Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1920)
Till IWI» n. miy < In the profession In the jiast years, and also touched upon the many problems left to face that have not as yet been decided and sett led.** One of the many subjects under discussion was the forming of a new fee schedule, and all were agreed that this was more than necessary owing to the advances In the eoat of living as well as for other rea- sons. The physicians are at present going by the same fee ached ule drawn up by the medical profession FRIDAY ANI» SATURDAY ONLY A. ■ VOORHIRB. Pub. and Propr.! Special B«t«i n d at poatoffk-e. Granta Pam. Orw . as second clam mallmatter ADVERTISING RAT 'S rtaplay apaoa. per inch--------- —....10c Uasal-pareonal oolumn. per line 10c Baaders, par Una. CHILDRENS CANVAS SHOES WHITE AND BROU X LEATHER SOLES DAILY COVR1QR By mall or carrier, per year..... 34.00 By mall or carrier, per month. • 1.15—HI7.MS NH TO 2 WEEKLY OOURlIxR By mal!, per year____________ »3.00 OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 13, l»2O 101-3-3 SOUTH «TH ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ OREGON WRATH KR ♦ ♦ Tonight and Friday- ♦ »>««♦♦♦♦♦♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Northwesterly wind. ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ - - ” • HOKTIANI) MARKETS Portland, May IS.—Cattle hogs and butter are weak but unchanged. 4« 1 Baseball Game Saturday— Sheep are steady and unchanged. There 1 will be a baseball game at Eggs are quoted at 39 cents. Saturday school campus i the high ' afternoon i at 3. The Grants Pass and Klamath Falls teams will contest. and as the game at Klamath Falls a few days ago was hard fought and We have in Mary Roberts Rine the game Saturday is expected to be (Continued from Page One! hart's “Dangerous Days.'* which ended with a slight victory for them. 72 opened yesterday at the Oregon ! an exciting one. end out-of-town physicisus. werx theater a theme succeeafully created cons.-dered to bo t.i usually g< > 1 thia for the screen. Wealth—Ix>ve B eauty .* year. One of the best, according to And the theme is a thoughtful Which of the three do you moat several, was the paper read by Dr. one—not merely a story created to desire That is Everywoman's pr»b- Geo. E. Houck of this city, on “Mis get picture effects. The author look Icm. 71 cellaneous Advances in Medicine. ed Into and under our social, spirit- Surgery and Sanitation." Dr. nal and economic life and tells what Houck’c paper was more than inter- Mrs. Jennie Ke op to Speak— Mrs. Jennie 'M. Kemp will talk at eating." said a local doctor when Realism is the keynote clear ' speaking of It this morning, “and through. There is lavishness only . the courthouse on Saturday after showed great research and study, i where it is truly expressive cf the noon at 2 o'clock in the interest of He showed the great progress made' millionaire's home and entertain Herbert Hoover as a candidate for ments. Dominant, always in the the republican nomination for presi picture is Its locale, the smoky, dent. Her subject will be “Why I Came Home to Vote for Hoover.“ thunderous steel city. All in all, this is truly one of the The public is cordially invited to real picture creations of the present hear this talk by Mrs. Kemp who is very interesting and gifted •aason and is well worth seeing dur a ing its engagement here. speaker. Women Made Young The center piece of Pearls at *50-00 is well worth vour time. .let Bends are very ¡»opular thia seaaoil. BARNES, The Jeweler In 1S92. The schedule, at that time prepared, wtm very »hort, and doe« not cover many phase« that are a imrt of the business today. The ne» schedule adopted is patterned after savaûE Camp Dalton IN ••BEAI* BIG MILEAGE!" V» your nUl.