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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1920)
rnlvsrsltjr of Oi«. l.Bg'ary route T-r— VOL. V, Nd. IMWb GRANTS I'AHH, JOSEPH INK «Nit V TY. <»RKG«>N. New York, June 28—-William 0. McAdoo would neither af- firm or deny today r that he lai would accept the president | nomination If tendered him by the democratic convention. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 9 *MONDAY, JUNE 2H, 1IKMI. PICTURE SEEN IN THE SENATE RESOLI TION OF Al’PRiX lATION FOR WILHON IS ADOPTED ♦ ♦ ♦ San Francisco, June 28.—Af ♦ ♦ ter unanimously adopting a ♦ ♦ resolution of "appreciation and ♦ ♦ greeting" to President Wilson, ♦ ♦ the convention adjourned until ♦ F tomorrow morning. ♦ Sil.EM SENATOR Di-XTDES TO WITHDRAW FROM PRESI DENCY CONTEST » WHOLE VI MJIKK WM PORTLAND FIRM WILL CO! STRUT SUSPENSION BBIDGK FOR SaSXMM» COMPLETE Reports From All Parts of Country Indicate That Plot Is Being Worked Out Hwvlco, Volunt«-«-r<sl Soon MW Out llrmk of War—Sealed Here in 1H7.1 Al O|H-nlng Itoli Call. <’«nventton View* of Two Said to Ito in Accord. Will Ito Similar to the Republi Eddy Aggmesive Fight for the Berlin. Julie 28. -Chancellor Kon- can tlilcago Meeting People Says SaIemite ravlty Irrigation System tn Ready for Operation for the Next Season * • Gl B Rome, June 28.—Reports of dis orders in widely separated parts of, Italy appear to corroborate the lm-| A H Carson, one of the oldest Auditorium, San Francisco, June Salem, June 28.—Senator Louis | pression that this is a part of a deep The first contract awarded towar pioneers of Josephine county, drop 28.- The democratic national con- Lachmund, of Salem, today announc scheme to overturn the social order J the completed gravity project of th pod dead at about 8 o'clock tills vention got under way today w ith a ed his withdrawal as an aspirant for throughout the entire country. Un Grants Pass Irrigation District wet morning while at work at his rnnch tremendous demonstration for Presi the presidency of the next Oregon! employment is alleged to be the rea to the Portland Bridge companj '•Redlands.'' near Murphy, Mr Car dent Wilson. When the-great Amer senate. In announcing his withdraw son for the strikes. Rioting is now ! who made the successful bld for th son had taken hl* horse lo the ican flag was rolled up unveiling a al Senator Ixichmund let it be known in progress. construction of the suspension bridg strawberry patch to plow and was large painting of the president, the that he will give his support to Sen-! over the Rogue upon which the pip apparently In perfectly good health. convention went into a delerium of ator B. L. Eddy, of Roseburg, for : and conduit for the carrying of th Illa eon. Ixnilo Carson, had told him cheering, applause and demonstra the post, declaring that Eddy’s views water from the South aide gravity cs that ho did not think It advisable to tion which continued for half an are In accord with his own and that I nal to the Northwest unit will b 1 ___ I ur. Carsun work this morning but Ms. hour despite all attempts to resume the Roseburg man Is an aggressive 'll laid. The bld was the only proposs for a aald ho would go to the field I.. business. At the sight of the pres fightey in behalf of the people upon a definite unit figure that wa couple of hours until he got tired ident's features, roars of cheers against the interests “that are prone submitted to the district, and lat HI* son watched him whflo he went swept the hall, state delegations tak to swoop down at each session Saturday afternoon the board mad down to the field The older Carson ing up the standards which marked the legislature and bring about the award. The board also accepts The regular meeting of General the proposal of the Shattnck Con has Just started to work when he places on the floor ad paraded about Islatlon that is detrimental to Logan W. R. C. held Saturday af structlon company for the bnlldln was seen to fall over the plow in such a demonstration as usually best interests of the state.” ternoon, was another of the many I of the dam and the excavation o handle* The horse did not stop but ' accompanies the nomination of a pleasant social affairs of the order. | the canals, laterals and other strut < pulled him along for about 15 feet T D Montgomery, who is in the successful candidate. before the harness came loose. Death city today from the mining property In the New York delegation some- when the delegates finally settled Nine new members—one rein-: tures, this contract being based upo: la said to have been caused by an which he and his brother are open- | thing approaching a fist fight ac- down to hear Vice Chairman Kra- statement, one transfer, and seven 1 Í costs of work with limited profits. Internal hemmorhage of the brain. Ing up in the Mt. Reuben district, re , companied the demonstration when mer’s opening speech presenting Na-, by