Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1920)
i « MoXUll , JUNE UH. IIKMl * GIIANTH I'AMH HAII.Y <01'11 hl» • phlne County, Oregon, and your pe- tloners. desire to provide for the 1 construction of an irrigation sys In ths County Court of Josephine tem and Irrigation works for the ir County, Oregon rigation of the lands witbin said In the mutter of the organization of boundaries susceptible of Irrigation. FOR NAI.F an Irrigation District. DllAYAGE ANI» TltiXNlElt i That It Is the purpose and desire Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned petitioners, whose names of your petitioners to organize an FOR HALE—-80 err»» rolling land, IE WORLD MOVES, so do we. are subscribed to the following and Irrigation district under the pro water. fenced, buildings, spring llurfch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone attached petition, and who are a visions of said a t and acts amenda Abell, Bargain for cash. IL <1 majority of the bona fide owners of tory thereof, and to that end we 349. 80 If Wildervlllo. land within the boundaries of the have signed this petition. WHEREFORE Your petitioners irrigation district proposed and de«- FJR BALE Choice baled alfalfa F. ti ISIIAM. drayage ami transfer. crllird in the uttsched petition, Irrl- I pray that a bearing be had upon this Safes, pianos and . furniture gated of susceptible of irrigation thut petition; that on final hearing there hay, »28 per ton, f. o. b. Grants moved, packed, shipped and stored. said petllloners by said attached pe of, by .order of »aid County Court, Pass. Riverbanks Farms 85tf tition propose the organization of an Ian election be held within said pro Office phone J 24-Y. Irrigation district under the provi posed irrigation district according FOR SALE Slab wood. dry |3, sions of L'hapter 357, General Laws to the provisions of said act for the IlKAL URTATE green 92 50 per tier. Cash on de of Oregon for 1917, and acts amen purpose of determining whether or livery. W J. T«al, phone 395-R. datory thereof, with the boundaries not such proposed Irrigation IMstrict Htitf E. t M c K instry , bos g st., phon« more particularly doscrllied and set shall he organized: and such proceed- 13 It; general real ««lite business. forth in said attached petition, and Intra be had in the matter of the or- F. H. Ileal of eolia for fruit, hay or gen will present the ssld petition, here • ganization of mii > h Irrlgation district FOR SAM1! Young pigi. to attached, to the county Court of a* are required by law; and that Box "I eral farmlug. tirai.t, Un Josephine County. Oregon, for Its such Irrigation district be organized 99 602-F-3. consideration, for the purpose of or and Its boundaries established and I'll YHjCIANH ganizing stub Irrigation district, un defined, under the provisions of said FOR 8AI4C 2 and 3 months old der the provisions of said laws, nt a act and acts amendatory thereof. CMkerols, 15c and 25c each Con L. O. CLEMENT. M. D . Practice special meeting of said court 'ailed Christ Hinderer, Roy E. Iatthrop, Shaefora, It F. D. 2. 30 limited to dlseuHcs of eye. ear. nose for the purpose of considering and A. D. 'Reed. A. B. Eckert. K. Ilam- and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours acting upon said pet Ion on Saturday, jiierbacher, G. 8. Eaton. J. II. Hawes, the 24th day of July. 1920. at the ROYAL TYPEWRITER No 10, 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of Edw. J. Schumacher, Edward Sine, Thomas Oliver McEuen, Kort Van for sale, Practically new Phones, office 62; residence 359-J said day, or ns soon thereafter as noy On hard (C H. Elsmann. Pres. I, In perfect condition, standard key the Court cun attend to and hear the C. E Weston. Oregon Caves Orchard I board back spacer, tabulator and 8. IXHIGIIRHXIE, M. D. Physician same, nt the courtroom of said Court, Co., by Chas C. Hunt, Secy.; Ida In the County Courthouse. Grants May King. Wyman RiVin. II. C Mul other up-to-date devices Will sac and surgeon. City or country calls, Pass. Josephine County. Oregon. M ler. Carl M Uthrop. Mrs. C. rlflco for quick sale, price 965. In attended day or night. Phonos, This notice Is published pursuant l-athrop. Willis A. Sharp. E. Grout. quire Lloyd’s second hand store. lies 369; Office. 182; 6th and H. .to snld laws once each week for four Cora W. Shari'. G. C. McCallister. II 212 South Sixth street. 