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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1920)
MONDI». •• M -*• GRANT8 PAHS DAILY CIM RIKH PAGE TWO PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, June D. Cattle weak, choice Hteere »10.50 at »11.25; hog» firm, prime mixed »15.25 at »15.75; sheep •steady, lambs »10.50 at »11; butter firm, cubes extras, 50c; eggs 3 7c. GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except Bunday a. E VOORHIEB, Pub. and Propr u ato red at poatofflee, Grants Paas. Ora., as second class mall matter. Just Arrived LADIES ADVERTISING RAT 'S naplay spaoe. per inch---- --- _....20c Local-personal column, per line..10c Baader», per line .......—....... —---- 5c SEW TODAY BODICE VESTS’ DAILY COURIER •y mali or carrier, per year »6.00 •y mall or carrier, per month.. .50 See Our Pongee Silks WEEKLY COURITJl •y mall, par year..- ---------------- »».00 INSURANCE All forms. Lit,, Acci- dent. Health. Fire. Automobile, Liability. Plate Glass and Ronds, T. M. Stott. 308-10 N. 6th street Office phone No. 4 4-J. B. S. DEDRICK 616 F Street Phone 3O8-J is almost Impossible to obtain and luy Watch Repairing hai grown to su li proportion that I am •ompallml to ills untlnua certain Uno# of repairing. AFTIttl JI IA 1 will hot be In a position to accept for ■mall work, but will make a •peclull;. > and Diamond Setting BARNFS, The Jeweler FOR SALE A good saddle pony, saddle and bridle, will also drive. A bargain if taken at once. Ingalls, phone 244-J. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively »■»,«> 1^.1 to the use for republication K. U GALBRAITH Reul K ate? In of all news dispatches credited to it surance, and plate glass liability or all -otherwise credited in this 4 609 H G street. phone 2S paper and also the 'ocal news pub lished herein. FOR SALE 4 30 S C. White Leg All rights of republication of »pe same need that has to this year con at the Chicago convention. dal dispatches herein are also re horn pullets of the larger type. 3 When Chairman Cummings in his ; fronted the farmers around Grant» served months old. 111 vigorous 'and review of the democratic accomplish Pass, but through all tho decades healthy; from a highly-bred.laying ments in winning the war referred to MONDAY, JI NK 28, 1920. between they have had their gravity the leadership of President Wilson. | strain better than a 272-et water. Their valleys were not large the audience went Into another dem- ; cord; Tancard Barron stock. ♦ ♦ ♦♦ be seen at 507 A gtreet. Cyrus and ttieir farms were not large, and onstration despite his efforts to stop OREGON WEATHER ♦ Wheeler. 13 its repeatedly. Mr. Cummlgs signal-' there were not a large number of Weather for thè Week ♦ farmers in any one valley or section. led to the audience not to Interrupt GRAIN II \Y »25 per ton in Hit' field with applause and cheers, but the 4 blocks west of .the ball park. Pacific Coast State«: Gener- But the few who were there needed delegates persisted Phone »1941 ♦ ally fair; normal tempera water for irrigation, so they had a • When he referred to the accom I HAVE the best Bungalow, for the ture. At this meeting there plishments and the inspired leader ♦ meeting. least money, that can be found in ♦ Grants Pass Tonight »nd Tuesday- fair. ♦ might have been only Henry Joues. ship of Woodrow Wilson, the con ♦ ♦ William Smith and Pete Adams, but vention went off into another tumult Moderate westerly winds. I am now prepared to sell small ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ whoever they were, they made de of cheering in which it was helped along by the band. tracts of land under the new Irri cisions and then acted with prompt gation system. In from 5 to 20- ROLLING VP OUR SLEEVES ness. The decision was simply that acre tracts. If you have a little San Francisco. June 38.