owner of the said copartnership business. and will pay all indebted ness and collect all Mils due. or owing to or from said copartnership. Dated July 6. 1920. PAUL RUTTENCUTTER, O. M. KNOX. 103 THEY ARE GOING FAST! BUT THERE ARE STILL A FEW LEFT The Phonograph Supreme PHONOGRAPH OFFERED TO YOU AT SPECIAL TERMS Take advantage of this unusual opportunity before this limited number is gone... You will be agreeably surprised at the low first payment and the unusually easy install- i. menus. Decide Quickly! Others Are Also Prompt to See the Advantage! IT’S THE TONE! In design, finish and construc tion the Pathe represents all that is best in phonograph construc tion. But it is its exquisite beau ty and purity of tone that has raised it to the preeminent posi tion it occupies in Europe and America amongst those trained to real musical annreciation. Costs no more than the ordinary phonograph Double Disc Records—85 cents Each GEO. C. SABIN Grants Pass, Ore. At Home Away From Home * Layton Hotel Outing Shoes .MEN 14, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OUTING TENNIS SHOES, MOST OOMPIJCTW SHOWING IN JOSE PHINE COUNTY. PRICES JtKASONABLH. Buy Your Tastes Better Goes Further Electrical Supplies Edwards' DEPENDABLE Coffee Golden Rule Store Dwight Edwards Co., Portland, Oreg. I PAUL’S Electric Store Counts Feed Store R. E. Morton, Prop FEED, FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN ALL KINDS OF FEED * YOUR BATTERY No matter what make battery you have WE have the porta, experience, and facilities to re pair or rebuild it—and, a bat tery repaired or rebuilt HERE is one that is DEPENDABLE- If you want SERVICE that la service for the OWNER—cause to us. Adams Electric & Battery Shop