0® ¡auccessho weeks, and .the da’o of the Wood. Ada Weston. Luella Grout, Hawes, D. Physician first publication hereof Is the 21st Is-na Eckert. Elizabeth I! »35. E. J I1ILI.1CK. .M FOR RALE 30 turkey» for day of Juno. 1920. Scottie L S humacher. M. Sine. Car and surgeon, office Hchallhorn Said petition Is' as follows, to »It 11 rie Lathrop, C. 8 McCall. J. M. Igidewlg, Rd. 3, box 74. block, phono 54-J; residence. 1001 PETITION I OR OllG A NI7. VHOX Branscomhe. Geo. fl. Riddle. Mar OF AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT FOR SALE -Ust lol White Ugbom guerite Riddle. M. N Ixiuglirldge, J. Liwnrldgc, phone 54-L. • G. McMacken. Fred H. Menzel. Cockerels, 4-we«k«-old, »1.50 per dozen. Hammerbacher, Rd. 9. W. F. RUTHERFORD Manual the- Tn the matter of the Organization of an Irrigation District under Chap phone 606-F-23. 11 raputlcs. It gets your ailment ter 357. General law» of Oregon OfTtce over Barnes' Jewelry store for 1917, and acts amendatory FOR SALE OR TRADE Six city thereof offl .< hours 9 30-1.2; 1 30-4. The following Genetai Fund Jose lots located In Wilson subdivi To the County Court of Josephine sion. Grants Pass. For further I RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- County. Oregon, and to the Honor phine County Warrants were stolen able C G Gillette. County Judge of particulars call or write O. P. Wil alelan and surgeon, X-ray equlp- said Court and County, and- to W. F. from my place May 30, 1920. son. Glendale, Ore ! 1 Date « Amount ment, denial X-ray. Offlce, Me- McCabe and J. S. McFadden, com No. 8166.66 Feb. 8, 1914 Phones CH- missioners of said court and county: sonic Temple Bldg 8 FOR HALE Three good milk cows We. the undersigned petitioners, 20044 10.00 Oct. 1, 1913 tice 21-J; residence 21-L. and two registered Jersey bulla owner« of Lind within the boun- 20920 78.00 Jan. 9, 1914 River Bend Farm. Ed L. Schmidt Irri Ration darles of the proposed DENTIHTH 75.00 1466 Jun. 1, 1914 & Son 11 district, hereinafter described, being 141.66 Oct. 1, 1913 desirous of providing Tor the con- 20035 FOR SALE - One bay horse, weight E. C. MACY, D. bf D. First-class structlon of an Irrigation system and 20651 100 00 Dec. 1. 1913 about 1100, good and gentle, works work«, for the Irrigation of the 2 1914 dentistry. 109% 8. 6th St. 60.0G Mar. 394 land« within «aid boundaries, sus- sliMtle or double. E. M. Vahren 40.00 20045 Oct. 1, 1913 pro- ceptlble of Irrigation« do hereby wald!, Murphy. Ore. 13 VETERINARY MUGRON llt.66 Nov. 1. 1913 pose the organisation of an Irriga 20332 tion district under and In accordance 20370 ', 81.00 ONE HORSE FOR SALE. weight Nov. 8. 1913 about 900 pounds. Price 935. Ben DR. R. J BE8TUL, Veterinarian. with the provisions of an act of the 10.00 Feb. 2, 1914 16 Reeldence 83 8 Washington boule twenty-ninth legislative assembly of 24.10 H Jess. Murphy, Ore. 19 1915 Oct. 9. 6527 Oregon at the regular session of vard. phone 398-R. 100.00 Feb. 2. 1914 said assembly, providing for the or 4 FOR SALE Four good work horses ganisation of Issigatlon (I let riot«, 20854 141.66 Jan. 1, 1914 about 1100, with or without har contained ! 18186 as set forth and 1.50 Dec. 31, 1912 AJTORNKYH ness, three of them good drivers, a in Chapter 357, of the Oen; 141.66 Nev. 1913 20327 1. 1917, and eral Laws of Oregon for good heavy wagon and a good 2 H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. under and in accordance with all acts ! 20046 15.00 Dec. 1. 1913 seated hack. Any or all for sale Practices In all State and Federal amendatory thereof, and do respect i 20653 75.00 Dec. 1, 1913 ■ heap. Phone 165-J, or see E. V Courts First National Bank Bldg fully iietltlon for the organization of 35.00 15 Feb. 1914 2, Smith. IS such Irrigation district, and state • 10.00 Mar 2. 1914 391 and represent as follows: G. W. OOLV1G, Attorney-at-law. 166.66 Nov. 1, 1913 WANTED That a majority of the bona fide 20330 Grants Paas Hanking Co. Bldg. | owners of lands within the boun 75.00 9 Feb. o 1914 daries of the Irrigation District, as EMPTY HACKS wanted at the Jose 35.00 Mar. «9 1914 390 phlno Flour Milt. 89tf B. