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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1920)
f ö cants pass ÏZlniln (Louacr lìiiverutf Oro. Library voiwaw w of Oro. Library — VOL. X., No. 2IH UKANTM PANH. JOHEI’HINK <XM’N TY. OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1020. De|**rtnu-nl of Justice Itrcrlved In- formation Gathered by Inspector General Railroiuls to Receive MBUons for the Purchase of New Equipment From Revolving Fund Washington, June 7.—Evidence UONHTITl tion . ai . ity of amend - ANY ATT UM IT TO DECLARB taken by the Inspector genoral of the MENT UPHELD BY U. H. THEM UNLAWFUL WILL BE army In connection with the escape SUPREME BODY RESISTED of Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, the wealthy draft evader, will be submit ted to the department of Justice for the determination of whether It justi- n«a the prosecution of the civilians Involvod, Secretary Baker announced, today. No names were published. Book “TtM» First Nh«»< for Uls-riy," M«*«ne to Carry Out Mcaeure A knuimm I Fortieth Annual Convention Opens at Is Tale of Army Life From by Decii-lona of the Judges Montreal—Gompers Makes Open OHDPIX MAN RE-ELRUTRD En 11« tin on I Making the Ruling ing Address NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN WRITES OF HIS EXPERIENCES SAYS WORKERS SHOULD BE FREE • WHOLE NUMBER 2001. NOI YET FOUND Washington, June 7.—The inamidi .ARRIVAL OF DELEGATE« AT CHI ate appropriation of 1125,000,000 of CAGO BECLOUDS QUESTION AS government funds for the use of rail TO POSSIBLE NOMINI»: roads to purchase new rolling stock was announced today by the inter state commerce commission, The money will be advanced out of the *300,000,000 revolving fund provid- ed in the transportation act. NEW METHODS WILL BE Not One of the Three IxwdLng Caa Muster .Mor«- Than a Fourth of the Total Number Nec a ss M y Chicago, June 7.—The republican Osborne W. de Varlla. the field national committeemen which were Washington, June 7.—Both the Montreal. June 7.—Any attempt Chicago, June 7.—The imminence artillery corporal who fired the first re-elected Include Ralph E. Williams federal prohibition amendment and to enforce compulsory labor by mak of the republican national conven enforcement act which were passed ing strikes unlawful must be resist tion, which begins its sessions at Ameri'-an field piece at the Huns, of Oregon. _________ by congress were held constitutional ed at all coats, Samuel Compara, and grandson of Mrs. J. S. Poole of Prescott, Aris., June 7.—Within a noon tomorrow, apparently worked president of the American Fédéra-, few weeks, the Unjted States Verde today to further becloud, instead of today by the supreme court. this city, died Friday at Saratoga, The ®°urt dun*i“°<i the p«nn®«»» tlon of lAbor, declared today in the: Mining company at Jerome will start to clarify the question of who is to Cal., and was burled today with mili PPANK PAQQ TAKPQ and various Injunctions to have the opening address at the federation's | its project to steam shovel 14,000,- be the presidential nomlneee. tary honors at San Francisco. Do UltnlllO I nUv I nl\Lu Varllla waa a corporal in Battery C, Wood, Johnson and Lowden sup four rnnii i / i mini ,eJeral officials enjoined from en- fortieth annual convention here. “I ; 000 tons of rock off the side of a have no tear as to what the results 6th field artillery, and was gassed mountain in order to expose great porters were driving bard tor the ad wlll be," he said. "As long as I twice by the Germans, his death be copper ore bodies that have been vantage. All of them are claiming have my life, my mind not being _ ed the opinion. ing causM finally by the effects of burning tor years from their own gains as the balance of :n Instructed the poison Roche gas. The oourt'a opinion was very short, Impaired, I shall stand for the right sulphur content. > Assistant General delegates roll into Chicago, bat the The local baseball team took the setting forth only the court’s conclu- of the men and women tollers of the Manager Robert E. Tally says the best claims for any of the three After the second time he was world to be free, untrammelled and company's program will provide 16 amounted to little more than a gassed, de Varlla spent many Klamath Falls bunch Into camp yes slons. chief Justice White render- unowned by any force,” he declared. terday when they took the first game ed « supplemental opinion concur- months In hospitals, and camo back years' work, and that approximately fourth of the total delegato strength to Grants Pass where he enlisted, In of tho season by a 5-4 score. The i ring, but going more fully Into the 5,000,000 tons of rich copper ore will on the first ballot, and it takes a ma October of last year, and In January game wont tor 10 Innings, the much Issues Involved. Justice McReynolds SUPREME (OI RT NOT TO be transported by what are declared jority to nominate. No changes have appeared today in went to California. On November touted Klamath pitcher showing up while not dlsenting, said he confined MODIFY READING DECREE to be the most economical mining the convention lineup and none are 11, 1919, at the time of the Armis good. Ragged base running is said his "conclusions to the fact that it is methods known. the tice day celebration by the Ameri to have accounted for the loss of impossible to say what construction Washington, June 7.