Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1920)
FCKÔïNdL We Safeguard Our Depositors Interests NATIONAL OF SOUTH HRN ORBOON ■ It’s A Fact LOCAL Middlings at Counts Feed Store. Chas. Horton, of Klamath Falls, was a local visitor yesterday. Hemstitching and pecotlng. 10c and 12c i>er yard. Nellie Neaa. Oltf Don’t forget the musioale at the high school this evening. 8:15 sharp. J. T. Crea went to Redding this morning where he will spend a tew day* on business. Mr. Croa was here for a little less than a week. Alfalfa and millet seed at Pardee's Grocery. 73 Mrs. G. P. Jester returned last night from a visit In the Willamette valley where she has been the past few weeks with friends and MU tives. A whole concert tor only 25c at the high school this qvenlng Won't 71 every body come? Alfalfa and millet seed at Pardee’s Grocery. 7 3 Mr*. Nellie Fletcher returned to her home at Portland thia morning after a visit here with her mother. Mr*. M. P Anderson, for the past week. Here ye faatidiou* epicurean; try Roberson's sugar cured bacon and ham*. Prices are right at the Won der Store. 73 White seed oats at Counts Feed Store 71 Meat scrape *0% and 50«(> front Union Stock Yards Indianapolis. Ind at Copnts Feed Store. 71 Rev. C. E. Glaxier left this morn ing for Cottage Grove to attend a district meeting of the Free Metho dist chur'h. He will remain at Cot tage Grove for the conference be- ginning on -May 19th. Three hours of dancing and a lunch all for one 8. Neilson’s or- chestra at Grange hall Friday even- • 71 ing. the 14th. "Calonlle" Straw Hat Dye. Sabin 71 has it. Mrs. M. C. H. Day left for upper valley points today to visit friend* for a few days. Mrs. Day was a for mer resident of this cKy, but has been at Bremerton for the past few days.* She will return here for a short visit. Mrs. Day also visited her sons. Paul and Tester, at Wil I lamette university on her way down. Twenty-five cents is the price of admission at the high school this evening. Please accept an invita tion to attend. 71 I Chautauqua days are just ahead- They provide for you and your fam ily a week worth while In every re spect. Noted lecturers, musicians and entertainers bring to you a six days' program of Ellison-White qual ity whose value cannot be nuswurc.1 by money alone. The cost is small— the dividends big. OREGON NEW TODAY FIRE, Automobile. Acoldent and j Health Insurance. T. M. Stott. 308-10 North Sixth street, Tele- J 4Jtf I phone 44-J. » CARRIERS WANTED, boys or girls with wheels; route open; apply at onoe. Courier office. <6 WAITRESS WANTED cha Cafe. At the Mo 71 HOLMAN’S FURNITURE STORE WANTED .Huyera or tellers of real estate. K. L. Churchill. Room No. 1 Lundburg llldg Phone 30. 70tf The UtUe store sr»»«n<l >•>’’ corner MIUJON8 IN OIL—Vulcan Oil A Gas Co. now exploring Rogue River Oil-Coal Reid, la offering falreet. aquareet plan to Investors ever proposed. For limited time only real ground-floor opportun ity. For details writs Vulcan OU A Gas Co.. Medford. Ore 15-M-9I M<XNUKH C.MWMWTM SANITARY STH Kl. tXWt’HHN nOK’T HKMTATK Order your tew clothes now We can save you money on them and, at the same time, give the very beet tailoring values Get your naw tailored to your Individual measure by GEO. 8. CALHOUN THE J B PADDOCK home la now tor sale or rent to responsible par ties. Also the following articles for sale: 200 ft. 1H-Inch Iron pipe; 100 feet of galvanised sheet Iron 2-inch pipe for irrigating; lawn mower and washing chines; a fine piano to sell or to right parties. Mrs. J. B. Pad- 7« dock. 668 North Second St. Esclaaive lacal dea I ar ow 1» year« NIFTY SPRING