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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1919)
UKbMMHV. DEt I.MIII It 17. Itili* GRANTS PAMM DAILY UDI HUCK Horning’s Candies The Battery Shop • 314 North 6th'Street, across from the Court House, is the WILLARD SERVICE STATION. Service Batteries for all cars. generate beat in the h ornan system FINE FOR TIIIN < OI.D MNAP Phone 127 —all kinds —nil prient. A. V- Hazelton, Prop. MATIN FINISH fXXMJS Successor to C. A. Linch — 'M »artetle** mixed la Wb sealed tana Huasetl « Gilbert's INADVEKTIHMD ■ ■ »SU Classified Advertising liar <tf ten raniM**« Horning’s Shack FOR a A LB WK HAIJC Vateh, gray oats. ohfefet, rye, baled hay. rolled barley, »rasa aeed' Ralph Waldo Wd*a Med ford. Ore. tktf WA.VJ'ED *To contract for Pine and Fir logs f. o. b cars Southern Pa- i Foil BA1JC Hydraulic and Irriga-1 clfic track Big Pines Lumber Will sell lion pipas, all elMs Company, Medford, Oregon. 4 Itf I Webber, Phone nfcfeap H If'. 54 244-J Conqueror and Poet. Conquerors lire a class of men wtth •fiotti, for most purl, the world could well dlM|H*m*e; tmr can the hard in* lotloet. the unuympetliixlng loftiness ntwi Llicl* hut »elflxli >-mInin.nani of such perMUia Inspire uo In Menerai with any uffi-itloii ; ut heat It may ex- cite HlimzetiM'lil, anil their fall. Ilk*- that of a pyrsmld, will be behold with a certain sadness nrid awe. But a true poet. ii man in whose heart re sides some effluence of wisdom, some tone of the “eternal melodics," Is th*' most precious gift that cull be be stowed upon u generation; we see In bini a fid-r purer .levrlopmaat of W’liufvter Is )mbit st In olirsvlve».— Cui Irte ♦ fXIDGE 4M> SOCIETY !♦ ELE4TIONH , •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦• seeee Women's Rrllrf C*»rpa At the regular meeting Saturday, the following officers were elected I by Gen. Jxigan W. R. C. for the com ing year: President, Anna Htinelraugh. Senior Vice, Jialtie Peterson. ! Junior Vice, Mary Idrwla. Gondiictor, Marietta •Pratt. Guard, Aaneaa Fahs Chaplain, Etta .seeton. Harness and. Saddlery Auto Top and Canvas Work With'Grant» Pass «Hardware Co Ma*mJc—A. F. A A. M. Granta Paas Jxrdge No. 84, A. (and 'A. 'M. , ejected the following of- ficen* for tbe ensuing year: W, •'M. - •F. B. Herman. Hr. w- ■Sam Btlnebaugh. Jr. w. ■Don Calvert. Treae.- •R. W. Clarke. fldcy A. K* Chafe. Trustee— C. H. Demaray, reelect ed. to serve with W. W. Walker and J. A. Wharton. Oemetery committee <!. A Sid 1 er. to acne with E. V. Smith and J Peterson. ANNOUNCEMENT! After December 10th, I will again take In general overhauling work for tba winter, but will dieeentinue it after March 30th, 1920 If you wish to bate me do your work bring it In early. Batteries, Generators and Magneto«« overhauled and repaired I Handle the RACINE TIB EH E. A. ADAMS, Auto Electrician Li< erased Aato Rlec’rtd*» I’howe M ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦~e ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL < *♦■*■♦♦ ♦■•♦■ ♦♦♦ ♦■♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Elks M ilt Meet- All local member* of the ft. P. O. E. are requested to meet at the Jo WOOD st Edgerton mill, »2.60 sephine hotel, Thursday evening. per tier or delivered for »3 25. Has WANTED Improved ranch, over December 18th. at 8 o’clock. been cot 2% months Phone 40 acres; alfalfa, with water 149-J or see W C. Harmon ■ f>8 right, near outside rance and Attend Family Reunion— scheel P O. Box 507, Yreka. 5« FOR MILK phone 1«S-J .Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. R. Riddle and 54 Oal. .Mr. and Mm. Joe Wharton attended BORJBA1J0- Lavender eoat haagsrs, WANTKID Men who know how to the family reunion at Riddle Sunday •tleka and ancheta for Christmas swamp, for harms skidding In win upon the occasion of the 80th birth presents at *138 North Rfxtb street. ter weather, 45 <t*er day of 8 hours, day of Judice George W. Riddle. Mm. M. F. Grahnm. 48 address I. Ji. Kaatersoxi Lumber The largest ;old nugget ever found Co., 'Worden. Oregam 54 FOR SALE- One horse 10 years old Arthur Conklin in Salem— . weighs about >400. Good work WANTFX8 Woman to take into her was discovered at Ballarat in 1858 Arthur Conklin, for the paat year land sold for »50.000. horse, gentle, sound and true. a resident of Portland and before horn« and care for my mother for 5’rke »100. Hayes Bros , Muf- t that a resident of Eugene, has been month or tnore, Mrs J. Pardee, 3Stf phy. Ore. named by C. H. Gram, state labor phone 269-J. 46 A Good Medicine commisaioner. as assistant labor FOR HALE OH TRADE 180 aerea DE.NT1NTM commissioner. The addition to the of old growth pine, cruising about bureau is necessitated by reason of 6,000,000 feet, In Josephine coun- K C. MACY, D M. D. Flrst clasq V- '•» • the increased duties of the depart ty. We wish to purchase a ranch dentistry. 