initiation— were added to > the ' The bid of the Portland Bridg 1 tional Chairman Homer S. Cummings! membership roll, making a total I company for the erection of th His death came aa a complete sur ports striking a very rich vein on , Franklin D. Roosevelt, assistant sec as the temporary chairman of the i prise aa Mr Carson was In excellent j Saturday while doing assessment retary of the navy, took up the New membership of 140. I ! bridge was 822,999 for the i at ructun convention. henlth nnd had eaten a hearty work on the property. The vein Is York standard to Join the demon The delegates who attended the complete, the span to be 240 feet} Cheers and yells broke in breakfast before going to work Hi* four feet across and the average of stration. and several other New department convention at Astoria. with steel towers and stiffen ini daughter. Mrs S E Hamlett, of At four assays taken at the Cold Bug York delegates sought to prevent quently as the speaker praised Comrade A. H. Carson for the post trusses, with concrete anchorages lanta. Georgia, has been' notified and mine shows values of 836.318 In gold him. Roosevelt triumphed however, democratic performances during and Mrs. Stinebaugh for the corps— and pedestals. The bridge will be an answer la being awaited Itefore per ton. This vein appears to be an without any damage being done to last eight years and belabored gave reports of the splendid recep located about half a mile below th« the time of the funeral la announced. extension of the California mine on anybody and marched off bearing republican party as a party of "des tion and the enjoyable time in both steel bridge at Sixth street, and worl^ truction and reaction. ” Mr. Carson has been a resident of the north. The property on Mt. the New York standard Into the dem business and entertainments given ts to be commenced upon it immedi When the league of nations was by the generous and loyal Astorians. Josephine county tor 45 years, hav Reuben about 17 miles west of Glen- onstratlon. ately, with December «1st as the dat< Hurrah for Wilson and cheers for mentioned another demonstration Those four days will always be re ing crossed the plains in 1874 After dale. upon which it must be completed. Mr. Montgomery expects to be In the presldet drowned out th^ band broke out. which was second only to membered with pleasure by all who almost a five months' trip he finally The contract entered into with the Grants Pass during the week and will that for Wilson. When Kremer de nnd refused to be checked, if there located here and engaged In placer attended the state convention. Shattuck Construction company bring with him samples of the ore. clared that the world was waiting had been any disposition to curtail In 1876 he purchased the mining At the close of the afternoon bus covers the building of the hollow U> hear the decision of the American them. Policemen mixed in the Roose present Carson ranch. "Redlands," iness session, a "surprise” program velt scramble and for a while it electorate on the league issue the was given Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Good concrete dam at the Savage Rapids nnd since that time has been actively looked like bloody noses were Imml- convention rose and went in for pro now, in honor of their golden wed site, installation of the , necessary engaged In the development of the American Ix*gi<>n Tuesday— • longed cheering. The formal read ding anniversary. The "bride” and machinery, excavation of the canals Tomorrow evening at 7:30 is the nent. horticultural Interests of the county ing of the roll call of the convention "groom” were seated in the center of and laterals, building op highway It was close to half an hour be- , time set for the meeting of the local The Carson rnnch has become known bridges, etc., the estimates for which followed Kremer. fore the delegates would consent to [ a' row of chairs with “bridesmaids” all Over the state aa one of the larg post of the American legion at Recommendations of the tempor- and "best men" seated on each side, are around a half a million dollars. est producer* of the Tokay grape in which a number of matters having quiet down and hear the opening j The dam and machinery equipment (Continued on D&<e 1.) Several original poems and read alone will involve a cost of 8180,000, Oregon, which grape Mr Carson considerable Importance will come prayer. It was a full hour later I ings, life history _ and ________________ helped Introduce Into the county. Of up. The time Is made early on ac romance, real and it is expected that it will be built and ideal. we?e showered upon the complete before high water of the the 1G0 acres of land on the ranch. count of having several initiations to 30 arc set out to grapes. There are give In addition to the business to handsome couple, together with a fall begins. To have the advantage 70 acres of other fruits, the care of come