—The su The United Verde intends to tear expected. Twenty hours before *w“ can I-eglon, Corporal do Varlla waa several scores for the Grunts Pass should tie given the amendment. A preme court today dismissed motions down the overlay of one of its largest convention waa to assemble, it is ab- made an honorary member of the lo t«>»m. Jud Pernoil threw circles multitude of questions will arise and of the Reading Company and ita sub ore bodies and with the waste dirt solutoly an unbossed and unled af- around the batters on the opposing I prefer to remain free when they sidiaries. aaklng the court to modify cal post, and given full standing. and rock, build a platform far below fair. The delegatee are bewailing team and In pinches th#y could not arise." the decrees rendered April 26. OslKirno W. de Varlla was born at in the gulch, to accommodate a new the lack of leadership. Men who touah him. Ole Hannon la said to Justice McKenna in still another Juneau, Alaska, and spent the years townsite that will adjoin the present1 were the real leaders in former yearn have played a good game behind the opinion, said the "court declares the find grim satisfaction in referring to from the age of nine months to 6 town of Jerome. ’ bat. •Austin, Tex.. June 7.—Galveston the chargee of bosslsm which were ooncluMona only without giving rea years In Grant« P am , and later re One of the provisions of this oper freely hurled at them at former con The field was very «low according sons for them. I must at least ex was placed under martial law today turned here to attend school, He en- by Governor Hobby because of the ation is for a full size baseball dia ventions and are asking delegates if listed here in Aprll of 1917, was as- to the reports from the players who cuse, if I can not justify, my dis freight congestion there resulting mond to be laid out entirely on built it is not better to be led than lost. made the trip. They also complain ■Jgned to the 6th field artillery and sent.” land. from the longshoremen’s strike. of the treatment given them there. In September was promoted to cor- Validity of the prohibition amend As a result of (he steam shovel OREGON CITY EDITOR They were given room« In a barnllke pornl • operations, large bodies of ore in HONORED AT MEETING place and several went out and got ment and portions of the enforce ment act was Involved In seven sep« Going to France with the flrat Am- rooms at hotels at : what are known as the "fire stopes” their own ox- •rlcans, de Varlla waa widely cred- penne. LMeals were said to be very arate proceedings before the supreme will be exposed. Some of these fire Boston, June 7.—William Wilkie lte<l In the news ¡wipers at the tlme high also. court. Two of these were original areas have been burning for years; of Grey Eagle. Minn., waa elected with the firing of the first shot sent the first one started in 1894 from president of the National Editorial It is not known when a return suita brought by Rhode Island and over by the Americans. A few days game will be play«»d. The local play- New Jersey as sovereign states to en the heat developed in a cave-in. association at the last session of the after that time he waa gassed, and era are confident, however, that they join enforcement in their Jurisdic Since then many underground battles annual convention here. Other of- after recovering from this, was sent can win from most of the teams In tions upon the grounds that both en have occurred between the miners fleers elected include: to America with a detachment known the southern part of the state. The actments were unconstitutional. The Chicago, June 7.