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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1920)
GRANTS T INN DAILY tXH RII R PAGE TWO S A REPRESENTATIVE ng to Promote the Business Interests of Gra Grants Pass, the County Seat and Commercial Center of Josephine County OXFORD KODAKS AND and the largest city located on the Rogue river, is situated cu ’be iuaiu Portland and .-'an Fr*n?i»co lino ’t the Southern Pacific railroad, -it'»» 507 G Nt. miles from Fvrtland an 1 475 miles from Sa-». Irancisco and a population ot about 6000 To stand A very good place to stop in the city one Imagines that its set Inviting roouaa with all conven ting is that ot an aiuphitheater, the ience« at a moderate price walls of which are formed by adja cent hills in a garb of,emerald sheen Itowell A- Kit'tile, Png«. Above is an axure sky rivalling in beauty the lauded skies of sunny Italy. This is indeed a Homeland Here one may live close to nature THE and to nature's god. The hills which seem so near by are further removed than the newcomer realizes. The Marble Halls of Oregon are tn the mountains thirty-five miles distant, APARTMENTS which in the dear atmosphere seem within a few minutes' walk of the« All four room apartin«*ntz> with center of the city. To the west, the private bath—Strictly Modern. I’. T. Bin hard. Prop. valley widens and broadens, where Rate« Itoiuouablr there are thousands of acres of or- chards. East and south are other Manufacturer« of 515 N. «th St. Phone I4O-J « broad valleys, the residents of which rely upon Grants Pass as their tnar- For ket place and supply point, more than 50 mile’ the people come to the county seat to do their mar- keting and shopping and to arrange for the disposal of their products Without detracting from Grants Pass, mineral and timber wealth, it may be said that agriculture, horti culture and other farm occupations are the most lasting of all pursuits and the greatest assets this or any GRAY « HARBECK, Props. other county can have, Grants Pass streets has broad and well-paved THE PLACJC TO GET YOUR J. J. MORTON A SON, Props. and sidewalks, well lighted: has fine MEAT, FINII and POULTRY water, good drainage, and is one of MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY — GOOD-SERVICE the healthiest places in the west STEAM ROLLED BARLEY REASONABLE PRICES The mild climate means harmonious AND ALL KINDS OF MILL surroundings It means perennial Deli verte« made at all hour« PRODUCTS Gowers and shrub'erv. with the PHONE 52 Phone 123 Cor. 3rd & G Sts. green of the lawn in mid-winter, and Houses rose« at Christmas time, surrounded by spacious yards, and The THE gardens are frequently seen. lawns are well kept, and the streets It are bordered with shade trees. would be hard to find more attrae- I tire home-sites, and here the home- ■ lover finds abiding contentment. I Its sohool» are well organized and I «sriaraailjr eondiietaJ. ktx e»»«rious J institutions are well supported, and many are housed in fine edifices, The oldest eatabliahed eating There are three banks in Grants i Pass. The Josephine County Bank. place In town and the BEST. The First National and Grants Pass Banking Co. Their deposits are now much higher th.n ever hereto 517 Ji G St. fore and are rapidly increasing, whi h denotes they are on a substan tial foundation. The stocks carried by the different SEE merchantlle establishments are so large as to occasion surprise to the newcomer. Instead of the assort A very g«««! place to stop ment one would expect to see In a lairge laxbhy and Centrally lo For Everything in the Imple city no larger than Grants Pass, the cated—Good rooms in connec ment Line visitor is confronted with stocks like tion, 5Oe and up Exclusive agent for the famous unto those of a metropolitan city. M. A. WOOD There are three newspapers pub lished here. A dally and two week Two Cars • all« Any Time lies, which have the most accurate PHONE 22-1 FOR Line of and reliable information obtainable. They have contributed largely to the dissemination of knowledge to one of the most progressive cities in the PALACE TAXI CO. Phone 113-R G. A. Hyde state. Gas Engines, Pumps, Etc. The J lading hotels are The Jose- phine. The Oxford and The Palace. Office near N. P. R. R. dojaM. I’hone 2fi for Reservations There are also several apartment and rooming house«, among th«»«e are the Dean Apartments and Layton Rooms which welcome open hospitality at all times. Plate Glans Liability, Bonding The real estate dealers are very Building and Ixam, Acreage progressive and real estate is mov- ing rapidly, The Grants Pass Cham- ber of Commerce can be relied upon W. T. Breen, Itenl Estate and Inaurante to employ every legitimate means to Leave firanta Paa« every «lay a and arrive at Crescent city at « induce new settlers to come to Jose p. m., connecting with auto phine county and to interest outside We have some good bargains stage« for Brooking«, Oregon, capital in industries, apartments and on email acreage tracts and Eureka, Calif. 