Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1920)
Till ItMDAY, MAT 18. IIHO GRANTS PAM DAILY OOL'KIKK Classified Advertising Political Cards Paid advertisements FOH HA I A4 TAX. Primary Election May 21, 1020 Ft Nt BALE My bomeatead of 180 HOONKUl TAXI Phone 282-R tor acres al Kerby, Ore : 8'A of NEI4 Jitney Luke nr Cutler. Calle an WH of 8EH. Hec 10, Twp. 40. swered anywhere, anytime 'Hitt R. 8. Four acres In cultivation, frame house, good barn. well. Ad PAI »ACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. Geo A Hyde A Henry Sargeant. I6tf joins stage road. Price 326 per acre. Addriwe Carl Kr«euler, Ker TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors, 172-J, by, Oregon. 4 itf l>ay and night service. 68tf FIR WOOD >N)R BALK »3.50 per TAXI White Une Taxi, sedan car. tier delivered. Phone W 8 Rob Hide In comfort. City or coun inson. Wlldervllle 4ltf try, Correct price«. Safety first. • Call M. Clemens Drug Store, phone roll 8AI.E—1919 Maxwell, A-l con 48-lt, residence phono, 279-J. W dition, only been driven 3000 0. White. 89 mllee, some «atra fixtures, real bargain, with terms. 215 West 1 NTItAYKD street 78 STItAYIKD dlay mare, white spot in FOR RALE Purebrsd registered forehead, toretop cut off, white Jersey cows, heifers and calves, at hind feet |5 reward for Infor The Meadows Phono C N. Culy. mation. 0. W. Johnson 76 59tf POI'l/TItY FOR BAI4C Pumping plent; 8 h. p gasoline engine. International WHITE LEGHORN hatching egga make; 3%x3H centrifugal pump. from heavy winter layers, 31.5» All as good aa new. Everything per 16; *7 per 100. K. Hammer eomplrte, J. L. Davis, lld. I, 1H bacher. phone 806-F-23, R F. D. miles west of town. 74 No. 2. 83 FOU 8A1J8 Fixtures, furniture and FOR 8A1J5 -«Buff leghorn chirks, long lease; good building, well one week old, sad older; 20c located All sold together, la- each. Wanted, troll calves, one 89 quire st Courier offloe. day old or older. A. Alberta, Rd. 1. near County Home. 71 AS WK HAVE AJiVKRTltfED to sell flaturee. lease, etc., you will find I1VIL KNGINKBH bargains In trimmed hats at Cur rier's Millinery Store. 612 South DANIEL McFA-RLAND-Civil engi neer and surveyor. Registered Sixth street. »9 professional engineer. Rea. 740 FOR HAJ.E Grad« Holstein cow, 7 North Tenth »treet. Phone 311-Y years old. now giving 3 gallons a day Hammerbacher, R F D 2. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER 71 Phone 806-F-2I. THK WORLD MOVES; no do we •ADIM.K. HUIDLE and pair of chaps Hunch Hroa. Tranater Co. Phone tor sale, price ISO. Can be aeen 349 at the Red Front Harn. 7» F. G 18HAM. drayage and transfer RBGI8TKRKD InirOc sow. very fine Saf«a. pianos and furniture strain Can he seen at 736 Bridge moved, packed, shipped and stored street. Cedi Harmon It Office phone 124-Y. Fl>R HAI.» 2-h. p stationery gas VOCAL INHTRI <TION angine, just overhauled; bargain It taken at onee 410 Iaham St. 73 MllS. GUY KNAPP—Voice and plaao Accredited teacher for high school work Phone 234. Residence 420 A street. 31tf «RAPHOPHONK and records, elec trie fun, tomato, cabbag«« and p«-p- *»er plants for sale cheap .Mrs. H. Sanford, Dlmmick ranch. 72 MRS J. L. JOHNSON—Instructor of I SALE -Hide board, three boras i voire Rooms above Moore'a Ba power engine, light truck. Call at I kery. hour« from 1 to 6 on Tuea- 837 Washington Blvd. 73 day a and Saturdays. 