—At the first re and the glowing copper sulphides, Vice-president, E. E. Brodie, of as "Pershing's Veterans" to boost Klamath Falla pitcher, Hilton, had other cases were direct appeals from publican national convention held and until 1905 when the amazing Oregon City, Ore., and treasurer, W. tor the Third liberty Ixian. Upon a very good reputation, having shut lower court decrees. in Chicago 60 years ago: system of blowing cool air into the W. Aikfens of FTanklin, Ind. I * his return to France, de Varlla was out 20 Yreka players without Steps to institute the suits were An Iowa delegate walked 150 1200 . degree stopes was adopted, lit . ' V * a «mell again sent to the front and soon af of the ball. The lineup waa as fol taken Immediately after the amend miles to get to a railroad to come to tle success attended their efforts. due to the broken character of the ter went through his second gas at lows: Pernoil. p.; Hanson, c.; lie» ras. ment became effective on January 16 the convention. Water, steam and carbon dioxide rock, which permitted air to get in tack. This attack was very serious lb.; Tingley, 2b.; Smith, 3b.; Special railroad rates were made gas have all failed to smother fires and feed the fires. Carter, and on motion pf counsel their con- (Continued on page I.) and Chicago’s population probably M.; Illggs. Blevins and Restili, field. eideration waa expedited. In both the Rhode Island and New doubled In convention week. Hotel rooms were *1.50 tc *2.50 a Jersey suits the validity of the 1 Rth amendment was attacked, but the day. Crowds were so great that bil New Jersey case also alleged that even if the amendment were palid, liard tables in the hotels were press the enforcement act was unconstitu ed into service as beds. The "Wigwam” in which the con tional ■because It had not been con curred In by New Jersey under pro vention was held was probably about visions of the amendment giving the the size of the anex to the Coliseum ' New York, June 7.—A transport and-heip them get to America. Our Montreal, Quebec, June 7.—De- sees ’no justification for Interfer-1 federal and state governments con in which this year’s convention takes I I bringing 800 wives and children of several agencies all over the country • . nunclatlon of bolshevism, profiteer I ence,” which it argues would be In current power to enforce prohibition. place. The Wigwam’s profuse decoration Polish immigrants in this country is were immediately flooded with pleas New Jersey also contended that if ing. the action of the United States the interest "of the exploitation of the entire enforcement act were not was largely furnished by the repub- on the way from IMntxig to an lAmer- from 50,000 men who, because of government in invoking the food its workers, and its boundless wealth unconstitutional, the i>ortions of it llcan women of Chicago. They were lean port, according to information the war, had not been able to bring control law against the late miners' of oil and minerals." f limiting the alcoholic content of bev invited to come "armed and equip- received here by the Hebrew Shel- their families over or even commu strike, and the failure of th»« Ameri The United States Steel Corpora-1 erages to less than one-halt of one ped with those fArmidable weapons, tering and Immigrant Society. This nicate with them, In some cases the can congresa to take notion to con I is the first group of a total of 50,- men had no idea where their loved trol the cost of living ore among the tlon was assailed for its refusal to per cent and relating to the dispens needels, thimbles, scissors, etc.” When a special train pulled in 1 000 families to be brought to Amer- ones were. outstanding fen tn res of tho annual deal with labor organizations in th«> ing of liquors for medicinal purposes "Our task has been to take what wlth the Massachusetts and otherlca to be reunited with husbands and report of the executive council of tho recent unsuccessful strike, and tlie were Invalid. new England delegates, rockets were fathers from whom they have been information we could get of the last American Federation of lathor pre authorities of Boston also were de sent up and a cannon boomed to an- separated by war for more than six known residences of these wives and sented today to the annual conven nounced for their attitude In the cele children and put our commissioners nounce their arrival to waiting years. brated strike of policemeh In tion Jicre. The Hebrew society has undertak in Poland on the trail to locate them. friends. city. With tho council's review of or The gallery in the convention hall ( en to find the wives and children of When this is done we advise the The workmen of Canada were eon- ganized labor's position an<T activi was reserved for women and their Polish immigrants who have been family head in America ihow much ties for the last year, was also pre gratulated for defeating "the one escorts, Because of the great num- prevented by the war from sending money it will take to bring his peo sented "a specific program fer big union” idea and their stnnd was her of men