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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1920)
GUANTI) PAM) DAILY OOU1 PAGE FOL K GHAUTS PASS Mill COURIER | Published Daily Except 3unday A. B. VOORHIIOS. Pub. and Propr A World Of Flavor hm i ini n, ii . biii \m 21. 11*20. J HOS SUNDAY Entero-1 at postoffice. Grants Pass. Oro., as second class mail matter. In Every Jar ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch .......—-J®« Locai-peiaonal oolutnn, per Uns 10c Readers, per line......... -.................. X By Rev. Henry G. Honaon Minister Wilson’s Marshmallow Creme AT Bethany 1‘ tarlati Ch u rch What shall 1 do? Where shall J KO? What a long day! How quiver Four Flavors These are exclamations it seetna! I that will fall from the li|M* of many WEEKLY COURIER a person iu Granta Pasa tomorrow, By mall, per year............. **.00 Church people seem lost sitting MEMBER OF AS8OCIATHD PRESS j quietly at home on the day of rest. Quality and Service The Associated Prom is exclusively Vol the quarantine, which is throw entitied to the use for republication I of all news dispatches credited to it | ing church work, like many other or all otherwise credited in this ir ,..... — Hues into chaos, a chaos from which paper and also the local news pub iuantic story. He portrays the figure ROME TAKES BACK ITS OWN it may take months to get back to lished herein. All rights of republication of spe- • as an American citizen In whose former standards of efficiency, may Pemolltlon of Pretentious Gorman cial dispatches herein are also re hands was placed the opportunity for prove a blessing in disguise. if we ■mbaaay In Eternal City Has served. a Deep Sign Ideane«. leadership, and who accepted it, but will only make it so. First of all the « privation from worship may be a SATURDAY. F'KIIKCAKY 21, l»2o. who faced unpopularity, misrepre Today on the Chpltollne. the small- means of showing to many the large sentation. discouragement and de- •at geographically, but historically the I place the formal meetings on the most Important of the famous seven ♦ 44 iieala in the course of developing hills of Rome, there Is the sound of i latrd's Dey really hold in our Jives, ♦ ORBGON WBATHHH ♦ and may give to us a larger Inter- hammering, the fall of masonry. Here, ♦ ! that opportunity. ♦ jest in and sympathy for the thou for many centuries, was ceutered the ♦ Weather for the Week .As a national figure. George Wash religious and political activity of the sands who are living in out of the Pacific Coast States: Fair ♦ ington was a great man, and time Roman empire, and here In the last i way places, and who do not have the ♦ ♦ until about the end of the : may designate him aa the very great half century Germany had established privilege« of woroLip, even when And ♦ week; then rain in Oregon and herself Imperially, resldentially. In 'everybody is physically well. ♦ Washington; temperature will ♦ est in our history, but there was the Palaxxo Caffarelli, built near the lit ought to make us come ba> k to ♦ be slightly below normal first ♦ nothing supernatural or auperhuman ait» of the great temple of Jupiter, | the house of God in coming weeks ♦ in that greatness. His life is abund consecrated In B. O. 500, was the Ger 1 with a new seat of joy and a thanks ♦ half, rising second half. ♦ ant in the every-day incidents that son embassy, with the throne of the giving for the weekly privilege. But ♦ emperor of Germany. Near at hand | it should mean more than that. The Fair, moderate northeast ♦ mark the lite of each of us. I was the Genusn Archacloglcnl Insti ( value of religion Is shown in times ♦ winds. His youth was not too encourag- tute. within Its garden the fatuous ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ >♦♦♦♦ ♦ Tarpelan rock, to be visited of recent ! of crises. These are days of testing i ing for one destined to become a n.t- years only by obtaining the key of the jin the scores of homes in our corn- GEORGE WASHINGTON j tional leader. Being the fifth son. gate from the German authorities. On ntunity where the epidemic Is at In every community of the United . he did not receive the education in the piaxxa. Romulus is said to have work, and where necessary anxiety I States, tomorrow, February 22nd, England which his brothers did. and founded his asylum and here In the I for loved ones takes up time and | will be observed with reverence and i j which was considered quite neces centuries before the Christian era, as thought. There are time», when we j in the middle ages. Rome had the seat should all learn to lean more fully ' devotion to the memory of the man ' sary at the time. He took up sur of her government. It was here that on the friend "that stJckelh