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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1920)
P ag * two GRANTS PASS DIII.Y OHIIIKK RUSSIAN UNION WORKERS RAIDED IN NEW YORK Da-per In Refilled Pottles, e irk« should nm tv tt-ed tn. di -Inv buttles unless they have !«»• i dee tied and sterlllred. If you lutv ■ a < >nt . i. tis disease In your house si, buttle should tint tie sent to the drug »tore to be refilled at till. Unless It hits be, n (malted and boiled In it dl» Infect lug fluid. In that cane burn the cork, Of course It will lie nenes snry to k op note of the prescription number. • lernt» can easily be dis trlbiited by menus of a hottie which hit» n In close proximity to u Bleklted mill pat leu» f VC'#»» th»; Rood*» e Wku do»» t Political Cards Paid advertisements Primary Election May 21, 1920 ARTHUR S. COUTANT Republican Candidate for Nominee for * COUNTY JUDGE 4 “Don’t Put Your Store to Sleep at 7 o’clock The merchant who drape» hl» »tore In darknaua during the even Ing hour» 1» truly hiding his light beneath a bushel. Joaephiiie < 'ounty Scene ip th«- lie Iqunrter» of the Union of ltu»»hiii Worker» .-n i'lft.enth street In New Yoi’ after It had lava raided by the [»tllce. Two hundred and fifty men were arrested and tons of radical literature »oiaed. Cat and Rat Friendship. The strange store of the rat that Biiule friend» with a cat is told by W. H Hudson iu hl» “Book of a Natural- 1st.“ The rat first “thrust Itself and its friendship” on a village woman in I.elant. West I’ornwall, England. It not only grew familiar with the worn an. hut even with her <-at, "which ap peered to know Intuitively that It (flic rut) was there ns a privileged guest, while the nit. on its part, seemed to know, also by Intuition, that it had nothing to fear." The friendship divp- ened; cat and rat seemed pleased to be together, and would even drink milk from the same ».nicer. sleep bunched up to( SCRUBS BEING CLEANED OUT West Virginia Stockmen Making Vig orous Effort to Drive Out All • Scrub Bulla horns. Fortunately, the tirmy ol ttc grades anil scrubs was not as formid able as It looked on the paper, because tiO of these low grade sires were year lings. Furthermore, the census showed that there were only 30 men who actually made a practice of keeping a scrub bull.” * By correspondence and personal con tact with farmers the state live stock agent and the county agent waged the battle. These men toured the county day after day visiting the »crith hull owners, holding meeting», and request ing influential farmer» to assist In rel egating the scrub sires into the live stock scrap heap. in the main the scrub bull owners, once they learned the purjaise of the campaign, and on (Prepared by the Untied States depart ment of Agriculture. > We admit that we’re aspir ing. To be called to do your wiring. A» expert electrician» we’re elected by the general public. They have found out that we know all about tills vital labor saving, comforting illuminating force. We will give you an es timate a» to what the wiring and the fixtures will cost you. HARPERS ELECTRIC STORE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES L SERVICE West Virginia—largely regarded as rainerafproducing state—is on the war-path to Increase beef cattle pro duction and Its output of dairy prod ucts by eradicating scrub bulls, which 1 are primary offenders against profit able ami progressive live stock bus- i bandry. Within a few months parts of West Virginia where the campaign is most active expect to round out a cleanup which will eliminate the scrub bulls and leave the purebred» ns mouarchs of all they survey. The case of Roane county. W. Va.. Is an ex ample of what West Virginia stockmen accomplish when they go over the top The live stock sjieeiallsts of the State agricultural college, the county agent and officers of the Roane county farm bureau have solidly backed up the scrub sire clean-up. “Not a single man turned us down,” remarked the live stock specialist In telling how the campaign to oust the • scrubs was conducted. "The first of the year our local stockmen made n declaration of Inde pendence against scrub bulls, and work was begun promptly in taking a thor ough hull census. This Investigation ol sire ancestry showed that there wen 200 hull* In the county, of which lit: were misfit grades and scrubs, whlli '.»8 were registered ptire-breds. There were 57 registered Hereford». 