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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1919) o> XXI MATE • • • • WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD u,”"t (X)ME AND ENJOY IT” tante JJass Dniln Courier VOL X.. Xu. 71 WHOLE NUMBER 2*4«. Secretary Dente« Tinti Ile lina lend. «red III« Itndgnatlon, But Wi<l do Ho al <>|>|>orliuir Time 1» » rank) ThrotHc nu lloiin<llioii»e E u - gin« Marnai Trouble and the plnnci Still Revolve* Action on the lull < urtaillng Size of Paper* Is Deferred for Hix Monili* by < 'ongre** • Washington. Dec. 17. Secretary lame today I smu « m 1 a statement deny Ing the ¡published reports that be had placed his resignation before Presi dent Wilson, 'but disclosing that he Intend* to leave the cabinet when he can do so without adding to the president's "burdens and worries.” Washington, Dec. 17—Every new»- VOTERS OF FIFTH IMSTKKT TO pajier In the country was called on ELECT MMX ESSOR TO VJ4TOR today by the bouse poatoffice com BERGER FRIDAY mittee to reduce consumption of t news print by 10 per cent for a period of six months in an effort to relieve the present serious shortage of print paper throughout the United (Hates. EXOLAM* WILL RELEASE A MERK'AN-OWNED G4M*I*H Want« Two-Year Te*t of Filerai Accident Occurred nt a Itepot Near Washington, Dec. 17.—tAn appeal Bodenstab, Republican. Also Su|»port- <*|M*raUon to Find Best Method Wilhelmshaven, According to Ad to the publishers of the country to ed by l*enu>crat* in an Attempt of Running Traffic lAnee vice« From Berlin Washington. Dec. 17. .Britain is exercise all possible economy in the to Petent l*i*credit«d Radical now pre|>ared to release American use of news print was issued by the owned goods seized during the war house postoffice committe, which de Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. W. One upon estabHshnient of their Ameri Washington, Dec 1 7.--Protesting Berlin, Dec. 17.—Forty three cided to defer for six months action Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 17.—Victor ton«, wlerd, shrieking wMatle, then can ownership at the time shipped, against enactment of the Cummin* workingmen and women were killed on the Anthony bill proposing that L. Berger is the issue in the special other* lea* strldant, till finally prac- the state department was advised railroad 1*111. now before the senate, and over 100 were injured in the dally newspapers containing over 24 election called for December 19 in Ucelly al the «Iren* In the city, mina- the British foreign office today. explosion of an ammunition depot pages be denied the second class the fifth congressional district of Samuel (loiuiters, representatives of ed with ringing of numerou* bell», near Wilhelmshaven yesterday. The mailing privilege. Wisconsin. The socialist leader, who broke the atllln»** of the early morn the railroad brotherhoods, and explosion occurred while shells were was elected to the present congress ing "Gu<<** It's notice of the end spokesmen of sbme of the farmer’s being unloaded. but denied his seat following his con of the world." said one woman, who1 organizations, today urged Chairman viction for violation of the espionage aunounccd that «he ’ was going to act, is again the nominee of his par Cummins of the senate intentate church at onep. It developed later ! HI GAR AM* ( ASH BURIED ty. He is opposed by Henry H. Bo- commerce committee, to withdraw that the throttle of the whistle at BY CALIRHiNIA REt'LUHE denstab. a republican, whose can th« railroad roundhouse became the measure and give government didacy is backed also by the demo ■tuck and other* took up the clamor i Chico, Cal.. Dec. 17. Search of operation a thorough peace-time cratic organization and a local so not knowing why exactly. announced the premises where Mrs. Sarah S. Denver, Colo.. l*ec. 17. -A clas* In test. The brotherhoods ciety known as "The Good Govern • -r I- I- . San Francisco. Dec. 17.—In every ment League.” scientific prospecting has been en that they planned to urge President Cummings, aged recluse, wax slain New York, Dec. 17. Astonish rolled at the Denver Opportunity Wilson to use his influence against by robbers last month revealed ward at the Letterman general hos The fifth district I* looked ui*os ment was expressed by the supcrstl- School for a course of 1*2 weeks' the bill. 17500 and a half barrel of sugar pital here, where sick and wounded as the socialist stronghold in Wis Uous when the earth failed to come study of rock formation and mineral soldiers are being cared for, there consin. Berger carried It several Gom|MM*s declared that organized buried near the house. to nn end today. Ominous position deposit*. will be a big. brilliant Christmas tree years ago when he was elected to labor wanted the government to re of (he planets. press «Rented widely, at Christmas time. At every bed- congress the first time, and again The fact that the old time and tain control of the roads two years bad maintained that such a catas picturesque pro»i>«cti»r 1* becoming "for the purixMie of testing out the . side the ¡Red Cross will have candy, at the regular election in November, trophe was near. cake add tobacco. extinct tn many parts of the west best method for continued opera- 1918. At the latter time he had a Entertainers from the Olympic plurality of more than 5,000 votes, lend* strength to the belief that a' <4 on.” I Holiday Mail ( oegcRtion—— • Club of San Francisco will visit each polling 17,920 against 12,450 for lator-day and perhajui more scien The postoffice department already tific cl a** of pros|>ectors muet