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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1920)
I i.v o! i niveraity oi Ore. tôrnnts VOL. X., No. 210 Oniln (Courier GRANTH I’AHH, JOHEI’HLNE 4XMJNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JI NK 4, l»aO. < ’barge» of Rottoli l'olitics Made W lion lilii-WOod Delegation In Ko«toil al Chicago 4IALIFORNIA NKNATOK TO FIGHT AGAINHT ADDITION OF THE LEAGUE OF NATION» t'liicatfo Begin» to Take on Apl>e*r- luur ut AftivUy With < iuidi<Utea Arriving t Chicago. June 4. The South Car olina contesta over delegates to Ute republican national convention fur niahad the fireworks and vaudeville for today's meeting of the national committee. The He wh passed free- ly and charges that "something Is rotten nenrer than Denmark" were made by delegatee of the Adams fac tion, oountod for Wood, In the course of presenting their case against the Tolbert delegations, counted for Ixzwden. The Tolbert delegate« were seated Some of the negro delegates charged that the Tolbert faction had threat ened them with death If they attend ed the regularly called convention, WHOLE XI MBER 2UH». Building» Burned to Destroy Centers of Infection—Four More Taken With I»i»«««e TO MAKE PEACE GENERAI. WAYS RUMOR STARTED HENATE COMMITTEE REPORT», Vera Cruz, June 4.—Four new EXWl TIVE BODY CALLS UNIONS cases of plague were discovered to BY I'OLITICAL OPPONENTS OUT MEASURE PAKKED BY OF COUNTRIES TO MEET day, three victims being soldiers. AH PROPAGANDA THE HOUSE TOGETHER Buildings on the municipal uoclc and nearby structures were burned In an effort to eliminate possible centers of Infection. Kiui»an Will Nominato Wood—Asks Trading With kJioniy Act Abo to for Judicial Hettlemcnt ut All Iteinaln on Statutea If Bill Pawee aa Reported REFUSES Î0 SERVE Troublee IM»«a Government n>4 People U> Occupy Attention at Trndea Representatlv«i Chicago, June 4. General Wood Chicago. June 4. Outlining his Washington, June 4.—Without London, June 4.—-The executive issued a statement today about • ___ ru- amendment the senate Judiciary eampalgu plans, Senator Johnson to Honolulu, June 4.—A young, Ha body of the national railway unto* mors of a break among his managers, today reported out day de' lared that the Johnson forces the has decided to ask the calling ot • saying "the rumor that there has house Joint resolution providing for wallan-born Japanese who has re- would present a league ot nations i special congress of the Irish and ceived notice from the Japanese gov- been friction and that Colonel Froc- (j,, rep^»] of all war legislation ex- plank, denouncing the present covs-1 British trades unions “to try to ernment to report for military aer- tor is to cease to manage my cam- the Lever food control act, and nant They will also urge a plank ■ bridge the gulf between the Irish i>algn is false I can only attribute th<s trading with the enemy act. vice, has announced his intention to people and the government,” it was on the high cost of living and an It to enemy propaganda " other against dehumanizing the la — * I ignore the order and will receive the ■nuntinned today by J. H. Thomae, Governor Allen, of Kansas, who Isi Washington, ____ borers He predicted that prohibi June 4.—Frank L. backing of the United States in his member of parliament and secretary to nomlnste Wood, arrhed today. H«jPolk today resigned as under secre- action, according to Harry Irwin, ter- of the railway organisation. tion will not be mentioned. announced he would offer a platform (Bry to president. The reslgna- ritorlal attorney general, general. plank declaring for the Judicial set- tlon waa accepted by president Wil- ____ whose '___ Z.Z.. Z. Mr. Ir- Chicago, June 4.—Lines of a<Uon The 2_, Japanese, name tlement of industrial disputes as a »on and Is effective June 15, when he win withheld, is, according to the among tho republican presidential Issue — before the nation. will leave Washington on a vacation attorney general, an American ett- candidates are beginning to borne out I New York. June 4. Combination paramount “---- „Xt------ of th« nebulous, atmosphere of the ' ot the work of the vocational train- before resuming his practice of law. izen born of Japanese parents on the preliminary period and things are be I Ing board and the war risk Insur- . —Z ------- , _ % . Island of Kauai, T. H., has voted as * ashington. June 4.