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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1920)
MITI Ili* ti, lEIIIHAID Ul. litui». To the Man Without a Bank Account GRANT* PAHM hAIIA COI RIEH PAGE F1VK I PER52WL *«? LOCAL l> Indian bicycles at Cramer Bros. 01 Colne« to V ixit Hon— K. D. Walla, of Roseburg, 1» a vis Mra. Anne Stephenson will go to Grants Pass today to spend some itor In the city. I oats, barley and wheat at time with her »on, George Stephen Even if your busineM is «uch that you have • the B«ed I Josephine County Flour Mill. 10 son, who resides on a ran* h near that gone along without a hank account, the idea is Spring time 1» the time to buy a city. -Ashland Tidings. 01 car. Manuel Bros. worthy of your eoiMjidcration. 01 < lutngcM lex ation— Onion «it« at Cramer Bros Every time you give your check you make laiwell West, of Madt»on, Iowa. Mr». Mo»» has now 'banged her a legal, indisputable record-of that transaction. wa» a Friday arrival In the city. office t<* 208% .North Sixth street, in Hemstitching and pecotlng, 10c the Public Service Building, being and 12< )»er yard. Nellie Neaa. Oltf three door« north of ber former of- If you ana goimt to buy a Hard Ml MHl H Ford, hotter buy it while you can l > IU UM IO ..I MV f 01 Attend (Mock men's Mivting— got it. "Manuel Bros, x >>>SPM LADIES—Before paying high prices for 01 House i«lnt at Crsmer Bros. Supervisor Mcltuniel» and Deputy SUITS, COATS and SKIBTS 11. iF. Hessel, of Connell, Wash., is Hunt, of the Siskiyou forest reserve, in the city, stopping at the Oxford, are in the Illinois valley today at that are ready-made, investigate our very rea Garden seeds of all kind» at Cru- tending a meeting of the Illinois Val sonable prices for custom-made garments, Hand 01 ley Stockgrowers association, liter Bro». They Tailored by The Ideal Indies Tailoring Co. The D. J. Hanna, a business man of loft Thursday for the 'Page creek prices are less than those asked for ordinary Seattle, la In the city. ranger station, attending the stock- ready-mades. 01 men's meeting on their return trip, Japalac at Cramer Bros Mr. and Mr». IE. Casael Jr., of and will arrive in Grants Pasi) this GEO. S. CALHOUN K'atnath Falls, are in the city, hav evening. Happy Thought Tree Pruaern in • A and (Moot iaagth. regalur I Sample and Salee Room 603 G Street ing arrived Friday afternoon. price »1.7« and S3—To clone out mi overstock we are »citing them Seed oats, barley and wheat at Vou Can’t Dodge— the Josephine County Flour Mill. 10 We have amaahed prices. A Chev I All yon need to make your hens rolet ride at Ford price. For it’» the 01 climate. Palace Taxi, phone 22-J. tf | lav at Cramer'Bros. Clareme Winetrout will leave each, »Itili* they last |Hunday evening for Portland, where Quarantine Still Effective— he will Irunaact business for a few The quarantine baa not yet been days. ralswi, though a numl*er of families 01 are being released from its provi Chick feed ivt Cramer Bros. John Ober arrived In the city yea- sions. There are »till new cases de terday from Auburn. Indiana, and veloping daily, however, none of a left by stage thin morning for Dry- serious character, but the uuthori- den. where he will visit with the tlea state that the quarantine will no Crooks family, old time friends. doubt be maintained all of next week public A few favored Fords at fastidious so far aa the schools Cash Clothiers figure». Manuel Bros. 01 meeting* are concerned. Poultry feed at Cramer Bro». 01 C. O. Sexton, a former resident of Will Seek Nomination this vicinity, arrived in the city this It has been pretty quiet politically morning, and is looking after .tro the ¡>a«i few- days, about the only T»erty interests here. He is no» recent development being the an- inaking his home In Portland. nouncement of County School Suiier- CLOSING OUT GATES HALF SOLES See G. P. Jester for life Insurance intendant Alice Bacon that »be will We b«*rr«*w mimi <>f <>ur troitbl«*». We n»iU«ipate thi-ni and uorry; Penn Mutal Jdte KOtf again i>e a candidate for the position tre imagi In- ‘*11 klnd* uf dire calnmitim', we are fate just arouiul thè Vt the following prices while they last Hxeet pea seed at Cramer Bros which she has held for the past three corner, ready U* »mite u» witii llie bludgmn <4 fallare, tool wben Kenneth "William« left last night (PI T ON) years. It is also announed that At so toni tlie corner we find that fnte Ims net even touilied as. We for Taylor. Texas, where he will go torney Jesse Johnston will become a fret nnd fume to no piuiMme mid MMlr our energies. 