be pro section of the big hospital, singing Carney, democrat, and 10,078 for <»>)* th« effects of the holiday rush, duced to take hl* place If the min and playing music selected by the Stafford republican. Carney insti • ■*' ■ ■ 1 » but 1 »ostmaster Quinlan urges that ing Industry of the Rocky Mountain men. tuted the contest which resulted in persons desiring to make mull ship- section 1* to live and continue tn de ■At the hostess housp a program of Berger’s loss of his seat. Ixvndon. Dec. 17 — The government ! f menu do not delay longer, With velopment. Bergei was the unanimous choice was declared by Justice Sir John j music and vaudeville specialities will the cancelling of some of the train be presented. Tho Colorado Development asso of a mass meeting called hurriedly Sankey, of King* bench division, to- | service throughout the country there ciation. a local organization, and the day to posses no power to prohibit ■ It is expected several thousand because of lack of time for taking I m bound to be a congestion of holt- Manufacturers’ Association are be- I The importation of certain goods: that' soldiers will be entertained in pri- the usual party referendum. day mull, and allowance should be hind the move. London. Dec. 17.—Capture of therefore it* proclamation to this ef vate homes during the holiday«. Berger meeting approved his "every mud« for this condition. The pur|H>*e of the class, which Kleve and occupation of Kupiansk.i fect was invalid and illegal. The act. word and writing.” The plat I* open to both men and women, lai southeast of Kharkov, was claimed; judgment is considered one of the RARREL QACTIS USED IN form on which Berger seeks reelec TiwlMt*' Examination*— MANVFACTVRE OF CANDA' tion reiterates many of the socialist | to fit th« cm Lory prospector for Io-! In a bolshevik statement received J most important ever rendered against Today I* th« first day of the ex eating and opening vein* or deposits ! from Moscow by wireless today. ■I’ • party principles and declares against the government. amination of teachers for state cer- of ore. It i* ¡the belief of the back-; Douglas. Ariz., Dec. 17. -‘‘Barrel" prohibition, against “the impertinent tificHto* being held unller the direc , «r* of the enterprise that many val- cactus is now used in making candy. presumption of any clique or party tion of the county school sui>orin- i tial>|e deposit* of mineral* in Colo The raw material for mescal, an in in the house of representatives to tendent U. S. history, penmanship, rado and adjacent states might be toxicating Mexican drink, is gathered dictate whom the district is to elect ntualn and drawing were the subje ts located if the number of prospectors below the border and shipped here as its representative” and against for the morning cxHtninations. the was greater, and there are *aid to for Christmas sweets 'by a ¡local man “meddling In the internal affairs of afternoon subjects being physiology, lie many business firm* which would ufacturer who packed the cactus by any foreign country—'Russia. Ger raiding, manual training, composi be willing to finance prospecting par mule from a Mexican mountain to many and ¡Mexico.” tion, domestic science. methods In ties If they could depend on the the railroad for shipment. It makes Bodenstab’s candidacy was the reading, course of study for draw mail's ability without having to hire, good candy, too. the manufacturer outgrowth of a conference between ing. and methods in arithmetic. The mlnerologlst*. Oregon Agricultural College. Cor Women Also Are Prominent says. representatives of the republican and examination will continue all the, The prospecting vias* propose* to vallis. Dec. 17. -Grants Pass has a Among the prominent women stu- democratic county committees and a week. make exi<edltion* to the hill* and large representation at the college i deffts from Grants Pass is Helen .Bob- delegation from the good government get first-hand Information as Io the this year. 21 of the 2908 students i zien. president of the Alpha Rho so league. Hillnll Temple officer*— most modern mean* of detecting coining from that city. Many of rority and laboratory assitant in the Bodenstab also has announced that At the recent election of officers "pay dirt.” these are particularly prominent in chemistry deiwirtment of the college. he Is against prohibition The hub of IlHIar Temple. Mystic Shrine, at ( student affairs. Atarion Sabin, a freshman in home of his platform is the declaration Ashland, the following residents of | Lynn Sabin, the only senior in the economics is a .pledge to Alpha Chi "to keep inviolate the fundamental Grants Pass were named for offices group, is one of the leading students Omega sorority. The Knlps sisters. . principles. of ontr government, and within the order: Geo Lundhnrg. tn college. 'Hp is president of the Avis and Hara, are members of Al stand opposed to every attempt to oriental guide; Geo. S. Calhoun, di college Y. M. IA.. a member of the pha Rho. and Ella Anderson, a fresh Portland. Dec. 17.