—President an Amer,can gerve(J |B ginning to take on a real convention ■ ance bureau waa recommended in a PBLU« TREATY SIGNED the TODAY WITH HUNGARY * ltaw appointed a commie- Mtional Qf atmosphere. It Is the hope among report made public yesterday by a It slon of three men to settle the wage , , . , the national committeemen that they ! subcommittee on war risk insurance . between . _ .. ,, was mobilized for war, now is em- controversy the anthracite , , of the republican national commit may finish their work by Saturday , . by the quartermaster ’s de The Grants Pass baseball team coal , miners, and , operators. The com- ployed . ... ... . _ The Mulvllhll delegation from tee's advisory committee on policies Versailles. June 4 —The treaty of „™7a’ward“ iTto’bZ' "made“ with- ‘“’I““’“*0/ ‘«‘•J-™* SUtps arm>' will leave tomorrow for Klamath “ -i • mission's award is to be made wlth- at Fort Schofield on thia Island and Mississippi has been seated. The and platform The report has been ■ — - f .t Falls to play the Klamath aggrega adopted by the executive committee «»ngary was signed , 60 day. lf poel„ble. the w„e delegation la uninstructed. but Is of the advisory committee and will TrUnon ■>“1*ce here ,h,g award to be retroactive to April 1st. Is a member of Schofield poet of the tion Sunday. The local boys have counted among the Ixiwden forces. afternoon. I 2______ ~ j American Legion. been practicing under the guidance ,t • I be submitted to the platform com The Hungarian treaty was the Washington. June 4.—The confer- Mr. Irwin stated that the Japanese of Judd Pernoil. former league pitch Chicago, June 4.—With the ar mittee of the republican convention first of the treaties framed by the ence report on the merchant marine in question, after receiving several er, and some real results are expect rival today of Ogden L. Milla, chair to be held In Chicago. peace conference to be signed ahead Mil was adopted by the senate to- general notices to report for mlll- ed. I-iat season some real baseball The subcommittee of which Fred of time man of the republican committee on day and sent to the house. tary duty in Japan, finally received talent was brought out and the same policies and platform, the final con erick Frellnghuysen of New Jersey.; one giving him until 8 o’clock iu the bunch are playing together this ference on articles In the republican Is chairman, reviewed 'criticisms of morning of July 20 next to put in year with the addition of some new platform to be aubmlttod to the con tho service rendered to soldiers by an appearance In the prefecture of players. Part ot the cars will leav» the war risk insurant» bureau and vention Is expected to begin Yamaguchi In the province of Oshi- at 8 o’clock tomorrow and the rest natd that the bureau had not been ma, Japan, from which place his par will leave at noon. NEW METHOD TO HE TAKEN equal to the task of keeping In touch ents came. The team will be as follows: Jud TO KILL I'lXK BOLL WORM with the soldiers after they were de Pernoil, p.; Ole Hanson, c.; How- New Orleans. June 4 —Tho ,ilhk mobilized. with tho result that 72 i»r ard Bears«, lb.; L. Tingley, 2b.; bull worm, mom destructive t > cct- cent of their Insurance lapsed. ITALY DREDGING FOR <X>AL Gail Smith, 3b.; L. L. Carter, ss. ; ton than the boll weevil, |< to oe Cheyenne, Wyo.( June 4.—A wom Josephine Chapter, Order of the The committee recommended that FALLEN FROM VESSELS Riggs. Blevins and R. Bestul, field. steamed Poisoning has fait, 1 to | work affecting the former service Kastern Star, on Wednesday night an mayor, Mrs. Grace Miller, now Some others may make the trip with k I! the pest but It la ex looted that I men should lie coordinated and the had one of the most successful and the team. rules In Jackson, the population cen •Itnming will do the Jo.i and n.a',o| responsibility placed under one ac- enjoyable social meetings of the ' Genoa. June 4. — Italy is so short I ter of the Jackson ’ s Hole country R possible for oil mill» 'o I .mill«- live directing head; that the former season. The event was a birthday ' San Francisco, June 4.—A mini of coal that a company has Keen seed from Infected terrltotv. soldiers holding converted policies party and each one present was ex which long was famous in tact and dredging out the harbor for the pre mum wage of $16 per week has been Th., decision waa the outcome of be permitted io name any beneficL pected to represent in some man fiction as the resort of outlaws, cat cious mineral that has fallen over established for al. women employed ■ conference here between superln- W and use their Insurance as col ner the month in which they were tle rustlers, horse thieves and other board during years of coaling opera in agricultural occupations, includ tendents of cotton -seed mills In lateral; that policies be Issued born. A prize was