28x3 — $ 7.00 30x3 —$ 9.00 Into training for the coming season (candidate for the republican nomi 30x31/2 — $10.00 32x31/,—$12.00 of baseball. Ills wife a-companied nation for the legislature« contest- LET I N TAKX CARE OF YOUR CLEANING, PRIX n ING. KIPtlll. $32x4 — $14.00 him as far as Klamath Falls, and • Ing with Representative Sidler ING TKOl KLEK will Join him later. the place upon the ticket. TIBE SHOP We have all models in used Fords. 01 Worship in the H odm *— Manuel Bros. Ford Garage 01 laiws seed Gt Cramer Bros. While the hurches are closed at Reservations have beeff made acco mt of the Influenza one of the Josephine hotel for Mr. and Mrs church belle will be sounded for a Ralph Schneeloch, w)u> will arrive ft v moments al 11 o’clock Sunday from San Fraaciaco tomorrow morn-^morning, the regular time for wor- >• . ing. It is expected 'hat ]<artles who ship tn the hurci.0»; ami at this-eig» are I nt »rested In the contracts to be ] nal the suggestion is being made left for work upon the Irrigation pro that the Christian peonie of the com ject Tuesday will accompany them to munity gather in their respective this city. homes and observe some exercise of We are ordering rose bushes, trees worship, either in NKW TODAY •• reading and and shrulm. Leave your orders with study of a prayer service or the sing SEE U. P. JESTER for life Insur us. Cramer Bros. 01 ing of hymns or a combination of ance Penn Mutual Life AHtf Dr. M. C. Findley, of Salem. is in these. This suggestion ia not made , RANCH FOR RENT House, barn the city having come down last night that any form of worship ¡nay be pro-; and other out buildings; about six to ‘Investigate the irrigation plans pogated, "but that »pirltual no Irish acre« iu clover and alfalfa; or for the valley. While here, the doc men!. the need for which every genu chard, berries and pasture. Plen tor has signed m> all the property he ine Christian realizes, may be s ' ii »- ty of water till middle of summer. owns In the vicinity that will come plied. For information write Box 6. Rd. under the new Grants Pass Irrigation 2. or phone tOS-F-ll. 101 'district for inclusion in the district, I j Hs i>etltion will he among those con- JOS MOSS AGENCY - Fire I sidered at the meeting of the board ance, plate glana liability ] of directors next Tuesday. - ance. 204 % Sixth street. Bicycles repaired <at Cramer Bros FOR HALE 1 atn wrecking I Spray and (fpnay pumps at Cramer A pretty cabinet machine large house ut the corner of Bros. 01 fumed oak, golden oak, Ameri and E streets and offer all the can walnut, brown or red ma lumber muterial, doors, windows] I rA/l Sheriff ix-wis and Deputy Lister hogany. and frames, etc., for sale. A. L. Come In and look over our LLlTI were called to Selma Friday evening 02 I Edgerton. large assortment of (Irafonolas I Al Oil 1,P”n complaint of people there who I and choose the one which Is a stray cow at There TAKEN I ’ P A ill All stated that the neighborhood was be matches your furniture our ranch that has been In the Haey terms if ilrslrrd ing terrorized b>*an insane man. The neighborhood tor two months; officers took the ¡mrty into custody. STANTON ROWELL Idack cow with white under body, i Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 21. The and brought him back to this city botli ears split, left ear undercut, Music and Photo Hoese 1 lie sultiin of Turkey, ¡hough lie has iioi lly alulicuteil. Is taking-a fourteen dally news|>apers __ __ ____ _ __ j»ast midnight. I “vncaiioli" iti Asia Minor at the suggestion, it is dehorned. Owner will please get of this with them, arriving .107 G Street of representatives of the i cow and pay charges Geo. Sce- city which on January 1 doubled the The man stated ihat his name was | allied nations In Const."inlnople. The pilotograpo «Lows him arriving at the tmeh. Route 2. 01 price of their pa|>ers because of the Haines, but from letters and docn-1 foreign oince to receive what amounted to his depo«itl<iu. FOR SAIzK X acre« Vi mile from Inoreased cont of ell material. espe-ltuent8 |n his possesion it seems that, HORN Grants Pana on Pacific highway, dally newsprint paper, entering intone may be Lester Randolph, late of OAID To Mr. and Mrs. Bert IR. Calti i leared, 0-rooin house, liyyn. gar Ilandon. He is about 28 or 30 year» I of Holland. Tuesday, February 17. age. Telephone and eleqtrlc lights their production, have restored their 'of age, a student of a corres)»ondence available, >1200. .Mrs. Igoes M. old prl e of 100 rets (about 2%c) a u daughter. j course in chemistry and assaying and 12 copy. One pa;>er which had conclud ¡states that he has been hypnotized .Morris, ltd. 1, Box «4. ADVERTISEMENT FOR CON- ed an advantageous contract with a by someone. He arrived in Selma » STItl’CTlON WIIKK GRANTS Scandinavian firm for paper annui day or two ago, and was insisting Quit Auto Travel for Train— PASS IRRIGATION DISTRICT Washington. Feb. 21.