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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1920)
— THURSDAY, MAY IS, 1V2O. WHOLE NUMBER »71. Southern Orvsom Modlral Associa tion Merging at Itoaeburg Decid**« on Granta Pas« I PI-ANN FOR RIG riUMKCT UNDER Roadburg, May 13.- -43 was the NAVAL CHIEF C|«AIME HE NEVER LEADER CHEERED WHEN NAME Johnson-for-Preaident meeting unanlmoua opinion of all attending 4’ONHIDERATION BY WILEY ' wilt be held In the railroad park KENT MHW4AGK READ IN GIVEN FOR CANDIDATE TO physicians that the 23th annual AND OTHER« Friday evening, according to word <v»MMrrrEE THE I’REHIDENCY meeting of the Southern Oregon today to local Johnson supporters Medical association, held In thia city Hon. Rax. B. GoodeoU, superior was one of the most Interesting and judge of Ban Bernardino, Calif., and Instructive seeslons of that kind yet i Jas J. Murphy of San Francisco, are » to Im held. Thera was a large num slated to talke to the Josephine ber of physicians present, both as county Johnson people. Other visitors and members of the associa • speakers are scheduled for Grants tion. each having experiences to re Cable Purport«! Heat by Daniels Paas next week end some very (food Mexican Holer Yesterday Led Hie late which would be of use In the Advocated In4«a»cndcnt Sailing Force« in Fight Against Trooga I talks are assured. practice of others. t Hy V. H. V«M>eb> Reeking His Downfall . Mr. Good cell is a speaker of na It was decided to hold the conven tional repute and the Johnson men tion at Grants Pass next year, and of the city congratulate themselves Rnglueer J. A. Wiley, of R o I m , th» following officers ware elected to New York, May 13.— Eugene V. upon securing him to speak here Washington, May 13.—Charges Associated Press Dispatch. May Idaho, who arrived in the city yes take charge: Dr L. O Clement, of that the cablegram produced before Debs, convict number 2233, was terday Ralph — in ... company with ----- — --- Seh- ...........— —. preaident; ... Grants . I*ase, Dr E ... B. the senate navel investigating com nominated by acclamation for the Mr. Murphy Is sn American Legton- 13.—Mexican rebel forces seem to neeloch, the financier who is back | Picket, of Medford, vice-president; mittee durirtg the teetimony of Rear presidency of the United States at ler and saw 15 months of service be rapidly closing tn on President •f the Grants Paas Irrigation Dis Dr. A. C- Seely, of Roseburg, aécre- Admln.l Sims, bore a forged signa the socialist party's national conven overseas. He is alto said to be a Carranza and all that remains of his triet project, is deep Into the plans tary and treaaursr: Dr W H Flan ture. waa made today by Secretary tion here today. Cheer upon cheer very strong talker. The Johnson army, which is entrenched in the end the estimates for the construc agan, of Granta 'Paas, board of cen Daniels. He referred to the message greeted the naming of the socialist boom is spreading and the senator hilly country 150 miles northwest tion of the project today, and an sors; Dr. R. W Steams, of Medford, which the admiral bad presented as leader, who is now nerving a 10-year from our neighboring state is mak of Vera Cruz. The stage for ths nounce« that final estimates and de board of delegates. Dr. D P. Cor part of his criticism of the navy de term at the Atlanta penitentiary for ing a thorough campaign In the final act In the drama of the revolu coast states, as well as In the east tion apparently is being set and la signs for the dam and other details yell. of Riddle and Dr R. I Hall, of partment, which waa purported to violation of the espionage set. ern territory. The recent successes bel chieftains are evidently deter of th« project will be completed Sutherlin, were admitted to member- have been signed by the secretary. have done moch to turn sentiment mined to capture the president, whs Within a day or two. The engineers ship upon the presentation of ap- The concluding paragraph said. "In I toward him. The meeting Friday fled from the capital last Friday. Nrw Electrical More OfM-ning — have gone moat thoroughly Into the plication. regard to the converse I consider will be held at 8 o’clock. Governor Bela Huerta, of Sonora, work during the pa«t month, and ' Several Portland physicians were that American vessels having armed Mr. and Mrs. Harry 8. Clapp and who has been named supreme leader every phase of th« project was ready present, among them being. Dr. R. guards are safer when sailing inde baby daughter arrived from Portland M<*morial I»ay B< i » tree of the revolution is preparing to » to lay before Engineer Wiley when» C. Corey, Dr. IF. E. Deimer. Dr. T. pendently.” Wednesday morning to make Grants The G. A. R will hold their mem to Mexico City to take over the con he arrived Engineers Fertlg and W. Watt and Dr Win House. Drs. ' Daniels testified that immediately Pass their home. Mr. Clapp was in Blakeloek, who have had long exper Bartell and Neil, both of Eugene. upon reading the admiral's testi Grants Pass some weeks ago and ar orial day services on Monday, May trol of affairs of the state. 