given to the bad men of the west that once was. tions in Genoa harbor. This reclaim ing picking fruit, vagetables and ber lx>ulslana ami other places where promptly »nd branch offices estab group beet representing the month, For what is said to be the first time ed coal is selling for the equivalent ries the state industrial welfare com seed has t»een purchased from areas lished to collect premiums through after a* revue of all present by the in history, there is not a man in the mission announce! today. of $120 a ton. known to be Infected with the worm. local poetoffices. • Judges. Baby pictures of members city hall of an American municipal were later shown on the screen and ity; for a city administration com a prize given to Mrs. Sidler, who posed entirely of women has been best retained her youthful features. sworn into office as a result of the Other interesting contests were held election in May. There is not a man The closing feature was held in the in Jackson's city hall, banquet, room where nearly 80 sat Jackson is a diminutive city—■ down to one huge table where be with a population of not quite 300. fore each plate an Individual birth Perhaps no other section of the day cake each with a tiny burning | United States is so far isolated front Mexico City. June 4.—The revolu- change, which has been the bugbear New York, June 4. Forty years laws protecting women and children. candle was placed. A streamer of the railroads and from all-year traf- pink extended from each plate to an tio^ which overthrew President Car of everybody since silver began ita tie. The nearest railway station is ago Miss Helen Varlck Boswell, law She has been a member of tho state yer and one of the pioneer women Industrial commission of California Inverted parasol suspended from the 75 mllos away, and from November ranza and culminated in his death sensational rise months ago, sold at republicans of the country, attended and was the first, chairman of the celling in which were presents fori until May the highway to that station was attended by many interesting or a 15 per cent premium. tho republican national convention republican womens state committee each of the guests. Dain«./ hand is virtually Impassable. Surrounded exciting episodes which could not be The Indians who sell produce in with a chaperone On Juno 8, Miss In California after women were en made place cards, no two alike were by the high mountains in the range reported to the outside while the the markets demanded metal cur also at each plate. In the center of south of Yellowstone National park, lloswell, who Is vice chairman of the franchised. , the tabjc was a mammoth birthday the residents of Jackson make little coup was In progress. Some of the rency and got it. Many foreigners, New York county republican organ Mrs. John Glover South? delegate- I discoveries which have followed ization and well-known as a humor at-large from Kentucky, Is chairman cake bearing on Ita frosted top the or no attempt to travel during the the installation of new authority in fearing a protracted struggle and a ous speaker, Mrs. Florence K. H. of the woman's division of the repub star emblem of the order In colors;' winter months. the capital city, too, have been en- food shortage, laid in ample sup Knapp, of Syracuse, N. Y., and 20 al lican national committee. She Is a other smaller tables wore also deco It was in Jackson's Hole that the tertainlng. plies. One American housewife rated in like manner. During the ternates none of whom will have cousin of Governor Morrow of Ken bad men made their last stand bought 30 chickens which she put Notable was that revealed by ad chaperones, will attend tho republi tucky and a daughter of th? Inte serving of ice cream, cake and coffee against the advancing wave of civi Interim officials of the treasury de- to roost in the bathroom of her can national gathering In Chicago as Frank O. Bradley, the first republi the guests opened tho daintily wrap lization 5$0 or IB years ago. There partment who announced they had apartment. She was too excited to the representatives of the women re can governor Kentucky ever had. ped gift packages and the appropri they flocked after stealing cattle or found evidence of a fraud which had heed the advice of the Indian worn- publicans of New York state. They Kentucky In selecting Mrs. South ns ateness of many of them made much horses or other robberies or hold netted somebody an amount estimat an who sold the fowls that she will go, they say, to participate In a delegate to tho convention set the merriment. Mrs. Frank Notnbalals, ups and banded themselves