up, and admission will be made beautiful bunch of white Ullies, a' of the exceptionally low stage of large boquet of yellow flowers, a water qf the present season, the which made him an authority on hor by password which may be obtained by any member from anyone on the bride’s cake and a gold chatelaine Shattuck people have already com ticulture. pin presented by President Anna menced the preliminary work of He was the eldest In a family of executive committee. The Initiation Stinebaugh. as a gift from the corps. preparation at the dam site, coffer three boys and three girls, being ritual as drawn up is very impres Comrade Carson ordered the two dams to be put in at once for the born In Marietta. Ohio, on December sive. dealing with the reasons and Washington. June 28.—Official ad- fectivgs and armaments. The sub to "stand up” when he repeated a unwatering of the site of the struc f>. 1843. The family moved to Illi fundamentals underlying the Incep nois In 1859. settling near laifayette tion and organisation of the Ameri ' vices received here state that the al- committee devoted to the subject of service to the entertainment of all ture. For this work the contractors present that bound In "holy wed In 1802. inspired by the highest mo can l<eglon, and will prove instruc '| lied military control commission with tive as well as iteresting to all mem ' Marshal Foch as its supreme dlrect- effectives is concerned with the size lock" Miss Christina Feld and Mr. will bring in a large amount of tives of patriotism, Mr. Carson en bers The matter of government In ling head, ex-offlcio, constitutes now and organization of the German, O. S. Goodnow in Quincy, Ill.. July equipment, the contract calling for listed In Company F of the 124 th the prosecution of the dam to a point surance will be covered thoroughly, , the keystone of allied relations with army while the sub-committee on 1st. 1870. Illinois volunteer Infantry as a prl- where rentals for equipment must and any Insurance man in town la I Germany. It Is declared that so long armaments is concerned chiefly with Visitors from outside corps pres- cease in seven months, vate. For meritorious conduct and Invited to attend and help get the ; as the comtnission continues to func maintaining a proper reduction - of ent, were Mrs. A. Gaston of Clay ------ ------------ -------___ The excava gallantry on the battlefield he was ex-service men straightened out on tion, revival of German militarism is stocks of guna and ammunition in | Center. Kan.; Mrs. Howard, of Ash tion of the main canals will also promoted several times. Ho rose the subject. I proceed at once, a steam shovel to be . Germany. land, and Mrs. Whiting, of Roseburg. brought in for this work. The mule impossible. rapidly In rank and soon Itecame a . According to these advices, the i No place In Germany is exempt | Nearly 100 were served with refresh equipment now here will be retained first lieutenant In the Third Cavalry. military control commission exceeds from investigation by representatives! ments at the close. ¡He was on the firing lino In many of on the ground, and increased or di in Importance even the reparations of these committees as authority offj the more conspicuous engagements minished as the need occurs. Some i Having a Hard Time- commission since former President the supreme council in the past has of the wnr Including among many; Unable to locate the landing field, of the smaller canal and lateral work | Poincare resigned from the repara- been invoked several times to obtain others the battles at I*ort Gibson, R. R. Trask and Walter Cannon, of is to be sublet by the Shattuck peo- | tions body because the allies had de- execution of the commission's de Tlnyou Perle, Fourteen Milo creek. the Willamette Aerial Transport Co., j pie, as experience has proved that I elded to limit its authority and since mands. Jackson nnd was also present at the I piloting Ni standard plane, circled 1 the smaller work can be more eco- the naval and air commissions have Hinge of Vicksburg. Tn 1884 and] The two sub-committees, in an ef Roseburg for several minutes this nomically prosecuted by local out- been relegated to positions of secon fort to maintain strict police over 1885, Mr. Carson was acting assist-' morning and then landed In the field fits if they are available. There will The official program for the Farm dary importance. ant Inspector-general. At the time potential German militarism, have Immediately west of the Moore tim not be the need for haste In this that The military control commission organized numerous agpnts into dis ho was discharged from the service, Bureau picnic to be held Saturday, was found in the 1920 program, as ho had attained the rank of adjutant July 3rd, at Riverside park, Grants' began to function as soon as the trict sub-committees throughout Ger ber tract in Edenbower. The mark there are 10 months before