4H h. p. other additions to the city. Pierce-Arrow earn used in thia service. There are also several other indus fit«» G St. Wire us al our expense for tries including steam laundry, reservations. creamery, fee plant, lumber mills, etc. The stranger is always welcome in Grants Pass, whether coining here < Il Vf so\ .1. H. COOLEY to locate permanently or to take ad vantage of the great commercial op- fortunitlei that await you. The compiler of this litle article has endeavored to be as conscient- ously conservative as possible in his statements and he can truly attest to the fact that as a place to reside, taking climatic conditions and so LI MBER, LATH, SHINGLES, HASH, DOOIIS AN’I» MOULDING many other exceptional advantages, MILL WORK A spec : '. lty that Grants Pass has to offer as a permanent abiding place there is If you have flics, uc have the ««Teens pone that will excell and few will compare with the county seat of PHONE oil Josephine County. MOTEL and GRILL FINISHING TME MUSIC and PMOTO MOUSE F. W. Streets, Prop the Your Money Transferred I r LAYTON "A h«Hii«' away from horn«" < 1«<«n < '<>uif<>r<Mt>l<> Uooiiu» KITHH , I Pure Crystal Ice The JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Market MOCHA CAFE expert tailoring F. G. ROPER Palnee HOTEL D. C. McIntyre John Deere Jitney Service Grants Pass and Ci escent City Implements ■ i > Insurance of All | Kinds P rop Gr« nt «'Pax* Or« Quality Willard Electr Automobile Insurance I’rop Home-Made Bread and Pastor ías Baked Daily l*hon«< INN Gain* N. tn MOORE Cold Storage DEAN BAKING Company Mrs.L.H. Dean, Prop. GATE J. I« <Mlvevt, Pmu, Stanton Rowell, Vic«' Pre«. Sam II. Baker, t'a» hier. A. K. t'aaa, taa't. < Mhlrr Alonzo Jones, Prop MIRE. Vi Josephine County Bank RE INONABLM MARGARET o No matter will« wlwM Bank In th«' tutted Ntatra you an' doing buainraa wc can have It lran»frrrc«l to th«' JoM'phliM' I ouuty Bank. Aak u» alaiut our <iu|ck and couvraient plan. a Specialty Flein the chra|«-«t that's giaal, to lite IH«! that's mail«* 107 N. Oth Nt. 2ONS X. «till lol V I’liotio 107-kt A. I . liez THE GRANTS PASS BANKING COMPANY Gri Capital and Surplus $60.000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts » RESOURCES Your I Ur rrlurn 4/o Interest on Time and Savings Deposits Hughes and Hotpoint RII II Nt. Phon,. 317 RANGES Thor and Blue Bini Waal «era Sold on «way terms We carTy a full line or appli ance« and " fixture« “ Call u« and let it« give you an estimate on wiring your home. Auto Co Agenta for—E«»«'x. 1 hulmers. Hudnon Super-Six. «nil Maxwell Automobile«. PAUL’S & Sons Contractors and Builders Meats 403 G Nt. Estimate« given on all Contract work Phone « Phone 31II-It < ontrat ting of all kinda of elec trical work and installing of anything electrical. COR. «TH AM» F STS. More Staple and Fancy Groceries n**sh Fruits and Vegetable«, A Specialty Free and Prompt Delivery Plion«' 4<»3 I am interrate«! in Granta l'usa, with Aio connections clncwhere. , Store 215 N. «Ih St. "Opposite the Postoffice” « STARTI NG, I TION ANI» II A DA MH Hi RATTI 50« Nf TETf GA MANUFACTURERS AM» IHHTRIHUTORS OF FORI» WOR Butter, Evdpordted Milk dnd Bdnquet Cheese Evclueive ag< Carbure MRS. it. p. EGGEIt ■ »«cal Agent E. E. »GEE, Ass't. HAT SHOP MILLINERY H. WEINIG All White ll«-l|. THE Exclusive Drink«. NW Prl<«'« Itea-onabi«' Cream, Eggs and Poultry 'ill ni'xlcrnly <*qui|»|«rd for con venience to ili» pu'dx tig»»-.. T.ih. E. W. Britton Rochdale Fresh and Salt POI LTRY AM» FISH I < ord» Complete line of Acrensorien Maxwell .'service 203 H. Oth Nt- Union Market It's dinner time and «Unuer's ready. A pootu! of meal and a loaf of bread. TH8 Mack anil Maxwell Trucks 1er Tin« and Tubes and Fabrica Electric Store Phone 17 WHITE LUNCH E. L Galbraith W. S. Maxwell Harry S. Clapp LUMBER CO STEA OREGON CAVES milt's from Gruñís Pin«« throiigh beautiful Applegate Government guide, services free, station««! at Cave« en- No hotel accommodations at Cave« but excellent camp- I<»3 S. tlth St