-ag«* mount» hlgh«-r ami hlgtier—7,000,, 10,000 and e»««u 20,000 mile» In some caacw— »ou will appréciai«' more fully the meaning of the Havage »l««giui. “Heap “Market of Souls —< '< H>*i<lrrvil ML»» Dalton'» I h —t picture Since “The Flame <»f big inlleeg«-." SWAGE SER» K E There I» a freeh »lurk of Haxagr Tire» and Greflnllo Tuie» and as f organization at »our aerile«« al evrry Salage branch »lore ami al the »lome of Saiage «IGlribulor» everywhere. Y «HI will like Saia««" »en Ice as well .1» Savage "Heep big nillisagr" Tire» Gmfinlte Tula«». Giuir>i«il<-«xl 3,000 mil«-» on "Gri|«a'* sooo mite» on "D" type IdjusiimMii» ma«b- al home Yukon" TONIGHT LAST TIM IX MARY KOBE RTS Í sí TMXU DANGEROUS DAYS —The genuine example of fewer and better picture« one in u»r in several larger eitle« and Is very rompiste It covers sev eral pages of a small pamphlet and will gresil» simplify the question of physicians' chnrgea Come into ine Dorothy Bright eye«, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system In order by regularly taking le». NOTICE OUR DISPLAY OF BEADS STARTS TOMORROW H>R K DAYS RINEHARTS IX. I»HO. o t> <1 a t> For sale al the Grants Pass Servite Station I. I.In. I —Al». COLDMEDAL TOPICS OF THE l»AY COMPLET« I APSUl ES NEW STOCK OF Tbe world's standard r»m»dy for Hdney, Mv»r, bladdar and uric acid troublas, th» •omnlM of lits and looks. In use sine» 1696. Ail druggists, tbr»» »izM, ' L~k I— lit» »"»• CeU M«M en *r«r» tee Orpç on Close Your Eyes Hosiery DURABLE — DRESSY Children like IRON CLAD stockings because they fit com fortably and stay put. Careful kn .ting of soft, elastic yams does it. Mothers prefer IRON CLADS because of their long wearing qual ities and their ever tidy appear ance. The IRON CLAD Extra Twist and extra threads at the wear points insure service. There are several styles— I food. RECEIVED Announcement ! To Our Patrons and Business Friends THE GOLDEN RULE STORE Count’s Feed Store TELEPHONE 101 R. E. MORTON, Prop. Kaskade Egg Mash MADE FROM WHEAT BRAN FL/OUR MIDDLINGS CORN FEED MEAL And Imagine You Will Never SeeA gain just You May Then Realize What It M cans to he Blind In expressing our appreciation for the patronage and good will in the [ia»t we feel it our duty to publish the fact that oar Grant» l'as» creamery station will con tinue to be conducted und«T the management of Mrs. II. I*. Egger, with the a«»i»tance of our Mr F. E. Agee. Mr». Egger has proven licrwelf to be a competent .ream teeter and Mr. Agee—who ha» I mhii with our firm for several year» in various ca|m<itl«*i and is an ex|>erienccd buxine.» man—will a»«it In handling, not only the receiving station l.iudne««, but will introduce our finished products, especially Hazelwood Kva|iorated milk and Banquet CI mmwo . Help the unfortunate blind of Oregon by providing a State Industrial and Employ ment Bureau. The Hazelwood Company I» one of the pioneer com» rem» in the creamery busln.-ss In the Northwest and ha« built up gradually and rtendily, a bnshiew» running annually into the million» of dollar». SOY' BEAN MEAL FISH MEAL MEAT MEAL Wo can n<»t afford to mia» this opportunity of expre»- »Ing our most thorough satisfaction for the »plendbl a»si«tiin<<- given our Imai station in the form of bllH- mer- In«.«, a.« well from the producer» as from the chants in Grants Pass and vicinity. Vote 316 X Yes on Ballot State Election May 21st \Ve can asattre thè dairy indiurtry a» well an tile 1 Hier elianti« tliat we not only are determinali to »tay in tlrant» Pass but are going to ni largì- our l>u»n<—» griul- ually. I his apace paid for by Citizens Committee from funds derived from public entertainment in (Portland. Dr. T. L. Perkins, Medical Bldg., Portland, Chairman. O»c«r W. Horne, Secretary. Signe«! Hazelwood Co Prices Slashed on Used Cars G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work FORD TRUCK ItOlMlB CHHVROIJCT rrUDWllAKHR 4 FORI» D4CI.ÍVETIT Ideal Wind Shield Wings Brunswick Tires Stewart Spot Lights Monogram Oils and Greases The Battery Shop irn a. inspect your battery frm With Grants Pass Hardware Co UHI al» 'Tl IO 'ir »Ito t> 4 m . xertb mxTb st. <« » At H4ZIOIOX A DlrtHROW r(,Mrlh<tl,„ *