109 86 South Sixth Foley’s Honey and Tar is a ment. -Salem correspondent In Ore for a home and will give a bargain street. Grants Paas. Oregon. scientific combination of care gon Journal. ■ " • . .......... - to do to. P. O. Box 732, Granta - ■ ■ ■ fully selected remedies that ex VF7TERINARY SURGEON Tas». Ore. 4117 i perience proves loosens and ' Paul BliifMlianl Advanced— DR. R. J. BEJHTbL. Veterinarian FOR SALE HplUenberg and New breaks upa cough in short order. A letter received from Paul Blan Residence 83» Washington boule town apples, price according to chard. who 1s nrm employed by the F bc I s Uka a Naw Man Now vard, pbone 398-R. quality. It, K. 'Hoss, R F. D. — ■«_- «• —T - ------------- — ■»- — J’ J m E4ward>. JOS Harriett St . Ment«om«ry. Armour company In Chfcugo in their AU . writ»»; "I I m I lit» a aa* nun aa* from No. 2. 4 7 I PIIYHKTANH legal department, states that he has uaua PoUy'a Hana» and Tar. I can ala«» all and couth but lilt la. My whala family is jtmt received a moat satisfying rWtY Viri WOOD Delivered twice a I I O. f'LEMBNT, M. D , Practice night uaind It -lha lutU onaa and the old cm.. My wile lalla nu iuat aa aoon aatha bottlo (efa Uw Christmas present from his employ- week. Dickenson < Daws Phone limited to diseases of the eye, ear, u* I hare to sat aoothar one. I ha.a ralUood ! ere in the way of a notice that his all ol our eougha and brake our eolda They are Wlldervtlle. 48 I nona and throat. Glasses fitted. ' all in batter abase thaa me aaw. and 1 am an Saad salary would be increased by »1,000 ebaoe myaeM. My health M Sattmd Sood—any Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap FOR BAI>: Hydraulic and irriga aaudb *a brohan—the eoreaeee in my cheat ia eU from the first of the year, Paul has tion pipes Will «ell (heap. Sizes | pointment. Phones, office 62; reel- •eaa. m many tbaak^to you lor your trootmonl " won the confidence of his firm, and from 2-inch (o i-lnch, miarand Is highly thought of there, accordine: ____ ' ~ Foley’s teed 25 year». II, W. Webber, 8. LOUGHRIDGE. M. D. Physician to reports brought back by visitors Honey and Tar Phon» 246-J. 54 to Chicagp. and surgeon City or country c«lil' attended day or night. Phones. ' COMPOUND QTSfF.I.LANIOOlH residence, 36»; office. 182. 81xth ‘ STOPS THAT DISTRESSING More Blue-blooded Sheet and H Streets. Winetrout Brother« today received COUGH —check, it quickly and sure E. L GALBRAITH insurance, any ly, dean the throat ol phlegm and a shipment of 10 beautiful Shropshire Building and kind. Rentala. D.—Internal mucus, and coats tha raw, inflamed bred ewe« from Felzer Brothers, J ximi Plate Glass Liability. 609 H A. A. WITHAM, M medicine and nervous diseases, surfaces with a beating, toothing medi 84tt breeders of Tangent. Oregon. The G street. Phone 28. 624 Medical Bldg., Portland, Ore. cine. shipment was one of the finest ever Most OXO-ACET Yl JBNE welding /Fe can prove no imitation or Hours, 2 to 5 p.'m., morning and and received in Southern Oregon, experienced hand In town, Also evening by appointment.. substitute is as good as the genu will be added to the flocks which all kind* of lathe and auto work. ine Foley's. the Winetrouts are building np in Phone 1». or call at 12S5 M At 85 DR. W T TOMPKINS. 8 T.— SOLI» EVERYWHERE the valley. They now have about Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg. DRHNRMAKING 700 head of sheen placed with farm- Treats all diseases Hours 9-12 ers tn the Applegate valley. HOWELL. professional IDA M. a. m.; 1-5 p. m Phone 304-R alterations, muke- dressmaker, overs, Iftrst class work guaran i E. J. BILL1ÇK, M. D.. Physician CUMING KVENTR tœd. N _ located at Dean,Apts.,i and surgeon; office Schallhorn residence, ’*' North Sixth St 4 7 | block, phone 54-J; Room r Dec. 20. Saturday—Annual election 10U4 laiwnrldge. phone 54-1«, HKAI. URTATE at Fruitdale Grange. Grants Pass ■---- 20. Saturday—Postponed meet Dec. The I lilted States Grain Corpora E. t . M c K instry m o street, DR. RALPH W. STEARNS physictan ing of Rogue River Valley Grange. and surgeon, offices formerly oc tion has arranged with the mills in phone 13JR General real estate cupied by Dr. Stricker. Masonic Oregon, (Washington and Idaho to