87tf FOR 8AL» Wade gasoline drag fi»IV ri» new >*r1ce 3133. Inquire of C. E Harmon 1 w Love Station HEAL ERTA TH ARTHUR 8. COUTANT Republican I 'andida te for .NornIn«-«, for COUNTY JUDGE Joeephiue < ounty F. L. COON Republbiui Candidate for Nt.mlnre for COUNTY CLERK Preeent Deputy l oaaty Clerk D. 0 HAYES K«*publicnn ('«uiditlale fur Nomi»«*«, for ASSESSOR Prraenl Deputy Awenaor ECLUS POLLOCK Republican < nudidate tor Nomlntw for COUNTY JUDGE H. H. ALLYN Republican (Ninditlate foe NomintM, for COUNTY CLERK Preseal City Auditor Economy—Efficiency—Herrice j. s. M c F adden Republican Candidato fin- Nomine« for CO. COMMISSIONER Prcaenl <‘««mmiaeloner BEN H. JESS Republican CuadldMe for Nominee for CO. COMMISSIONER Economy—Hcr vite FOR SALK—8-rooni ho<. garage, must be sold at caah offer. Close In, 322 West J street Key at Courier office. Ad dress Peter Neubert, Wonder, Ore gon. 73 L O. OUSMENT. -M. D. Practice limited to disease» of eye, ear, noae 1917 FORD, three new tires, en and throat. Glasses fitted. Hour» gine in good shape, for sale. Cal) *9-12, 2-5, or on appointment J 909 K street. 76 i Phones, office 82; residence 369-J ____________ ___ i I MEIFER CALF for sale by A V Physician 8 LOUGHRIDGK, M D. Ray, West I) street. 76 and surgeon City or country calls attended day or night Phones FOR H.LL» Blnglo harne»» and Res. 389; OiTI e. 182; 8th and H buggy cheap. Parties going away. I I Call at 618 C street. 71 E. J. HIUJCK. M D. Physician and surgeon; office Schallhorn FOIl KENT block, phone 64-J; residence. 1004 | FOR RENT—Collage, partly furnish latwnrldge, phone 64-L. ed. at 321 Rogue River Av«., key opposite; a well, a sleeping porch, W. F. RUTHERFORD Manual the- a garage; Mi acre for garden; rent raputlcs It'gets your ailment. 1« 60 per month In advance. 63tf Office over Hanies' jewelry store Office hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. WANTED—-Married men for farm RALPH W. 8TBARN8, M. D. Phy- alelan and surgeon, X ray equlp- work, houses free River Banks ment, dental X-ray. Offlee, Mn- Farms. 88tf sonic Ternilla Bldg. Phones Of- WANTED Bridge and house car- fica îl-.T: residence 21-1, penters wanted by the Southern DK.NTIHT8 Pacific company, Steady employ- to <3 cents per inent, wages 33 E. C. MACY, D. M D. First-class hour. Good board and lodging dentistry. I09W 8. «th St. fumlahed at |30 per month. Men to furnish own betiding Write or apply to Division Engineer, South-1 DR. It. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian ern Pacific company. Room 1, Residence 918 Washington boule Union Station, Portland, Ore., or vnrd. phone 398-R —- - - - - ■ ¡ apply to nearest station agent 73 -n - - - I WANTMD Book case, davenport A n , and leather covered rocker. No | junk. Address No. 105 2 care of; Courier. 72 i Vete 302 X Ves fer 4% State Read BoadUadt (Paid Advertisement I MIHtELLANEOl 8 ;„ t G ood R oads may 21 A BUYER of the Medford Junk Co. will be In Granta Paso, and will The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company pay top market prices tor wool, TIME CARD mohair, hides, pelts, rubber, rags. metals, Iron, newspapers and mag- EffeeUve Nov 24, 191» ax'nes, also sacks. 417 G street, near Palace hotel. 79 Trains will run Mondays, Wetlnes- days and Fridays. ATTENTION -Motorcycle and bi l^avs Grants Paas 1 P.M. 2 PM. cycle riders. Expert repairing Arrive Waters Creek 2:30 P.M quickly done. New- and used Har- I «eave Waters Creek Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 P.M ley-Davjdao* motorcycles for sale. For Information regarding freight Phone 802-F-12. 87 and passenger rates call at the office of the eompany, Lundberg building, NOTICE Parties wishing winter's or telanhnes 131. wood, special pricea If ordered now. Address Ralph Bull, Rd. 4, Box 4«. City. Firestone Man Power: Firestone has gathered together a remark able b '.y of v/crl: ~ , 17,000 strong — many of them stockholders in the Comp ny. Men financially inter ested i 1 th : t: -.ess of their prod uct d J lx. t/. r \ rk. Firestone Buying Power: Firestone has established purchasing head quarters at Singapore in the Straits Settlement where 85% of the world’s rublx-r is produced. Thu Firestone fin-t choice of the raw product at quantity prices. And this having is turned back to car owners. 