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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1919)
medxehdii . dei ember it . uh » G HA NTH rAHR BA (LT OODKIKB PARE TWO GRANTS PASS Dili! COURIER From Mesopotamia Published l>aily Except Sunday A H VOORHIK8. Pub and Propr, entered al po*toffi-e. Grant* P m *. Or*., a* second ol*** mail natter. ADVERTISING RATES inapiay *pac*. per Meh.—..... ——.70c t p-r-**"111 column, per line 10c NEW CROP OF DATES Reade**», per line.............................. tc IN BULK DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year ....••00 By mail or carrier, per month .50 Supply Limited This Season WEEKLY COURIER By mail. P»r y»>ar----------- ------ ->»•— I produ< ed »85 acres of oats w hich ‘yielded 24.925 bushels. Other crop* reported from this county were 4 NO acres of Nmrley yielding 12.000 bit- •helg; 240 acre* of rye, 3,ti0<> bu- shels; and 1.075 Mre* of corn. 19.. 350 bushel* , The acreage of winter wheat In th* stalo according to the report, I* somewhat loss than laat year, being quoted aa 724,130 a rea, 'while it* condition la given aa 93 per cent of the average \ reduction of 24 per cent In the acreage sown to winter wheat In the : United State* thi* fall a« compnreil ! with the urea «own a year ago Is the _____ ___ _ feature of the govern- most __ striking j ment crop reiairt for December, ac- MEMBER OF .ASSOCIATED PRESS Tti* Associated Pres* is exclusively entitled to the use for republication Quu/ifji and Senkt of an news diepatohe* credited to it V or all otherwise credited In this p^ysr and also the local news pub 7 lished herein. yield of the principal crop* of tbe «°riUng to h. L Kent, field «gent. AR rights ef republican« of epe- the people ot the state who know eUd dHpatchee herein are ebo m- !U. 8 bureau of crop estimate*, nothing of conditions, and so pos- state of Oregon f*r th* year 191».1 vice* from th* Washington. D. : - •- • . . . ---------------------------- (he arett thl„ fB11 WEDNESDAY", DECEMBER 17, ItHU Ibly defeat the rights of the greater tbe bureau of crop estimate* in 1U >fft e number. The bill that was passed report just issued credits Josephine at 33470,000 acres u* compared KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY by the legislature three OREGON WHATHMR Tonight and Thursday rain in west portion with snow in Warmer ♦ the eastern portion, Strong tonight in the east, southerly winds. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BOGLE F1BHIXG STILL A.X ISSUE It is evident that the voter* ol the state of Oregon will have the oppor tunity of voting upon the Rogue river fish bill at the very next opportun ity, but they probably will not recog nize their old friend in its new guise. The people must know that the Rogue question is going to be an is sue till it is settled right. At its meeting in Portland laat week, the state sportsmen's league authorized the initiation ot an amendment to the Mate constitution which, if adopted, will no doubt go far in laying low the Rogue ghost that has been ever present before legislatures and vo ter* at election time. The league en dorsed a measure that will put such questions as the commercial fishing on the Rogue up to the voters of the affected district* It would have the state divided into districts, the dis tricts to be determined by the water shed of the various streams. Thus, if such an amendment were adopted, the manner and method of taking fish from Rogue river for commer- dal purposes would be regulated by the people residing in Josephine Curry and Jackson counties, If they desired to prohibit the use of the seine, or make other changes in the regulations affecting the stream, it would be done by initiation and vote of the people within the three coun ties. The regulation of commercial fishing on the Umpqua, which is wholly within Douglas county, would be determined by vote of the peo ple of that county. Thus selfish In terests, such as the Macleay can nery interest on the Rogue, would not be able to carry the question to and then defeated through the ref- erendum instituted by the Macleay interests, was satisfactory to the people of theae three counties. The present condition is not satifactory. WhereYour Dollar Goe Some people think, off-hand, that if they could get Electric Service cheaper they could very appreciably re duce the cost of living. How incorrect this assumption is will be recognized instantly when you stop to consider that of the average householders monthly expenditures only a fraction over seven per cent goes to the electric company. In other words, only a little more than sev en cents out of every dollar of expentliture i« «pent for electric service. And yet from seven per cent of your ex penditure«. your meals are cooked; water is heated for kitchen, bath and laundry; your home is lighted; and often rooms are heated comfortably. A. reduction in the coat of electric service, which repre sent* but 7 per cent of your household expense, could hardly be expected to so much as cans* a perceptible decrease in the cost of living. It would be to your advantage to investigate our com bined cooking and lighting rate. California-Oregon Power Co. Grants Pass, Oregon the MI ms I sh I pp I river has been severe ly injured by tbe ruvage« of the lies- ■ man fly. Som* fields in Indiana. 