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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1920)
GHANTH PARA DAILY OOIHIKIC -------------- :----- —----------- T——............... •-.**■. «pipper* of >352.3tf lifter (he shipping expenses of WM.71 Were deducted, The market value of this entire shipment oti the local market wit* only >2»IH.Hi». so that the net gain through co oper ativi* marketing aggrega ted BH047, or a total of 34 per rent. Twenty-one «kippers purtlclpiifi-d. Palm Trees Are Hardy. Brasilian coconut palma live from BtMi to 7<M) years, and the date pu I tn from 2(MI to IMMi years. On the Mount •f Olive*. Jerusalem, Ibero arc oliva tree* known to hme been thmrtsbliis In HM». All klnda of Io tai blanks at tbs Courier A POULTRY HOUSE Hhould Hhould Should Hlioubl Hlioitld space UNI POULTKï RECORD MADE Satisfactory Result* Reported From Numbar of Co operative Ship ment* In Arkansas. tPrrparait by Ilo- Unltril Ntain* Depart- inani of Agri alture.» Printing Safeguards Your Money Protect your cosh not only with bolts and bars and banks but with businesslike printed forms and records for every transaction you undertake. We can show you a paper-— Paper—that betrays erasure and prevents fraudulent al teration of your checks, notes, drafts and receipt*. • For letterhead* and general printed forma we use and recommend a standard paper we know will give you satisfaction. The Courier The rollinoti county (Ark.) agricul tural ugelli and liome-demonst rat ioti agent report satlsfaciory result* from I a number of cooperativi* shipment* I of chicken* marketed by farm women during the early summer Shippers listed their poultry In the *ume milli ner as la employed where hog* or cat tle are shipped co-operntively, using , Monday a* shipping day. All the poul try was shlppisl by express from DO to 2S0 mile* to the .Memphis and Hl lauti* markets. A total of 1.573 pounds of poultry 1 was loaded at the shipping jailnt In 1 July; the total weight at destination was 1,411 pounds, the aggregate 1 «lirtnkage In transit amounting to 102 pounds, or an average of 10.3 per cent. The cost of marketing. Including ex press. commission*., coop expenses, etc., hut not Inciualve of shrinkage, «tu 4.4 cents a pound, while the cost of mar- ketlng a |Miimd. Including the drift 1 over the railroad was: llena, 7.5 cent*: i cocks, d.3 cent*; and springers, 3.5 cents. The total gros* sale* amounted to >421.07. which left a net return to the bare sunshine, be dry. have ventilation. Im ve no drafts. bure plenty of floor x; M PAYS TO BANISH LOAFER HEN In Recent Culling Campaign in Indi an* 345 Out of 1,222 Fowls Were Discarded. “Binecure.** rated from their former male», despite Our word sinecure Is derived ftMB the fad that they received the same amount of feed it* the profitable prie i two T^tln words—the preposition aiMk ducer*. The per.-entsge of egg prodne I without, and the noun citra, here tn tlon I!«>• week before culling was 27.(1 the sMative case, meaning care. Hine while the Heek afirr It was 30.8 per cum was, therefore, without care, hero « our word, sinecure, meaning an -•ent. ) office without employment but that hs* u revenue; imsitlou having emotu- Placer location notices at Courier j atents with few or uo duties. office Mining blanks—Courier office. i <Pr«l*air<t t> flia IJnitsd Stuie* Dcpart nani of Agrlcultma.) ì lio P.nrtholon ow cotiniy (Imi.) agri» cultnral agrrit rr|>orta that » telili <rf 1,222 ben» werr hundled Iti n ricco» ■■tilllng campa lati imd of thf» number MB. or 2h per cent, were dl«csr<|ed u« poor layer*. The entlre nutnber of ben*. 1,222. lafd 2„W egg* thè week beforr citlllng. whlle thè week after lliey luid barn ctrlled thè SM" fowl* loft on thè farina luld 2.202 egg« Tlils espialo* wh,v It «a* expedlent man agement to rld thè flix-k« of ile* 31' SAVE MONEY PREPARE CULLS FOR MARKET BUY THE WORLD’S BEST, Among Other Fowl-i to B- Disposed of Are the Old and Weak and All of the Bemba. »I COFFEE II 1 (Fr»t>ar«d by Hie United Ktatee liepart maid of Agriculture.) Cull out and prepare for market all fowls, old or yonng. which apia-nr wenk slow, or dull; fowl* with droop Ing tall*, rough pltmum*. or rr«»w- shaped head»; nil scrub« except thine which have laying point«; all liens which molt early, and all mill.*« except those wtrorig. vlgon it», and of a pure typo desired for breeding. til X Courier - 3 Steel may be blued without heating. Polish the metal well and make sure that It 1« absolutely dean. Then Im merse It In the following solution: Sul phate of copper. 40 gram«; nitric acid. (JO grama; IM) per cent alcohol, ISO cubic centimeters; water. l.(MN) cent I meter*. Allow to dry thoroughly, then imllah by rubbing Arlskly with a wool en cloth. Another way to blue steel la to heat It till cherry red and then quench In carbolic add. office I X /n the Five Pound Can How to Blue Cold Steel. Mining blanks at M. J. B <r> vet f: i n. ■ L .-ÌL irï-': ' l«—¿ County Agent D «carding "Boarder” Hens. < It surpasses all other coffee» in fragrance, flavor quality, economy I Also Packed in Three and One Pound Cans I U M¿RRAHDíNSTíÍN¿‘rfl là? »RASCISCÖ. C*1 V> lasty loafer* which laid only 54 <• .1 r