clover who first rose to distinction as a aa-i veying without a technical education from house to house, from terrace to than a brother." But for those also ■ terrace. Germany up to the year 1914 tional figure in the world's world’s first and up to the time of his majority was steadily spreading her domains. who have nc personal asso iatlon great experiment in democracy; there was nothing to point out the The statue of Marcus Aurelius by I with disease the churchles* Stindav! ’ morrow George Washington coming man of power. His time was Michael Angelo was In the piaxxa of ■night bring Its unexpected blessings, the Capitoline, so also were those of Coupled with the l»<xiily and mental again receive the homage of that largely spent in the backwoods of Constantine and his son. but there relaxation which may be rightly tak-1 moera-y. Virginia; he was not a “high-brow." was room for others. Today, however, en on a churvhless Sunday, there are i .And tomorrow, it is probable, thej Professor Van Tyne has obtained the Paiasso Caffarelli with Its six tpecial opportunities for meditation.' teenth-century architectural beauties, name of George Washington will for from original sources the detail« and its Teutonic decorations. Is being such a rare experience in this ago of, the first time mean something intel-j which give us a vivid pen picture of removed from the capital in carta. The rush. God is not merely inside the' ears. to walls of a sanctuary. And the par-1 ligible to many youthful ears, George Washington as he was In authorities have decided that this aor- son whose religion Is c, iflned to youngsters just beginning to adjust enth hill of Rome belongs to the past every-dav life It is too coldly analy of Italy and they seek beneath the church going only has a pretty i»oor memories in the mind for future ref- tical to maintain an impression ef Moors of the German embassy further excuse for a religion. God is just as erence. sanctity or even legendary glamour; | foundations of the great temple of truly in the home, in fact for those But what is the nature of the Jupiter built by Tarquin the superb, who do not find iHtm In the home He bnt we must fight that tendency that other last of the kinga. memories thus stored away? Are Is rarely found tn church. Suppose which could easily make George the observances in honor of George i we take some time on the morrow Washington no more real to the LANGUAGE ENRICHED BY WAR for a quiet a<x|<ialntanceship with Washington becoming so embodied American i>eople than King Arthur our Bibles, for the rcadln - of some | in legendary glamour that the ■nqlish Newspaper Comments en Ad of ihe choice passa««*w that have led is to the Englirti people. dition of American Slang to the youth of the country look upon us into the presence of God before. King Arthur is truly a legend, but Ordinary Vocabulary. as a Washington, not as a man, but Suppose we n ike It a day of spiritu George Washington was truly a man. glorified being whose very existence An enterprising publishing firm has al readjustment. These are days of and the rising veneration should be is held sacred but not substantial? lasued a post-war English dictionary inventories and estimates of profits taught to regard him as a man which professes to contain words that so as to satisfy the government "with That is the great danger with we came Into use during the war. It our income tux. Suppoae we ntske Americans, with all our democracy, might have saved some perplexity on an inventory of otir spiritual re- Find Color Photo Process, and all our dislike of traditional ar- the part of the Wllleaden magistrate son roes. so we may prove acceptable; A secret emulsion, invented by a who was told by a witness last week stewards of all Go<l a sifts In < tr istocracv. Russian professor, which. It is assert As those of us who hare reached ed, will make color photography pos end that a man In the case was “all l»o- veaaion. Supjaeve we gather the poshed up.” snd that a certain turn of maturity look back over the school sible for everybody, is about to be in •vents “put the kybosh on him.” family about the plrno nnd IM the old hymns ring out. end the meaning troduced into this country, say* the room, home and church observances “Poshed up” recalls dreadful thing* London Times. The problem of mak of new hymns lie Impressed on our of Washington, we realize that we Ing the process capable of snapshot to the deinobillz«*d man. for hew many .Hinds. A churchles Sunday need weary' hours has, he not spent tn have very little conception of what as well as time work is claimed to “positing up" for parades and Inspec- no' mean one whit lws religion, b it a George Washington would look like have been