—William L. Bergerize and Bolshevize this coun rector, and Frank Mashburn, mar Forum, considered the highest honor man in home economics is also Findley, state biologist. was dis- try.” sh »1 ary society in college, president of pledged to the same organization. , missed by the state fish and game Alpha Kappa Psi. the honorary com Other students from Grants Pass ¡commission j last Thursday, it became merce fraternity, and has l>een a are IM. L. Byrd, freshman in phar known today, according to a story- Waahlngton. Dec, 17. -Rhode member of the college cadet band for macy: Jeanette Cramer, sophomore published in the Portland Telegram, Island, through its nttorney general four years. He belongs to the lamb in home economics: Emmett Hoff which ascribes the dismissal to Fin man. sophomore In commerce and dley’s refusal to do politics. Sports- today asked the supreme court for da Chi Alpha fraternity. I Six <1. I*. Men in College Band | member of the Theta Chi fraternity: , men of the state are rejxvrted as In permission to Institute original pro Five other ¡Grants Pass men are ! Darwin Ingalls, junior in chemical dignant. and said to .beeplanning to ceedings to test the validity of the ...... — ” ? V national prohibition amendment and members of the band which is com- engineering: Arnold Meter, freshman ,appeal the matter to the governor. Now York, Dec. 17. A dozenj to enjoin federal officials from en- posed of 5t) pieces this year. Joe |n forestry: John Robinson, fresh- Washington. Dec. 17.—-An army of largo passenger liner* and scores of forcing it in that state. Pardee plays first cornet and holds | man in agriculture: Ketnhold Return to Portland Office— [ 4.000,000 women, representing ten freighters. several day* overdue hero the rank of lieutenant in the hand. . Schmidt, sophomore in mechanical Having completed their work of tare being held up by rough seas, high I He is also cornet soloist. Stanley' engineering: Clifford Shaeffer and the survey of the highway to the ¡national organizations, has been or- ! ganized Iby the savings division of winds and fog, according to wireless Summers, a sophomore in commerce. l^eslle Turner, freshmen In the same Josephine caves. ¡Messrs. Myers, en j the treasury department to enter reports today, telling of rerfltced plays trombone. Arthur Cramer, a . course. gineer. and Price, chief of party, the fight against the high cost of «peed made necessary by two storms sophomore in engineering, plays clar- Many Study Agriculture will return today to Portland, where I living. Beginning January 1 and ex- Ixindon. Dec. 1 7.—Official denial which have swept across the Atlantic of the report that hostile Persians inet and Wallace Niles plays the buss While war conditions brought ;the data obtained In the making of i tending to April 1, a great thrift In the last ten days. had massacred a garrison of 1.300 drum. All of these njen are mem about an Increased interest in agri- the survey will be worked up in the ! campaign will be conducted In an ef- After having fought their way men nt ¡Meshed, Persia', was made by bers of the lambda Chi ¡Alpha fra ■ culture and caaised an unprecedent office there. This will require sev through the storms, several craft ternity. Harry lEdgerton. a fresh ed influx of students in the school eral weeks, after which the bureau , fort to induce women to keep strict the war office, which declared the accounts of their daily expenditures have run into thick weather, as a re man In forestry, js another band man of agriculture total registration of public roads will be in a position report was obviously bolshevik pro- sult of which the freighter Grange from Grants Pass and ts a member 7 25—engineering in its various to call for blds for the doing of the in order that study of them may paganda. eliminate unnecessary items. of Theta Chi fraternity. Park grounded off Ixmg Island and branches leads in itopularity at the work. According to the plan, amounts the liner Carmania Is In Halifax un Willette Murray, a junior tn agri college. Students studying civil, saved by this moans would be invest dergoing repairs resulting from a CAN NOT PREVENT I. W. W. culture. holds the responsible posi electrical, mechanical, mining and Hood River. Ore., Dec. 17. Grow ed in government securities. PROPAGANDIST SPEECH tion of manager of the Oregon Coun highway engineering number 810. ers and horticultural experts collision. who tryman, the leading college agricul Forestry and logging engineering are haVe clipped twigs from local or Rmxburg. Ore., 'Dec. 17. A crew Chicago. Dee. 17. Federal Judge tural palter of its kind In the United represented by 77 and industrial arts chards. giving them a minute exami Salem. Ore., Dec. IT.—Members of oi men under the direction of Floyd Landis said today there was nothing States. ¡Murray is also a 'member of by 25 students. Farm mechanics in nation. do not believe the freeze has the Oregon public service commission Froar, city engineer, left today for he could do to prevent William D. lAmbda Chi Alpha. ¡Wallace Niles the school of agriculture which has caused any material damage to fruit will hold a hearing at Ashland on Rock treek to make preliminary sur Haywood, I W. W. propagandist Is a Junior in agriculture. He made I lied an abnormal growth, owes its spurs. The twigs are so dry, It is December 27 to consider the applica veys fcr the proposed muntolpal pow from speaking nt Detroit Sunday. a reputation as a debator last year, popularity to heavy purchases of said, that frost did not form and tions of the Standard Oil company er plant, the erection of which will The 'American l/cglon had asked him being a member of the team which tractors and other power machinery ¡thus cause a destruction of cells. Val for the abolishment of two grado be decided by the voters of the city to tako action Io prevent Haywood's won the interfratcrnltv’ champlon- in the last two years by farmers of ley peaches however, may have been crossings near Frederick. Jackson ee v next year. •speech. ship of the college. the northwest. * ruined. tcunty. s CHRISTMAS CHEER EOR SOLDIERS IN HOSPITALS THE CAPTURE OF KIEV BIG OCEAN LINERS