28 regi» tered Angus, mid 111 registered She. A Typicsl .'Native' Scrub Bull, Obstacle to Progreaa in Live Stock Improvement. they appreciated the benefits which would result If they »til y: tilted pure bred »Ires for the tuongroi were glad to dt»|s»se of their In’erlor herd-heal er». I »«tailed figure» showing the In- creased value of calves sired by pure bred» over calv.'» >f scrub parentage were particularly convincing In gain ing converts. Most of the scrub hull owners were prompt In admitting the error of their live-stock raising ways. The Roane county banks have aided the movement to replace poor bulls with good ones. Every bank In the county has offered to lend money nt ft per cent to fanners for the purpose of purchasing pure bred sires as sub stitutes for their scrubs. HANDLE SHEEP WITH PROFIT Good Drainage. Pasture, Some Shelter and an Interested Attendant Are Important. Handicraft Shop of Medford Will display needlework at the Josephine Wednesday, from 10 to 12 and from 2 to February 25th. Orders taken for future lingerie, hats and dresses, camisoles, yarn and art materials. Hotel, Room 228. every 4, beginning Wednesday deliveries on children s flowers, stamped linens. WE ALSO TAKE ORDERS FOR HE.MSTIT« HING AND I’ll OTING The requirements of a fnrm where sheep can be handled wl'b profit are good drainage, plenty of fresh pit» hire, land that will produce clover, al falfa. cowpeas, or soy beans; a good water supply, fences that will keep sheep out of growing crops and fur nish two or three field» for frequent change of pasture, a shelter that will protect the flock from cold rains, wind» and storm», and an attendant who can give the flock Interested and Intelli gent care. SWINE CONSUMED MUCH FEED ROADSTKIt FORD GOOD FORD WITH BUG GOOD FORD GOOD BUICK CAR Several other cars at bargain prices. 83IRJ $380 $OOo $ 1.10 »325 «300 Hobart Company Devoured More Grain Than Catt - Last Year, Being Fed 50.3 Per Cent of Corn. Swine consumed more grain than tittle last year In the United Stat* being feti W.3 per cent, of lie corn in.8 |>er cant of the outs. (10 per ,f the barley. barley, 29.1 20.1 per end of cent of the .■nt ,,t:.' ’15 i- feeds feci to all farm animals. . ,1. POWERS. Salesman REAf Phone WA-J 111 South Sixth St. Wished to Make Sure. • inc man who wished to make that, the receipt of the $8,000 he about to sood to the •• conscience fund'' would h acknowledged, fore the l.lll-t. mnkfn: that amount in half. and thorn In with the statement that other half would be sent ’n n 1 HOffl epiinmenf uel•nowled ged the of the first half. Trit to th<' remaining fragni fragments» of vere mull'd mall' ll as list soon ns the etui acknow dedgment renched him. emit se these hills were aw good when they wore placed togell the "con»'clonce fund” was Inermi quite materially. F. L. C00N Republican Candidate for Nominee for C0UÑTY CLERK Present Deputy tonni) <'|i*rk D. 0 HAYES Republican Candidate for Nominee for ASSESSOR Present Deputy \«»en»or ECLUS POLLOCK Republican Candidati' for Nominee for COUNTY JUDGE Light Your Windows With Electricity l«et people see your goods! 'Admire them! Wish for them! Ill Y THEM. Don't think your window display must 40 <> sleep with the •IHckens!" Even after your »tore Is cloned, make Electricity work for you, advertising the merchandise In your window. Your electrical contractor will estimate th» cost of Installhig mo dem window fixtures. You will be surprised nt their e oniony of operation. California-Oregon power Co. 1’11,1. 10M-J—«23 G STREET—Git I NTs V 1»S, OREGON