—The lat The board of directors of the they had to have water so they est 'turn of the McAdoo boom—that money that you want to get action Grants Pass Irrigation District has on. with certainty of making a would dig themselves a ditch to despite the declaration that he did touched the button which stars dirt < fine profl*. In a very short time, bring the water from the st-ream not want the nomination, he would flying on the last phase of the big- I try this. The execution was simply to draw,1,0 willing to accept It furnished a gest constructive undertaking car- new angle to the contention talk lots for sections of ditch and go out 160 acre goat ranch, fine »pringa, Just before the convention opened ried on in the Rogue river valley and dig it. Then the water ran into By ^ome It was declared McAdoo good garden ground, and splendid since the coming of the railroad. outrange, good buildings, new. the ditch and onto the lands of now would be an active contender The contract for the installation of Price »1300. Henry Jones. William Smith and from the start that as a consequence the gravity system has been let, and the democratic convention 1» like the Pete Adams: and their farms and I have exceptional bargains In In farmers In the p rants Pass district that water have been raising crops republican meeting at Chicago and side tracts, from 1 to 7 acres. YOU would have the big three running will soon have water coming to their since 1856 or 1858. will never see them as cheap close together on the opening roll very door-s(ep of its own force, a again. Ask me about them It took Grants Pass a long time to call. constant, never-ending factor in com E. T. McKinstry. «03 G street OR profit by that experience. For many A state commission, similar to the munity growth, gravity water. long years we have sat around wait federal trade commission, to prevent BARGAINS in sixes, one Buick 1917 Now that the vision is really in the ing for some benevolent philanthrop profiteering. Is a feature plank on as good ns new. one Cleveland profiteering prepared by William J making, however, the people in this only run 1500 miles. See Stott ist-capitalist (they really don’t exist) Bryan. part of the county must take off their at Buick sales rooms, north Sixth to spend his fortune giving us irri- Service men among the convention hats to the other districts in the street. 10 gation free— no ditch work for us delegates today perfected plans for county. All these years Grants Pass obtaining the endorsement of the THE PICTURE MILL copies photo included, no effort expected, and has been going without water for ir democratic party for the bonus legis graphs and valuable instruments some people got tired of waiting. lation rigation: all these years the farmers makes beautiful enlarce- So today we see the results to try- In this vicinity have struggled with ing out the old but successful maxim • land that parched and browned early which says in effect. “Do it yourseff In the summer, powerless to aid if you want to get it done;” • and Wil- themselves because there were so liam Jones. Pete Smith and Henry many to aid; because the problem Adams, farmers of the Grants Pass was so vast. district, simply got together and de TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Tears ago, even decades ago, the cided that since they needed water I OUR SPECIAL TERMS records of the water master show they’d better dig themselves a ditch. ON THE INCOMPARABLE— ing even as far in the past as 1856 The job being a vast project, they and 1858-the farmers in other sec hired the work done and it Is now tions of the county realized tho going on. Soon the water of the stream will be turned into the grav- ONE THINGS SURE \ ity ditch and it will run out- onto A NICE. COLD BATH - ) their lands, and in the year 1958 or 1998it will still be running on those ALWAYS COOLS lands, producing crops. OFF SUMMER'S So today, Grants Pass with Its vast WRATH ' acreage pays tribute to the irrigation methods of the rest of Josephine county; we roll up our sleeves and proceed to dig ourtelves a gravity ditch; it's partly done now, the sum mer will see the end of it. Summertime can’t stay mad very long In the vicinity of a nice cool bath. Turn on the cold water. Turn off the per spiration, take a cold shower and cheer up a bit. Remem ber what folks nay about the plumbing shops being the place to go- for your every