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices herein proposed. Irrigated or suscep 21.00 57 Feb. 7, 1914 tible of Irrigation, have signed this - ------------ 1------------------------------ —------- In all oourts. First National Bank 166.66 Dec. 1, 1913 20655 request the or- petition, and hereby WANTED Grocery or general store Building. dis ■ 20652 ganlzatlon of such Irrigation 141.66 Dec. 1, 1913 In country or amali town and In tri et. 166.66 20038 Oct. 1, 1913 Rogue Valley. ITioe stock lease, O 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. That each of the «lanera of thls Informa- A liberal reward for any or sell building. Describe In first Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. petition la a bona fide owner of one acre or more of Imd situate within tlon as to the whereabouts of the letter fully. J. R. Mlnlch, 1258, the boundaries hereinafter described above warrants will be paid. C. A. yiUCR, Attorney-at-law. Ma Michigan Ave, Portland. Ore. 18 of the said proposed irrigation dis-: 11 • MBS. EMILY YORK. sonic i'tuple. Granta Pass. Ore. trlct. and over the age of twenty-one, WANTED A-l milk cow; muat give years, and each of said signers Is large quantity of good gillk. Phone GEO II. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law qualified In all respects under ths referee in bankruptcy, Masonic law to petition for the organization 500-R-2. 11 of such Irrigation district Temple. Phone 185-J. TEAMSTER WANTED at • Wolf CHAMBER OF COMMERCE That the boundaries of said Irri Creek. Married man to live at JA.XfcBS T. OH1NNOCK. lawyer gation district as proposed-by your petitioners are described particularly mill preferred Apply Grants Pass First National Bank Building. as follows, to-wlt: Lumber Co., Wolf Creek. 09 By the Secretary Beginning at a point on the North PUT-; W’ANTM» 500 feet more or Warrantry Deed hlanka at the j lutnk of Rogue River where a slough or lake sometimes known as Van less; cheap second hand pipe, from Courier office. I noy Creek empties Into said Rogue • 1 inch to 4 Inches.' Box 1X1. iRiver. In Section 20. Township 36 YE8TERDAY. TODAY, TOMORROW -Grants Pass. 10 ¡South, Range 6 West. Willamette Yesterday was Merldlail: thence Tunning In a North The California and Oregon easterly direction along the center MIM’HbUVNWOVS Today Is. Coast Railroad Company of said slough or lake tn a point Tomorrow will be. TIME CARD where the section line between sec BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS transfer. Yesterday lives In the past—let's tions 16 and 17. said township and Phone 14-R. »• range, crosse« said slough or lake. forget about It. Today is present— Kffeotive Nov. 24, 191» (which is about l .'.ss feet South of It's the time to act. Tomorrow never the quarter corner between said sec comes—so why not Join the Chamber BANKERS UFE COMIPANY. Dee Moines. Iowa District agent. My Trains will run Mondays, Wed ne»- tion 16 and said section 17; thence of Commerce TODAY? days and Fridays North along said section line to the ron C. Gaston. Granta Paas. Ore. Leave Granta Pane.............. 1 P.M Northwest corner of said ------- Add- A- M em l»er------- Section Over 17,500,000 In force In Ore Arrive Waters Creek P.M. 16; thence East along the North lines 2 HELP WANTED- Every man . in Uave Waters Creek. 2:30 P.M. |of Section 16. Section 15. and .<<■ gon. P.M tlon 14. said township and range, to Josephine County to help develop Its Arrive Grants Pass............. 4 For Information regarding freight a point on the North line of said unlimited possibilities by Joining IHINHHMAKING and passenger rates call at the office Section 14. said township and range, ef the oompany. Lundhurg building, nineteen rods and eleven and one- the Chamber of Commerce. DRESSMAKING—I am now ready to or tnleptinnn 181. ------- Add- A- M ember------- half feet blast from the Northwest ta n orde.v, for dreumCIt g at my corner of 1x>t 10 In said section 14, The first week in this campaign new location 661 North Third said point being the Northeast cor for membership shows that there ner of a tract of land described In ■treat. Prices reasonable, esti a deed recorded on- December 17. are still a lot of people In this county mates cheerfully given. Mrs. W. 1919. at page 335, Volume 50, Deed - good, clear-thinking, public-spirit R. Swoape. Rqeords of .trephine County, Ore ed men—who are glad they live in gon. from Roy E. I-athrop and wife, this community and are willing to VOCAL INSTRUCTION and Carl M. Utbrop to Mrs. C. M. UtFrop: thence South 44 rods; help make it still better. Are youT ——Add-A-Mcmber------- thence West 19 rods 11% feet; MRS GUY KNAPP—Voice and pinao thence South to the North boundary 'Because Grandpa used a candle is Accredited teueber for high school line of tho James P. and Margaret work. Phone 224. Residence Tuffs Donation Und Claim Number no sign we should, l-et's respect his 420 A street. 