11-1 linois and Ohio will be plowed up a« a result of the "fly" damage. The West Central states are rei»ort«»d as having a good snow covering which will give much protection from the recent cold weather. This latter con- dition also prevails in Oregon. The recent heavy snowfall will greatly In- crease the moisture content of the soli, thus improving prospects for yield per acre next harvest. i ••» Lr;rg Tl.-tlte Ate Wessons. ■ <f <!n ct- uldde strongly n i ; rt'tlhlon- ml cutdwnift of t foi •.•■tber« mill In living up to • -■« nt- tunny of file modern «!• ■ - uf -itrilt:i;|i>n .inti hygiene are .id di th« it prngroMi. The vital nt hi 'In- liiih.v’s life 1« the mutter I 1 ‘i • • tig lilhi from the «plrlt« of • ■ill «liith nre «u|>|t<>«e(l to hover over li ct: die mill follow him through the 'ia.v. Tim poor luiby bus to endure man.* strange icrvttionle« before his parent« feel nt nil axMiretl of bl* fu ture. The finger nail myth 1» much re-pectetl. Tin1 belief 1« flint If a ba by '•« null« nre never cut ami nre per mitted fit grow long and nigged lie w ill, when lie wave« bl« unit« about, scratch the face of the demon uf theft, and the dtiiKHi. disliking It, will fly away «ml so not jMt««e»« himself of the iufant’s «oill. NEW TODAY ANNOUNCEMENT! Owing to our inability to secure a satisfactory connection in Grants Pass for the sale of WAVERLY (100% Baraffine) Pure Pennsylvania Oils and Greases • « we are prepared to sell and ship same to consumer in any size steel drums or packages from our Medford Warehouse. WAVERLY MEANS QUALITY”= PROOF IS—“Ask the man who uses it”—and bought it on this guarantee. ALL GOODS XOT ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY IX EVERY RESPECT MAY BE RETI ICNED AT OCR EXPE'SE AND XO CHARGE WILL BE MADE FOR WHAT IS USED IX MAKI.XG TRIAL. YOU ARE THE SOLE JUDGE Tractors, Trucks and Car Owners, it will pay you to get our proposition Write, call or phone at our expense, NOW! FORDSON SALES & SERVICE, Medford PDO.XH 150 I’ATTON A ROBINSON, Owner* Buy Her a Wrist Only 7 Days Christmas BARNES, The Jeweler The Store of the Christman Spirit Next door First X*U o « m U Hauk county with having produced 1.20b ¡with the revised estimate of 50.489.- acre* of winter wheat during the : 000 acre* In the fall of 1918. The percentage reduction In the year, and the yield from the acreage as 19.200 bushels. The state at United State* rye acreage Is proc large produce^ 16,004,860 bushels tlcally the name as In the case of j from 781.160 aero». Josephine was: winter wheat, the flgur i being also credited with 540 acre* of spring 5.53O.OOO acres^seeded In 1919 a« wheat gave «»si an atviuftv average of 10 OREGON GRAIN YIELDS ” u«ui which ” it is.. 11 A««'» *v compared with the revised estimate In the estimate of the acreage and bushels per acre. This county «Iso. | of 7.232.000 acre* seeded in 1918 Several factors have contributed ....... to the big reduction In acreage, chief of which are a diN»osltlon to return to pre-war crop rotations, too much moisture In some localltie* and too little In others, and a shortage FOOD t of reasonable priced labor. RENT ELEtTRD TAXES Much of the acreage was sown late RERV1OK cbonmiG and will profitably suffer more than CHARITIES usual from winter killing. The early WATER sown acreage in the stat««* «-ast of ( TAXI Phone 108 J a FOR SALE -Holly with iberric«, grown in Grants Pass, 10c, 15c, and 25c bunches. Call at county treasurer's office or 603 G street. George 3. Calhoun. 48 W'A.XTHD- 1000 turkey« ut the City Market. Bring poultry in this week. Highest prices paid. 57 FOR SALE -«Milk, 10 cents a quart at Ç08 K street,. Bring bottles. 51 Books! Books! Books! “The Re-creation of Kent,” and other new rights. PL ACE t'v/ A’ 'VJffJl 'J i You can't afford to keep a good car In an unfit place. We can provide safe, dean and convenient storage for I ted numlier of machine*. Right now la the time to see about it so you wIII l>e sun to -<*t a place „ & Or if you want a cover for the car we will aert» you beat. F" » 77 w' AGENTS FOR. HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS A.4D ESSEX CARS COLLINS ÄUIO COMPANY PHONE 317 fi«; /tCCIffORKi AHO Rt PAIR IMG ÒH H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ONt Fatten Your Butter-Fat Profit« ! illions ot dollar* are wastetl every year by M American fanners—through wasteful cream separa tion. Swedish farmers don't waste any cream. They can’t afford to. They have to make every penny of profit possible. That'* why the most pupulal •eparetor Io Swedeo today is tbe iKiNr CREAM i Ï separator XZ Here is the Separator we sell because we can guar aHee It to skim down to a mere trace. Furthermore, because it I* made by the most economical and efficient method* in the la gest cream separator factory in the world, it 1* sold at a lower price. Investigate the Siting. Come into our store and let us demonstrate it you, I^ct us prove that it is the easiest ruo- p':v, the closest skimming, the longest lived separator made. Brian copy- The “Tarzan'* and Zane Grn.v books and many others in the popular copyrights. “The Blue Bird," “Stlckeen, "The Story of Scotch” an many other children’s books. Demaray’s Drug & Stationery Store i Several Second Hand FORDS at Bargain Prices Hobart Company