31 this year according to a general ience in the designing of irrigation wore also present. • mony he knew be had never sent ranged for the establishment of bus order received by the local poet. projects, were called Into the work Other visiting physicians were such a cablegram and started an In iness and leased the room on North The exercises are to be held in the Vera Crux. May 13. .—-Furiouc here during the past few weeks, and 1 Dr. G W Gregg and E A. Wood, of vestigation. Sixth street formerly occupied by opera house as in former years and fighting between rebel troops and the completed plans, as it will be , Ashland; Dr. E. B. Pickel, of Med Dr. Ingram and will soon open with a speaker will be secured for the forces commanded by Carranza oe- Mrs. 8. E Fry returned to Eugene a line of elertrical goods. Mr. Clapp when approved by Mr. Wiley, will ford; Drs W. H. Flanagan, L. O. occasion. The band will also be on our red yesterday at Hacienda Ta- be the equal of any In the west It Clement and 8 lough ridge of Granta this morning after visiting here for has been in the business for 18 will contemidate the construction ot Paaa; Or. Geo. C. Knott, of Glen- a short Urne with Mrs. Mary Scrog years, six yean of the time being | hand. The other numbers for the mariz, north of San Marcos, in the program will be decided on next state of Pueblo, according to d ib a concrete diversion dam at «orne jdale: Dr D R. Coryell, of Riddle; gins spent In electrical work In Portland. I week and will be announced later, patches received here. The area of point on the upper river, with tur . Dr. Wm 1* HoU. of Eagle Point.1 to the comrades of Unite* Spanish m iir rn mtm im I the battlefield is reported at approx bine driven pumpa to lift the water and Dr H. A. Canfield, of Drain. Special invitations are to be issued imately five square miles. Carran Into the Ibvels above the gravity All the talks, both by Roseburg; War. the American Ingion. the Vet za. according to a Mexico City wire ditch line It la prolieble that with il'ontin<>ed on Pnx« X) erans of Foreign Wars, the Sons of less. is said to have personally di the completion of the dam the only Veterans, the Boy Scouts and other rected his troops for eight hour« •leetrlcally operated pump would be Gunner and Mrs Walther Neu-I patriotic organizations to join the Tuesday. the one to lift water Into th« Jerome tneyer of Ban Pedro. CUlif, will ar iG. A. R. in the exercise« of the day. Prairie line, all other lifting of wa rive tn Grants Pass Saturday mom-1 It is urged that the people refrain ter to be from the gravity ditch«« by Ing for a visit with Mrs. Netimeyer'a from making the day an occasion of Brownsville, May 13.—Governor the use of water i>ow«r parents. Mr. and Mrs J. P. de! Mirelee. of Coahuila, crossed to the The work undertaken for the Grasse. Mr* Neumeyer. who is an : The Salvation Army drive in the than to the cause of the Salvation Jollification and athletic sports. American side of the Rio Grande to 1920 season was necessarily largely officer on the U. 8. S Vestal, now I city and county for funds to con Army. I Washington. May 13.—President day. Mireles is quoted as saying AL J. MARTINEAU. of a temporary character, and when lying In San Pedro harbor, has been ! tinue their work In the state has not Wilson today vetoed the legislative that the governors of Tamaulipas. the complete project Is in operation, granted 30 days leave and at the! been entirely successful. Only about Wortby cause and should have executive add judicial bill because of Nuevo I .eon and San Luis Potosi the pumps and motors Installed for1 end of that time will report for duty a third of the city's quota of >1200 has been raised and the county haa the support of the people of Jose the section putting under congres are now awaiting transportation to the present season will bn dono In San Francisco. sional control all the government the American side. not re«i>onded much better as a phine county. With. whole. The main trouble apparent publications O. 8. BLANCHARD. 1920 for the The work outlined I ly Iles with the Inability to get men Season has now been brought near Brownsville, May 13.