SUITS FOR SALE OR TRADE -Driving mare, 1150 lba., harness and top Murphy. buggy. H. O. Barbar, 7« phone Provolt SHOES and IURNISMINGS FOR MEN Peerless Clothing Co. HIGH GRADE PIANO for sale Can be seen at 109 B Street. For In formation call 603-F-2. TO TRADE—40 acre stock ranch for city property. Address Box I 112. City. 76* »NI» DAVHNPORTS MOHM OK THOHK O«X»I» MATTH«**»»'« TO THE PURI AC Anyone wishing the Dr Kock goods can get them at the house, such as I have on hand, until further notive Would like remittance from all Indebted to salesman, the late W. A. Ix>we. at earliest convenience. Mrs. W.; A. Lows, 612 West C street. 72 FOR SALE 1200 feet ship lap. feet 2x6 surfaced. 600 feet sheeting. John E. Carbon. West G street AMD TAIILB# IA GRA(W MEN AND TEA.MH WANT»!» -At Moon & Company's road camp neaf Port Orford. Wage* *10 for tenm*. 8 hours; men *5 for 8 hour* Furnish California hay at 834 per ton; rolled barley or oats at 872 per ton Board 81-10 per day or you can camp if you like. Rest of working condition*. Moon & Company. 96 FOR 3AU2 1 young Jersey milk cow, gentle, giving 3 _ gallons i>er day. 175; one Holstein cow, van- tie, giving 3 gallons per day, I 190. L. B. Roberts. Murphy. | 76 phone Provolt. 4 1 ►auce a Slice The park benefit dance at Waldorf halt last night was a cess from every point of view dancers all say they had a fine time and got their money's worth'and the ladies realised about 1100 for the Im provement of the park Everything from the floor wax to the ptinch was donated, so that every cent taken In was given for the Improvement of the park The musicians. Mr* Sell * eon. Robert and Ernest Neilson. Hil ton Smith and Frank Uneoln, gave their services to the park committee and Mrs. Goettacha donsted the hall without charge and also went to the trouble of decorating It. The ladles of the i>ark committee gave their time to the management of the af fair and the cooperation made the dance profitable Placar Uxmtlon notice* at Courlar. ------ ---------——----- —— Grants Pass Chautauqua I For President Meeting' (By arrangement with) Henry W. Savage! From the celebrated play by Walter Browne Friday, May 14 BORN • Funeral Held Friday Mrs. M. D. The funeral services of J. B. Bur- BOUH.MAN BOl'SMAN—To Mr. and Mrs rows, who died Monday, will be held ; Bousman, of Wildervllle. Tuesday, May 11, a daiigfrt&. at the Baptist church Friday at 2 ; will ___ be _ at the o'clock. Interment 1________ ..... ___ ANDREWS—To Mr. and Mrs. C. L. I. O. O F. cemetery All friend* of Andrews, of Merlin. Monday, May Che family are Invited. j 10. a son. PRESERVE YOUR EGGS WITH SILIATE OF SODA (Water Glass) Eggs are cheaper now than they have been for many a day. And right now is the time to lay In a stock of them. Sili cate of Soda covers them like glass and Is therefore a sure preservative. Full and simple directions with each package. Paat \„blo Granda to Meet— The Past Noble Grand club will meet on Friday afternoon at I. O. O. F. parlors. Bring needles and thim bles. Mrs. W. E. Everton and Mrs. Fay Johnson will be hostesses for the afternoon. All P. N. G. cordi ally invited. Buy Your Electrical Supplies CLEMENS at Sells Drugs and Books PAULS Electric Store I rr With VIOLE! HEMING THEODORE ROBERTS WANDA IIAWLÉr / and A DISTINGUISHED SUPItHCTING CAST * including ONE KINDRED DAMI ING PROFENBION AL BEAUTIES Tift'. GREATENT M>VE DRAMA OF MODERN TIMI» Railroad Park s H op . SUPERIOR Rex B. JUDGE Goodcell Jas. M. Murnhy . American I-egioner and iCrseas 5 in I 8 O’clock P. M San Bernardino, California Man. of San Francisco A Johnson for President Commillee, Portland, Oregon