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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1920)
GRANTS PASS DAILY COCKIER PAGE FOVK ■ i" ’1 We do not know everything, but years v of banking enables us to give you the bene fit of our experience which, no doubt, will help you in arriving at a decision in any bus iness matter. This is one of the services we render our customers without charge. New Mrs. B. W. Foss left this morning ■ Attorney Brown, of Glendale, is I for Portland and will visit there for spending a few days in the city on le FANCY BEADS—BAG TOPS I the next few days or a week. gal business. ANI» H. I.. Plumb, deputy forest super B. F. Jones left this morning for »'HITE SILK HOSE visor, left this morning for the lower I Klamath Falls where he will sftend Rogue and will be gone for about I the summer. Hemstitching and pecoting, 10c 10 days. Successor to Charles Bates arrived a few days ! and 12c per yard. Nellie Neas. Oltf Mrs. E. Rehkopf ago from Idaho and has taken a posi Miss Nola Pollock left today for I Sisson where she will visit for the tion with Jas. Trimble in his black smith shop. Mr. Bates is an expert next four or five days. horse shoer and for many years fol Allene Fall went to Hilt this lowed the track and shod some of | morning and will spend the remain- the best racers in the country. | der of the summer there. Orres the ladies’ Jailor from Ash IJcensed to Wed— land, will be at Clevenger’s Hat Shop I A marriage license was issued in a every Thursday, Instead of every uesterday to Quinton John Campbell Tuesday. 61tf and Miss Thelma Irene Waldron, NEW SUIT, SHOES and Mrs. H. B. Mead and two children both of Grants Pass. FURNISHINGS | left this morning for Modesto, Cal.,1 ' after visiting here for the past month r| Taking Vacation— I with Mr.’ and Mrs. Bert Barnes. I When Forest Supervisor Mrs. Jessie Hunt, who has been ManDaniels and Whitney Allyn ; visiting here and in Del Norte coun- yesterday for the Windchuck ' ty, left this morning for her home at trict in the forest service truck they Grenada. were accompanied iby H. H. Allyn, Mrs. I. M. McCallister and daugh who is taking a vacation from his ter, Miss Bertha McCallister, went to duties as city auditor and police Dorris this morning to spend the re judge. They will be gone a little mainder of the summer. over a week. LET US TAILOR FOR YOU A COOL Lumbago, Rheumatism, acute or! chronic, responds to Dr. Tompkins Delegation Will Pass Through— TWO PIECE SUIT 16tf I The Oregon delegation to treatments. You can order these suits witli confi Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Allen. Mr. and Democratic national convention dence, because the tailoring will lie Mrs. George Carey, Miss Ethel Sin San Francisco will pass through executed bv nott and George Carey Jr., left this Grants Pass tonight on the third sec morning for Crater Lake to spend a tion of train 54 according to a tele few days. gram from one of the members of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Boling, of the party. The train will arrive here At the sign of Gold Hill, spent Tuesday visiting in Ye Jolly GEO S. CALHOUN I ! thé city. They left this morning for at 6:35 o’clock. Little Tailor Over fifteen years local dealer , Roseburg where they will spend sev- Care is Vrged— : eral days. County Agent Miller urges any Mrs. M. M. Davis arrived yester- orchardist having trouble with [ day from Sacramento for a visit here blight to cut off the infected parts Water Warming Cp— Visit Crater Lake- I with her brother, Harry Cougle. Mrs. at once and to thoroughly disinfect The water in the river is warming Envoy and Mrs. Gray, Mrs. D. D. j Davis will probably visit here for the both tree and tools. It anyone up again after last week. It dropped Dodge and Mr. and Mrs. H. Thur- j next month. should require his assistance, Mr. as low as 66 degrees but yesterday it man made a trip to Crater Lake ‘‘Enos Fruit Salad.” Sabin has it. Miller says that he is ready at any was up to 68 and today it will prob Monday and Tuesday. They report Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Garringer left time to do what he can to aid. ably be as warm as last week. good roads and a wonderful trip. this morning for San Francisco. Mr. Garringer has been connected with I Exit Humorist. the 'Grants Pass hardware store for While making a tour of the souther« a short time. states, we were driving along it coun See ad in new today, furniture for try road, when a farmer came walking sale at Currier’s Millinery, 512 S. toward us. Otte of our crowd, a hu 6th Sit. 19 morist, thinking he would have some Miss Ida Frank returned to her fun with the man. stopped tlie car. home at Stayton, Ore., this morning and taking a small satchel and a mag after visiting here for the past two azine, gave n ten-minute impression of months with her sister, Mrs. L. O. Hilly Sunday. When he had tintshed, the man looked at hint a little queerly. Reynolds, of the Bonbonniere. put Ills hand in bis pocket and gave The World’s Biggest Hits Mr- and Mrs. H. Kelbel arrived hint it card. On It were the wcrds: this morning from Woodburn and "I am deaf.”