1'irestono Selling Power —- Fire- ^tono'u imi... .5C production re- qtlir. ; p v. idc - read distribution system. S‘ brdr. and 46,000 < ccLr. ihrougjRmt the United States ssllicfr Fircitone Tubes assure a fast-moving prod uct, which mear fr-sh stock at all limes—m<>- miles per dollar in t ulx-s ; -, \ a !! . > I m GEO. W LEWIS Republican l audi<lala for Nominee for SHERIFF I'mwnt Incumbent W. T. MILLER Demoaratlc Cnudldate for Nominee f«-r DISTRICT ATTORNEY Present Incumbent ALICE M. BACON Iteputdican Caudidate for NonUaee for COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT F. S. BRAMWELL J*»!’ ft^pviM*<•«•»» 'i <1 street <aral real estate nst of all kinds of •oite for fruit, hay or general farming 3ltf How Fi reatone la Able to Produce the Finest Lami nated Inner Tube and Still Hold to a Moderate Price Strong Women B y . Da V aicntins M utt . for STATE SENATOR C. A. 8IDLER FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY ICrpubliciui ( ’• Dili<I r lo for Nominee for REPRESENTATIVE J. C. bMI TH Ill South b Republican Candidate for Nominee for STATE SENATOR J N. JOHNSTON Republican Candidate for .\<>Htln«*c for REPRESENTATIVE CYRIL P. WISE IM'iiiocmtlc ( dndhlnte for ,\omln<»e fbr CO. COMMISSIONER C G. GILLETTE Democratic Citndiil.ite for Nomint-« for ltc«l<-< t.<>u f< r COUNTY JUDGE M. W GATES Ih-mocrtiUc < nndMnto for Nomine« for CO COMMISSIONER D. R MORRISON Republican Cantlidnti* for Nontln«-« for COUNTY JUDGE •“Good lloadn for Leas Money*’ LINCOLN SAVAGE IKenn for the Cleveland National Fire Insurance C w omen and men too --are just as strong and healthy as their blood. Vigor and health come with good blood. Without good red blood a woman has a weak heart and poor nerves. In the spring is the best time to • take stock of one’s condition. If the blood is thin and watery, face pale or pimply, if one is tired and listl ess, generally weak, a Spring Tonic should be taken. An old- fashioned herbal remedy that was used by nearly everybody 50 years ago is still safe and sane because it contains no alcohol or narcotic. It is made of roots and herbs and called Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. If druggists do not keep it in tablet form, send 60 cents for a vial to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids* Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y. GRANT SIX (akin AS NKW. HAS KEEN RUN LESS THAN 1200 MI1.K8. BUMP- Kit AND EXTRA TIRE AGENTS Republican Candidate for Nominee for FOR. N MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT COLLINS AUTO COMPANY ACCFSFOP'FF AND REPAIRING . PHONE 317 v'V H STREET. GRANTS PASS, ORE 5 KEEP BEES! 11 ky suffer the discomforts tind embarrassments of a Goitre? O. G. C. preparatloa (or toitre haa ben,- hied many. Why pay several hundred dollar» for an operation to remora a soltro when O.G.C. can ho obtained lor auch a comparatively •mall expenditure? O. G.C. when properly applied give» aalla Ueaulta, or rour money will b, O.G.C. la aold direct, by mail Write lor b<K»klet. Addreaa Dep«. U O.O.C. CHHHICAt. COMPANY Seattle, Waahington If you owYt an orchard you must have beet as they are the only dependable polleniting agents. You can keep bees anywhere that they can forage within a mile— they require but 'Ittle attention and will often render you a plendid profit. We can stsrt you right and save you unnecessary work and expense. Special This Week Our Bee Supply Catalog lists everything necessary (or the successful production of honey; Is//« Ante to rars far 0*4 konJh bti- Ask for Catalog N o . mj We Solicit Yenr Patronage The Hawlicnft SI np Medford, Oregon