another ings of the Hanan field could not be j Pass. Is to be mailed to every farm treaty of Versailles became effective. many. Such district commutes on of the Third Unliv'd Stntes cavalry. irrigation season during which time Presided over by General Nollet of effectives are presided over by seen from tho air, they stated, and i these can be built. It ts proposed, Mr. Carson was an active member family of Josephine county tomor j they were unable to find a suitable! of General Ixtgan post of the G. A. row. (The farm boys and girls of the French army with headquarters French officers in Pomerania and I place in which to land. The Eden- however, that the project complete R., having Joined the organization In Josephine county are scheduled for in Berlin and reporting to Marshall Schleswig. East Prussia. Bavaria, and shall be ready for operation by April one of the biggest surprises of their Foch. the commission, in addition to I Sllesla: by ¡British.' In Berlin and 1 bower field was very rough, but they 1st. 1867. managed to reach a stop without ac- Tn April 1888. Mr. Carson married lives. The official program will an its supervision of German disarms. Raxony; by an Ifallan In Baden and | cident. They have a slow landing While the contract made with the Marie Donnelley, at Atlanta. Georgia., nounce the surprise but the real na ment, has taken an active interest In Wurtenburg: and a /Belgian in West- , plane or otherwise there possibly Shattuck people, the only bidders for ture of It will not lie disclosod.) the political-military developments In phalia and Hanover. Similarly, sub Mrs. Carson survives her husband as the work, is of the ''cost-plus" na The entertainment committee Is to Germany. (Reports of the reerndes- j committees on armaments have as , would have been an accident. They ture. Its profits are limited, and It is do two children, Alice I., wife of were brought to the city by Howard 8. E. Hamlett, of Fort Wayne, 1 Jn- meet this evening to complete ar- cense of Prussian militarism in East|fhptr heads, Frpnch off|rer(, ln pom. Calkins of the Rcseburg Welding hedged about with safeguards that diantf, and i/owls W. Carson, who i Is rangemenfs and assign the p rises, Prussia and Pomerania first emen-1 crania i and Schleswig. Frankfort, and Brazing Co., and after a short assure the district of full value for the various races and contests on the ated f from ---- --------- ‘ of ‘ the commls-1 Hanover and Saxony; British, In reports living at the ranch. stop for dinner and to refit the gaso all of its expenditures and of con program. sion to the supreme council. j Fast ¡Prussia, Westphalia. Hanover, line tank they started on their way. stant and thorough supervision of For the big picnic dinner It la MANY PRISONERS DROWN A sub-committee of the commis-, Cologne and Silesia: Italian, in Ber- all details during the construction —Roseburg News-Review. WHEN RI SSI AN SHIP SINKS planned to have the people from each eion was sent into the (Ruhr district j lin and Bavaria'; and ¡Belgian in Ba- neriod. Equipment and materials community seated together. The com for Investigation under command of den and Wurtenburg. TENNESSEE LEGISLATURE WILL for the new work will be on the London, Jun» ’8 Two thousand munltles in tarn will form onedarge the French Major Graff and it was I The 7-.. work __ „7 of these committee* eon- MEET M’GEST n ON SUFFRAGE ground within the next few days, and British, Austrian, German and Fin-j circle. Thia is necessary because of the report of this mission to official' gists chiefly in visiting garrisons. ¡ ------ , .j “arlv In July ft will be under way In nlsh prisoners of war were drowned the "speaking and singing that will advices, which formed the basis for supply depots, military schools and Nashvlllo, June 28. The legisla »„it M««t When a bolshevik steamer was sunk J follow immediately after the dinner Trench contentions at San Remo of training camps, in sending out agents ture will be called to meet August recently In the Nevn river, aeoord'n" hour. A sign will be used to desig German duplicity. ! to make Inquiries and Incidentally, in 9th to consider the federal suffrage Eugene and Jack Murphy went to to a Helsingfors dispatch to the Cen nate the part of the circle assigned The work of the commission is dl- I keening in tench w'th the noHtiml- •””endment it wns stated today at Iceland thia morning where they wilt to each community. tral News agency "Ided Into two general subjects; ef-' military tide of affairs the capitol. work in a mill stantln Fehrendbach. head of the new German government, read In the reichstag today a declaration of the! government's program. “Germany, having accepted the treaty of Ver sailles, cannot, so long aa the coun try's former enemies do not consent to modifications of the treaty, do other than make every effort to execute the engagements taken Inso far as that Is possible.” he said.