—Mexican to take time to solicit funds. Re Good cauae. Josephine county to completion. Superintendent Cor- rebel forces, after evacuating Roy- ports from outside the county are should go over the top if for no oth- lllo. In charge of the work for the nosa. 60 miles west of Matamoros, quite encouraging and it is quite er reason than the White Shleld Shattuck Construction company, when they were advised early today reach its Home. likely that the sta'c will stated today that the first ditch to that federal troops were approach officials quota. L.J»1 campaign Dr. S DOUGHRIDGE. be served with water would no ¡ ing from Monterey, reoccupied the however are deeirlous to ne«* the doubt be the Riverside lateral on the I A big Deflaviland plane of the I county over tne top tn the drivt . El Oregon is in need of a home for - — , I town a few hours later and sent a Northwest unit in which water will | courier demanding the surrender of be turned Monday The pump for , Sth aero squadron, federal fire ps- forts are jclng made to get the Am boys and girls, the Salvation Army trol, landed In Grants Pass this af- erican Leffton tn take charge e.* the drive covers that need for it in Josephine county is a real para-1 Matamoros. A large band of rebel« thin unit la now set and the motor It ta very like r that cludes purchasing the Bishop Scott disc for republican candidates. The was reported six miles west of Mata is being wired up today. Its location , . ternoon at 2 o'clock after circling movemen military academy and farm. This registration figures have just been ; moros at noon. being near the old water pumping: | »he city and following for some they will aid to some extent. When local business men were ap alone Is deserving of the wholeheart compiled by Counrty Clerk Coburn station In the weal part of town, ' i miles the tracks of the C. & O. C. There are three main laterals In this ' railway, the pilot believing he was proached on the subject they were ed support of the people of Jose- and it shows an overwhelming ma To Speak at < "oairthouse— nnlt, and two of them, the Riverside following the line of the Southern unanimous in their approval of the|phine county, We should make thls jority of republicans here. There The committee, consisting of Mrs. | drive Some of their statements are drive a success by all means. are 2160 registered republicans and J. F. Burke, Mrs. A. C. Hough and and the middle laterals, can be car I'.I if io The machine was piloted by Lieu- ' given below, . Bishop W. T. Sumner, W. T. MILLER 885 democrats In the county, accord-1 Mrs. George Riddle, which is arrang rying water next week. The middle Ing to the figures. The number re ing for the meeting here for Mrs. lateral will make use of the flume tenant I. J. Williams, with Corporal while here yesterday, praised the Most worthy cause and should fusing to state their political affilia Kemp, has decided that the meeting system that for formerly used by the II. R Paralto In charge of the wire- 1 work of the Army highly and said i They | that It was deserving of support. have the wholehearted and enthu tion came to 213. This made a to landowners and of new ditches now less and other equipment. will be held at the courthouse next siastic support of all good citizens of tal of 3228 voters In the county, who I dug or being dug The upper ditch left Red Bluff, the home field this The statements follow. Saturday at 2:30. Mrs. Kemp is morning and landed at Montague for I. do not think we should fall in Josephine county. have registered. There are a num-: here in the Interests of the candi will carry the larger head of water,! GEO. E. LUNDBURG. ber who have not yet registered dacy of Herbert Hoover for presi and will be ready by the 24th, when lunch tin hour and 30 minutes later. our duty in the matter of our quota FRANK C. BRA1MWBI.T-. however. Male voters are In the ma all the pumps are expected to be In Their time from Montague to Granta I to the Salvation Army. I think we dent. While here Mrs. Kemp is to jority, 1999 signing up while only be under the direction of the W. C. operation, Including that on the Pass was one hour and 20 minutes should continue our efforts until we being slowed down by a strong head Salvation view of what the I go over the top. • In 1229 of the opposite sex registered. T. . U. and the Women’s legislative Southside and the pumps at Jones wind. It was not the plan to stop F S. BRAMWEI.T,. Army did for the boys * 'over there” The city has a larger proportion I ( club. ereek nnd In the Tokay district. and what they are doing for boys of republicans to the total registra-' All the excavation under the pres-. at Granta Pass but the low supply ent plan will be completed by the of gas and the uncertainty of