—Birector I Helena. .Mont., Feb. 21.—For the Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Moss, of Da •• led its agreement with tile other pa- ■ that a young lady of the neighbor Hines assured the railroad labor or first time since 1815, the common enpftrt. Wash., who have lieen ¡»end porn to maintain the price at 200 hood consent to an immediate mar Sealed proposals will be received ing the winter iu California. arrived riage with him, though he had known ganizations that return of the roads 'labor supply may equal the demand by the Board of Directors of the in the city Friday night, driving rein. •her but a few hours. An ex»»'!ha-' on March 1st. would not affect nego ' in .Montana this year according to Granta Paas irrigation District at overland on their way to their enst- In announcing their return to ■ ion will be conducted to determine tiations now pending as to the inter their office In the Court House, ern Washington home. As the high old price, the newspapers stated 'hat pretations of various wage agree reports gathered by state offi lais ¡the condition of the young man. and] Granta Pas». Oregon, until 11 a. m. ways northward, and especially ments made during federal control. through commercial clubs of the 100 rela did not cover even the cost to give him care should he be in need February 24. 1820. for the excava- throughout eastern Washington, are of it. state. If crops are unusually heavy tlon and construction of HI nilles not in good shape for travel, .Mr. and of the white paper. Later. ?.. a hearing before the RECORD MADE MY AVIATOK there may be a slight deficit, but nor canals and laterals, and six miles Mrs '.Moss concluded to continue their IN FLIGHT TO SEATTLE county court this afternoon, the man KING ALFONSO HAS sub-lateral». Including approximate mal crops will leave enough men for way on the train, and so disposed of TROVBI ES op’ HIS OU N brought in from Selma last night by I ly 43.0<i0 yards, excavation; 650 their automobile here Ibis morning the sheriff was found Insane .¡nd will Seattle. Feb. 21.—Major A. D. road work, railway labor and similar lineal feet of flumes, bridges, con and will leave this evening over the be committed to the asylum. The Smith, army aviator, who arrived employment, without drawing on ex .Madrid. Feb 21. The Spanish duits, turnouts, .pipe lines and other Southern Pacific. They have leased man said that his name was Lester here yesterday from San Diego, plans tra-state sources, it is said, cabinet is reimrted to have resigned, For structure»; also the furnishing and ■their ranch near Daveni»ort for a per Haines, and the examination brought to return Tuesday. He made the four years the demand lias far ex- Installation of four pumping plants. iod of years, and vulll reside in Spo and King Alfonso Is reported to have accepted their resignations, which Is out the fact that h? was an I. W. W., 186 mile« from Portland to Seattle For particulars, address Tom R. ceeded the supply. kane (hiring the coming summer. due to Inability of the cabinet to ob and the district attorney also un in one hour and twenty minutes, Pearce. Protect Engineer. covered evidence that he may be a which is said to be the record. tain sufficient support to pass the Proposals for any or all schedules Carriers Wanted— COMINO EVENTS appropriations, to increase railroad draft evader. Before he 1» turned will in- received bitt the Hoard re over to the asylum as Insane, the Quarta blank« at Courier office. Carrier boy» for Daily Courier rates. serve- the right to reject any or all federal authorities will be given an OfflM. wanted -routes now open, Extra Feb. ft, Saturday 'Meeting of Po blds. opportunity to invrxttgate this phase »ay for rainy weather Apply at Ti-»da 4*re-'t»ncM. honk rt K-. 11 'ion» Grunge, r»t Rogne River Val GKO a . HAMILTON Nluaed. Míala g blank» at Courier aMca. eace. of the question. Courter rttiéa. t ley Grange hall, 16 a. <•. Secret tv . »2 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Happy Thought at 50 cents Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings Rogue River Hardware Co, Peerless Clothing Co Troúbles, Troubles, Troubles The Wardrobe Cleaners SULTAN TAKES ENFORCED VACATION ARREST MAN AT SELMA MH SUPPIT MEETS