—Exchange. For the Sum of Two Bits will make their home in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Kelbel have purchased Opccrt- ity Gone. A snappy the Grants Pass bakery and will con While talkli.;; 1 :i caller one dny I You ’ ll know him in New show duct it in the future. was annoyed o> ¡• I Interruption of Jerome Fertlg, who has charge of my four-yen r ci<t <1»ugliter who was stantly. He’s that Gil- Today— the engineering work on the Granta trying to lell something exciting. I 1 in’s boy, who clerks Don’t let Pass irrigation project, went to Gre reminded her that it was impolite to in Peeweepie ’ s down it get by nada this morning to attend to bus Inn-p upt ne- and went on with my stor ” When l had finished I turned He's the scoun- store, You iness for the day. to I: <■ saying: "Now, Louise, what drel who put the wasp Don't forget the special bargain, did •<>u 'ant to tell me?" She an- one-half off or more on all trimmed •w ■d dincor.solntely: “I’ve lost my hive in your grocery hats, as we close the 15th of July. SB) u.i'.v."—Exchange. basket and bored old Currier’s Millinery store, 512 8. 6th Stockton's boat full of 19 DELIGHTFIL CELEBRATION holes. Pretty Mary Mrs. R. P. Patrick returned to her home at Roseburg this morning after Bandon ’ s mother must Mrti. Robert F. Randolph and Mrs. ■ visiting in the city for a few days G. S. Thoman of New York gave a be crazy to let her run with Mrs. John Patrick. Mrs. Pat- most delightful picnic supper at Ar-' wi+h hi>u—But come rick vistted at other valley points dencraig. the evening of July Fourth down* to the Oregon also. The house and tables were effectively I see the typical Ani- O. C. Smith has arrived from Cop- decorated with the national colors m bov. lar, Mont., and will have charge of and a profusion of Shasta daisies. the field work of the engineering of The soft lights from many gaily col the irrigation district. Mr. Smith is ored' Japanese lanterns made fairy looking for a place in which to live land of the grounds. Little Miss and when a suitable location is found Betty Randolph’s spirited rendering; Mrs. Smith will come here. of "Freedom’s Flag" added greatly to the pleasure of the evening. Among the guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Livingston and Miss Gene Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Streets, Mr. and Mrs. Al-■ tonso Wyl'berg, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. | Coutant, Air. and Mrs. Will Scovill. , Miss Cora Bartholomew, Mrs. Jose- , phine I.lsher of Portland, Mr. and j Mr«. C. T. Crosby, Mrs. Louise Whit ney and Miss Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Russell Chirk. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene , In His Latest Comedy-Drama A. Murphy. Mr. Benjamin Coutant of Alameda. Cal.. Mr. Robert F. Ran dolph and the Misses Theodate and Betty Randolph. rnrs. Dellie Peas THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Celebrate OF BOITHERN OREGON ST S I E *1 WEDNESDAY, JILY 7. l»ao. . ■ A PERSONAL ÍÜ? LOCÆL Difficult Decision MFXBEM rXnCRAl. RESERVE .i Peerless Clothing Co. You have grain to thresh. Get one of the several Case Threshermen to do your work. Lees Grain In the Stack and cleaner grain in the Backs. That'« Case Threshing. . If you can not get Case service in your community then we will lx, pleased to show you the little Case Community Thresher. And if you have a Thresher and no power a Case Kerosene Tractor will do the trick. Belt pulleys are regular equipment on Case Tractors and are driven direct. No gears. You get all the power on the belt. We can help you with your threshing problem. See us. Rogue River Hardware Co i Examiners in Town— While passing through the various ► 'barber shops today it appeared that 1 the barbers were not taking the ac- customed pound of flesh. Maybe it was due to an overworked imagina tion or better yet it was probably due to the fact that S. H. Howard of Portland and Lee Canfield, of Salem, of the state board of barber exam iners, were in the city on their reg ular trip of inspection of the different shops. They have been making a trip through the valley and are now- on their way home. They are mak i ing the trip by auto and while in the southern part of the slate, they went ■ to Crater Lake. The trip was made in from Medford and the road to ¡Gold Hill from the lake was taken on the return They say that the Gold Hill route is much better than going via Medford. ALWAYS PREPARED The .Josephine County Bank is al way prepared with facilities for good ser vice, and is responsive to the retpiire- ’ incuts of its customers for legitimate ’ business enterprise. (■backing Accounts are solicited J osephine C ounty B an G rants P ass ,0 bs OREGON Jack Pickford Hammermill Bond Letter Heads and Bnvelopes at the Courier office. Swim Caps The Star Boarder THE BEST .ASSORTMENT We recommend a pure gum cap in DIRABLE," «ATHLETIC" ANI» “AERO" Scone from JACK PICKFORD "in wron “ ’ ack Sennett’s ■^r: oom Buster Bea Turpin fazenda and eddy.”---“Teddy” has a ; emotional role. OCR PRICE «Oc “Ml'RIAL” IN ALL COLORS Jack Hckford, taking the part of by hlg commonplace surrounding«. Johnny Spivena in "In Wrong" which I As a portrayer of the roles of ado- open« today at tbo Oregon theater. U lescent boy«. Pickford has rightly declared to have «cored the triumph ' med the place of leading juvenile of hl« career in hi« Jepiotion ot a on the screen. lUe Interpretation of oountry boy. whose ambition is «tim Mark Twain*« "Tom Sawyer" demon- by a love affair and mocked «trated that hi« talents in comedy lines were decidedly pronounced. Lat er, starring in "iBill Apperaon'a Boy," he proved himself able to handle the most delicate dramatic aituattons. Hie role In "In Wrong" gives him the opportunity to combine heart throb« and chucklee tn a most de lightful manner. In Wrong'” CLEMENS THIRTY MINUTES OF FUN Sells Drugs and Books I I I COMING! Chas Ray in “The Egg Crate Wallop”