overcome, and the exposure tions? To “posh up" means, of i readjustment of the religious life, a can be as rapid as wtth the ordinary of new pastures. if he could be restored to us as he emuision. thus fitting the invention course, to make oneself look smart. I dls< overv Tn civilian life it mean« speck leowly str« ngthentng of fundamentals, was in life. for moving-picture work also. polished, boot«. star<h«*d collar, neat that when the churcb opens a bigger Spatial camera* and plates will be Ask yourself what he would look ly pressed troti'«-ra. carefully brushed work may be Jonathan ever-befora on the market shortly, nnd the cost like. Ask yourself how he would of a colored film Is expected to be hair. nn<l a shining morning face, in Tli1; is the paes'MMtv of every church carry himself; what he would talk only 15 to ‘20 per cent higher than the army it meant buckles, buttons inc liter in Grants I’aor and vicinity. and cap badge polished to flintra-tlon about; if he would be a 'high-brow' the ordinary black anti white type. leather equipment with a «upergloss. Pints of Grants I’ jum — with a superior education. You will and well “binm-ord” hnversnek and Just the Man! I Flue ■>rint plats of Grants Paas valise (kliaki color, of course). And admit that Washington has always While at a dance one evening I »1 '0; blue lina prints. *1.75, a: for the man “warned for guard" be meant to you just a "national fig made the acquaintance of u your.g T9tf hind the lines or in camp at home IV- Courier otri e. ure,” a "master statesman,” a God- man who a«k«*d to take me home there was always the hope Hint by While talking about different thing- given leader of the nation, but not a we came upon tin- subject of religion “poMiing up” to the nth degree he Fie lobi me he vvns quite u < htircfi might escape duty, the prize awarded plain American citizen. by the Inspecting officer tt> the smart !T’S AGREED Claude Halstead Van Tyne, pro t - k - i iber and had attendisi church reg est man paraded. As for “kylwrdi." ■i 1’y. My folk« being rather re THAT OUR SPEED fessor of American history at thè • is thein«elves. 1 said. witlio’, the word Is familiar enough to Go* music hull piddle. The extinguish»* IS A University of Michigan, has gone in ding; "You are just the kind ... puts the “kybosh" on the candle, and FRIcND son-in-law my people are kwikii,. to the matter-of-fa t details of INDEED ’ Then I woke up nnd tried ’• the allies. In the words of n wur-tfrn» George Washington's life, and in n song, "put (he kybosh on the kaiser. •• myself. Exchange Manchester Guardian. very entertaining manner, has writ-1 ten the common-place and yet ro- Printing that pleases-- IV*• r¡0 it Th« Ambidextrous. Cn-'rfor inh Denar'men*. SPEEDY The art of ambidexterity, or the us PUIM0W& age of both hand«, lx an extremely practical accomplishment, and one In volving pot only mechanical skill, but it certain «mount of will and brain power. A society for the cultivation of the er left band was started some time ago London. but the scheme never You’ll know that our speed is -ulficldnt bucking to flourish a good fi n 1 of yours when ihe French Academy of Medl ■•oil •ire in need of a plumber cine 1« advocating that school children Heavy weight elastic ribbed unionsuit, full cut io fix u,> a leaky pipe or do lie intlglit to write with the left hand SIZES 36 TO 46 tome other repair work. At ■>« «ell as th«- rigid. nch a time ■ -»ti w'll consider <iiie curious point conc erns the cult r.f the left hand, an eminent physician it quite fortúnale that you ra In:.- staled that It lends eventual!; ni •mibdr I’hone No. 30S-J. We i c li;c|'<ui-r Inline). The notion ha- would like to be of service to '■ver. In n conic-ted hv other me I yon. BARNES, The Jeweler DAILY OOUR1BR By mall or carrier, per year...... *6.00 By mall or carrier. per month. J>0 I KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY ■ Men s Underwear Bargain! CAR OF Nash and Chevrolet TOURING and TRUCKS NOW ON THE WAY EXPECTED ANY TIME PLACE ORDER FOR YOURS NOW MAXWELL & CO. ACCESSORIES, TIRES, GREASES I ■* WRIGLEYS For mother father, the boys and girls the sweet for all ages—at work or when you're nervous or tired see how It i ¿ ó u ihes! The Flavor > S ealed T ight - WRIGLEYS^ I K ept R ight 423 ? ™ 'ERFECT GUM F|**n Plumb Price $1.85 ' ■ n. ni"l th«* le’ii'l liiuMlcr of lit'if l~ (hilt tile* fill I her tl«i g<c of tic I ltd develop- certn'ii organ« o a II which otherwise lie derniiltl' Placer location notices at Courier ». , Ju B. S. DEDRICK 51« F Street lliowe 3O«-J / SHOE POLISHES Save the Leather and Keep your Shoes Neat LIQUIDS PASTES ano FOR BLACK.U HITE T'-N AND OX-EI OOD (CAR BROWN)SHOES •r, r. t.r a. ,, , T , .v, ,A. i ;»>, < ■ > ai . o , n •«