38tf 3 7; thence West along the North memory hut forget his methods. boundary line of said Donation Land Come on fellows! l<et's kick off the MRS J. L. JOHNSON—Instructor of II 'ky suffer the discomforts and Claim Number 37 to the Northwest bushel that’s hiding the candle of voice. Rooms above Moore's Ba embarrassments of a Goitre f corner of said donation land claim: Josephine county’s opportunities. In Section 14, said Township and kery, hours from 1 to 5 on Tues <). G. C. preparation for uoitre has bcn< —— Add- A - Member Range; thence South along the West tiled ninny. days and Saturdays 67tf boundary line of said Donation Land Because other men are willing to Why pay acveral hundred dollars (or an operation to remove a goitre when O.G.C. 9'lalm Number 37. to a point on said pull a load up hill is no reason why Kilt RENT can be obtained for such a comparatively West line 550 feet South of the Htnall exp4>nditure? Northwest corner of said l>onatlon some should "hang on behind." it's O.G.C, when properly applied gives satis HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent. Land Claim; thence South 72 degrees Just as much to your benefit as it factory results, or your money will he refunded. O.G.C. is aold direct, by mail 411 North 6th street, opposite 9 minutes east 130.36 feet; thence Is the other man's to belong to anly. W rite for book let. South 79 degrees 39 minutes east Chamber of Commerce. courthouse. , Address Dept. U 4 00 feet; thence South 72 degrees ------- Add-A-Mcmbcr------- 0.(1. C. CHEMICAL COMPANY 55 minutes east 469.53 feet; thence Seattle. Washington TAX. Let's make it 300 or bust! south 1388.1 feet to center of Coun ty Road: thence along center of SOONER TAXI —Phone 262-R for County Road North 74 degrees 30 PRESIDENT OF COMPANY MEETS minutes West 84.11 feet; thence Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an HIS DEATH IN E.XPUISION North 78 degrees 15 minutes West swered anywhere, anytime. I6tf 300 feet; thence North 79 degrees Pottstown. Penn., June 28.—Wil 33 minutes West 597 feet to a point PALACE TAXI Phone 22-J. .Tom In the cente" o' snld County Road liam G. Walsh, president of the Wind. 1966 feet South of Northwest cor Vulcweld Tire and Rubber Corn- ner of said Donation Und Claim T PIANO TUNING Maney, genera! pany and James A. Number 37; thence South to Rogue SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE River; thence westerly along the superintendent, were killed early to- GWO. W. CROSS a tuner with meander line of Rogue RIveY to the day by an explosion of a dryer. rears praetioal experience, Includ nolnt of beginning, nil In Josephine Frank Walsh, a brother of the pres ing 9 years factory training. Head County. Stnte of Oregon. That the Hammermlll Bond Utter Heads quarters Josephine hotel. Your Innds within the above described ident. lost an arm and suffered oth eatlefacUoa le my sucoees. 92tf and ■wvelepea at the Courier e*lee. boundaries are wholly within Joss- er Injurie« which may prove fatal. Classified Advertising I'AGR THHKB AOTK i: 150 Shades! Every tube of Purola Shaving Cream contains the "makin’s” for about 150 cool satisfying shaves. Each particle of cream multiplies itself hundreds of times with water. ’ • We waited years before we put out a "Purola” Shaving .Cream, We were not satisfied to put the "Purola” name and guarantee on record until we had a cream that represented a real improvement. Now, make this test! Take a several days growth of beard —those boasting of tough, wiry l-eards, especially invited. Use hot water and a pinch or so of Purola Shaving Cream. Sixty seconds of lather ing and you'll have the faqe covered with the cream iest, softest lather a man could want. It’ll retain its creaminess without replacing until you’ve been over the fac^, and ¡leaves a comfortable, exhilarating impression that lasts long after you shave. Get a tube at your druggist’s. Try it tomorrow, and if Purola Cream doesn't do what we say, the tnal is on us. That’s our guarantee. e»T out MIA AIDS TO HEALTH ANO BEAVTT » GUARANTEE All Purola Preparations are guaranteed to give thorough satisfaction or the prut you paid mil be cheerfully refunded. Prepared and Guaranteed by the BLUMAUER-FRANK LABORATORIES MAXWELL TRUCK • A REAL BARGAIN WILL SELL ON TERMS .. _1;. PEPTOMISMS QiLct!lW^ CAPACITY 1% TONS AGENTS HUDSON CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLUNS AUTO COMPANY HIES AMD REPAJRI PHONE 317 5// H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE t G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work t With Grants Pass‘Hardware" Co Phono 324-J 1 SAXON SIX, model 10 1 OAKLAND, model 17 1 Mt RD TOC RING, model 16 1 CHEVY, model 18