together ed at about 1,000,000 pesos. The , should buy ducks. the proceedings "In the Independent pace Mr other southern states to fol the chairman of the committee, was for mutual protection. The spectacle of a city ot 1,000,- papers heqp say that, when the in- highly complimented for the novel spirit which should characterize low. Tennessee Immediately elected 000 inhabitants absolutely cut oft falciflcables (paper money with' entertainment and beautiful decora every voter.” a delegate-at-large and two women as tions, the work of heraolf and her which the country was flooded dur from communication with the world "This Is tho »«nth national repub nlterpates-at-large. MURRAY ELUTED OFFICER ing the last previous revolution) for almost nine days was not the lican convention I have attended," , Mrs. 'Manley Fosseen. of Mlnne-I coin mittee IV HORTICl LTl HAL SOCIETY were burned, about one-quarter of least Interesting phase of the evacu- declared Miss Boswell, "but it will spoils, has tho honor of having been the amount officially reported to ation by Carranza. Both cable and Vienna, June 4.—'Recruiting f •’ be tho first time I have ever occu unanimously elected a delegatc-at- the now army fhRt Is to replace t'l ’ have been destroyed had been pre telegraphic communication ceased pied a place among the 'bo-a' on the large from Mlnesotn by the republi Volkswehr under the terms of tic Oregon Agricultural College. June viously extracted and sold at the cur about 9 p. m. on May 6. Until May convention floor. Women-from ull cans of that state. She is head of treaty of St. Germain has cessed, I AVIllette B.' Murray, a student rent rate of 10 centavos on the peso. 15 the cable lines were useless An over the United Stilles this time lire the women's republlcHn organization the allowed 80,000 men having been here from Grants Pass was elcted The Carranza government had been ! unreliable line was set up by the going to be ‘In’ and not merely ut' of Minnesota and has been actively enlisted. It Is said that 70 per cent treasurer of the Hort club tor the taking the old paper money In as a I government to the American border tho convention. .More than 36 of engaged In combatting tho non-par of tho, force are social democrats In coming year, at the club meeting last sort of supertax on imported duties [ in the afternoon of May 8, but it was us are delegates and fully 7’ •ire tisan league. spite of the attempt made by tho or- Wednesday night. ¡Mr. Murry Is a and other taxes Later It was sup i devoted exclusively to military and alternates.” I outgoing business. Nothing was re- j Mrs. Arthur fl,. Livermore, chair- chair-1 , position to prevent it. '1 his Is due Junior registered In the school of ag nosed to bo burned. Among the more ifhomlncnt-worn Plan of the republican women's exe-|to the failure of the peasants to on- riculture with horticulture as the While no disorders occurred in 1 ceived from the outside world until vn delegates from other parts of thejcullve committee of New York, Is an ter ‘ ‘ provinces, whore major study. the capital during the evacuation by the cable lines were restored. service In the Because of nnmerous relays and country .will be Hr. Helen A. Pea- yIternate-iit.-lnrire from tlint stete ■ the conservatives looked for heavy Tho ni'îTnbers of thl( **hib nro com- the Cnrranm irovernment and the body, of ■Sioux Falls, iS. D„ n dele, She la the foundej of the women's enftillment to offset tho Industrial posed of students specializing in hor occupation by the liberal revolution other,wire troubles, those sending gate-at-lnrge well-knowfi • « an ''I '-j I'nlvcrnlty Ylub of New York and Isi centers. Many of the provinces full ticulture. 'll» futHlion is io acquaint ary forces, nor did public cervices messages from the capital could not cator and lawyer. Another delegate the daughter of Senator Henry Well , ing to raise their quota, na'lvos of students of the various classes and cease functioning for an Instant, the learn If their«messages reached their »Is Mrs. Katherine P. Kdion, of Loi; who was the treasurer ot the .Ma<<v- the defaulting provinces resitlint to promote interest and good fellow 'nhabltants of the capital were vie- destination. The same conditions Angeles, who was Instruni?:’'»' ! chnsetts republican committee for a i the cities were enlisted and sent ship among thoseNnten ting to follow tints both of inconveniences and pro- obtained more or less throughout having passed the California weltnreq mr er of a century. (Coatta ned on Page 2) | their home states. f "leers. Food prices Injrexsed nn this work. EASTERN SFAR BIRTHDAY