loca Anont your request for my opin and girls, men and women, over tlon than the country districts. There Manager ion In regard to the Salvation Army here, and whereas they are not a are 108 2 republicans in Grants Pass Assume Tiosw , 20th, and the mule equipment will tion forced the landing. The lose incurred by the Hazel be relieved unless further construc Flea of the Standard Oil company work, I believe It is hotter than good, church or denomination in the sense out of the total of 1483. Democrats tion Is provided under the larger i supplied sufficient gasoline and oil it Is not common or ordinary. It Is that other religious organizations to the number of 3 23 are registered. wood dairy through misappropria development by that date. There Is I for the continuance of the Journey not self seeking, it Is a healthy in are. but a great evangelistic force of Only 78 refused to give their party tion of money has been assumed by yet consldcrablo detail work to be to Eugene. spirational work, good for the Indi whose laborers we all reap the ! preference in the city. One precinct Mr. and Mrs. Eggers, according to Pilot Williams stated that the vidual and the nation and like other fruits; they are worthy of all they In the county has more democrats Mr. Agee who has been here for the done In the building of turnouts for the water users and In putting the marker on the aviation field was similar Institutions a fine antidote ask. and more, and our county ought than republicans. This Is Althouse, company, Mr. Agee says that no finishing touches on ditches, flumes plainly seen ns ho circled over the for the present times. You don't to go over the top with their quota. which has 77 démocrate and 70 re- loss will be sustained by the com- C. M CLINE. and bridges. But despite the delay ( city and he had no difficulty In mak waste anything when you give to publicans. In that precinct 15 re- I pany. An altitude of this cause, it is true patriotism. fused to give party affiliation occasioned by the weather during ing the landing The Salvation Army with Its splen There have been a number of th« early construction period, water: about 7.000 feet was maintained, al Make up the quota. did history of the last generation, voters changing their parties. These BIG BREAK (MVIHS IN will be flowing In nil the ditches though over the Siskiyou« 12.000 E. FIRTH. RANKS OF OUTLAW STRIKERS with its Increased usefulness during changes have all been defections before another 10 days passes If feet was reached. the recent war. and with its present from the democratic ranks into the there are no unforseen obstacles in- ■ The inlanc Is the latest equipped I heartily endorse the work of the efforts to usher In practical religion, republican fold. Dnllaviland IB. which hnd previous terposod In the meantime. Pittsburg. May 13.- -Six hundred ♦ n being plpced on the fire patrol, Salvation Army and the great work holds a unique place in our country shopmen, yardmen and trainmen on RIOTH BREAK OUT OVER do in . the been doing duty on the Mexican bor- they are attempting to and state. The present Army drive WO! LD KEEP SUGAR PROFITS the Pittsburg and Lake Erie railroad IRELAND AMONG MASKED MEN der when It mounted three guns state of Oregon. Their present cam should have the support of all our TO I«OW FIGURE FOR DEALERS who have been on strike at this Im paign for funds is worthy of the sup Dublin. Ireland. May 13. ‘At The plana has large carrying cspa- citizens, for Its success means a Washington. May 12.—Telegrams portant terminal on the Dickerson lonst IB police barracks In various -ftv «nd la equinnod with wireless port of the people and Josephine setter care for poor and the uufor- Were seul by the department of Jus- run, returned to work today, accord parts of Ireland were destroyed In, telegraph and wireless telephone sa county ought not do less than meet tunatea of our state and county,' tics today to all United States attor ing to an announcement from the the course of widespread destine- well as regular ordinary plane in- the quota assigned It. which no agency at present fills. neys. reiterating the department's general offices of the company. This JOSEPH KNOTTS. tion of public property and other ae- struments Help fill up Josephine County's policy of holding the margin of pro is the most Important break tn tbs tlvltlea by bands of armed and mask- The plane continued Its flight to quota. fit on sugar sales to one cent for striker’s ranks since the strike was ed men last night. ward Eugene at 2:40 this afternoon Money could not be better spent HENRY G. HANSON. wholesalers and two cents retailers. | called a month ago. LEJIOS TROOPS INTO BATTLE