plumbing need. They* are tell ing you the truth. GOOD HELP No motti r vvliat iuak<- l-utlcry you have WK lu»ve the rx|>crleme, mid fai I lit iis« to re- |Uiir or rebuild It—mid. a bat teri repaired or rebuilt III-:III- I» ,rne tliat I» DEPENDABLE. If you want BER» H I timi I» -.ervhv for Ilio OW Vl-.ll—<<MWr to UM. Adams Electric & Battery Shop (îvo llüWC, UK«* III, ment» ■tints portrait» antuvie» - In cent City. Calif doe» all kinds oil or water color of view In ; and ci mmei clal work HELP WANTED Bo or girl Apply all or anywhere at any time 09tf ut Bonbonnalre phone mill »3-R or residence 34 BEARDLESS BARLEY HAY for sain 140-J. In tho field, one utile • east of court- fine tone FNMl SALK From 3 to 5 at Grant» house on A street Call < clean oat hay la the field or will 1 4 Paas hotel. Henry Shubert •11 2. Box 3L deliver R F D J. II Ther KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 9 phono niopylae lodge No 5e. meets every 10 second and fourth Tuesday even- OStf FOR S ULE 66 aerea <»f land. 3 ing Ví»itor» invited house». - 2 wrllN of unter, fruit 5N»UND There JtniM trees. 8 ar re* r|enr<‘<1 June 24. six 1 s Steward n<i *•*. have them by CHERRIES Nearly all varieties, G. M Stidham out FOR BALK Eatraordlnari bargain •l’hone your order» or come Sco Will and pick them yourself •3,!>00 Must be sold al once li vlllo. phone 5O2-F-14 CASH Two hundred, and Thirty- Five acres within 8 miles of Cres JK1LSKY Bl’IJ. CALF. 5 days old. cent City,.Del Norte Co . ('al . sired by registered sire, Mother * gallon cow. test 6-3-10%, too val fronting X» mile on river of Smith River; ixrtly timbered, brush and uable to be vested. to lie seen to open land About 50 acre« excel be appreciated 913 If taken at once J. 1. Davis. Rd. 1. 14 lent soil, part now ready for plow I-urge grazing acreage In forest (government) reserve Joins proper u ILLA WILL». WASHINGTON, DH'RKANEN IN 1*01*1 RATION ly Proposed 0 C -41. I’ R R right- of-way nearby. Fine spring water on place All small fruits, melons, Washington. June 2* The census tomatoes and such like grow figures »how Walla Walla. Waah . abundantly there Fee »Imple title ha» a papulation of 15,583. a crease of 28«! or 19 9 per cent, guaranteed Interested. PHONOGRAPHS JUST A LIMITED NUMBER —WHEN THEY ARE GONE THE LOW TERMS NOW OFFERED MUST CEASE WILSON GIVEN OVATION ____________ Continued from Page On» > ary organization, including Cum mings as temporary chairman, were adopted without dissent. Cummings was given a demonstration as he was escorted to the platform. Cummings began speaking 1 in a low voice deliberately, and the i au- dience cried louder, He s^on got In- to full voice, however, and the ail- dience had no difficulty in hearing him. Applause and cheers punctu- ated his denunciation of the republi- can party and its platform adopted Make It a Delightful, Musical Home Gowns, Skirts and Chemise 4 EVERYONE THAT HAH EXAMINED THE BIG SHOWING OF. •THE “DOVE” AND “PEERLESS” MUSLIN UNDERWEAR NOW ON DISPLAY HAVE PRONOUNCED THEM WONDERFUL VAL- VES- ----- A home without music is common place. It Ijicks one of , its greatest essentials—and its occupants are robbed of one of the most entertaining and inexpensive pleasures there is. Make your home a delightful place for the family and for t family friends. PLAYS ALL RECORDS THE JEWELED PATHE It plays any make of disc costs no more than the ordi record — something that nary instrument gives von fullest choice of se for years. lections. It doesn’t wear out, Its wonderful Sapphire records. I’athe Records in- ball gives «you the sweetest eed, are guaranteed to play music and does away entire a full lJMMt times. ly with scratchy needles. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR PATHE COME HEAR IT—SELECT A MODEL THE TERMS WILL PLEASE YOU WE KNOW * to t PKK ES AS FOJJXIWS: GOWNS—91.18, 91-58, 91-88, »I.»». 92.28, 82.IS. 92.88, 9288. CHEMISE—91.48. 91-88, 91-98, 92.25, 92.88, 98-88. SKIRTS----91.88. 91-48, 91-88, 92-28, 92.78, 92.98, 93.05. AI >40 (X)RfiET COVERS, BLOOMERS AND PAJAMAS. ALL MADE IN BEAVTIFVL MATERIAU», FLESH AND WHITB. Golden Rule Store Grants Pass, Oregon «