unable to get in. one man any aid to their families, many of ple over and help him through the characterized as "a magnificent roniedy.” was reported trying to get into the whom have been driven out of their formalities of proving their right of triumph for trade unionism, and a Tho Cummings rnllrond lnw was gallery with an Indian squaw sell homes in the war zone and have be admittance. When the families ac denounced, ns was the Kansas' lnw vindication of the purposes, policies The following program will be come lost to their kind in this coun tually arrive we will care for them establishing th«' court of Industrial and achievements.of tho American' given by Miss Wolke’s pupils in the ing moccasins as his credentials, but until they enn be established tn try. was excluded on the ground that she relations. The high cost of living Federation of Labor.” recital which takes place nt the “This is not a project of new Im their new homes which are scattered was no lady. was laid largely at Ilin door of "big Presbyterian church tonight: Tho Industrial conferences called I The two chief nominating speeches migration." said John L. Bernstein, over the United State but generally profiteers” while th ■ report declared by President Wilson wore chara ter- Rhapsody No. 6...... . .... Liszt were made in less than 30 words. the society’s president. “Much harm in cities, not on farms." tho United States government, prin Ized as unsuccessful becniiso "Hie Carlotta i Wiseman Abraham Lincoln was placed In nom has been done by the statement that cipally through the department . of employers stubbornly resisted ev< rv TJm Haunt of the ■ Fairies................ we wore inducing Jewish people of Imdies Auxiliary Elects— ination- in 26 word’s. justice "has nducted a c of attempt it conciliation” and would Marie Croaby A business meeting of the Ladles The making of the presidential Poland to come over. That is not stupidity." not ac'apt any resolution on colleo-1 Henri Clement the f ict. We have absolutely no con Auxiliary was held last Saturday af the nomination was announced to Forgross was assailed for cutting live bargaining" unless it was • so Sonatina of». 20, No. 1.... .Kulan city by the firing of n cannon pin red cern with any Intended immigrants ternoon and officers were elected for appropriations derignod to carry on worded as to be anti-trade union In Wlln Hansen except the wives and I children of the coming year, There will be no on tho roof of the convention hall. tho work of th«» collateral branches spirit and to provide encourageu' nt Vocal solo tana Neilson That night canon,and rockets wore men already In this country, more meeting until September, The fol- of the department of labor and for1 and support for company unions," | prelude....... .... ...Rachmaninoff fired, bonfires lighted, and mnltltnd- than 60 per cent qf ’ whom are now lowing were elected? Mra. C. D. various proposals, sit h as the sedi The machinery proposed by the sec-i Melba Macy • Thompson, Pres.; Mrs Geo. Eat- Inous parades formed, their parfl I- American citizens." tion bill, which the report says tho nd conforenro, Hm report attacks, as Perpetual Motion .Mendelssohn pants cnrryli^g anything that would Mr. Berstein said that the work on. vice president: Mrs. ’ Mary labor movement was Instrumental In in many respects "actually pernlc-‘ Thais Kassdorf serve even to rakes and fishing which the society w carrying on Browne, secretary; Mrs. C. 1». Clev- defeating. lotin" and it declares that "the ma Violin solo ......... Robert Neilson poles. was done with the hearty consent enger, rec. secretary: Mrs. Jas. Hair, In Its references to tho foreign chinery designed by tho president' A'i Matin .. ...................Godard and cooperation of the buroau of Im treasurer; Mrs. Dcniaray and Mrs. The foregoing data was obtain field, the report denounced what it commission f« entirely out of con-;1 Rhapsody No. 8 ................ 1.lszt ed from the library of the Chicago migration and the state department. Jennie Davis, auditing committee. ch i.r > t"r|z<'d ns nro pagan tin for 1m- t let with tho life for which it wjh Hortense Hough “Wo begin our work,” he said, The board of directors will be com Historical society, which has var nrlcan 'Intervention In Mexico and designed and entirely unfitted fori A cordial Invitation Is esternimi to ious relics of tho convention and the "by advertising that wo-would at posed of Mrs. Van Dyke, Mrs. Barnes. declared that tho executive council the needs of that life.” .11 who are interested. tempt to locate these men's families Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Allyn. campaign that followed. GAME FROM KLAMATH FT MEETING Of THE AIL CHIEFS