business The best of all kinds of Throughout the whole of the north Temple. Phone, office 21-J, resi offer to the trade a "Standard Pure wolle for fruit, hay or general dence, 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. Wheat Flour* equal to or better of Hungary women are more numer farming, 21tf than that new being exported by ous than men. ATTORNEYS DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER the United States Grain Corporation, THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. at a price that will permit its being Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone Practices in all State and Federal sold to the consumer at not to ex 3 97-R. Courts. First National Bank Bldg. ceed it 2.00 per barrel; packed in 24H lb. coron sacks at not more Information *>f I'rlccle».» Value F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Every Grants this« Citiren Safes, pianos and furniture G. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law. than »1.50 and 49 lb. cotton sacks Granta Paas Banking Co. Bldg. at not more than »3.00. If any deal- moved, packed, shipped and stor- How to act in an emergency is ek is unable to obtai nthis flour at Granta Paas, Oregon. Reai- ed. Office phone 124-Y. knowledge of inestimable worth, and a price thnt will permit its being re dence phone 124-R. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prat tailed nt not to exceed prices named, this Is particularly true of the di seases and ills of the human body. tlces In all courts. First National TAXI c or If any consumer is unable to ob If you suffer with kidney (backache Bank Bidrf. tain this flour at retail at not to ex- urinary disorders, or any form Of SOONER TAXI—Phone 262-R for prlces named pleafee notify the kidney trouble, the advice contained O 8. BLANCHARD. Attornèy-aMaw Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an in the following statement should Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 271). ! add a valuable asset to your store of swered anywhere, anytime. Stttf GRAIN (TIRPORATION Grants Pase, Oregon. knowledge. What fdtrtd be more At 510 Board of Trade BiiHiling PA-LAOE TAXI—‘Phone 22-J. Geo. convincing proof of the efficiency of Port lumi, Oregon \ Hyde. ______ Hit C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma Doan's Kidney Pills than the state- sonic Temple, Granta Paw. Ore. —-------------------------- - ----- - irnnt of a Grants Pass cltlsen who TAXI al Owl Hilliard Parlor«, 172-J. used tflem and who publicly tells of or 243-L for night calls. Day and GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-afila», The California and Oregon the benefit derived? J. P. Morse. 333 Bridge St., says night service. referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Coast Railroad Company ‘Doan ’s Kidney Pills are all right Temple, Granta Paas, Oregon. TIME (’ARD CIVIL ENGINEER and 1 don't hesitate to tell anyone J I hear complaining of Phone 135-J. backache or DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi Effective Nov. 24, 1919. lumbago about them, I have been I nearly down and out with these neer and surveyor Residence JAMES T. CHINNOCK, I-awyer, troubles at times, but when I hart First National Bank Bldg., Grants Trains Wednes- 740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. will run Mondays. taken Doan's Kidney Pills. I have Puna. Oregon days and Fridays. soon been relieved, It is a year or WLWCriUOAL WORK ! Leave Grants Pass........... 1 more since I have had any trouble from my back or kidneys, but 1 Arrive Waters Creek ........ 2 ELECTRIC WIRING and general i would know what to do If I should ! Leave Waters Creek 2:30 ole<trical work, repairing, house' ever have need of a kidney medicine Arrive Grants Pass ........ 4 wiring C. C. Harper, 105 South again.” Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't For information regarding freight Sixth street, phone 47. and passenger rates c»U at the office Mmplv ask for a kidney remedy— Doan's Kidney. Pills the same of the company, Lundburg building, 'get Placer location notices at Courier that Mr. Morse had. Foster-Mil hurt) or telephone 181. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVI Co . Mfgs . Buffalo. N. Y. office LOW PRICE FLOUR SALE THE PROPER COURSE ÇfflCHESTERSPJLW G. B. BERRY The1 Wardrobe Cleaners 315 N. Sixth Street Phone 147 « Cleaning Pressing' Repairing' We call and deliver COMING. ! ■ • » ' . ■ • I ‘ —• . . U. ■ *■ AT THE Opera House December 30 r < jfi: ««• ífw» vníhíf’r fl( hi : !. ii